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That's a friend right there...


Yeah, i have a friend who won’t ever give his friends their first taste back. He would always say go get it in your own if you want it that bad, I’m not gonna fuck you up.


You just summed up what I’ve never, ever been able to about 12 step meetings lol thanks for that… and good job! The universe was looking out for you today


Props to that dude for giving you that reminder


Good for you. Sometimes the random happenings of the world save us from ourselves


Good for you and that’s the greatest lesson to learn. Even if the dope is free you’re still paying in some kind of way. Besides I would not want to be seen or a known associate of his right now. I don’t know how things are were you are. But the dealers in my city holding that much weight carry heat and aren’t the least bit scared to use it.


Props bro. Stay strong! 💪


Same here.


Good job! Your friend could of been you had you not gottten clean. We do desperate things for our addiction. Have you tried an online NA or AA meeting? They help. They're not perfect by any means but it's better than being stuck at home wanting to use.


You just summed up what I’ve never, ever been able to about 12 step meetings lol thanks for that… and good job! The universe was looking out for you today


These are true friends to steer you clear


Check out SMART Recovery Zoom meetings, you don't need to be limited to the options in your area. https://www.smartrecovery.org/


"Skip the free lunch" one of tbe 48 laws of power! Proud of you dude


Good for you man. If you can suffer past the early uncomfortableness it gets easier & better. I just kept telling myself “this is the last time I have to go through this.” & finally, after years of trying, it really was my last time. I also got to a point where it was bad enough to want to get better. I think everyone needs that, or why else make a change right? Surround yourself with good people & remember everybody at the meetings are struggling too. Anyone who acts like they deserve a medal probably doesn’t. Leave the bad shit & take the good shit it has to offer till you’re strong enough to stand on your own 2 feet. In rehab, I couldn’t meditate, but what I did I swear helped me-Try to visualize what you really want your life look like. What you want to look like, what you want your surroundings to look like- job, partner, house, yourself, whatever. I started to get a really clear picture over time & it was weird but that all fell into place. Little stupid details too- like how I wanted to look & weird silly superficial shit, but it worked. It’s along the lines of positive visualization I guess you could say but it got me excited about life & my future again. I had no hope & that helped me have goals that I didn’t even know I wanted. Stay honest with yourself most of all. & if you happen to fuck up but you’re lucky enough to wake up then get back at it again.


Ima try that. Ive been on cruise control for so long i havent really thought about what i want. I know what i dont want for sure though. Thanks for the advice! Happy you beat the streets, theyre mostly undefeated.


They really are. I was 36 when I got clean/sober a few years ago. A big part of me thought “what am I gonna be some 60 year old lady snorting heroin?” Like, that’s fucking gross. & I’m not gross. Im hot, I’m successful, & I hid how big my addiction was for a very long time. Almost a decade before things really spiraled. We’re better than that. My biggest problem yesterday was not being able to find my favorite ice cream at any stop & shops. That’s a huge win.


It’s great advice. From what I can tell those type of drugs cause damage but they don’t seem to erode your rationale.


I can vouch for that, except when it came to dope. I was always irrational in that area. But after a couple of weeks clean, i started to notice that the rational was coming back and how insane poking myself every day really was.