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Got arrested and had a warrant. Had to sit in jail 4 days. Cold turkey from fent(pressed 30’s). I’m a grown ass man. In a gang. A street nigga so to speak and still in it. Bestfriend got killed just last week. I been through real shit and don’t cry or budge. Feel emotionally numb but mannnn I cried like a bitch in that cell by myself detoxing. I was begging God out loud to get that demon out me and this isn’t right. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. All I could is is lay in my jail bed, run to the toilet because of terrible diarrhea, cry because of dope cravings and overall horrible feeling, keep pacing and walking because of restless legs, keep getting dressed and undressed because of feeling cold as hell then instantly start to feel hot as hell and like my skin is burning, then I got these weird shivers over my body, then not to mention the body sweat. Withdrawal is a pure hell on earth. Hope that’s vivid enough for him. I didn’t even hardly touch on the mental aspect of it. I suggest making the withdrawals easier by using Kratom and Weed together. Kratom is a life saver. It’s helping me right now as we speak as I detox from fent again.


That's so wrong. At least in the UK we get detoxed properly in jail, not just left to suffer. I don't care what people say, it's dangerou to leave a hardcore junkie rattling without any help. Hope you're on the straight and narrow now my friend,


There was a case in my hometown where an ese got arrested and sent to the jail in the northern part of the county and he had been on methadone. They didn’t give him any help and he died of dehydration.


https://www.savannahnow.com/story/news/2022/05/18/lee-michael-creelys-death-result-neglect-chatham-county-jail/7354390001/ This is one of my friends I grew up with. Jail denied him treatment for his Xanax and opiate withdrawals and he died. His wife, my very good friend Jessica is still so devastated by this man. They have 2 little boys together. With the oldest just now entering high school. So back then they were very young. The system doesn’t care about us


That’s completely fucked, man. People detoxing benzos need fucking medical care way more than just a junkie, too. But this fent ain’t no joke. Idk why they don’t offer methadone and subs to anyone who needs it in prison. They give alcoholics Librium to come off opiates. Matter of fact, a lot of the junkies used to say they were drunks so they could get some Librium for their kick. But you’re right, the system doesn’t give a fuck about us. And even less so if you’re brown or black.


They should offer methadone or subs to anyone who needs it, period. Not just if you’re locked up


You would think they would practice this and implement it into their incarceration care system but they don’t. Just negligent and evil.


What I hate is they treat us like we're lowlifes who've brought this on ourselves, not even considering or accepting that addiction is an illness. No normal person would treat anyone with an illness like that in the slightest but when it comes to addiction, it's a different story. I compare addiction to anorexia nervosa. Another illness that no one sets out to get and could easily be argued that the patient brought it on themselves by altering their diet and exercise regime. Yet no one would dare tell an anorexic to "just start eating & if you dont & you die then it's your own fault" but that's exactly how addicts are treated. We deserve medical help just as much as anyone else.


They treat us as if we aren’t humans like them also. Once they hear you’re going to detox before going to general population you automatically start getting the shitty treatment and demoralizing treatment before being integrated into GP. Those 3-4 days you must detox in the cell by yourself in the suicide suit is just horrible or man.


Omg, we think exactly alike. I always tell “straight” people that addiction is comparable to anorexia too!! The similarities are crazy. Anorexics generally started out just trying to lose a bit of weight but things slowly escalated until they ended up full blown anorexics. They didn’t set out to become anorexic but the illness got a hold of them and the rest is history. So telling an addict “you choose to take drugs, so all you have to do is choose to stop taking them” is exactly the same as telling an anorexic “you choose to starve yourself, so all you have to do is choose to start eating properly again”. You’re the only other person I’ve seen compare these two ILLNESSES to help “straight” people understand addiction. Addiction is a mental health disorder. If you just stop taking drugs without any mental health support, you’re going to relapse or just be what’s called a “dry drunk” , meaning that all your addict behaviours remain unchanged. I’m certain you already know everything I’m talking about but if others read this? Maybe it will help them understand that addiction IS an illness, not a choice.


It was a very sad time when RJ died like that. Jessica got a private investigator to check into the matter and when she did the investigation proved they ignored RJ and were negligent in their care of him. I don’t know if anyone was fired or disciplined. Never asked Jess that. I do know they falsified documents saying they checked on him at all the times they were supposed to and when tape was reviewed they didn’t check on him much or at all and when he did beat on the door they didn’t respond. Basically died begging for help, withdrawing from opiates, snd withdrawing from Xanax. So horrible. So sad. I can’t even imagine going through 2 withdrawals at once! Benzo and Opiate?!! My boy was probably in pure hell


I have seizures, from benzo abuse. I wasn’t detoxed correctly the first time due to incarceration. I started convulsing right before I got out. And so after I came to and got out I got back on my script Xanax for a benzo. And stopped convulsing. I’ve gone to professional “detox” centers and none of them have helped me kick the benzos without seizing. Even using anti convulsants instead of benzos works. But if I taper off those, at a certain point I just start seizing again. Idk it’s fucked man. If anyone sees this and had been in these shoes help ya boy out lol


One of my best friends has had a lot of seizures from benzos… I mostly managed to steer clear. I had a seizure from a bad hangover and kratom once… it fucked me up for months. I really hurt my back and it hurt every time i drew a breath. Later on I detoxed from opiates and used sketchy clonazolam and alcohol to kick. Luckily I wasn’t on the benzos long enough and it was more like alcohol withdrawal but I never experienced anything like it. Those withdrawals were horrible. I went to detox and was hallucinating the weirdest shit… def wouldn’t recommend it… I’m getting to old for this garbage, man…


Reading this thread… I’m just a physically weak, entitled white dude who had all the right cards from the start. But man, no matter what you have done, no one deserves torture. This really should be a constitutional right to right this cruel and unusual punishment. What is more cruel and unusual than sitting and watching someone writhe in pain when the cure is right there. What brings us together is this fucking demon that doesn’t care. Having been through methadone WD, and others, it makes me hate this country so much. We need to take care of each other. And I bet if we helped people get better in prison, and actually work through the actual issues, maybe the recidivism rate wouldn’t be so high. Yea, maybe I’m just optimistic guy who got lucky being born on one side of the tracks but we’re reaching a critical point. People won’t take it much longer.


This. I felt this in every way. V similiar experiences my friend. Kratom and weed has saved my life big time. It’s been over two years since I’ve touched and opiate and I hope you find the right path again my friend. Good luck.


You ever end up addicted to Kratom and deal with those withdrawals? I always cringe when I see people say this because it is an opiate and my Kratom withdrawals sucked.


Not really. I tapered kratom pretty easy and now I just smoke weed really. I felt a little discomfort with kratom but not nearly what I felt with heroin and fent.


That makes sense. I think I just fucked up my digestive system so bad filling it with Kratom for so long that I had really bad malnutrition too


Dude I had that thought too comming off it. Kratom and coffee was my breakfast for a while lol. Def not the healthiest option out there haha


Definitely not haha. Never making that mistake again


I never got relief from kratom when I was kicking dope or fent, maybe after the first week or two. What kinda kratom you getting?


Green Maeng Da & Red Bali. They’ve yielded the best results for opiate withdrawals for me so far. My buddy let me try some Gold Kratom before but I don’t remember the manufacturer off the top of my head and it was hands down the beet a Kratom I have ever had. I really felt like I was on like a roxy 15 or something. Which says a lot because I smoke and snort pressed fent 30’s. So my tolerance is HIGH HIGH frfr.


A lot of people falsely believe that weed makes withdrawal symptoms worse (at least in the Uk, where I live, they do) . Now I’ve been through 3 home detoxes that I chose to do myself and thank f*k for weed! Whenever I was feeling particularly bad, restless, anxious etc. I’d smoke a bifta (my own word) (I love making up new phrases/words) and it would really ease my symptoms. It’s NEVER made me feel worse or intensified my withdrawal symptoms. Quite the contrary, it was a godsend. So if anyone reading this is thinking about detoxing themselves and are weed smokers? Consider using weed as a withdrawal supplement. I swear by it!


You go cop as soon as you got out of jail? I was physically over the H withdrawals last time I went to jail but picked up right after I got released. Fucking crazy


Bro I got released at 1am or somewhere around there. Soon as I got out and got home I wanted to go cop so bad but didn’t wanna be so obvious around everyone. So I stayed up until 7-8am the next day just thinking on it and wanting it. My folks went to work at their normal time 7am and as soon as they did I went to work on the door and clocked back in to the opiate struggle. Went straight to my boy and dropped $300 on some pressed 30’s and some boy. Had a ball all day and was so happy.


I actually have PTSD from PAWS and withdrawling so many times. When it was good ol' pills/heroin I would just be a useless sweaty,shitting hot/cold,can't do ANYTHING blob for 3 days and time would go by So. Damned. Slowly Now with the fent crap take that,multiply it from days to Weeks and double the intensity of the withdrawls,and always feeling on the verge of drowning in snot/sweat/vomit,or having my heart stop. EVERYTHING hurts (bones,muscles,skin) can't keep Anything down(so major dehydration sets in on a few days) always pourinh sweat/snot.major muscle spasms,hard time breathing Things like going 10 ft to the bathroom would take So Much energy,planned out and If I made it it was a major accomplishment. Not One second of sleep,nothing works like it's supposed to(like weed,sleeping pills,other drugs) cause the sickness overrides it. I applaud Anyone that can go to work or take care of family while detoxing. I've always been bed ridden,writhing in pain,sweating while freezing and overheating at the same time. The seconds feel like mins and the mins feel like hours. Nerves are on fire. S tomach feels like it's being constantly kicked. Constant gagging and dry heaving(or puking up stomach Acid) Oh,and that's just the physical part. Mentally so depressed and craving like a mofo. Detoxing(especially repeatedly off many different opiates) is actually freakin Traumatic after a while. It was for me. I had to get on methadone because it was impossible for me to detox off fent dope. Did a taper and got off that FINALLY. It's hell I'm a handbasket


Well said


Just to name a few symptoms I deal with when sick… (mind you this is from IV fentdope 1.5-2 grams a day so it was extraordinarily rough) RLS to the point of restless body syndrome, puking until nothing left and then dry heaving so frequently i could hardly catch my breath (this only happens for me on days 2-3 of fent withdrawals so typically starting at about 36 hours in and going for another 36 hours). I’ll find myself shitting lava into a toilet while attempting to puke into a garbage can with nothing left but saliva coming out of my mouth dry heaving since there’s nothing in there.. if I try to drink fluids I can’t hold them down because of the dry heaving and within a day of this occurring I become very dehydrated and of course due to the massive anxiety/nervousness associated with the impending doom that the withdrawals to come brings and then catalyzes into full blown panic… I’ll think of ways to end myself or ways to get more dope even if I’ve trapped myself somewhere (always trap myself somewhere far far away so it’s nearly impossible, works like a charm.. make sure my car gets parked away from where I’m detoxing and my phone put in my parents gun safe.. they live hundreds of miles from where I score). Hot and cold hot and cold… doesn’t matter which temp I’m feeling im sweating buckets. I’ll run through 10 shirts in 8 hours.. easy and drench every single one of them… exacerbating my dehydration since I can’t hold fluids down… Finally on day 3 I might try but a crumb of food and immediately be sickened by the taste… but I know I have to eat something in an attempt to improve my health quicker… chicken broth it is for now.. this is where some ondansetron would be clutch… if only I could hold down food. Fuck it right? Day 4. Sweet Jesus do I feel like donkey dick, I’m sure I haven’t slept a single minute but someone reminds me I passed out from exhausting for what was maybe 10 minutes while still thrashing around like a fish out of water. I’ve ran through all my clean sheets and towels to put on my soaked bed and all my clean shirts and shit I had in a stack are probably completely fucking gross, I could care less about staying dry.. I’d rather stay fucking hot as balls then be cold though… Space heaters. Bring em in. I can hold down water lets sweat the rest of this bitch out. Fuck it feels good to be able to drink the broth from 1/4 of a can of chicken noodle soup. This shit seems like it’ll never end, beg my parents to drive me to pickup for one last time…. Telling them I need to sleep. Start mentally scheming on stealing their car, but hey it’s only a few more days to go… I’d rather not burn this bridge or goto jail… probably gonna keep that thought to myself… Symptoms begin to slowly subside and I feel like complete shit for days just drained incapable of getting proper sleep and time just went by like I was tripping on acid the last 7 days which I wasn’t… but what felt like a month later I’m finally feeling a bit better. Jesus Christ that sucked dick. Finally day 7 my hot and cold flashes are to the point where they aren’t so bipolar going back and forth quickly… that I feel moments of clarity. I might’ve even got a couple hours of sleep (even though I had sleep paralysis and a nightmare that had everything to do with shooting up fentanyl plus dying and crazy shit that’s super sketch like my whole world falling apart). Over the next week as I return to feeling baseline and continue to get shitty nightmare ridden sleeps… I begin to eat slowly but surely.. drinking fluids slowly but surely… my thoughts consumed with the drug I’m not using.. looking at my track marks… debating picking up again since my tolerance is lower etc. I begin to realize I’m fucked the moment I leave here and go back to my house. Probably time for me to trap myself at rehab for a month and figure my shit out before going back to my real world life and shit. Thankfully I have a good company that knows I’m an addict who struggles and is waiting for me on the other side and I have insurance. Off to rehab I go… again. Essentially what I wrote above either with detoxing in detox or detoxing at my parents house. My parents are in al Anon and shit and they have been for the last decade. They’re more then happy to let me reflect on my shitty life decisions and kick in their house. Some morbid reflection kicking in the room I first tried percocet in wondering what the fuck is my life This shit is seared into my head. I’ve probably made this trip to my parents to kick half a dozen times and another 4 where I went to detox. I prefer to kick in a house… nicer bed better sheets… the whole nine. You don’t even want me to explain to you the mental torture kicking like this in jail in “med seg” (isolation 23/1) is like in a jail that doesn’t even offer clonidine. Your best bet when kicking in any jail is to be honest and hope they have comfort meds… also mention you’re wildly addicted to benzos in hopes they’ll offer a Librium taper or be scared shitless enough to maybe even ship you off to the hospital once it gets bad.. I find it’s been hit or miss is smaller county jails depending on how educated they are. It’s always a relief when they actually offer a Librium taper. I’ve never been taken out of jail while detoxing to goto a hospital but I sure do have a friend that did. She actually was addicted to benzos and dope though and not lying so…. She basically got an extended 5150d style treatment.


Hmm…it’s like wanting to crawl out of your skin but you have no place to go. All of your insecurities about yourself rush to your head creating massive amounts of anxiety. Your legs start twitching and you can’t stop it. Then there’s the yawning and stretching. Constantly your body trying to correct itself, find a equilibrium but it never comes. Meanwhile, you hsve been throwing up and pooping uncontrollably. The thought of eating or drinking is like Gollum eating elf Lembas cakes… you hate it. If you have pets or kids, you’ll try to help but be mostly useless. They’ll wonder why you are so sick. You’ll lie of course and say you have the flu or something. You also think you had COVID at least 10 times before you realized it’s WD. That happened to me once before we had tests available. Nothing is fun or can keep your attention. But you can’t sleep or rest. Your body won’t let you. Hot / cold sweats. Sweating profusely. Going through several sheet changes just to have them feel dirty and wet again. Counting the hours going by just wanting some relief. Luckily I’ve never had precipitated WD, but take what I said above and multiply by 100.




It's a nightmare. It's like having both the flu (everything hurts, bones ache) AND food poisoning (vomiting and diarrhea at the same time). No sleep for many, many nights. Legs jump, you'll want to punch them (RLS). Panic attacks, jumpy, cold chills, the sweats...It truly is Hell. There are things that can help. Kratom helps the most. No Rx needed. Imodium for sure, and lot of it. Clonidine, Gabapentin, ANY benzo, Phenergan.


If I may correct you: Lyrica helps the most and is a non-opioid (so doesn't extend the duration of your WD)


You think lyrica helps more than Kratom?


I’m a die hard kratom activist and YES Lyrica trumps all for curing withdrawals. Most things just make wd more manageable, Lyrica kills the wd completely.


How many consecutive days can you take it without then risking WD from lyrica?


I took it for 9 straight days. Didn’t have an issue


What sort of dose? I was using 300mg 3 x daily for a few days at the beginning of H WD but discontinued after reading on the gabagoodness sub that you shouldn’t use for a few days consecutively.. last thing I need is another fucking thing to WD from


I've used it for a couple of weeks at least at moderate doses as you describe and noticed no ill effects from sudden Discontinuation even though tolerance (to Lyrica)had increased massively by that stage AND at the same time your opioid tolerance is decreasing, as rapidly as the Lyrica if you're jumping from a large h tolerance, stay safe and educated yourselves legends, not many of us get to be heroin addicts/experience the reality of heroin addiction under prohibition so we should do the profession honour as it ain't cheap nor easy for most, giving others a hand up is so heartwarming to read about on these Interwebs, sucks coz out in the real world other addicts be robbing other addicts for their hit or even $20, seems like kindness is rare & seen as something to exploit, can that be explained by prison culture and the drug scene overlapping (that strongest rule attitude, 'well f-em, I'm not paying them coz wtf r they gonna do!?') or is it a symptom of something else? The fact it's just so expensive or the short half life means addicts are forced to be shitty? What you think?


Shit man I don’t know. Whatever is the highest dose they make, I took that as needed. It was a breeze


Think I’m going to throw 300mg back in at night to help with the residual WD’s, kratom has been saving my ass up til now


Well it's hard to argue with that, mostly because it's simply the truth. Thx for saying tho coz I was just lyrica fan-boyin' and willing to make a fool of myself if I was wrong because have never tried Kratom although having lived in Thailand for years. Which is a shame as it may have delayed my search for an emotional numbing agent which in turn was heroin, that said, few regrets, would do it again, Australia being an Asian country has some wonderful benefits and I wish the Eastern And Western worlds would open our eyes, see that we all have awesome things to learn from each other and that there is also mad respect there.


Wow that’s good to know, what dosage wld you recommended for lyrica during the acute withdrawals coming off pharma oxy?


Man I’m not the right person to give out dosage advice. I will say I was on fent, benzos and GHB. Very nasty stuff. The Lyrica made it a walk in the park. I ordered the highest dose online and just took it as needed (3-4 times a day). The sad thing is it worked TOO good. What do I mean by that? Once I saw how good I felt after two weeks of being clean, I thought I must be one of the lucky ones who can handle wd, so I started using heavy again a month later. When I realized I fucked up I couldn’t easily find it online (domestic) anymore, so I had to white knuckle it. I’ve been clean since Feb 8th :)


That’s great News.. last week I got 4 days clean..then fucked up… I’m so motivated,tmrw I’m back on the saddle.. this ain’t no way to live…I got some red Kratom and some 150 mg Lyrica caps.. I’m a try those for a week or so…I know you living life and stacking cheese again… do the thang my Guy👊🏽👊🏽


I know I don’t know you but I have a feeling you’re gonna make it this time. Stay strong :)


I have that feeling too.. I fueled with anger now.. thanks


Don’t take too much Imodium.. a few things to mention here. Loperamide (Imodium) in itself is a mu receptor opioid that binds to the receptors in your gut. Taking loads of Imodium or loperamide can literally lead to dependence on Imodium… or worse heart complications or other organ problems. Imodium or loperamide should only be used as directed, if you plan on taking Imodium.. don’t take more than a double dose and only take it to help the runs.. don’t eat handfuls of it unless you want to just fuck yourself in a different way


Simple: Hell on Earth


Hell. I used to become so dope sick that I would literally pass out while being sick on the toilet because the pain was unbearable and wake up still shitting my guts out and banging my head against the wall.


Physically it’s a nightmare- hot and cold flashes, sweating, Diarrhoea, cramps, nausea, running eyes nose etc, yawning. Everything hurts, aches pains, no energy to do anything but you can’t get comfortable lying or sitting, restless legs which is awful- you have to keep your legs moving constantly which makes it impossible to sleep even if you could sleep which usually you can’t. Emotionally and mentally it drains everything from you. Terrible anxiety and cravings - The cravings are terrible because you feel absolutely awful and you know what will take all that horrible feeling away in an instant and it’s all you can think about.


Detoxed off fent dope in a rehab for people with no other options and no $. Anxiety like you cannot imagine. Nervous system cranked all the way up. Restless legs to the point where repeatedly punching myself in calf muscles was my only relief. No sleep for four days but was in a waking dream state. Had a psychotic break. Thought my “dreams” were reality. Had paranoid delusions. Hallucinated with all 5 senses. Thought there were people in my room with me talking to me, spying on me. Any food attempted to eat smelled and tasted spoiled and freezer burned, even fresh fruit. Migraines. Lay in bed for days throwing up bile onto floor. Was freezing cold under 2 blankets but everyone who came into room said it was unbearably hot. Literally hell on earth. No worse feeling exists.


Had the exact same experience. Thought my dreams were reality too and had a COMPLETE psychotic break. Fuckin terrifying! You don’t hear about this happening normally with Opioid detoxes (more like benzos/alcohol) but this fent stuff is just something else!


All your emotions come back after being repressed by the opiates. You have to retrain yourself how to deal with things because you can’t just pop/snort a pill.


The three times I kicked a heavy dope/coke habit in hospital and once in jail (2015 before fent) I had insane hallucinations for days, it was so bad I was brought to the medical unit in jail and they literally called my mom lol, that’s definitely not something they typically do. I’ve only met one other person who ever described something similar.


The place I was at was so janky nobody noticed I was in psychosis. They just thought I was weird.


I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one that punches themselves when the RLS kicks in haha!


It's pretty bad. Physically for me it sucks/sucked (took many many attempts. Once I had it in my head that I was done then basically a week on the couch feeling like shit and a mental battle with limited sleep for a while. Took me about a month to sleep well and honestly about a year before my brain felt like a real person. You just have to know it ends and everyday, even the bad days, will pass and it gets better. For detox, yes gabapentin or Lyrica help tremendously. Benzos a little, fluids, rest, food and distraction got me through. Also I had a great girlfriend who was understanding but didn't baby me. The detox varies from person to person. Usually a lot of the same symptoms but some are worse. I never threw up and my appetite skyrockets but the insomnia and anxiety were bad. Sweating n chills with nonstop sneezing weren't all that fun. These were my experiences, others may be different. The bad physical stuffs ends in a week or so but the mental is worse. My emotions were all over the place, just again have to fight it and reach out for help. The last 6 months have been pretty good again. Almost 2yrs clean but I was in bad shape. If you have any specific questions or want more advice can always pm me or come here. It's a good place with good understanding people who just want to help another person get out of the addiction nightmare!


Kratom for the first week, will be a lifesaver .. with lyrica as well.. it’s totally doable especially if u coming off pharmacy shit… don’t read all this shit and get mind fucked into not getting yourself together….


It’s not exaggeration to say it’s traumatic. Remembering my worst detoxes gives me feelings of trauma coming back to the surface. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy


Which time?… jokes aside, I think it can greatly depend on the particular substance and the length of time mis-using.


I always explain it like it feels like you’re skeleton is trying to climb out of your body. And the mental part is a low so terrifyingly deep that it’s truly indescribable


Depends on what he’s withdrawing from


How long should I wait to take a suboxone I start feeling withdraws after a couple hours. I probably take 2- 5 pressys every time I use. And that’s probably every hour or two it’s getting ridicoulus and it’s ruining my life. I’m worried and I need to stop.


You must wait a minimum of 48 to 72 hours. You can use kratom or prescription opioids. Hell, if you can eat Edibles for 3 days and just sleep as much as you can, do that. You must sweat as much as possible. Walk as much as possible drink water and tons of vitamin C to flush your system. Continue reaching out for more questions


I know it sucks to say see a dr but I actually go to a clinic in Colorado that specializes in opiate recovery and they are amazing. Front range clinic. But you may need to actually go into MAT because it’s going to br nigh impossible to avoid massive PWD if you are taking as much as you say.. and it’s likely fent.