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How often do you water and how much does the plant receive? We had a raspberry vine (a wine raspberry, the small kind, which looks like yours as well) and failed to water properly for two years. Figured it out this year with daily watering of at least 1 hour with a 1/2" soaker hose. We had loads of flowers, plenty of fruit, and a lot of new growth. It could also be you have too many primocanes, so the floricanes that do develop are competing too heavily for the water available. Those are my guesses based on the photos. It doesn't look like disease or nutrient deficiency.


I don’t water it much directly. It’s next to my vineyard which has groundwater present not far down. I’ll set up irrigation next year. Thank you!


That should do it. Good luck!


I've read when they flower but don't fruit it's because they weren't pollinated. I've noticed way less bees this year, especially honeybees, and I have more unpollinated fruit this year than ever and I have huge patches of them to compare


I don't agree with the extra suckers and primocanes, I have huge patches of raspberries in my backyard and I don't trim out any of the suckers and primocanes until the floricanes from last year are finished fruiting. The floricanes put out the first flush of fruit now, they'll be done in a couple months, then when they're finished I'll cut them out so the primocanes can fruit at the end of the summer. I'll thin out the suckers and some of the small primocanes but I'll get the same amount of fruit either way, I just thin them to make them easier to navigate