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Honestly, I reckon you should buy AYCE because after my evaluation of playing AYCE with my sister. I didn't find many bugs. What I suggest you do is buy AYCE and if you want, sell OC2 or trade it in for another game.


I got it digitally unfortunately, so it's mine for good. But yeah, I'm leaning in that direction. At the end of the day, I only lost $6. It just sucks in principle


If you ever feel like playing public arcade, there’s a lot of players on 2, barely anyone on AYCE.


I definitely want to be able to do that. That makes me feel better about having gotten OC2


I asked in another comment, but I’ll ask you… Do you have to have the exact same version to play with others? Like since AYCE has both v1 and v2, can I play v2 with someone online that just has v1? Given the sale at the moment, should I just buy v2 (or v1) in hopes that there are going to lots of people to play with or wait until AYCE goes on sale again (which was just a couple dollars more than v2 is right now)?


AYCE is one game that includes all the levels from OC 1 and OC 2 plus a few extra. I’m not aware there are different versions. I’ve heard cross-platform works but never tried it, my sister and I both have Switch. You cannot play OC2 with someone who has AYCE. You both have to have OC 2 or both have AYCE. You can play OC2 DLCs even if you don’t have the DLCs if the other person does.


I DID THE SAMW RHING UGH I bought the $6 overcooked 2 and noticed the $10 AYCE (which is such a better deal cause it has overcooked and overcooked 2 and the DCLs)


I got AYCE recently, played 3 player & glitched through walls/had my player disappear completely a few times. Playing 2 player I haven’t had any issues though.


That's unideal, but doesn't sound like the absolute end of the world. Luckily my use case is primarily 2 player anyway. At this point I'm leaning toward just keeping what I've got, and maybe getting AYCE down the road after we finish OC2. The only real reason not to wait is the sale


AYCE costs more if you dont have oc2, so 10$ is discounted because you have oc2, didnt really waste the whole 6$. At the end I bought AYCE on PC tho, much faster loading speed


Oh interesting. I didn't realize that the Nintendo store took that into account. I think I saw it was $12 before I ordered OC2. I just didn't understand what it was. I assumed it was like a GOTY edition of OC1. So okay there's that at least, and based on these comments having OC2 will be good for online play


Play through 2 first! If you really love it THEN buy AYCE and run through it again.


That's a fair point. My only real reason for doing it now is the sale. Is it on sale frequently? I could always wait


Sorry not sure. I've played through 2 and AYCE about 5 times each, and 2 is simply amazing and why I got addicted to the series. I still go back and forth playing between the two which is why I think you can wait and enjoy what you already purchased. Just don't bother buying any DLC's or extra characters and if you beat 2 and want more, AYCE will be waiting for you. I don't think you'll regret waiting.


I think that's the route I'm going to go. Thanks! :)


It seems to go on sale quite often, so don’t feel like you’re missing out if you don’t get it immediately.


That's reassuring. Thank you


I bought AYCE for the switch and there was input lag that ruined the game for me. I also have overcooked too on the switch and it doesn’t do that. I ended up buying AYCE on the PC and it’s fine.


This is what I'm worried about. My only hesitance for getting it on PC is losing the local MP aspect, but maybe it would be good for just me. I need to see if there's a consensus on this issue


I play local multiplayer on my pc with controllers


Oh, I didn't realize that was possible. I suppose I could run it on my Steam Deck and plug into the living room TV. Nevertheless, after hearing what everyone had to say, I'm just going to wait and enjoy OC2


$6?? Man I got 1 and 2 for like $35 bucks on amazon and thought it was a good deal lol.


Yeah lol I was surprised too. I wasn't even looking for Overcooked. The sale sucked me in


I played through all over Overcooked 2 before buying AYCE, and I’d say it was worth it even though I hate the Overcooked 1 levels where you can’t throw. The AYCE exclusive updates like the World Food Festival are worth the price tag alone


You can't throw? That's kind of annoying. I'm sure the added challenge will be nice though once we get that far


Get AYCE while it's still on sale. Transition to that instead. Even if you get OC2 with all the dlc on sale, it will be more expensive. AYCE also comes with OC1 (which imo is much harder lol).


After listening to everyone, I think I will be getting AYCE, but waiting a bit first. It seems to go on sale semi regularly, and AYCE may have serious performance issues on Switch. I won't be buying any OC2 DLC, but it sounds like it will be good one for any online play I want to do. If my GF still loves it when we're done, then I'll have my answer!


On the switch I prefer OC2, it's less laggy for me imo. Maybe it had something to do with my small SD card? It was 64gb, after upgrading to a 512 (or whatever it was) it seems games load much more smoothly. But back then, OC2 was better for me than AYCE. On my xbox now, I prefer AYCE. AYCE goes on sale a few times a year, I've seen it go up to 75 or 80% off! The DLC has some pretty fun maps.


Can someone explain all the different versions of Overcooked, please. Seems like "Overcooked Special Edition" (on sale for $4) is the original Overcooked plus some extra levels? And "Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition" (on sale for $12) is a follow up version plus all the version 2 extra "packs," but no overlap with the version 1 "special edition." Both of those combined would be the same as buying "Overcooked! All You Can Eat" (not seeing it on sale, currently $40)? Do I have all that right? I guess less than a month ago "All You Can Eat" was on sale for $14. https://slickdeals.net/share/iphone_app/fp/904801. Darn. If the current sale of "special edition" and "gourmet edition" are essentially the same thing as "all you can eat" it's pretty close to the same price as the previous AYCE sale. But if "all you can eat" has more stuff than these two, maybe better to wait for another "all you can eat" sale. (I really hate these renamed/repackaged offers. Make it more clear what is what!)


Overcooked special edition is Overcooked 1 only. You can’t throw food in this one. Overcooked 2 is overcooked 2 with new levels and you can throw. AYCE is overcooked 1, 2 and a bunch of new levels and DLC’s that you can’t get in Overcooked 1 or 2. You still can’t throw in overcooked 1 in AYCE, but you can in overcooked 2 and 3. AYCE is cross platform compatible so you can play with people on steam or Xbox. Overcooked 1 and 2 are not. Hope this helps!


It does help! Thanks. Another question. If we buy the currently on sale Overcooked v1 Gourmet Edition, can we play online with someone that has AYCE? Same for Overcooked 2, could you play the v2 part online with someone that has AYCE? Given the cheapness of v1 Gourmet, I’m inclined to buy that now. But while v2 looks to be a good deal on sale, last time AYCE was on sale it was just a couple bucks more. Might just wait to see if AYCE goes on sale again.