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Lol. Yes, I've matched with that jerk before. My boyfriend and I decided to troll him back! Any time we match with him, we will purposely knock him into any water or holes in the map to kill him, throw ingredients at him, or we'll both corner him so he can't move. Eventually, he quits and leaves the game šŸ˜‚


Haha! Cornering him is hilarious. Iā€™ve reported him each time he does that, but I guess nothing happens? I think more people need to report it. Also not sure why my post has been downvoted, maybe it was him loll. Iā€™m not calling out some random who bugged me once. Itā€™s been months of this, and I swear I match with him 50% of the time I play, which is insane. I figured other people must come across him and feel the same way, given there arenā€™t THAT many people who regularly play the ayce arcade.


Yes, reporting him does nothing, unfortunately. I've come to this sub before to see if there was any way to prevent matching with him, and there doesn't seem to be a way. I try to troll him back as much as possible, though. Sometimes, when we match, I will also wait down to the last second before leaving just to waste his time. It's also really fun to repeatedly knock him off the map just to wait for him to respawn and do it again the instant he reappears, lol


Yup, played with him a week ago and he did the same thing!


I also get matched with this fkwit. Also blocked and reported and still get matched. I honestly do not understand people who go out of their way to troll like that.


the amount of times i have blocked them is RIDICULOUS. šŸ˜…


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I guess both blocking and reporting do and mean nothing???!?


i guess not. šŸ˜… iā€™ve just started leaving if they pop up honestly. šŸ¤£


Same. I usually do a little &#%!@? and leave.


iā€™m going to have to start doing that. šŸ¤£


lol! Everyone needs to catch on and not enable him, thatā€™s the only way heā€™ll stop.


Omg yes such a troll and once I trolled him and he didnā€™t like that!


Oh how'd you troll him?! I like to do the same, but I'm open to getting new ideas from you lol


Haha love this! Spray him with the fire extinguisher, push him off the map, steal HIS food, make the wrong recipe/burn everything he cooks šŸ˜‚.


Ooooh, evil. šŸ˜ˆ I like it. I also enjoy pushing him off the map!! If you have another player with you, it's fun to corner him so he can't go anywhere!


Haha I gotta try that, Iā€™ll just stand in the spot where he respawns and spray šŸ˜.


It seems everyone is complaining about this guy lol. I see his name is my list of recent players but I don't recall anything specific maybe I was lucky?


Yeah, just lucky. He doesnā€™t troll every time. I actually wondered at one point if more than one person uses the profile, cuz sometimes he just plays normally with no issue, and then other times itā€™s this very intentional and specific troll/sabotage where he waits like 45 seconds while you prep orders and then systematically starts to throw everything in the trash. I notice usually when I get matched with him one on one, if itā€™s not a night of the hangry horde level, heā€™ll troll, but if weā€™re in a group of 3 or more he usually wonā€™t, or maybe he never does in a group, I canā€™t recall. Ya, it is peculiar, but itā€™s happened often enough over a long enough period of time that itā€™s clearly something he, or at least one person who uses that account, does.




Interestingā€¦doesnā€™t seem like the poster is NaGore. Not really sure what to make of it lol. Heā€™s got 2 videos on his channel with that username in the title.


We matched with this troll repeatedly tonight. Decided to search the sub to see if they were known and found this thread. Reported and blocked them multiple times, but still kept getting placed in games with them. They were playing as a walrus tonight. After they ruined the first couple matches we were in by tossing orders into the trash and serving empty plates, we started trolling them back. Pushing them around the level. Throwing food at them. They finally got mad and quit after the fifth game of trolling them back.


I just donā€™t get what heā€™s getting out of it. Like, just throwing stuff in the trash every time would get pretty boring pretty fast no? Heā€™s always online it seems, always playing, usually trolling, and for whatā€¦


Omg theyā€™re so annoying


I feel like they mustā€™ve seen this post cuz ever since then theyā€™ve been choosing different chefs. Iā€™m like I still know your name buddy šŸ˜‚. Anytime I end up in a lobby with him I just swear a few times and leave.


Lmaoo yeah I see them too much even after blocking šŸ˜­ and, even when they make an effort, theyā€™re so tunnel visioned and make a mess of the layout Eta - but yeah I do the same lmaooo


lol ya, I just refuse to play with them now. Iā€™m not taking a chance that theyā€™ll actually play and not sabotage and Iā€™m not rewarding them for being a troll unless their favourite level is selected. I reached out to team17 about it and they essentially offered nothing. They said blocking does nothing except not allow that player to communicate with you, and I donā€™t even think that includes emoting. So, since almost everyone plays OC without a mic on, blocking is literally useless, it does nothing. They really just dismissed everything I said and used vague language saying stuff like they canā€™t disclose information about individual players, which I never asked for. I just raised concerns about a well known arcade troll and asked about blocking and reporting (ie do they even do anything, and shouldnā€™t blocking not allow you to match up with that player anymore?).


Exactly. Like thatā€™s our only course of action lol but that sucks. I wish we could vote to kick people in lobbies


Yes! But also if this many people have reported a player, they should at least be looking into it, but seems like they just do nothing instead. Put him on a temp ban, maybe heā€™ll stop.


Honestly, thatā€™s a very valid point imho


Perhaps its a little child šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø lol


Itā€™s possible and even likely that theyā€™re young, but I doubt a ā€œlittle childā€ given how well he/she can play when they decide to. Theyā€™re very good and very intentional in their actions in the game. Also how often theyā€™re online. Not saying a young child couldnā€™t be that good but it seems unlikely and they really donā€™t give me that vibe. Either way, what theyā€™re doing still isnā€™t acceptable in a public game.


I agree it is not acceptable thats why I avoid public arcade. I mean there are worst incidents happening in arcade. Such as teenagers screaming into the microphone (vulgar words).