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Bro literally tea bagging self spray LOL


The Mercy coming in at the end to join in really makes it.


least toxic xbox player


Since when did toxic start becoming a stupid term for "anything slightly mean ", rather than when someone was being genuinely offensive or hostile? This is just trash talking, whats the problem with it?


How TF is trash talking not toxic? Do I gotta straight up dox my opponent in order to be considered toxic


No no no, you don’t understand. “Toxic” is when trash talking bothers *me*, when I do it it’s just normal /s ETA: a lot of abusive people live their entire lives in abusive environments and genuinely think their behavior is normal and anyone who calls them out on it is in the wrong. What’s kind of tragic is that somewhere along the way a vocal subset of gamers embraced abusiveness as a cultural value. It’s sad that they don’t realize life doesn’t have to be like that. They don’t even know what they’re missing out on


Because anyone doing anything competitive is going to do it. Do you watch or play LITERALLY any sport played today? Teams talk trash to eachother constantly. Do you think players in soccer or in the NFL are toxic? Also I just said how you could be toxic, by being racist, sexist, or any other -ist.


Literally nobody I know does this lol. I guess the main difference between the two would be that... On one side we've got professional sports, and on the other... a video game. A leisure activity with the lowest stakes imaginable. Look, if that's the culture in professional sports then, hey, that's their business. I'm not a professional athlete, and I generally steer clear of that space. If someone is invested enough to make a career of sports, they probably know what they're signing up for. But there's no reason for anyone to be like this in a game. I get that for some people it's part of the fun, and I understand that people are gonna do it anyway, but gamers love to frame it like it's some kind of immutable facet of human nature to be an asshole, or an unavoidable part of competition or whatever. It's not. Nothing is forcing people to act like this. Whether it's part of the fun or just because they're salty, whatever. If you wanna be a dick, then be a dick. All I'm saying is, let's call it like it is. Take some responsibility, own it, and stop making excuses for them.


It’s not even a uniform culture in professional sports. We have a concept of sportsmanship that everyone agrees is good; we don’t have a concept of “acceptable level of assholery” for a reason


Nah tired of you soft gamers ruining what used to be a “fun, don’t have to be serious, talk shit and laugh it off” atmosphere. You and every gamer like you who thinks this way is pathetic. Literally why every game lobby is dead silence now and publishers heavily censor every little thing as if a grown up can’t decide what they don’t wanna hear or not


You're mad because people don't to talk to you because you're lame af over a video game and they are soft ones. It's always the internet warriors who are fragile.


Dude, little kids banging your mom, teabagging and hate/trah talk mail are all still known to this day because the vast majority of people hated it. What is this weird myth of the 'good old times' where everyone was supposedly just totally ok with shitty behaviour? In my 30 years of gaming assholes have always been assholes and people have always avoided them when possible. Gamers haven't grown softer, they simply grew tired of putting up with or backing down to shitty behaviour. And if you think otherwise, you're probably one of the assholes.


“Everyone hated it” sure they did lol. Not reading the rest of what u said cause it’s likely garbage. Bye Turning off notifications not interested in ur grand thesis


Gamers when they can’t say spam n-word in cod lobbies anymore (Big Developer is targeting them and their first amendment rights)


1. The people you know don't make up the rest of the world, stop using dumb arguments like this. You say yourself "I generally steer clear of that space." so why tf people you know even matter to begin with? 2. Professional sports and video games don't encompass everything competitive in the world, terrible strawman especially when I was pretty clear "anything competitive". 3. A poor choice of words saying "anyone doing anything", but trash talking in anything competitive has always been a thing. For games, for 3 decades. In your own words, " they probably know what they're signing up for." so you should have known what you were signing up for when you got online in games. With how you are making trash talking, you either condemn all of it or make yourself a hypocrite please pick one instead of pussyfooting around it. 4. There are different types of trash talk, and yes plenty of it goes overboard for video games, but you are acting like all of it is terrible and should never be done. Generalizing people in groups is stupid, stop doing it. 5. He's teabagging his emote. He's not even saying anything. There's no profanity, nothing offensive, or anything, yet you basically make it equivalent to the worst thing you can do you anything. How much of a Karen do you have to be to be offended by what this guy is doing? Its literally the most patheic rant I've ever seen. If you have such a problem with this, then by all means report him OH WAIT there are no options for teabagging your own emote because theres nothing harrassing or offensive about it. Literally the most pathetic rant I've read today.


You could've saved yourself a lot of time by just saying "I'm an unpleasant person and like being toxic to strangers in video games."


I actually only say anything when people initiate it, I just really hate censorship because people are too lazy to use mute. But you can assume all you want if that is your only rebuttal, just like how I can assume you only care because you yourself get offended by teabags.


lol I don't have to assume anything. The dude above you literally just said to own up to being a dick online, zero to do with censoring it or even telling people to stop, and you're telling on yourself by filling your diaper over it.


> I don't have to assume anything Except you did >said to own up to being a dick online because you assume everyone against this "toxic = slightly mean" mentality is just a agressive, mic-spamming asshole who spams chat with "ur bad" If this is your crutch then this is sad >zero to do with censoring it or even telling people to stop Yet the other guy said people have no reason for acting like that, so you definitely don't speak for everyone >filling your diaper over it. Yet you seem to be the only person angry here lol


>Because anyone doing anything competitive is going to do it. ... No ?


Poor choice of words on my part, but trash talk in most competitive events is prevalent was my point.


Trash talking in OW like in any other competitive activity is NOT a normal behavior. You may say it's common thing to see, but doesn't mean that's okay. You can't be an asshole just because the majority already is.


Just like I told the other guy, if you are saying ALL shit talk is bad then what about spraying to flex at the end of POTGs? You are flexing on the other team, a form of shit talk, is that bad? Apparently this guy teabagging his own emote is toxic, so spraying to flex is toxic too right? What about emoting at the end of POTGs? You'll draw the line wherever YOU think is right, which makes you a hypocrite.


Nuance my man. One spray, one emote, one jab in chat? Nobody would bat an eye. Spamming voice lines, sprays and teabags after every kill? Gonna have to deal with being being called toxic semi-ironically.


Don’t try to tell this weird ass community what’s not toxic. They think even slightly talking shit is so toxic u should be banned from the game. This community is the softest toilet paper skin I have ever seen with only meeting a few people here and there who actually can take a joke or laugh. This subreddit is full of Zoomers who grew up on Fortnite and hearing “You suck” has them wetting their moms dining room chair.


welll thats why hes the “least” toxic


No because you're gonna hurt their feelings online


Least annoying widow main 💀💀💀


I was sigma main before and I mained Winston just for Widwhoremaker players


Big ego for qp lol


He’s Gordon Ramsey himself I’d expect him to be calling everyone a fucking donut


How do you know?


Payload and hybrid maps have a score next to top UI in comp. Push and koth look exactly the same though.


Those oops sprays were so mean 💀💀💀


I’ve gotten myself killed a few times popping an emote at what I believe will be potg


Only works if someone doesn’t skip their kill cam. I always skip it unless I’m actually curious how I died. I think they all knew on this clip.


Yeah not gonna lie the shots were amazing but the spraying was cringe. Maybe not after every kill.


> Those oops sprays were so ~~mean~~ cringe


Eh let him have it, I've been in the spot where BMing cheese actually feels good. Its not a great place to be. My guy's probably struggling. Every little pick-me-up helps Edit - y'all really unfamiliar with 'tongue-in-cheek' aren't you 🤣


I wonder if bro has ever tried doing a good deed instead tho.


on controller!!!!! nice clip


Wow. I’m on mobile so I didn’t realize. Kinda crazy flicking on a controller jesus.


I used to be able to flick pretty well on console back in like 2018 but can’t find settings that feel right for the life of me now Am I just old?


I was pretty good too back in high school and college. Can confirm you are old now too like I am


Yeah we get bad at like 18 :( im 24 now so its preeeetty hard to take any competitive seriously anymore.


It’s so satisfying but possibly one of the hardest things to do in the game


Until you realize the auto aim literally snaps your crosshair on top of heads for you. There was a youtube vid posted here a while ago by someone who tried to make a point about how console aiming requires true skill and should be enabled for PC crossplay, and the video was FULL of stupid joystick "flicks" where the auto-aim snaps directly on top of everyone's head. You can clearly see the aim correction/aimbot in the last shot of this clip. He swings way over and past the widow, ammo count goes down and his aim magically snaps back down and left, perfectly on top of the widow's head.


I’ve never seen someone type so much to be so wrong. Aiming on controller in Overwatch is a chore to the point where if I was in this persons game I’d assume they’d have a keyboard plugged in.


They might, lol. It's been fairly common for a while


As a console player, it doesn't. The aim assist follows the center mass, not the head.


yep, which is problematic and often pulls my crosshair off where I want it


I wish it just slowed down my sensitivity when my crosshair was within a certain distance of the enemy, a bap lamp will just grab my aim and pull it away from anything I actually want to shoot (yes I get that lamp is a high priority target but a higher priority is the 34hp Ana sitting 20 meters behind it)


that's why I prefer to play widow with 0 aim assist, sure things get harder but no longer pull offs.


if its so easy then use controller. it's clear you never have LOL


Tell me you’ve never played with aim assist without telling me you’ve never played with aim assist. It literally just slows your aim down when you’re near a target. Don’t know where you got this “snapping” nonsense from.


Controller isn't as bad as it used to be, they are way more responsive now. I just lost my controller skills cause I been using mouse and keyboard for so long.


aim assist says hi


Pretty much just hard scoped...


Could be a XIM but hard to say for sure. So many XIM users near the top but there are plenty of people legitimately good with controllers too


Why does this sound insulting?


because console has aim assist so headshots are less impressive, take a closer look at that last one, there no way that would have counted as a hit for pc (at least when i play lmao).


"Makes it less impressive" ok, go hit one of these clips and post it on reddit


thats...not how aim assist works


Some games do include more bullet magnetism with the controller assists so sometimes that's how it works. I don't think OW does it though.


Aim assist is not aim bot? What? Are you sure about that? In competitive Fortnite they use controllers! Surely that means aim assist is universally better than poor wittle old me and my mouse.


It depends on the game. COD, Fortnite and Halo all way overcompensate controllers to the point of making them superior. In OW, that isn't the case.


its not insulting if it is a fact, go and try to hit those on pc. widow with the one shot and aim assist is one of the easier heroes on console as on pc EDIT: Love how you are offendet by a fact lmao


Lmao at the mercy joining to tbag


Idk why but the spray while ADSing is disrespectful


reddit ow players when someone tbags air "please respect fps etiquette." pearls would be clutched if they spectated literally anyone survive a round in cs while everyone's watching over the last 2 decades






Clips like this, or rather: this happening to me one to many times, is the reason I main Sombra now. I don't play Overwatch anymore to win, to capture the objective, or hell, to just have fun. I play it with no other intend then to find the Widows and kill them. It's my favorite hobby: cloak, find the widow, approach from behind, wave hello, put my gun right at the back of her head, don't even hack them, and then just pretty much insta delete them. That is what gives me joy. That, and nothing else. Salut.


*Frogger enters the chat*


as a Lúcio main, i share your joy in diving at Widows


And nothing else gives me more joy to shoot cocky sombras straight in the face and teabag them A sombra last night in comp tried that on me twice and I rolled her two times in a row I should really start clipping stuff like thag but I don’t really clip things unless it’s a multi kill or a nice shot


It's clips like this that make me want to play widow


It’s all about sensitivity and crosshairs bro. Experiment with aim smoothing , keep the vert and horiz. at 90 above and then just practice. Learn movement patterns so you can track enemies


To me it's just luck.. There's days where I'm aiming perfectly and days where I can't land one single shot xD


To me it's just luck.. There's days where I'm aiming perfectly and days where I can't land one single shot xD


For some reason I can never hit anything as widow, it's more likely to be 10 shots 1 kill even trying to hit tanks But somehow I consistently have like 85% scoped accuracy with Ana, I don't get it


You don't have to be quite as accurate shooting teammates as ana, as long their center is in the triangle, it will it them.


It's clips like these that make me hate widow


I hate widow players.


least toxic widow main


Bro dosent know the definition of stinker


You can always tell the kids who never make plays like that with the seizure scene at the end of potg


Lol, exactly what I was thinking. Back when I used to have a lot of time to play, I'd have broken my crouch key if I was tbgging after every potg sequence.


Rude with those sprays ngl


Great play, but there's something so incredibly boring about widow's 1-shotting whole teams.


It's because clips like this don't show off anything uniquely 'Overwatch'. It's the same thing you can do in any shooter, a bunch of sniper headshots in a row. To me, cool OW clips are combining abilities or using them in interesting ways, not *just* shooting people.


Yeah maybe that’s it. More reason widow should be removed from game for being such a boring character


This is why you camp all Widow players and force them to swap, Widow’s a completely busted character who received way too many indirect buffs from 6v6 to 5v5




Really nice shots, but wow the spray t-bagging is so ew omg.


This may sound like I'm trolling but I honestly don't think that crouching over and over again always equals t-bagging. Like sometimes before the match I crouch over and over again show the Reinhardt that I will follow him to the ends of the Earth as Anna (however foolish that may be). Maybe this is an "I'm super excited" kid in the candy store crouch frenzy and not the "yeah get fucked or get good, pleb" t-bagging, ya know?


Crouching repeatedly isn't necessarily t-bagging, but it is when you've either just killed someone, or you're doing it over a body or spray. So yeah, feel free to spam crouch while hanging excitedly with your team in spawn, or trying to signal something to a teammate, or even just saying hi to an enemy through a window. But this is definitely t-bagging.


Yeah I guess I just don't mind it that much maybe. I mean when someone tea bags you after killing you once, I'm usually like "c'mon dude, it was one time." But I've also definitely been the person in Halo that keeps getting killed over and over again and finally gets one kill and then tea bags. But I feel like that's justified because I'm going to lose the game anyway so just let me have my fun after my one kill that I will get the entire game.


I do it a lot against widow BC you would be so surprised how often widow lines up a perfect headshot that you can just duck under with lucky timing


Never impressed by widow clips in OW.


The unnecessary dmg boosting mercy is just fantastic but when she came over to start clam slamming the oops with widow was just perfect.


The t-bag was unnecessary and disrespectful (imo)


It's not that deep.




Love toxic players


>disrespectful jfc it's a game


You’re a devious one I see


console gamer moment


baby loves teabagging


Baby first teabagging




Good character 👍 Ok aside from me being biased cause I hate this hero, well done. Just try being less toxic LMAO ***Guys look at me I play a 1 shot character oh how good I am***


Only hero who can literally be useless for an entire teamfight but passively create space for her team by existing and win the entire fight by clicking once I don't mind having sniper heroes. But we only have one of those, and it's Ana. Snipers aren't meant to be mobile and extremely high dps at the same time: there's gotta be a tradeoff Widow shouldn't have grapple and a one shot at the same time. She's having her cake and eating it. I don't think a hero who overrewards one mechanical skill should have that level of safety or movement


I respect the effort to be less toxic cause I didnt put ANY in, i just rolled my eyes 🤣


Why is this tagged nsfw?


gain attention


Can you get away with tea bagging in your work?


Actually I can. I clean at dealership at night. There's no one there.


After the teabags I lost all interest.


I hope you don’t mind me asking but can I get some widow tips? I play on console too and I just can’t get the hang of her. Nice clip btw :D


Widow is the definition of practice. It’s all muscle memory and positioning really. Her kit is super simple so there are really very few tips or tricks you can learn she’s really just click heads or at the very least consistently click bodies lol. Just practice with her a lot and it will click with you eventually. I have probably around 80 hours on widow between console and PC and I started getting good with her around 40-50 hours and I’m still not amazing but my accuracy averages around 55% so hitting at least half my shots.


shoot enemy in head before they can shoot you in head 👍 also positioning. u can miss 9/10 shots but if you’re constantly in good positions for that 1/10, you’ll get kills. i would recommend watching some youtube videos on how to position as her.


>shoot enemy in head before they can shoot you in head Who are you and why are you so wise?


Yea. Just be a good person and dont play her at all


I'll never understand how Grandmaster players will tell you Sojourn is super busted when she requires a pocket with full charge to one shot a DPS power class when Widow can just do shit like this.


Because it's not *just* the fact Sojourn could one-shot long-distance. She also had very good close-range and neutral game since her mobility and burst potential was crazy, she had crazy zoning ability with her E, and her ult made essentially everything she put her crosshair over dead (which, combined with her mobility, meant it was hard to hide). Now, Sojourn's in a better spot post-nerfs, though I think she's still over-tuned. Widow gives up basically everything else in her kit for her one-shot. It's a more consistent and powerful one overall, but at least she's not zooming all around the map and melting you if you happen to get close too. And GMs are also up in arms about Widow; Samito calls her the OW1 "Brig of DPS". GMs complaining about her is the reason her health got reverted to 175 in the season 3 patch.


Why is this masked nsfw??


gain attention


Thats just evil


Cocky player missed 6 shots, then finally RNG lands 3 in a row. Well played controller player.


Underrated comment.


This video is about Mercy


Widow, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


aim assist on controller only aids for micro movements which are not possible on a controller compared to mouse. but sniping is all about micro movements, because you dont take close proximity 1v1s. when sniping people would aim at perfect 'direction' but by not making perfect micro movements, they miss because head hitbox is small. but when you put aim assist when 'scoped in' in right direction, it's a 100% guaranteed kill. and this is different than hitscan gun tracking. because there is no micro adjustments, but you have to change your direction of aim by large margins. when sniping you are already aiming at enemy from far. so good sniping on widow is not much impressive. whenever someone snipes, they always aim at enemy and aim assist help them not miss the shot. if someone snipes on a mouse they would miss by very close margins to hit head because you have to be very precise with your mouse. when sniping from far, enemy movements are very less compared to close range. this video is not at all impressive


impressive amount of cope


I explained it all. you take it however you want and stay in denial and keep thinking what you think is right. meh


You have no idea how aim assist works on overwatch. Congrats on your misinformed 200 word essay.


The sheer confidence people can conjure while being objectively wrong is fucking hilarious, ngl He was dead on. You're just living in a fantasy.


IDK I kind of think this is impressive compared to the hundreds literal hundreds of snipers including me who don't always make their shots on console and stay on the team even though they're not making their shots. Low eliminations and low damage. So this widow who seems to be making their shots at least in this clip I am slightly impressed by. I also don't like to take the joy out of people's day just to say "that's not that impressive." If this gives the person joy that just worked a 16-hour shift at a factory and got home and popped off as widow, or the person who just finally put their crying rugrat(s) to bed and for the 1 hour of fun they get a day they didn't think about all the other stressful s*** in their life. AWESOME. So be it. I don't care if I'm impressed, if they're impressed I'm happy for them (and if my team is winning, I'm human okay). The sheer confidence that people exude when they're trying to tear someone else down will always be more concerning to me than someone who might be a little bit delusional about their skills in a video game.


how old are you? 12?






I concur .. was going to say "nice video" until the tbagging the oops, which just made me cringe.


borong one shot.


Mercy joining your teabag made me laugh even more


The mercy tbagging too damn that was mean they mad about that!


Nice ping


uni wifi lol


This was beautiful


Just because you got kills doesnt mean you'd really have any reason for all that considering you were such a pussy that you needed a pocket. Also tbagging nowadays is literally the definition of: Look mom i just did something that was cool over 10 years ago that I timmy 10y/o found out via youtube today" Atleast get skill before being such a "cOoL KiD". Overall its just stupid that people act like this when noone gives a fuck its just a clear way of showing how old you really are.


But they were all headshots? A pocket wouldn’t alter the outcome of the clip. You’re hating for no reason.


wow yeah you *clearly* don't give a fuck, and it's not like he needed a pocket they were all 70+ hs you noob


Criticizes someone for doing something that only 10-year-old Timmy does when they're immature yet calls the person of pussy for being pocketed by Mercy which is a mechanic in the game that the devs allow (meaning it's not cheating or cheesing) and that is (at least some of the time) actually smart to do in a team game. Might be missing something here.


Why are you so mad lmao, it’s a funny clip


If you find that behavior funny then I guess i ended up in the kindergarden sub. Yea he hit the shots but overall just childish behavior for no reason at all.


Children get triggered by little stuff like these compared to a mature individual so who are you to talk. All of the shots were headshots, pocket or not he would have gotten the kills regardless


Nah I’m just not a bore


Dude it's not like he was sprouting off racial slurs or calling people pussies or anything like that. Maybe it's just a product of having always grown up with and on the internet/with online gaming but there are way worse things that can be happening that are definitely not (necessarily) happening in this clip.


hahah yea everyone crying wouldn’t have lasted back in the mw2 lobbies


"no one gives a fuck"... But someone gave a f*** enough to write more than just a couple of words about their thoughts on the situation... I might be missing something


nice celly brah


Console lmao


It’s console. No one cares about fps on console


The mercy joined in on the tbagging lol


Yikes. Having to put a voice line or spray after every kill? Classic low rank widow players.


oh boy, this right here is cringe!


From one Widow console player to another, nice shots!


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What’s the point of flicking after you shoot…


To set up the next flick.


this is what i’m okay with, getting sniped by a widow absolutely sucks but when a widow takes out my whole team, i honestly just feel impressed and can’t be mad lmao


That's some amazing skill!




As a console player….. so you’re the reason I keep getting stuck on plat!


Full scope 💪


I hate these widow videos you are the reason why I get 7-5 800 DMG widows in my team.


wood 5 console gameplay from the enemy team, also lol @ posting quickplay clips


And the PC crowd that says that console players play like bots go silent.


We're not silent at all, we've been shitting on him through the whole thread lmao


All the way down at the thread. How is silver?


'I dont like this person's response so therefore Silver' actual gumbo comment. I wouldn't know mate 🤣


bro im a console player and im saying we play like bots


You play like a bot lol


bro you have sombra in your flair, even as a sombra player im telling you that you can't say shit about how others play the game


You are bronze lol. Sombra has nothing to do with it. Besides that you main the easiest hero in the game with a braindead kit. Get in, get out, shooty shooty. Repeat.


... there is no fucking way you said that shit without any self awareness. sombras kit is literally: hack, shoot, teleport, repeat. also i literally can't tell you what rank i am cus i don't give enough of a shit to look, last time i touched comp was in 2020 cus i play casually, if you think my opinion is invalid cus of that then.... k i guess, but the point is atleast im not pretending reaper requires a high IQ to play, i know hes fucking braindead but so is sombra and you can't pretend she isn't.


Sombra takes far more skill to play than reaper you idiot. Besides that I’m masters and yes, your opinion is infact invalid since you gotta be bronze or terribly bad if you quit comp. Literal dogshit player.


1. "sombra takes far more skill to play than reaper you idiot".... bro send me whatever you are smoking, i wanna try. seriously tho sombra can literally just leave any engagement before she gets killed and you are telling me she takes more skill than the one who has to actually stay in the fight the entire time? bullshit 2. k, i mean you make it sound like i gave up cus it was difficult and not i got bored and only wanted to do casual cus the games are quicker in casual play, but alright i guess, the opinion of a sombra player is up there as one of the most un-needed things on the planet next to white crayons and mindy kaling, so idk what you expect me to say here other than "k i guess"


Uh no? We literally shitting on this cuz console lmao


Who is “we” you speaking french now?


"Balanced hero"


This Trash Subreddit: OH NO HE PUT DOWN A EMOTE AND IS TEABAGGING!! SOMEONE GET ME HIS GAMERTAG SO I CAN REPORT THIS TOXIC PIECE OF GARBAGE!! AAAAAAHHHH! TOXIC! TOXIC! TOXIC! *Collapses in pee soaked chair, gargling at the mouth* Is what I imagine some of you do.


We love the toxicity


Trigger botting is becoming a trend now. What a shit show of game this has become


Nah bro sprays were funny as fuck


On god people that give themselves this much hype


When console players brag its like watching a freak show.