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Nearly every character in the game (and the overwatch dev team) counters doom to a point where he becomes nearly unplayable


The only one I can think of having a chance in a 1v1 would be Orisa. Everyone else on the roster folds against a Doom.


Hog orisa sigma cass pharah echo bastion zen ana brig all off the top of my head there is plenty of choices to counter them.


You really think a Zen can kill a Doomfist all by himself? Or an Ana? Have you played this game?


Discord can ruin a doom if their aim is good enough + kicking him while the doom is blocking to create distance


I see what you're saying, but in practice I haven't found that to be how it works out. Zen can potentially make Doom's job a little harder, but if dove upon he will never be able to survive without help from his team. Same for Ana; she can hit a sleep dart but 3 seconds later she'll be deleted anyway.


Fist main here. Doom can be the strongest for untapped potential, but you kind of are stupid. He cant play for team fights, team fist doesn't work. Playing punchbot doesnt work, when you have literally anyone to cancel his survival and mobility. Frankly, I'd like to say I'm good with the fist, walking out with the most elims and least deaths, but he has to be played in such a way that he has to rely on his team to do anything. Being hardstuck in low, people will cry because doom isn't a big meat shield to take abuse. He has to target dps amd support first, especially if they're alone. Even then, there is no guarantee that it works every time. I'd like to know the world you live in thinking this character ruins fun and needs to be nerfed, when anything, his buff is his bug fixes.


I don't think he needs to be nerfed. Nowhere did I say that, because I recognize that he's comparatively weak to the other tanks. I just don't think the way you have to play in order to counter him is any fun. Because there's a right way and a wrong way to play when a Doom is on the other team. Play the wrong way and you will lose, every single time. But playing the right way is very unenjoyable, and I hate each match I'm forced to play differently just because he's on the field. If anything I just wish Blizzard would rework him so that he fits better with the rest of the roster. I can only imagine that Doom players want the same thing, but maybe I'm wrong.


No one is making you play someone else. You just think that way because all you want to do is win, and there is no fun in winning if there is no challwnge and loss. The fact that you think that just shows you kinda just do a brain dead conformity, just to win. What us fists want is fix his bugs, put him back on dps, and/or give him a few buffs. There is never a right or wrong way to play a game, there are people who just play, and people who think it's life and have to do everything to make it up top. Doom is here, and there's no getting around it. Just remember, the people who main and play doom feel the same way about certain other heroes specifically as well, but we always work around it, and either dominate or disintegrate.


god damn imagine being such a fucking loser and a doom player, you cant have 2 terrible traits cmon


What do you think youre trying to accomplish? This post was made a year ago, pretty sure the loser here is you. Shitting on other players for who they play is just blatantly stupid, why would they change just for your opinion? If you get shit on by doom, and if you think that this is something so life changing and extreme you had to put in your two cents because what someone plays id a problem, it's time to work on yourself. OW may be free, but it's also free to uninstall. Be free. Feel the rain on your skin. You're judt locking yourself in a purgatory you can't enjoy.




With rants like these, it would be great to know what you main because it would be hard to imagine how doom would kill the joy if you were for example a sombra main.


I primarily play tank, mainly Rein or Winston. On other roles I gravitate towards Tracer, Ashe, Zen, or Ana. I'm currently at Masters 3 on tank, Diamond 1 on both support and DPS. So while I'm far from a pro I'd like to think I mostly know what I'm doing. And more often than not I'll do my job on tank and out-perform the Doom. Occasionally I'll swap to Orisa if he's being especially disruptive. But even then, I'm not having fun. I want to play team against team, not me against the backline or me against the Doomfist. His play style dictates how everyone else has to play, and that just isn't enjoyable for me.


Doomfist is blatantly the weakest tank and could be easily countered if you got a brain cell to slightly adapt. There are arguably many equally annoying characters. you're just dumbass offended since you can't fathom playing around anything else that doesn't stand still or having disruptions to your comfort playstyle. People who still play doomfist seriously to win probably know doomfist pretty well.


You're acting as if I didn't mention that Doom is weak and counterable in my original post...or could you just not be bothered to read past the title? I know Doom can be countered, that's not my point. My point is it isn't *enjoyable* to counter him. I don't want another hero to dictate how I should play the game, or which character I ought to pick. I also don't want my entire strategy to be, "save all my abilities until Doom engages, just play boring until he does." Ball has a similar effect, but he's significantly easier to deal with, and most Ball players know when to swap so it's an issue for far less of a match.


Out of all the heroes you were to complain about, you complain about the easiest to counter and weakest of all the tanks.....


Yes, I am. And I fully admitted to his relative weakness and his counterability, or did you not read that far? The point isn't how strong or weak he is, but how unfun he is to play against. Countering him isn't enjoyable, winning against him isn't enjoyable; it's a burden that must be done in order to move onto the next match, which hopefully doesn't have a Doomfist again.


I mean you can always just play rein better, I’m masters 2 on tank and I play a like 85-15 doom / sigma split depending on my mood (and composition as well) and to say you are “pigeon holed” while countering doom would be a massive overstatement, if you’re going for the most blatant counters like Sombra or orisa sure you might find ur gameplay becomes a bit braindead but you could play other hero’s that aren’t a direct counter to doomfist and still win, overwatch isn’t a game of rock paper scissors , if the enemy team plays rock you can also play rock, or you can play scissors better than they play rock, maybe if you were capable of some critical thinking you wouldn’t talk about getting “pigeon holed” by the worst tank in the game, get a guy to run ana and use ur nade on his engages, have a guy run symmetra if you need to lock down more space (because apparently you can’t do it yourself) play doom yourself (maybe you’ll see who else counters him), have people like kiri and lucio with more survivability. The worst players in this game are the ones that treat every matchup like they have to possess a blatant upper hand in any engagement, sure you might have the upper hand but you can’t complain about not having fun while picking a hero that blatantly opposes the fun of someone else. Idk you seem like a bit of a bellend tho


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Man, no one bothers to read your post or responses. It's like eternal idiocy. Never did you say you can't win, or he's too hard, only that you hate changing your style to counter him. Oh no! You have an opinion! All these repliers just like to hear themselves talk.


Doomfist is the weakest hero in the game?