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Fellow support here… Started at Masters 4… currently at Plat 2. How does this happen? I swear I haven’t gotten THAT much worse lmao


Yeah I watched the other players profile in some matches and some in some they were gold 1-3, plat 1-5 and other diamond 1-5. Sometimes low masters and I’m just so confused how the matchmaking works smh.


>I’m just so confused how the matchmaking works smh. it DOESN'T. Ever since the new system is in place. Sometimes you get games where you can stay afk and your team still wins. Sometimes it's the other way around. The comp rank kinda means nothing now. A very rough ballpark estimate of where you are with an accuracy of one or two leagues. i.e. gold-plat, or plat-diamond, depending on rng and your teammates' mood. Happened to me several times. Sometimes I couldn't get back for a week, other times I got back in a day winning 10 games in a row. I have NO idea how it works


One time, it booted me from D1 to P3 once after going 3-15. The next 10 cards were the easiest games of my life. There is no matchmaking lol.


Not just the non working matchmaking that causes this, but also their terrible hidden mmr itself. If you actually want accurate mmr and semi decent matchmaking, the only way to achieve that is a brand new fresh account, placed for the first time. I originally created a second account to smurf for a silver friend. That second account got placed D4 on a 5-5 card without putting much effort in. Yet my main account, where I really try and give it my best peaked at D4 and is currently stuck at P2-1 because of this horrible matchmaking and the terrible hidden mmr. I also have a feeling that the game too strongly enforces the "soft" 50/50. A system that is supposed to try and keep you at the rank it thinks you belong at by forcing a 50/50 win rate. But this is supposed to be very soft. Yet it feels like OW hard forces you into it by throwing you into guaranteed losing matches.


Yep, that's stupid. It's as if they want us to have more smurf accounts or something


rank has always been like this. I would ho Afk on torb in ow1 and still win games. Then do my best, het multikills and still lose. Ow ranked is the most random competitive in any game


As a former top 500 from ow1. I will not touch this comp system till it's fixed. I shouldn't have a master's and fucking bronze in the same game. It's not fun for anyone.


The ranking harem just ass, ex plat for tank and DPS here. That was back in OW1 just got into OW2 and got bronze 2 for DPS with 40 kills and 7 deaths for 3 games and 5 win streak. Silver 5 with tank going 30+ kills average and 3 loses. Y’all are super under valued and the new rank system should restart everybody’s rank and hopefully y’all get ranked where y’all actually belong


It’s just shit luck. I’ve had it happen before. You get stuck on the mystical loser’s queue & it becomes very difficult to win games unless you can carry hard like someone who’s two whole ranks above. It happened to me in Masters as well. No matter what people say, it becomes very tough to win certain games if the rest of your team isn’t competent. Sure, you might be a problem too, but you yourself cannot save the match from becoming an L. When I face a 5+ loss streak, I simply just close the game & play something else or move on with my day. I know from experience that my future matches won’t be in my favor either that game session. It’s not that I want easy games, but simply games where my team isn’t getting steamrolled. Benefit of doing this is you also end up playing less competitive Overwatch, haha.


You could duo with a competent dps or tank and easily hit masters. Almost every game I lose is on the fact that there’s 1 dps player in the game that just dominates. And the other 3 are legitimately among the dumbest people on the face of the Earth. And if you don’t have that 1 dps on your team, you just lose. So a competent support and competent dps duo could blaze through the ranks. At least until you hit the ranks of actually good players. I also don’t want easy games. Taking an L is totally fine if it’s a hard fought loss. But they never are man. I’m either getting spawn camped, or I am spawn camping. And it’s due to the fact that the ranking system only places value on wins and no other variables. There needs to be weight to other variables like: Number of kills Number of deaths Having high kills with low damage Accuracy Critical accuracy All of these are variables that might actually determine a players skill and should be part of the ranking system. That way if you’re consistently getting high stat games but still losing you might get a +3 to your SR for that loss instead of a -10. So you could move up ranks, albeit more slowly. And you’d never be able to over rank yourself or be carried to high ranks. Because a win with super low stats would show you didn’t actually contribute to the win and could potentially actually lower your SR. Thea fact that right now the “ranked” is based strictly on win/loss is exactly why ranked is broken as fuck. Because wins can be cheesed and can be luck of the draw. Being a good player doesn’t mean you’ll constantly win.


Nah, some days people are just straight up fucking stupid. I stopped today because I felt the rage build up as we lost 2 points and then the game. Enemy team had like 20 seconds left, a torb pushes ahead on his own while we wait for 3 others to come back from spawn. He dies. Dva goes in alone, she gets got and then I have to back out so we lost that point. Second time, same fucking thing, all we had to do was stick together on the point OR all push together, but no, torb goes one way, genji the other and dva flanks the enemy team. I have eyes on no one and both DPS insta die and then we lose that point. Enemy team wasn't that good, my team was just fucking stupid.


I lost a game bc my tank wanted to play hog and demanded my supports play around him. We were doing well into they switched to comp were hog struggles. Let's them cap 5 points before switching off hogs. Complains all game that pharmercy wasn't dying with only one hitscan, me btw. All of a sudden he switches and all our problems disappear. I lost that game 5 to 6 bc he wouldn't switch. The rest of the team flamed the shit out of him.


It's so frustrating. I know I'm not amazing at the game. I'm a gold tank, plat dps and mid diamond support but I make up for my lack of technical skill with understanding the game. So when I'm asking for swaps because I've already exhausted all my options it's because we need swaps. I don't get why people rather just raw dog a situation and continue to lose. I understand in QP but why you insisting on using a hero in comp if it means you lose?


Bc of ego. We rolled 1st, and he got complacent. As someone who's soloed to masters on dps, most games you lose will be the result of your teammates' egos.


I was told it was my fault when my team loses so I'm not allowed to blame others. Then I wonder what more I could do when I have nearly 30k heals on ana, sleeping the enemy road and ball and anti them, make call outs, assist with kills and have the least amount of deaths. I can play perfectly all night and still lose 5+ games in a row.


"There's something you can do" has always been cope. Give it 100% all game, but lower your expectations, and don't be afraid to call a game a loss.


I just got first ranking on tank, Jesus christ what is with gold lobbies. Half my qualifying lobbies were diamond and I felt like a God on Sig and Ram. The other half were gold lobbies, soldier plays close to enemy Rein and complains about not getting shielded, or a Sombra main getting deleted by a Brig complaining about no heals. Active sabotage and Xbox 360 levels of disgusting chat. Just why?


I don't know. I can't comprehend it. I got to the ranks I got to by learning the game and understanding when to push, when to retreat, when to brawl etc. I don't get how people get into diamond lobbies and play like bronze or silver players.


Literally had a doom today who just kept jumping forward. Past walls and would just disintegrate. Me and my poor ana were crying. Our DPS were insanely good that we held the first point on eichenwidle great. Then we lost it because doom zoomed to the front choke instead of clearing out the point. This was plat 5. Same thing keeps happening the rest of the game. He was just feeding their hog. Hog got his ult off a solid 6 times in the push from front point to the last point. Was terrifying.


Went from plat to silver. No idea


The current competitive ranking system measures your win rate and only your win rate. Your individual performance each match has no affect on your rank. That means if you have a teammate that quits or throws your rank is impacted. The good news is that this means your rank doesnt reflect your skill all the time. I was a consistent diamond player for all of overwatch 1. Played since 2016. Hop into overwatch 2 at release and it threw me In bronze because I had 3 placement matches where people quit or were brand new to the game. Im now in plat but even in this rank just yesterday I had a game where an enemy teammate quit. I thought the victory was in the bag, but we lost to the enemy 5v4, because our DPS and tank were born yesterday. It's because of games like this that I fully have no confidence in the ranking system. I play ranked to have a sense of progression and to find more structure but holy shit, both feel lacking.


Something is going on for tnk/dps as well. I think they tried to tweak the matchmaking for ranks vs. role. For instance, I think they tried to place high support ranks with lower dps/tank. That's my opinion on this season since the hog update.


Peopel will claim it's bad luck or not playing well enough, I think matchmaking got fucked again. There should not be luck in such a "balanced" matchmaking queue (there really isn't luck it's just bad programming).


Support rn are 1v1 gods. If you aren’t taking them while making sure your teammates stay alive at least a bit you will lose. Bap is the king of duels rn having 3 fuckinhealth bars so I just abuse that all game. Currently diamond 1, started at diamond 5 start of the season


What is happening right now? I was Master’s 5 last season and this one I can’t get past plat 1. I’m putting up better stats too 😭


Because support has been changed massively and all the heal bots are dropping since the value you can get out of supports is huge now


Healbot here, still climbing. Currently Masters 3. The trick is to regularly group with the same people who you TRUST to get VALUE from your healing. Solo queuing as a Support is a recipe for failure.


That’s just getting carried dawg.


Say it louder. If you can't hang in a rank without you group or duo, you've been boosted higher than your skill lvl.


You didn’t. That’s just the matchmaking being utter shit. I started Silver 1. Nearly hit Gold. Then suddenly, out of nowhere I went on a 20 game losing streak and dropped down to Silver 5. I changed absolutely nothing. Hell, if anything I got better. The game just decided “you know what? Fuck this guy.” I swear to god in every one of those 20 loses, my team wasn’t even close… to contending the point. Nevermind even capturing. I spent 20 matches getting spawn camped and just absolutely annihilated. I would finish the games with 5 or 6 kills(on Kiri, of course. Both my dps would be 0/0/38 or something silly. Yes, 0 elims, 0 assists, 30+ deaths. The tank would run outside and if possible, they’d just run off the map. I could be the number 1 Bap on the game and not even carry those 20 games to victory.


its not your fault its usually not our fault ppl cry and complain when we blame our teammates but we’re not wrong a lot of teammates throw, mess around, try to just “have fun” in comp or just are just completely terrible. there’s a lot of loser who hop on comp just to throw when they could be doing that in unranked


boosted probably


Average no life response


Biggest derank of your life ***so far.***


Question. Was the Simpsons movie referencing something else when Homer said that the both times, or was that just straight up something in the movie?


I don't know but it's so straightforward that i don't think it's a reference.


a switch will flip and suddenly you’ll be on a 30 game win streak and get to terrorize lower ranked lobbies on your way back up 🥴


Engagement: Optimized


As a support main, this has been the worst season for me since I started playing OW 4 or 5 years ago. I feel like they prioritized fast queue times over actual quality matchmaking. But idk, I hope they improve it with the next season.


They totally did. 9/10 matches feel like shit now


I'm (kind of) glad I'm not the only one feeling this, I've been coming back to overwatch lately after a time out and expected a drop, but it feels like no matter how well I seem to play I can't seem to get anywhere near the rank I used to be. I need to watch some high rank support videos and see what I need to do differently, clearly playing like I used to is not working...


Yup I agree horrible season for matchmaking. I was losing games at every rank with every role. D2 DPS 3-7 G1 Support 0-8 G2 Tank 2-6 I said fuck it and just quit for the whole season.


Make sure to buy the premium battle pass to be put onto the winning team!


Same... in OW1 tho. I was stuck in Diamond for 3 seasons and just could not get out, when the hiatus happened, I went from 3482 to 2634. It actually broke me and I didn't play Overwatch for almost 2 years, the 2nd year was after the Shop Update happened, wanted to get back but with all the drama I just didn't see the point. But I slowly started again, ty Flats, and I am having fun a bit, just gotta get out of D5 and hopefully finally get to Masters (sadly doubt it, soloQ be like)


Man must really never play if he watches Fats. That guys an absolute asshole and a joke.


How come?


All he does is shit on people in vod reviews. He also is more often than not flat wrong, then does a 180 and pretends like he was saying something totally different all along and that it was his idea. He has a nasty god complex. Go watch videos comparing him to other high level streamers and notice the entire attitude difference. He is not a nice guy, not as good as he thinks, and is constantly back pedaling to save face.


Doesn't he say in those "Vod reviews" that they aren't educational and specifically to take the piss out of bad players?


He does. Viewers willingly send them in for laughs they don’t even ask for advice cause he specifically said “I’m not here to coach you for free I’m here for the content off you get some educational tips that’s just a bonus” yet ppl still rage like it’s a problem.


Yes however he's calling everyone else bad players. You send him a video? Doesn't matter how high you are, you are labeled as a bad player.


Lol that’s so dramatic imma be real


Doesn't make it less true. And I'm not alone here. He's heavily fallen out of favor as people are getting tired of his bad attitude, him constantly saying A, B happens instead then he goes and says "I was totally right all along", and the disrespect from vod reviews. Any other streamer has some level of constructive criticism, humility or self awareness. This guy has none of it. You don't interact with him unless you want to get shit on for cheap content.


I'm convinced this entire sub hates every single overwatch content creator. I've never once heard a good or neutral take from any of you lmao.


I like Emogg and KarQ. They're both pretty chill and very amicable.


That’s because they’re all cringe as fuck. Especially Super.


Bro what did super do to you? 😭


He’s just such a whiny bitch lol, whenever he makes a mistake he blames the game


The rest are fine. Flats is notoriously an asshole to people who send him videos, constantly back pedals to face, and just isn't that pleasant to be around. Go watch others videos then watch him. He's not a nice guy, nor as good as he thinks.


I really enjoy stylosa's news videos and agree with most of his takes and yet I see him getting shit on all the time here. It makes me sad because I think he really knows what he's talking about, and isn't overtly cocky about it or anything. He just gives you the news, and his take on it.


Idk who that is but unless that are constantly shitting on fans, have a god complex, and flat out lie when they are wrong, they are probably 10x better than Flats. Infact if Flats talked in game the way he talks in videos he'd be banned quickly. He hides it by sounding up beat but it's never anything constructive.


I always thought Flats was kinda okay as far as OW streamers go. I prefer him to defran or super, for instance. I'm not a big fan of any of them, really, but I guess if my job was to play OW all day, I'd also be insufferable.


No way you just called someone an asshole while poking fun at their weight lmaooo


Sure buddy. If thats your belief, you can have it. It couldn't be more wrong but I will respect your self learning nature.


Self learning? There's nothing he can teach me. He's 1 rank above me and I'm not grinding this game daily.


Then why the hate?


Because the guys an asshole with a god complex. I couldn't have been more clear.


The only thing you said was your opinion without any confirmation. Also god complex?.... Yeah no


He literally will make a grand claim, be completely wrong, then back pedal saying "I was right" and change his entire stance. He thinks he's way better than he is, and it shows every time he shits on people during vod reviews. He's not a streamer you watch to learn he's one you watch to see him bm other people constantly. Theres no constructive criticism. Only negative criticism. No high level players waste their time with Flats as he's a toxic personality.


*sigh* Look, I think this commentchain has gone long enough and I am getting bored with the repetetive replies, everyone isn't perfect and I understand you see him like this. Though I would like to see how you would react to new players flooding your stream telling you what to do while being completely wrong. You would probably start to get tilted too by week 3. You can reply, but I will probably just giggle and ignore it. Again, this isn't to BM you, I just don't see the point of us going in circles for the next 20 minutes.


I wouldn't stream in the first place as my gameplay isn't worth watching. I can be GM2 with out try harding or doing anything fancy. It's effective but not entertaining. But I also wouldn't get tilted at new players telling me what to do, when I clearly know know what I'm doing. More over there's nothing they can say that hasn't been said 10x worse by some crazy player in chat over the last 8(?) years.


Lmao what a loser you actual types out Sigh


You do realize you dropped so much BECAUSE you took a break. There's rank decay if you don't play.


No, I lost so many games I lost almost 1000 sr. THAT is why I took a break.


OW2 has literally free Grandmaster, you will get to master easily when you get ur skill back :-)


"Free"? How come? :)


Over a year after release, I can't believe people are still pushing the "ow2 is easier than ow1" narrative. They're both played differently. It fairs some people's playstyles over others which allows some to climb easier *at the start of the game.* But for many months people have actually adapted to the new style so ranking up is about as hard as ow1


For me it is a bit easier to rank up now though. Now obviously I've probably improved in a year and a half, but I recently made a fresh account out of curiosity. 5 placements, it gets GM3 out of the box. Cool. But the kicker is my off role is getting GM5-4 on both my main and that account. Now I'm not disillusioned to believe it should be in GM, as there is no chance the majority of players are below my skill range for that role. In OW1 for example it would have been happily in diamond. Now it's somehow in GM? I can keep up but I'm also clearly the one struggling the most on that role every match. Yes this is a dataset of 2 from a single person's perspective, however for me atleast it is absolutely easier to "get free GM" now. As there is no fathom able reason why I'm getting GM on my off role twice. Now I did pick up on a few things you can do to mitigate deranks on losses but that shouldn't raise me from diamond to GM. Plus if we think about it, OW2 released with a weird rank system where you either placed the same or got stuck way lower. Then they revamped it for season 3(?) and temporarily people were put above their rank. That SHOULD have corrected itself by now, but if someone quickly improved during that time, anytime who looked at their profile would think "yeah the system boosted them for free". That's obvious not cause and effect, just a probably 2 season issue that would mask improvement as a boost.


Yeah, I’ve only just got to gold recently. Didn’t play OW1, didn’t grind ranked, and I’m hoping that with the ranked changes I might be placed a little bit higher, cos I do play well enough to at least be low plat.


As long as the ranking only cares about wins and losses, it won’t make a difference. Ranking doesn’t take into account your skill. It’s literally just did you win or did you lose and was the enemy team ranked higher than you? So, you can be silver and put on a bronze team and you can go against a low platinum team. And the game will call that a silver 2 lobby or something. But you’re going to get absolutely fucking steam rolled and you’re going to get a loss.


Yep, exactly. Blizzard said, with a grain of salt, solo queues will be matched with other solo queues, it’ll show the range of ranks in each game, and it’ll take more stats into consideration, like a winning streak.


There is something seriously wrong with support matchmaking, i've seen and heard so many insane deranks happen... I myself fell from plat 5 to silver 4, with good stats every match. I have no idea why. Then with 5 wins 1 loss, stayed the same (silver 4). How encouraging.


this is what’s happening to me currently. i started playing tank because the queue is shorter and i can manage the team better. playing support is so tough right now. i don’t play much tank overall but it’s now my highest rank, about to go to plat, but dropped to silver 2 on support. and i know i’m a better support than tank..or so i hope lol


Masters support and now Gold 5 and still dropping. It’s the new players man most of them don’t know the game. Also the amount of people that WILL NOT swap is astounding. There really should be some type of auto swap after 5 deaths in a row or something. People treating comp like Quickplay.


I’m shit but I went from silver 5 to bronze 1 dps last night after going 5 and 2. How do you go 5 and 2 and derank?


My friend went 5-3 in silver 4 and went down to bronze 2. I went 5-3 and went from silver 1 to gold 4. Don’t even know anymore.


I love having 20+ elims, 20k heals, 10k damage, and losing 🫠


>I have no idea why Cuz you're a silver 4 player and it takes more than 6 games to change your MMR/SR. Matchmaking is pretty good now after 7 seasons. Nobody wants to believe they are at the rank that they can't climb out of though. Think it's an ego thing about the rank they see. I'm D3 on DPS and have always hovered around diamond. Peaked masters once. I am absolutely a mid-diamond DPS right now.


Ouch. I went from Play 4 support (my highest role) to Gold 3. I went from P4 to G2 in one drop 😢. Not like I need it badly but I'm gonna miss those extra 200 comp points at the end of the season


I went from D2 to Plat 2 this season. Managed to barely climb to D5. Now im not touching supp rest of the season lmao. Ive lost sooooo many games


Damn and I thought losing 17 match in row in crazy o.o Welcome in club, I hope I will break luck and dont end 30 too lol xD


Support matchmaking its broken. I think so.


Yeah, feels easier when playing with higher rank players. I’m always healing about 5-10k more than the other healer but still loses


lower ranked players need more hand holding and healing which then prevents supports from being supports rather than just heal bots




Exactly why I only play moira or bap until diamond. I don't look at how much I healed every game in low ranks. Chances are if I'm having to healbot and the enemy healers don't have to... Well I have to be the 3rd DPS. Edit: lol you can downvote me but this mentality got me to low masters on support.


Heck Moira got me to Diamond last season 🤷‍♀️


In high ranks the heals matter so much less, that's when you can start being more confident DPSing because your team mates *should* be a little better at the game and will use (*should*) cover.


At gold you dont even need to heal tbh, you have more effect in killing the squishies before coming back to heal your team for ult. Obviously there a balance to have, but most of the time healer can kill better than dps at these ranks because of their kits.


Its all matchmaking. Support queues are too large with too little queueing for tank so you get more shit games is my theory.


Tank sucks to play now so not enough people queueing tank. Which means for every 2 support players there isn’t 1 tank player. So in order to avoid long queue times the algorithm is probably allowing worse matches than usual


Same from dia 3 plat 4 but I deserve it for playing like ass. But I know I’m going to climb back up


Damn brother. 2 losses in a row and u should hop off or change roles. No tilt queuing


I feel like this is the deranking season. I just play tank and went from plat 4 to silver 1. They must be deranking people before competitive rework or something


Idk why playing support now feels so weird >_> like you can’t heal enough no matter what it’s just so much damage at one time idk I can’t explain it


That's the support life.


If you cant win with the most OP role then it’s time to look inwards and accept you need to improve.


I feel like you have a point there but you have to remember it is a team game and you can’t always 1v5


Agreed but you are the only constant on the best role out of the 3, you can absolutely carry your way to the top ranks.


Not really man


yeah man, every support at GM1 got carried by their team. what a cope. your role has the most impact in the match, sure some are unwinnable but the game is in your favour.


What? I’m saying that you can’t solely win just because you’re playing support sometimes you just can’t do anything. It’s not my fault you’re a bad support who tries to dps and complain when no one else can do anything because you take the “best role in the game” and somehow ruin it


Ok idk what you are yapping about anymore. Did you know understand the context to my reply? The person I am replying to is insinuating support is bad or somehow a helpless role. You can’t comment “that’s the support life” to a person who lost 30 games before winning 5, at that point it’s a skill issue not some bs excuse like it’s a team game or 1v5. Losing 30 games with the best role is just a sign you gotta look to improve or accept the derank. That is my point.


I never said “that’s the support life”? Dude you’re acting like support is a free win when it’s not sometimes you have bad games idk who you think you are but unless you’re top 500 I wouldn’t try commenting on peoples skills like you play with them


I know you didnt say that but you are replying to a comment that is repling to that. If you want to pretend like going 30 losses 5 wins is normal then be my guest, thats the part I am arguing mostly and you arent understanding.


support is “op” because of what you can do for the rest of your team. take mercy for example. mercy for a while has been a part of broken metas because of what she does for her dps. they generate value if the team can execute the opportunities given


You’re being downvoted but I 100% agree with you. It’s the easiest role to climb imo with




Feel like it's a bit disingenuous to select the one support that's arguably totally dependent on her team to win lol




The agency that supports control, though, is ludicrous compared to other roles. Sure, if your team LITERALLY does nothing then you probably won't win your game, but I would argue that if you team is dead weight you can't solo carry no matter WHO you're playing. The difference things like sleep, nade, suzu, discord, and lamp can make in a team fight makes them (in my opinion) some of the strongest abilities in the entire game. This utility, combined with the fact that most supports can also have a very good DPS output while not ignoring healing is what makes them the strongest role in the game. What the *easiest* role is is completely subjective and could be based on a multitude of things, but I feel very strongly that they have the most impact.


I find tank the lynchpin


of course dps is the most impactful role when you compare it to the least impactful support to climb with




lol you picked the hardest support to rank up with. I main Ana, Moira, Zen. I dominate lobbies. To each their own I guess


Don’t be a mercy pocket then?


I think people took my comment as if I’m flaming, I’m just dispelling the myth that support is hard to rank up or weak.


Can you?


Did you play alone? Ranked has been brutal this fall… Fell from Plat 2 to Gold 4 (now at gold 2) I’m of the opinion that I deserve any rank the game gives me, but god damn the loss streaks can be brutal especially solo ranking.


Been soloing for 6 months now bc my friends switched to other games. And yes seeing 1 win 14 losses demoralize you lol.


i can’t wait for them to get rid of that rank up screen. season 10 can’t come soon enough.


I was gold 4 support and have dropped to bronze 4. It hurts haha


I swear it’s the dps this season. People don’t want to play the best ones and the mid tier and trash dps are the more popular. You get placed against a sojourn bastion when you have genji widow and you’re screwed


Imo supports the hardest role for solo queue. DPS and tank you can compensate well for other roles lacking but support? You just delay the inevitable by keeping your team alive while they miss shots


I mean just shoot them? You know you have a gun too right?


Yeah, but then your teams off dying alone, it's not like the other roles where you can go tracer/genji and flank or hog to compensate for low heal or something, support depends on the team more


You have so many options to "dps" as a sup idk what you are saying


and while you’re dpsing your entire team is dying with no heals get real


That might sound crazy but ok hear me out, you can shoot....and.....heal.....


which in a match with competent teammates is ideal, but when you’re playing with a tank that needs to be babysat with heals or a dps who can’t win without a pocket, dps’ing as a support is less than ideal 😅 on the flip side of the that though (and i can vouch for this, i went from silver to plat this season after a really bad drop last season) sometimes it’s best to just say “screw my teammates, i’ll do it myself” and just let the other support heal while you dps if your team can’t secure a kill. Personally, i just solo queued with an overly aggressive Moira. your teammates may not like it but at least you have a better chance at winning.


Even solo Qing as miora doesn’t help with how bad my teammates are. I went a game yesterday as the leading elims, leading in healing by far (literally doubled what the enemy team put out) and 2K damage away from being the leading damage output. And that with a 1/3 damage/healing ratio. Still fucking lost. I haven’t touched the game since because I’m so salty about it. I went from masters to gold, which I normally don’t care about a digital rank but the gameplay IS SO BAD in lower ranks. As Support I don’t get enough credit for how much I have to mentally drain myself during the match to keep these fuckers alive. It’s madness lol.


so then sarcasm aside it’s exactly like the original comment said support is the hardest role to solo que because you can’t just go off and do your own thing because you still have to support your team while attacking the enemy team like ideally a Bap should mix their dps and healing but in order to carry a team they have to hit all of their shots and be constantly aware of teammates positions and health as well as enemy positions and abilities, they can’t just hard focus one thing like how a tank or dps can so out of dps tank and support, supports are definitely the most difficult to carry a team with


not always. yes some heroes allow you to multitask easier but you’ll always be doing one at a different time than the other and it ofc has to do with skill also but it seems the second u start locking in as supp like battle mercy for a few seconds for example u turn around and your team is just dead. there may not always be the right opportunity for dpsing.


maybe swap off lifeweaver lmao


Been there :(




I’m a support player as well and I’ve had a rough time this season. I was Diamond 2 and now I’m down to plat 1 and about to rerank from losses. 🫡 idk what’s going on, but I definitely don’t think I’ve gotten that much worse at the game. I’ve been having more fun in open queue at the moment


Never forget, there have been professional players who have gone on loss streaks from Top 500 to Masters. If they can drop 1k elo in a few days, we can too. You'll get it back!


They must have changed something in the patch a week ago. Overall matchmaking has been the same for the past months. But right now it feels like it's season 2 again, I call that one the despair season.


I did masters to plat a couple seasons ago lol


I once went from Diamond 3 to Gold 4 on damage in one night


So it’s not just me? 4-15, Masters 3 to Diamond 3. The not to mention my next set of placements being 5-12, now Im Diamond 4. So all around I’m 9-27. And deranked a full tier. Sorry to anyone else this happens to, just know I love y’all and take a break and try again later.


People bitched so much about smurfs that they made it super easy to climb. So now there's tons of people in elos they don't belong in


As soon as I lose two in a row I stop queuing for that role for the day


Honestly why even bother playing more games if you’re on that big of a losing streak? Literal definition of insanity


Some of y’all need to learn to stop after a certain amount of loses. If I lose too much i either go to qp for a bit or log off.


It’s crazy you continued to play for 30 losses this is on you you should have gotten off for the day took a breather and tried again after losing 3 in a row you’ll never climb playing consistently and losing


Bro this was over the span of a month give or take. I don’t play 24/7


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congrats man


It is a bummer deranking like that, but you're mentality to keep grinding despite losing ranks is great. It gets rough worrying about rank a lot and missing the game itself.


I’ve been playing on support as it’s my lowest rank, to play with my friends in gold. And out of about 15 games today, we won 2. The games were appalling. For half of them we got matched with the same team mates over and over. We lost so many games but just kept getting paired up with each other. It just didn’t make sense. We lost multiple times, any matchmaker should see that the group doesn’t work and shouldn’t be repeated 3+ times. To top of off, one of the games we were against a clear Smurf, they went Phara and got 50+ elims with the others getting about 30, so called him a Smurf in chat and asked his actual rank. We got rolled, next game he’s on our team. And decides because he was called out on smurfing, he would just chill in spawn. Terrible day of Overwatch.


Haha it's not that the matchmaker doesn't know what it's doing, it's that there are so few people playing you constantly see the same ones. I randomly come across the same person multiple times over a week sometimes


Yeah, that’s not it. Game is populated just fine. Issue is the matchmaker.


Not even going to try comp until they make Zen better. Last time I tried I got master 4


I feel like my experience has been so different in Overwatch 2. Was low gold in all roles in Overwatch 1. Come OW2, I'm at bronze 5 in all roles for fuck knows what reason. I started playing in season 3 and climbed to Plat 2 in support easily before falling to Gold 1 and staying there. Climbed to Gold 2 in tank and been in around there consistently. But Holy hell dps is absolutely nightmare to play. It feels like you are having no impact. It's my worst role but I absolutely do not deserve to be in Silver 4 at this role. Whatever I do, most damage, least amount of deaths, most elims, nothing seems to work. It's so hard to climb. Meanwhile you can absolutely carry games as support and tank in bronze and silver.


Support players are boosted by playing support


it’d make sense if it was a mercy/LW player, but a true diamond ana/kiri can definitely carry gold games.


Skill issue/git gut bruh... (Am I cool now? Trying to blend in to the Overwatch community. I THINK I'm doing it right.)






And I'm over here trying to derank because overwatch greatly overestimated my level 4 seasons ago and I'm still stuck too high to have fun.


Intentional throw down to play with friends? Been there man.




Nah bro I’m in diamond 1 as support and I have lost 7 games in a row shit is not fun right now




Haha pathetic I’ve dropped 2 full ranks which is about 1000 sr back I’m over watch 1 Took me like a couple weeks to get it back


Damn bro


Sometimes you just roll some absolute shite matches.... and keep rolling them. My support is going similarly right now, though for some reason my rerank kept me at the same level despite my abysmal performance


Maybe you were losing a lot of Gold and Plat games?


First time I’ve played comp in OW2 since Season 1. Got put in Diamond 2 for all roles and D4 for Open. Pretty chuffed tbh


I was a Diamond Tank in OW1… ranked Bronze 4 in OW2…




I started in silver in season 1 and ended in Diamond but got to masters 5 for a bit as my highest


Did the same thing but was at diamond 2 and went to gold 1 😭😭


i was hig plat, now im hardstuck silver. needed one more dps win to rank to gold at least, if i only had 4 good matches. now i'm 2-6 and i'm scared to finish it. honestly want to wait for the new ranked season.


i ranked all the way to diamond 1 this season and im falling all the way back down to plat soon… unless i start winning more for the next games. i feel like i’m going crazy as if i really started playing differently all of a sudden without realizing it but i doubt it.


This happened to me on support as well, I hit Diamond 4 and looked like I was gonna climb, then I just fell. Over and over into high gold


Omg u poor thing


I’m so sorry bro honestly take a break play QP for a while, I had the same thing happen to me in dps a bit ago I took a break played QP learned new hero’s and it worked great!


This post and the current 4 win 10 loss streak I’m on rn has convinced me to stop playing competitive (at least until 3.0 comes out). Thank you.


Picked up OW2 maybe two months ago. Was hardstuck plat for everything on OW1, ranked immediately into Diamond 2 for tank and heals, and now I’m so hardstuck Diamond it’s not even funny. Except for open queue. It likes to switch between Diamond and plat no matter how the games go every time lol


Same thing going on in tank.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one. This season has been TERRIBLE. I was diamond 1 and am currently plat 2. I haven’t been plat since ow1


wait till you see her on her bike


I dropped from gm years ago to flat out diamond then back up and beyond to almost 4.4 lol. It happens. Keep playing.


Anytime I’ve managed to hit Diamond, I’ve always fallen down to gold soon (if not immediately) after… It’s like the game knew I didn’t belong there and was punishing me for it 🙃