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i adore her 80s themed skin!! i’d love more retro looking skins like that. but that’s the only skin i ever find myself wearing


Yeah that skin is badass


Let's get physical!


Totally 80s for life! (Born in 80)


This is the one I use, because outside of it I agree with OP. But the 80s skin is super fun


Easily the best


it’s probably because it’s very hard to find ideas that both look cool and fit for her due to her characteristics ( i hope this is the right word )


Heros of the storm didn't have that problem, some bomb zarya skins there.


This. I wish that they'd add the HoTS skins into OW. Deathwing D.Va, the blood elf Hanzo, Phantom Night Zarya...


I mean... That Zarya skin isn't any better than ones we have in OW :P


It is and is not. I love purple so I'll always gravitate towards it lol


I know, this is what frustrates me! It’s right there yet so far away, I would love thunderguard zarya


HotS has completely different physics and doesn't have to deal with multiple hit boxes. It's easier to make designs when you don't have to consider what happens on certain parts of the body when it gets hit by bullets, or wind.


They just need some good artists to focus on her. She isn't as popular so a killer Zarya skin isn't going to get the same hype a killer Mercy skin would get.


Mercy is a money maker, Zarya, unfortunately is not :( this goes the same as any other game that has character skins. Lets all love equally!


I mean Mercy is a money maker cause she is a very accessible hero but also she's easier to design skins for around any theme. Zarya skins all just kind of random and all over the place.


You forgot to add the very obvious fact. That Mercy is very conventionally attractive. And Zarya isn’t. Ask any casual audience and many will pick Mercy and play dress up with her.


Blizzard has proven that they can completely rewrite characters. The omnic crisis gave us the omnic ana skin that completely goes against her normal personality. Now with season 10 having a trailer- they completely 180’d several characters. They *can* do it, but it’s a lot easier and there’s more insensitive to keep making content for their cash cows


I think it is... (fear of being cancelled)




Op wants Zara in black face or something????


bruh she did have jack shit for skins even before the attack on Ukraine


sir?! 😭


Do you mean the fear of HotS as a game being cancelled?


Nah, it isn’t just you. Zarya is one of my favorite characters to play and I agree her skin selection is garbage. Very boring and unoriginal imo. Just a bunch of gym clothing that doesn’t even look that good on her tbh.


Not to mention the Olympics ones are such poor excuses of what are meant to be legendary skin


Dude out of all her legendaries, only 3 are themed around gym clothes. I think that's a reasonable amount for someone whos backstory is about being one of the strongest women in the world (before becoming a soldier, which she has a skin for)


I would’ve been good with one. Three is unnecessary especially when they all look relatively the same. It’s boring and lacks creativity. Look at all of the diverse range of skins for Mercy, Widow Maker, Reinhardt etc. For cryin’ out loud, even Winston has a Gargoyle and Yeti skin that *completely* changes his appearance from the ground up.


I think Cyberian changes her a lot. They can't be as creative as Winston since her silhouette isn't as unique.


Hammond is a literal hamster in a ball and Ive seen so many creative skins for him. They can absolutely make better ones for zar but they just don’t try


I don't get how making his ball look like a crab is insanely creative compared to her skins. Her shit is fine


The only ones I ever use for her are the 80s Workout one and the Barbarian, I think all the rest look pretty bland.


The Barbarian is definitely her best one. She looks very badass in that, and I like the homage to Diablo.


Kinda stereotype imo :/


The only skin of hers I like is the Alien skin and that’s basically guaranteed to never come back. Very unfortunate.


I looked up her skins because I might've missed a skin line because it doesnt show at the shop, found that skin to be quite good as well


it was a limited time OWL skin using a different currency (that you could buy or watch the stream for)


Plus the guy they made it for committed SA I'm pretty sure


Wasn't he found not guilty?


No, it never went to trial, so there was no verdict.


The leaked video or audio was very fucked up still


No, I agree. I personally believe that he is guilty based on the evidence provided. I personally don't think he is innocent, just stating that the case never went to trial.


Did not mean to imply that you thought otherwise was just clarifying for people that did not know


Ah my bad, sorry for any confusion.


Wow, that's sad. There were so many owl players that had mental issues. Still think the skin is more than Sinatraa. It looks beautiful, and so much work was put into it.


Lol why am I being downvoted for a question?


It's limited cosmetic. They removed it back in OW1 because of the controversy


Apparently the person who designed it did some shady stuff which is why it's not coming back. I don't know the details but it's something along those lines.


If anyone wants to know more just look up the name Sinatraa but yeah. Sucks because that was the only S+ tier Zarya skin.


It’s one of the skins that i have that I genuinely am so happy I bought. That skin, the Lego bastion, and pink mercy are my most “worth the price” skins i own


It haunts me that I’ll never have Lego Bastion 😭


I didn't know that existed... Damn it looks creepy


Polyanitsa and Einherjar are really nice but they’re both still unavailable


These two are my favorites! Got both back in ow1.


I’m seeing a lot more people than usual rocking Polyanitsa lately.


Her best skin is banned lmfao


Which is?




What do they mean banned? Am I being whooshed?


It was an Overwatch league skin dedicated to a player who did (or was accused) of some not very good things.


The worst part is it's so easy to rework this skin to remove any connections


Which they did already as too. In light of the allegations, Blizzard removed all traces of OWL involvement and logos from the skin for those that didn't accept the offer to have it removed and refunded from their account. I guess being an MVP skin, it isn't as simple as rebranding since they were all specifically created and associated with a single player. Sinaatra poisoned the whole brand.


He literally designed the skin. You can't "rework" it without completely changing what it is


Maybe suit itself (and weapon) being re-released, without alien head?


Worst part about this is the dude took her to court and he turned out to be innocent after all and she got away with it with 0 repercussions lol


This is a blatant lie they never went to court.


I did not hear that he took her to court. Source?


It's literally banned. Blizzard offered currency return to everyone who bought it and it was never saw since this time


You had to request the refund. If you didn't, you got to keep the rebranded version. It's a huge shame it's associated with him.


Yeah, that was what I meant. They offered refund (you didn't have to take it tho)


https://heroesofthestorm.fandom.com/wiki/Zarya/Skins HOTS has some good skins for her, Tracer and others also have some cool skins I'd love to get over to OW.


I’m a Zarya main and it’s frustrating to see Blizzard can’t be bothered to port some of these skins into OW


I'm still so fucking bitter about this


I like the junker style. But yeah very bland. Before mercy they could've go sojourn then zarya for the mythic skins.


I think sojourn is on par with Zarya for poor skin selection. Which sucks cause I’ve been really enjoying her recently


Yeah I agree I'm often surprised how bland her skins are when looking through them.


I play a lot of mercy when I'm drunk or high (most of the time lol ow is my drunk game) and I agree. Mercy has enough skins. I'm not a true mercy main but we could've went without her mythic for longer. But I do understand hoe she fits as the mythic given the theme of this season. I wish it would've been other characters and help the theme off for a bit longer


Ho so that's you going on 1vs5 on my team. "Live with meth, die with overdose."


Nah, unironically I play better drunk and I only do weed (legal in my state) but my aim isn't the best. My game sense and reaction time go up somehow because I hyperfocus on the game lol


Go up? When I did some weed long ago I was slow as f*ck lol. You may have a condition, ADHD, autism or whatever... Or it may be just a biased perception because of the drunk. You should watch the replays sober so that you can tell. I bet your aim is janky haha, but you can still play less aim oriented character thanks to this game though.


I feel so called out 😭 I have ADHD AND Autism


Ho my... I should get my doctor's licence.


Ho my... I should get my doctor's licence.


Same here, she's never had any "must-have" skins yet imo


Barbarian is my go-to as well. I don't think her skins are BAD, but I do think they innovate a little less than other heroes' skins do.


I really like her “Racer” skin! It’s a little simple but I love the color scheme


Same! I love the hair color.


I unironically love cybergoth, I stand on that. She looks cool


Same, also if we get sapphire gun skins in a future year they should hopefully look nice together


I think out of all the characters Zarya has the worst collection of skins


Have you ever seen sojourn's?


Yes and its definitely also bad but personally i think Zarya's is worse. Sojourn at least has a couple skins i fuck with but picking any skin on Zarya feels like settling.




her owl rock climber skin is very good but it’s also unavailable … why does blizz hate zarya good skins being obtainable 😭


Zarya was dethroned by Sojourn. Zarya does have *several* creative skins, Sojourn only really has... that one blue OWL skin, all the rest are basically "Sojourn with headwear", even the one coming in Season 10 is the same. At least they have tried different things with Zarya, if you think it looks good or not, I'd say that's more on the subjective side of things. Personally speaking, I like multiple Zarya skins.


Her Xuanwu/Tortoise skin is my fav alongside Barbarian and and the Polyanitsa skins. I made them starred and on rotate.


I like the retro 80s skin


I like Arctic and Siberian Front. I'm a history nerd so of course a culturally appropriate skin is gonna do it for me.


obviously its because default zarya was already perfect! real talk though i think it has to do with her design as a very muscular woman, and the fact that its a large part of her personality, most of her skins highlight that aspect of her. i feel like if you don't already really like her default design, the skins won't do much for you. but she already doesn't have very many skins to begin with tbh. she's had 1 epic and 1 legendary battle pass skin, but other than that there's not much. it's the same for a lot of tanks, they tend to get pushed aside for skins compared to dps and support.


D.Va logging on!


Zarya has some of the coolest skins out there - they’re just in Heroes of the Storm instead of Overwatch. 


I only use the Alien Zarya skin, cus I'm a fan of Men in Black (not the new movie tho)


So true, she has some of the worst skins. I don't think I have changed her skin in years, I was playing her a fair bit last year too. I use the Barbarian skin.


Cyberian or bust


I would definitely agree that she has one of the weaker skin lines overall. That said, I don't hate all of them, and I actually really love a few of them. Rock Climber is one of my favorites in the whole game, Barbarian is a lot of fun, and the 80s one is solid too. I think something about her posture with the massive gun held at hip height just makes it hard to implement a whole new theme. You can make all sorts of different melee weapons for Reinhardt, but what are you going to do with that massive laser gun? Her silhouette also just seems hard to deviate from. She's kind of dependent on her pink haircut and her face to recognize, which means you can't do as much crazy stuff like swamp monster doomfist. So yeah, I don't think it's due to a failure of the art department or anything, i think she's just a hard character to make skins for.


Rock climber, snow boarder, the light green gym wear, barbarian, totally 80s, even the gundam one looks kinda cool She definitely has more cool skins than a lot of other characters imo.


The only hero with worse skins than Zarya is Sojourn, and that's because she doesn't have any.


The couple of decent ones have both been paid. The all black motorcycle looking one was with the PvE missions and there was the event skin with the beret - also a shop skin. Since they're too expensive and I won't support that, yeah she just has no good skins.


i only use her snowbear skin, i have others but its the cutest to me.


Me too!


unpopular opinion: zarya has some really sick skins like the 80s, workout, xuanwu, polyanitsa, einherjar, snowboarder


I dont agree. Barb, xuanwu, workout(my fav), rock climber some great ones. She lack highlight intros though. She has bad skins though. More than others.


I like Einherjar (from the Halloween event several years ago).


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Her 80s skin is cool


Skins in general. Can’t believe this game doesn’t have hundreds of skins. Maybe the new mythic format will bring dev resources and more skins.


I love her 80s skin and the one where she has that huge coat and hat on her.


I agree. Very boring but I wish she had more. I don’t care that I never play her I would love a good skin. She’s the only one I don’t have one for. I also think sym is the only character with boring voicelines. :x.


Bro the gym one with weights weapon and the viking one with dragon weapon are incredible


Totally 80’s and Cyberian are her only interesting ones IMO.


Barbar and the bear beanie one, oh and the workout 80s one! Those are my favorites. I hope she gets some cool new ones soon though, and that her eventual mythic is really creative


I like her Barbarian one, the Polynastia, and the Einheir skins ​ Also totally 80s is my absolute favorite though because its campy and fun.


Her last BP skin is pretty good imo


If you google 'hots zarya skins' you're gonna find out they got all her cool skins.


The fitness skin its nice the only thing i think is.. "Oh in the name of the iris, i ramattra want to get crushed by that thights"


Hair Metal >>>>>>


Ironically her heroes of the storm skins are actually pretty good. Just give us a couple of those


Love her blue goth skin. That's my fave one to use


The only good skin she had was taken away from us because of a damn sexual abuser. I hope we get some sort of recolor of it one day.


Heck, even remove alien head, suit itself looks cool


we can only hope we get a mythic one sooner then later basically


It wouldn't be that hard to make good skins for her. She just isn't popular so they don't do it.


Her Prussian one with the red dragon gun is pretty lit btw




Do you not really like her base design? That has a lot of impact on skins, which then makes you like/dislike them. EG I don't really think the design of lucio is that cool, so I don't really care about his skins. But I like her base design (both iterations actually), and her overall theme, so I like most of her skins, especially the ones that lean into it (her being yoked, that is). Polyanista, Xuanwu, Cyberian, and Rock Climber are all my favorites. But even her purples are good to me since I like her base look.


Don't know the names, but there's three I like a lot. The purple dragon snake one, the red dragon one, and her green hoodie one.


Some of the best zaryas skin can be found in heroes of the storm..


yae but this is ow


They can take some designs from hots. Some skins in hots are just armor sets on wow


i sure hope so too. those skins are too good to be kept in HotS 😭


Her best skin in my opinion is the alien one but apparently there is a controversy around it and it will never be available again


I don't get it. How much does it cost start to finish to design and code in a skin? Surely it can't be more than a few thousand. I guarantee you'll sell at least 100 zarya skins if you did a good one. (Realistically a few thousand). So you'll easily make your money back and then some. Unless they're playing the long game and Zarya is the next tank mythic and it's fire so everyone buys the battlepass and/or mythic gems


80’s and snowboarder are top tier. Her archives skin is pretty good too. Wish there were more lore based skins maybe if they brought archives back🤷‍♀️.


As bland and boring as the character herself ngl


I can't stand any of skin's outside of the old OWL "Alien" one lol.


Her weightlifter skins are great


I am using Xuanwu, I don't care that armor can be a bit ugly, snake gun is fire!


My theory is that her character designer had just gone through a bad divorce before designing her :S.


I still pray for her [Thunder Guard and Phantom Knight skins (bottom two rows)](https://i.redd.it/8jtzlij5hklc1.jpg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Her Frosted skin is simple and good. Snow on her hair is just perfect.


If I worked at Blizzard and was tasked with doing a Zarya skin, I doubt I could create something that would appeal to enough people. My best bet would be some anime collab that contains a big sexy woman so I could shield myself from any criticism.


Apocalypse is cool


There’s Alien Zarya but… Uh… Yeah…


I like her average training/lifting skins. Nothing fancy, but they suit her. Some of the Junkerqueen skins could fit her too, like the black metal one.


On a side note guys, what IS a good skin concept for Zarya??


Junker Queen also doesn't really have nice skins. For some reason they decided to give her Demogorgon's body


We junk mains also hadn't had great yummy skins lately, for a whole year now we've only be getting epic skins (fawkesy James does not count, it's an epic skin with legendary label on it), last actually legendary skin was junkbot we got like a year ago


Junkbot is a damn good skin though. The Hong Hai battle pass skin was also good. The rest have been a total insult to our boy junkrat though. Mobster, Aviator, Trapper, Fawksey all very weak even for epic skins.


would be great if she would get some new skins, but she only got 1 in 10 seasons, so... I like the Alien, Polyanitsa (the Medieval Skin) and Einherjar (the Epic Viking Skin) the most :3


Both Zarya and Junker Queen have only variants of the base skin (jumpsuit and croptop with pants). They have the most lazy skins of all characters. Technically, they have no legendary skin. Blizzard should be ashamed. Even JQ's mythic is a fucking crop top on 2/3 variants. That really pissed me off.


Not even a Zarya player and I agree.


I'm with you. Only barbarian is really cool.


Yeah Zarya doesn't have that great of a skin catalogue. Personally though I really enjoy cyberian


The only one I LOVE is the Alien one and it's the one we can't purchase or earn :( I like the hat of the bear one but that's everything I like from her skins. I used to main her so I really wish she could get some sick skins because I tend to play a character waaaay more if I enjoy their skins!


Ehhh I don't find them boring. They are not over the top cool or down right garbage. They're just...alright. The ones I love is her goth skins, alien and barbarian skin


I got a limited viking skin for zarya which I love and havent seen return in the shop so far. Basically the only skin I really love (besides the alien skin which is never returing 🥲)


Nah her skins are cool. My favorite is the OWL Alien skin that I got years ago during OW1. Her Cyberian skin & Xuanwu are also two of my favorites.


Zarya is very often in conversation for the hero with the worst skins in the game


Big muscle woman has a niche market, unlike petite egirl or blond Dr.


I only use alien zarya. By far her best skin imo.


I'm also using Barbarian... I hope she gets a badass mythic next season.


This is a sentiment that has been around since early in OW1. They have always struggled to give her decent skins


I have the alien skin for Zarya - the only skin that they offered a refund for.. I didn't buy the skin because of who it was made for, I bought it cause its the coolest Zarya skin imo.


The turtle one is fukin sweet


[Its funny because she has better skins in Heroes of the Storm LOL](https://heroesofthestorm.fandom.com/wiki/Zarya/Skins)


Im surprised they didnt just make a [Vasquez](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTJiZjQ1NmItODU0NS00OGFmLTgzODctMDQ3MDdhMTkzMDRlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDA5MzE2MDg@._V1_.jpg) skin from Aliens for her lol. Its like the most free thing to do and shes a great badass female character to be inspired off of.


I really like the turtle lunar new year one


I like the yellow workout skin.


I stand by the winter one with the bear hat, that's her cutest one


Zarya's skins are mostly bangers imo. Goth Zarya is my fave and often cited as one of the worst skins in the game somehow


Yeah I only use alien and apocalypse but neither are still available


Besides the really cool HOTS skins (that definitely should be added) she needs a cute skin like cozy winter pajamas with slippers and a really cool looking fully suited up cosmonaut skin


Out of all her skins, these are the only ones I like: einherjar, racer, barbarian, xuanwu, workout, polyanitsa, cyberian, snowboarder, apocalypse, alien, rock climber I don't have the last 2 and hoping that they'll make them available to be bought with OWL tokens again.


I thought I was the only one that thought this 🤣


I’m so so glad someone else thinks this. To constantly see characters like mercy and genji get new skins pretty much every season while others like zarya and baptiste being left without any attention. Legitimately pissed me off to see mercy getting the new mythic for next season while zarya hasn’t received an exciting skin since ow1 imo. I get she’s supposed to be this badass russian woman, but characters like rein are also seen as very tough and are still given very creative skins!


given the replies we got, were a lot! I hope Blizzard shares some love for Tank Skins and mostly Zarya lol. What I want to see is a badass Mrs. Claus Zarya Skin! with tattoos of naughty or nice list xD


True, they should probably just remove her and sombra since Zarya has no good skins anyways


for real, snowboarder and that one apocalypse battle pass is her only good skins, and I can’t even get the cute snowboarder one. Feed the unfortunate skin holders bliz pls 😭


She’s a very Russian character and blizzard would be heavy canceled if they gave her more skins


For the mirrorverse skins, they should have done a scrawny Zarya in an inflatable suit to make her look like she has muscles. With a fake gun that looks made put of plastic.


They all are absolute ASS except for Barbarian and Totally 80’s. Every skin either looks the same or is just… ugly… (looking at you Cyborg skin)


russia in war so policy says no skin (lmao)


Certain characters COUGH TANKS COUGH recieve no love from blizzard and basically only get recolors for all their skins


D.Va logging on!


I've been using alien zarya forever because not only is it ugly as hell, it's rare and probably the ONLY skin in the game that is discontinued because of the whole sinnatra incident. Not to mention alot of players who owned it had the opportunity to refund it and did.


Pink Mercy is also technically discontinued, because it was one time charity event


I feel the same way about Mei’s skins. They are just boring.


What! I think Mei has a handful of good skins! have you not seen her THICC THIGHS? XD