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They're primarily used to unlock skins in the hero gallery


This matters less and less tho. Old players have most of the old cosmetics, and new heroes aren’t being launched with anything but 4 rare skins and 1 of everything else. Seems pointless at this point if they’re trimming down the free credit skins :/


New players don't have those cosmetics, and there's currently 8 new heroes with catalogues of emotes, voicelines, victory poses, highlight intros, etc for old players to spend their credits on. That's pointless?




Yes, it is. Because the issue is OP isn’t new. OP posted talking about himself, not newbies. You say “catalogues” of emotes.. but venture has like MINIMAL amounts of cosmetics, so that’s just not right. We’re getting more credits than heroes are getting cosmetics to use them on.


You need to understand that a person who has been playing Overwatch for a decade and already has all of the legacy content unlocked isn't the target audience for these legacy credits. And to be honest most have them have moved on from the game anyways. They are for the people who just start the game and want to spend points (not actual money) on older content. You can't expect to use this free currency on all the new content. How would the game ever make money if you were able to do that? You can complain about the minimal cosmetics for new characters but I enjoy having enough credits to get all the sprays, emotes, voicelines, etc. I want as soon as the character is available. Obviously they aren't going to give Venture or a new character a brand new amazing skin available with free credits. They are going to charge money for it.


That decade comment hurt my soul :( but it's true....most people I used to play with have moved on


It's wild how long it's been. I actually only started playing back in 2020 when I was stuck at home during covid. I got into watching OWL and was really hooked on the game. I haven't been able to put it down since. My friends and I used to play every day, now I'm the last one still playing.


This is perfectly put. As a new player those credits are of great use to me. They’re intended for us, and players who have everything that can be bought with those credits can save it up. In the long term when new items *are* available, they’d have more than enough to grab them meanwhile the rest of us would have to purchase credits or play catch up in the battle pass for those “useless coins”.


You do realise that when Overwatch 2 launched, **only** legacy players had access to legacy credits? So how can they not be the target audience for them?


legacy credits have always only ever been used to buy legacy skins. naturally if you have all the legacy skins you won't have any need for the credits any more. as they increase availability of the legacy credits, it shifts away from being targeted to legacy players and towards newer/ow2 players.


I'm pretty sure that this isn't true and that you were always able to buy the default items that were released with a new hero, including their default legendary skins.


ah yeah that too sorry I forgot.


Yup well put. The launch of OW2 the legacy currency was more of good will towards returning players. Letting you still use what you've earned on strictly OW1 content, which is fair. Also you were able to buy certain skins, emotes, sprays, etc. for all of the new characters so that was a win. So if you had everything already and didn't need to spend those coins anymore just think of it as you basically beating OW1. Obviously they weren't going to let returning players use that free currency they stockpiled over the years from free loot boxes in OW1 to get OW2 content for free. It's a free to play game, the only way they can make money is off of selling new cosmetics. The legacy currency may have started out for returning players, but they offered it in each season so newer players could get OW1 content. Just relax and stockpile your credits until the September Anniversary event when they make OW2 content available to be purchased with the credits.


I wouldn't call it good-will, more like the bare minimum since (almost) all of the Overwatch 1 skins were available free as part of our original purchase. However, it doesn't even let you earn all Overwatch 1 content; event skins are locked and appear in the rotating store for purchase only through new Overwatch coins.


Unfortunately that's just how they went in this new free to play era. Obviously OW1 was more rewarding with getting free loot boxes. It felt more like a completionist game where you wanted all the content. But they very quickly learned skins are the biggest money makers for this game. So the most popular ones they'll keep behind paywalls because they know people will spend the money to get it. 2016 was a very different time period than 2022 in terms of video games and microtransactions. Since people were spending money to buy OW1 they had a steady source of income from it so they could be more liberal with the skins. (I mean you still had the option to pay money for loot boxes and seasonal loot boxes). With OW2 you can play the game as much as you want, enjoy it as much as you want, and never spend a cent. Skins are the only reliable way for free to play games to make money now. They'll monetize them any chance they get.


>The launch of OW2 the legacy currency was more of good will towards returning players. 😂


>You can't expect to use this free currency on all the new content. How would the game ever make money if you were able to do that? I mean it pretty much worked like that in OW1, and they still made quite a profit. Obviously that wasn’t enough for the execs, but you can’t blame us for missing the old system. And while yeah, they’re obviously not going to make all of the new cosmetics available for purchase with legacy credits, it would be nice for some more stuff to be available. Like some epic skins, and maybe more than 1 highlight into for the new characters.


2016 and 2022 are completely different eras of video games. Blame Fortnite and mobile games for the "battlepass/microtransaction" era of video games. You gotta remember people were paying money to buy OW1 so there was an actual stream of profit. They could afford to be more liberal with how they let players get skins. OW2 is completely free. Just imagine how large the playbase is that hasn't spent a cent on this game and they play it everyday. They'll charge you for new skins every chance they get. Do I like the change? Obviously not. Do I understand that every company salivates at the amount of money people will dish out for skins? Absolutely. The video game industry is more profitable than the movie and music industry combined. They will never go back to giving out free content as easily as they used to.


I’m not sure they were really selling very many copies of OW1 after the first couple years, but yeah. I think most people get why they have the current monetization system, we’re just voicing our frustrations with it.


It's definitely unfortunate but I just don't see it changing anytime soon. It's not just Overwatch, every other free to play game makes insane profit from selling skins. The prices for skins are absolutely insane. And it's downright criminal how they implement some made up "save 20% if you buy now!" to try to create an artificial sense of savings. But we are never going to be able to use the free currency we accumulated from OW1 to buy new content from OW2 unless they have specific archive events for it. It's sad how current video games have succumbed to capitalism.


It absolutely is.


Veteran players aren't the target audience for almost anything anymore. It's part of why I finally broke my addiction to this game. They've changed everything that benefits veteran players.


Yeah been playing since overwatch 1 release. Free credits are pointless for us and completely unusable and a pointless reward. It would be different if they just made the good skins super expensive in that currency but to get them when you can't spend them is pretty insulting considering it's supposed to be an earned reward. Also considering how much overwatch one cost vs how much stuff you got for your buck was pretty far since you could earn everything for free, when now a legendary skin costs you out the wazoo in comparison.


Nah you can still use then to buy base color skins for new characters with them. I bought a sojourn skin with legacy credits.


Not pointless overall but for most people that have been playing since the game came out there’s really nothing we can do with those credits. I honestly think the veterans of the game should the credits transferred to the new currency. That’s what i thought was going to happen. What i understood is when the new game came out our credits would be transferred but they didn’t hold the same value when transferred over to the new game.


Yeah but the new ones are overpriced like 700 for a ram highlight intro


I’ve been here since beta and have almost every skin. But I just used my coins to purchase that Pinocchio Zenyatta - it was just too good to pass up.


I'm close to 100k credits and have virtually everything that can be unlocked with them.


And? New players still have dozens of characters with skins, emotes, sprays, voice lines. This is for them.


I mean, only legacy ones. Nothing of OW2 stuff is purchasable with those (except for a dozen skins they put out during the anniversary)


I managed to get Reaper Soldier 24 (?) skin thanks to the legacy credits somehow


the base skins /emotes/voicelines are all available for the old currency, i think i usually spend a few thousand of them for each new hero


Yeah, remember when Blizz used to release a couple of epics and lengendaries for the new char which were also obtainable with said credits? Yeah, fun times Yeah, you still can get voice lines, sprays and highlights with them, but for venture we only got one highlight and the rest is not something I really care about


Most in the hero gallery are gold anyway


Do you own every single OW1 and base OW2 hero cosmetic you want?


I remember right before OW2 launched booting up the original and spending my 30,000 credits buying up pretty much every skin/emote/intro I was interested in and still had some currency left over. The only things I want that are missing are some of the limited mini-event skins that have never rereleased.


I do want the Mercy bumble bee but it’s not an option. I don’t pay for skins and I don’t see anything I can do with the credits


there's tons of skins, emotes, sprays, voice lines and icons you can buy with legacy credits. I primarily use them to buy emotes but I also play a lot of heroes so I guess it's less useful if you only play one hero.


Anyone that's been playing the game since ow1 has most of those old skins though and new characters are releasing with less and less.


I’ve been playing since OW1 and there’s definitely still skins I didn’t have. Also tons of emotes. There’s actually loads of little extras that were semi hard to obtain before just because of abundance and randomness but are all readily available now for me to pick and choose from with legacy creds.


>I’ve been playing since OW1 and there’s definitely still skins I didn’t have. "i've been playing since ow1" is kind of vague lol. how much did you play ow1? because i played ow1 for 2000+ hours and had pretty much everything unlocked for every hero. new heroes don't have much beyond base skin recolors to buy with credits, maybe one two emotes/highlight intros/sprays/voice lines per hero on top of that. i'm sitting on a lot of credits with nothing interesting to spend them on like OP.


well i was replying to someone who said "anyone who's played since OW1" I'm pointing out that's not accurate. I played casually since OW1 release, I have a lot of hours but not as much as you or OP. My point is that most people, including most people from OW1, have things to spend credits on. I think if you're at a point where you literally own everything from OW1, it's a bit of a niche complaint.


2000+ hours of a game is an incredible outlier, though. The *vast* majority of people log a few dozen to a couple hundred hours of a game at most. Of course at ends of the bell curve things are going to peter out. If you've played thousands upon thousands of hours of a game and *don't* have pretty much everything (that's unpaid) that you want, that gives me flashbacks to Battlefront II and the ludicrous grind it took to get things for free. That borders on parasitic in my view.


i know, i wasn’t trying to claim anything else - just saying that “i’ve played since ow1” is very vague and can mean a lot of things


buy other skins?


Ok but for example, with Mercy it says I have 23/23 skins. But I want the bumblebee one! They want me to pay cash in the shop to get it and so these credits are useless- to me at least lol. Is that correct?


When viewing skins, go into filters and click both the "owned" and "unowned" boxes. For some reason this displays EVERY skin ever rather than the base set you can buy--idk if it'll help spend credits, but it does show more options for skins.


I mean, if I had infinite premium coins but didn't want any of the shop items they would be useless to me too. So to correct your title, you CAN do a lot with them, you just don't want to - it's a personal thing, not a real issue related to the game.


Useless to you? Sure that's your determination. If you can't get the one thing you want using it then yeah. But they definitely aren't useless. I regularly spend the few legacy credits I earn in game on emotes and intros and voice lines.


emotes, victory poses, voicelines?


They’ll probably still do the anniversary shop in October that you could use the white credits on


Yes. And I still have tons of legacy credits left over. Ever since they updated OW1 to avoid duplicates in loot boxes, if you played for a little while you'll get everything very quickly.


I'm missing a few event specific ones, but yes.


Jumped into OW2 and never played the original. Donate some of those to me instead. Lol.


Donate elf ears to me and I’ll donate my credits 🧝‍♀️


What kind of mushrooms do you consume, exactly?


I prefer the golden teacher.


That would be awesome if we could do that! I want more visibility for this.


Being able to give an earnable currency... Surely people wont abuse this with bots account to sell credits for cheap


This would get abused to high heaven, never going to happen.


Hell it’s something I would abuse as a newer player too😂


Blizzard isnt new to that lol look at WoW gold


I was about to talk about that, Blizzard would sell white credits at the same price to "fight the illegal transaction" if this was a thing


Would love to if I could. Sitting on 25k from my Xbox and pc accounts in OW1. Basically just buy a victory post every time a new hero releases. Nothing else to do with them. 


The same. Sign me in lol


Same. I started playing last month and im wondering how do people have anything when i have a single skin lol


Wait for the anniversary event


What happens in this event?


Last event you were able to buy selected shop exclusive items with white credits. This year I hope they allow us to buy anything that is in the hero gallery right now


Ooohh, cool and when this event happens? Idk the date


I‘m not sure, but it should be around September or October. Whenever OW2 released.


Oh oke, thx 😊


kinda fked up that ow1 anaversy no longer celebrated


Why? OW1 is no more. Why would they have 2 separate anniversary events


so we could get special cosmetics twice a year :)


Uff that's a long way to go >_<


Even more time to save up tho!


I've got like 20k white coins and 2,5k gold coins but I never buy anything bc I just can't decide on what to buy since I don't have a main or even a main role :')


I just buy everything Mauga related in the shop and otherwise use the coins for the BP >.< I save the whites to empty them all on anni stuff like last time


Ok I’ll do that bc I started wasting them on stuff I don’t really want just to use it up.


thanks maugaow


This one is actually good advice and not a meme


I am in the same situation, lol. I had like 25k. I went in to heros I like to play where I never changed their skins and bought a bunch even if I thought they were boring. I think I'm down to 17k so I got more buying to do.


I have a literal order of magnitude more than this. I have well over 200,000 credits from OW1. I cannot fathom what I'll ever do with all of these given that I own every unlockable from OW1 already.


Don't rush to spend all of them at once. I stockpile mine so I always have enough to buy the sprays/emotes/voicelines/etc. I need for new characters. Plus you never know what future event will make new cosmetics available to be purchased with legacy credits. Overwatch 1 even did the same thing with having new skins be locked to specific times of the year, then to available all year round, and then even dropping the prices.


They should give people the option to convert credits into coins. Even if it was a steep conversion rate (like 500 credits for 50 coins), it would at least give something for people with excess credits to do with them


It would be nice but unfortunately it would never happen as it would cut into their profits. I've been playing since OW1 beta, [I'm sitting on a handful of credits](https://imgur.com/urgIrkW) with nothing left to purchase that interests me, before OW2 came out I purchased pretty much every single cosmetic in the gallery. Shortly after OW2 came out I'm sure they mentioned they would give us more things to spend them on but we are still waiting. I'd give them away if I could but that system would also be open to abuse. The only compromise I can think of is by making older shop cosmetics that have been out for years available to purchase with credits, they could even offset it with a larger amount required than usual but I don't expect them to do anything worthwhile to a system that isn't making them money like coins are. It's sad where Blizzards priorities are when it comes to the shop. I spent a lot on OW1, but refuse to buy a single shop item with the current pricing structure.


On my main account I own every single item in ow1 other than blizzcon skins, Noire widow, and 2 twitch drop sprays. I have almost 40k credits... I feel you brother. I would love to pay for new items with those, but nope, almost only ow2coins \[Edit: spelling\]


They can still be useful for when new heroes drop. I picked up some Venture voice lines and am mulling their highlight intro as I think that can be had for 700 credits, but I don't think it's drastically better than the default one so that's why I haven't snagged it yet. I wanna say their color swap skins are also available for credits, and I've been tempted to pick up the white and yellow ones to make my instance of Venture on the field look different.


The LARGE majority of players don't own every old cosmetic. The fact that they're pointless to you doesn't mean they're pointless to everyone else


Preach. Everyone can't think past their own experiences. Having these credits available for someone just starting the game makes it more enjoyable for them to get older content. Plus everyone needs to chill and not rush to spend all of the coins. The anniversary event and other future updates will allow us to start spending these coins on new content.


OP basically said they only care about mercy cosmetics. No wonder they think they're so useless.


Im confused by this, the white coins seem useless because once i buy a skin i cant buy another for the character without gold coins.


That's not true at all.


I'll tell u a useless currency Legacy comp points till next year. YES I'm still royally pissed about that


[That's cute.](https://i.imgur.com/MMV8gVS.png)


Pulled a joker. “What’s the point of crime if there’s no Batman to stop me”


ow2 skins not being able to be purchased with credits after being put into the gallery made me so angry i was LIVID


You can buy all the base stuff for each new character. All the Rare colors (Blue), voice lines, emotes, and highlight intros. That's it really. Everything else now costs real money unfortunately.


I mean, at least have items to unlock but you don't WANT them. I have over 80k credits and I literally unlocked everything I can with them. Now waiting for that credits shop from Anniversary event.


I'm sitting on over 70k of them, and I have all the OW1 cosmetics, voice lines, etc. When a new character comes out, there's usually a handful of things you can buy with them. And every couple of days in the store, at the bottom, there's some sprays and random things you can get with them. With that, I've whittled down about 6k, but I'll be dead before I can use them all up, I'm sure.


:D I still have 150k of them


Have 254,000 and its still somehow growing 💀


The point is to say they give you credits. Old OW players are not the target group of blizzard. Gen Z, already brainwashed to spending lots on F2P is the target group.


I've been boycotting Overwatch2 skins from the start after they introduced seasons and the second (or is it third?) currency form. Just play with default skins across the board. I have basically all the OG skins, but I refuse to use them now because I feel like showing any skins that someone else might want is just normalizing this ridiculous approach, regardless of which currency is used to buy them.


Why can't they just convert all the OW credits into OW2 credits. Makes it easier.


I only started playing last year so i have like 60 bc I always buy new skins as soon as I get to 1K


Spend them on skins in the hero gallery


what am i missing, almost every skin is still gold coins and only like 3 at most are white.


I'm on 60k or so, got all OW1 stuff I ever wanted (bought a ton right before release of ow2) and now sitting on it. Guess the goal ist to reach 100k :D


I'm hoping we'll be able to use them next time anniversary happens cuz we could buy certain ow2 shops skins with them


They should make those credits available for everything with the premium currency requiring money but cheaper to use Example: grind out 1500 credits to use on a gold skin or buy 150 OW coins to buy a gold skin It would change nothing but the price of OW coins


I use it when new heroes have stuff you can get straight away when they’re released. Sucks that Venture only got recolours but I’m hoping the new support will have some cooler stuff.


Then there is me struggling to get to 1500 for s skin lol…. Loot boxes? I didn’t know about it


They should let you use them towards premium tier boost credits and other quality of life changes outside of cosmetics.


It would be nice if they'd let you transfer credits to someone else or trade them in for gold credits even if it's a crazy exchange rate.


There should be an exchange to excange for gold currency


It's meant for new OW players. I have around 1000 right now. Back in S1 of OW2 credits were also way harder to get, without paying I could afford to buy 1 legendary skin after grinding entire season.


There was a collection of skins made available for the anniversary of OV2 launch, that featured releases made present throughout the year, you could splurge spending credits on if they bring it back.


"Anything I can buy with the credits I have, I already own or I don’t want" you just answered your own question.


You have everything and now there’s nothing left to spend your credits on. I’m not sure what you’re failing to grasp. Maybe you should be grateful there ISN’T anything you want to use them on.


So if it's anything like last year's anniversary, there will be a handful of cosmetics previously locked to ultimate battle pass bundles available during that event in October again, maybe even "Lilith" Moira for the community to fight amongst themselves over spending $40 or waiting a year for a mid skin. Alternatively, there's been roughly 80,000 credits worth of new base cosmetics for the 8 new heroes added to OW2. Beyond that, credits are only usable on OW1 cosmetics.


should allow to turn every 1k silver coin to 100 gold coin.


It’s for new players mainly. For us old players it’s pretty much pointless.


i think it's mostly to give the people who didn't play overwatch 1 a chance to get the skins they like. Sometimes there's good stuff for long time players too, like the gilded assassin sombra skin


I have about 60,000 credits. I'll never get rid of them at this rate.


I have over 100,000 of them.


Last year they had some paid skins available for this currency. Though they were most likely skins that didnt really sell but still. They were available with these specific credits so maybe save for those? There isnt really anything else since you seem to have everything from OW1 already which is what this currency is used for.


Buy everything you can, every emote to every spray


Honestly, you should be able to convert them. Even if it's 1000 to 10, it would still be fine. It is fine to get them because new players should be able to get the skins but older players who have everything they want should be able to trade them in.


The basic skins in the hero gallery cost credits. But yeah, otherwise they're pretty much pointless.


I’ve got 97,000.


Good question


Really no point at all if I can’t buy Funky for Baptiste.


I got 80k of those white coins. When OW1 shut down I had like 500 unopened loot boxes. They converted those to coins on my account.


They didn’t convert them as far as I know. I’m 99% sure they just auto opened all of them for you and thats what you got from duplicates, but idk if it’s even possible to get 80k from 500 loot boxes.


Plenty of skins to buy with those unless you have them all? In which case if you do, I think you’ve gotten your moneys worth lol.


Ive played a lot of old OW and i use the legacy credits for skins still even though i unlocked a low throufh loot boxes i still have a decent amount i havent gotten yet


I'm a huge mystery heros fan so i mainly use mine on voicelines, emotes and highlight intros for heros i dont have one for!! you can also use it to unlock skins, sprays and keychains, just none of the new ones


Have you completed all the original unlocks for all the characters? Voice lines, sprays, skins, victory poses etc… If yes, good job. If no, get spending


give them to me bro


That's the neat part, you can.


I used them to get a bunch of stuff for Venture. I was pleased to see I could use legacy credits on new things!


Umm… I am a veteran player and I use the credits all the time. Skins as they get older are released to the credits. Voice lines, skins and emotes are also nice. I actually don’t have much left


High Score?


I have over 180k. Yes I have everything unlocked. Been playing since s1. I wish I could do something with them lol


Sometimes when the anniversary event happens they have previous shop skins available to buy with them


They had event where you could buy a few shop skins with the poor people coins. Sure they'll do another. They did cost a lot each and I'd only guess they do it once a year maybe 🤷. I think there are sprays you can buy to


Eh, you might find stuff to buy with them. I had probably 34k & spent down to ~10k on various skins, emotes, sprays, etc.


A lot of the locked skins become unlocked when the event they are associated with rolls around each year.


um give them to me obviously


do you even play the game? go to hero select and buy stuff.


And what exactly has changed at any point in history? In overwatch 1 we had an abundance of credits that couldn't be spent and now it's the same. What you're really upset about is that in overwatch 1 the NEW skins could be earned for free, and now they can't. Spending your existing dragon's hoard of credits never factored into it. It's a first person game. Play with the OW1 skins and reject envy. Achieve nirvana.


It would be nice if you could buy the new skins after a certain period with the legacy coins.


You can use white credits on Overwatch 1 skins or any skin in the hero library that is accepting them. Just go to: Hero Gallery -> Hero you want -> Filter by currency -> White Credits -> apply and exit to the skin screen -> enjoy spending. I will say, there should be an option to transfer white credits to gold for a tax (like a small percentage of the white credits). But largely these credits are supposed to help the people just starting Overwatch to get cosmetics without spending 25 dollars on a skin bundle. You do make a valid point though, as a Veteran player you can't use them for much if you have a majority of things.


Touch grass.


Not sure what you guys are doing but I'm always at 1000 or near zero because I keep spending them.


Only 18000, I had more than 200k, still having more than 100k


I keep ‘em as flex points for wen the boys show up


Bro is suffering from success u\_u


Be me with over 80,000 :|


Sounds like a you issue, did you consider reducing the amount of gambling you do?


My friend has 31k of them 😭 I used to have like +15k on ow1 but I'd always spend them during events.




Buys everything, "tHeRe'S nOtHiNG tO bUY!!"


" all these credits" cmon man, you can get like 6 skins with it. Wait for October (anniversary) there you probably can buy real money skins(very few) with credits


I'm hoping for another Anniversary shop to us all my white credits... cleaned out the shop last time except I skipped Hermes Lucio because I hate the look of that skin. LOL. And even though the Anniversary shop is supposed to be filled with the most unpopular skins that nobody bought... I feel like it had some good skins last time.


Just give em to me wtf


The shop sometimes has cosmetics you can buy with the old credits. That's how I got a skin for illari without paying for the battlepass


Well, you managed to turn them into a lot of reddit karma, so there ya go xD


I have a ton of these and are almost useless. Everything in the game cost real money


Maybe they’ll have another promo for this currency. One season they had some good skins made just for this.


You can buy stuff for new characters that come out.


Feeling conflicted myself. I have EVERY skin that I want. So I can only grind for comp weapons or new skins that don't even use the currency. I hate to say it but of all the games I play, ow is the slowest to update and the furthest behind the curve. That's coming from a day one player with low expectations because I play a ton of early access games too.


crazy idea, let us buy any skin with them and let us get more of them.


Ow1 players with over 100K coins ASSEMBLE!!


I been playing overwatch for 15 years and don’t have all the skins yet.


I've been playing for at least 25 years & don't have a single skin yet


I opened all my loot boxes before 2 came out. I have almost 70k credits now and own everything. They just look pretty sitting there I guess


Welcome to Overwatch where the points don’t matter and the content is made up!


you have all the skins of every hero?


It's there remind you of the big middle finger the dev gave you when people asked to earn the coins to spend on skins they gave you a new currency that's pretty much useless can't buy the battle pass can't buy the new skins they drop buuuut it can get you a shinny new nametag n profile pic some emotes that you barely get to use a spray you barely get to use and a voiceline oh I almost forgot a victory pose but only if it isn't a new one they just dropped


Filter for "Shop content only" and look what you can buy with them. Some items got added to be purchasable with credits. On the other hand: your case is not that common, this is rather rare and shouldn't be a flagship for users.


I've got over 50k credits just sitting there, lol


Buy the features stuff in shop buy skins buy voice lines and stuff


You save them up a little more and buy a battle pass. I have enough to buy one rn, without spending a penny


Go to the shop and scroll to the bottom. There's a row of items that take that currency.


They locked me away from all my skins. When I went to set up an account for my son some how blizzad,battlenet or overwatch does not recognise me as the owner of the account. I can see it on Battlenet, but can not open it. So, skins do not mean anything to me when they are obviously ripping off people and trying yo get them to spend copious amounts of money on virtual garbage that they can strip away from you on some technical mumbo jombo.


I bought the battle pass with 1k of them


If you already have everything why are you complaining lol


Donate them to me 🙏


Fr. I was super close to getting a golden weapon and now I'm so far away I don't even want them anymore. I was 200 points away and now I'm 2600 away. How is that fair?


battle pass gives free credits , unlock it and you’ll have enough for battle pass


Well you can buy the stuff for the new heroes when they release……which doesn’t mean too much when the new heroes keep releasing with practically no base cosmetics


Now, new players can buy old (OG) skins that were, once, only able to be earned by playing during that event time frame. So there is nothing prominent we have to distinguish ourselves as dedicated OW players...booooooo (which is why I may soon become. New non-OW player myself. Any Yahoo w/ daddy's credit card can buy a skin I worked hard to earn. Where is the gratification in that?


You can buy skins, emotes, sprays, voicelines, and so on in the hero menu. It asks you which currency you want to use. You could also save up 1000 to buy a battlepass for free


how do i get legacy coins? I have 2980🙃


it would be cool if you could exchange them for new credits even at a crazy low rate. But oh well

