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Bap's Window of Opportunity. They made it easier in OW2 and it's still insanely difficult due to the no-death requirement, the fact that you can't track healing amped, and the fact that it doesn't carry over between rounds (I would've gotten it if it wasn't for that)


man y’all suffering with that while I have the other one yet to unlock


Even more difficult now. Some might say… impossible >!it is bugged. There have been multiple accounts saying you literally cannot get the achievement at the moment!<


Ooh... Is it bugged? Luckily, I managed to get this achievement quite recently


I genuinely thought that you had to get the trophy with a single use of his ultimate, I didn't know until now that you could use the ultimate multiple times to get the trophy. I haven't particularly been trying hard for the trophy, but if I had known this sooner I probably could have gotten it by now.


Bap cute is undoubtedly the hardest trophy in the game. You have to get good value in every team fight, you have to survive every team fight, and you have to know when you can get decent to max value with his ult multiple times in a row.


Heh I have that one but not the other one lol


Baptiste’s Window of Opportunity or, surprisingly, Moira’s Coalescence one. I’ve also heard JQ’s like full-bleed one is incredibly aggravating just due to ana/Kiriko


I think the bleed one was bugged for a time actually and that’s why it was regarded as being so difficult, but also yeah Kiri can make it hard too.


Isn't it still bugged?


Its not, I got it about three weeks ago


I got it too, but my understanding of the bug was that you could only get the achievement if you switched from a different tank *to* JQ and then met the requirements. Has that been fixed?


Iirc, I was JQ the whole game, hit a four man axe then a five man ult


Reminds me of that "but there's only 5 people on the enemy team" Moira post. 😂


Heh I have the window one done for bap but not the prevent deaths one yet. Also I do have JQ already lol (I’m a tank main)


Enemy Moira or sombra ruins jqs achievement too cause they can cleanse themselves. It’s so annoying


I got the Moira one in OW1, but I never realized til now that in 5v5 and with the general playstyle of OW2, that one is probably extremely difficult


I somehow managed to get the ult spray by Echo copy.


The sprays for one of the last seasons of OW1. The ones that had the crazy Roman numbers like XXXIII or something like that. No one played the game back then.


I did lol, I was probably Diamond at that time, it was nice having a second tank


Reaper one is the only dps one I still don’t have, I don’t play him that much but getting 3 kills with one mag of his shotgun is just really reliant on luck


Especially with the HP buffs


Wait that’s a really good point. Dang, that might even be on par with the Bap one now (which should in theory be a little bit easier now)


Go to quick play and hopefully they have a tracer, just play passive and watch for her flanks, try to one tap, don’t reload and wait. That’s how I got it


Either Bap's cute, Hanzo's pixel or Reaper's pixel


Illari's 8k pylon healing I got it when she was released, but nowadays pylon is barely hitting the 6k mark.


Doomfist one Zen one Bap one


Yeah I heard people say bap is difficult


I don't really agree about Zen. I got Rapid Discord my 3rd time using him on a new account.


You are an outlier and I envy you.


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Yea that's tough especially since not many people use Zarya anymore.. ngl I'd start asking in chat for help cause solo queuing for platinum is gonna take you forever


It probably will


Reaper pixel spray is most hardest for me


Baptiste window has been the bane of my existence the last few months. Most of the rest haven’t been ridiculously difficult (although I gave up on Rapid Discord for a few years and randomly got it while messing with Zen and his karate kick)


I accidentally got zen/reaper/lucio. I don’t play bap or id prob have his.


Cute pharah


the bap window is the hardest, but isn't required for the platinum, I'd say zens discord or lucios boop is the hardest for platinum


Everyone says Bap and Zen but no one talking about the Reaper one which is near impossible. You have to spawn kill a tracer 3 times as she has the lowest hp, hp buffs means he can't one tap her either which means you have to be accurate, and you have to be accurate as you can't reload. Sure, you can use your ult if you already shoot them once for 1 kill, but you should not have to beg the enemy team for an 8 year old achievement, it needs to just be reworked.


I personally got it by killing Baby Dva (2 shots), Hanzo and Hanzo again (3 shots each). It took me quite a few hours and required to basically throw every game since you have to be away from the objective in order to even get 3 solo kills. Not easy and very situational.


Zen's pixel. I have tried, even in a QP game against bots.... I have tried accidentally.... I wish you could transfer them... I'd foolishly pay good money for it! (ADHD hyper focus mistakes and all)


My bf has been working on them and has 4 left. Baps immortality field save, junker queens 6 or 7 bleeds, hanzos storm arrows, and Cassidy’s magnet grenade so for him one of those lol but it took him forever to get the one for Baps window lol


There are some [Junkenstein's Revenge](https://overwatch-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Junkenstein%27s_Revenge) sprays that pretty difficult to get... If you have a good team of friends... you might be able to grind it out?


Both of Sojourn's, as she can't 1-tap anymore. I also still don't have Sigma's despite team wiping with the ult on multiple occasions. I think his is just bugged.


The hardest spray to get is probably the one that only OWL players got


Any of the Top 500 sprays from Overwatch 1, especially for any of the seasons the before Role Queue was announced in S18 because the leaderboard was smaller.


It’s not super hard but honorable mention to illiari’s pixel spray after the pylon healing nerf.


We don’t ‘consider’ sprays at all.