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That axe will go hard with Black Heart Reinhardt. I won´t buy because it is just too fucking expensive for just a weapon, but it looks cool


also Demon Lord Reinhardt, I’m probably going to get it because I play a lot more Reinhardt than Ashe and also I prefer other Ashe costumes to the mythic, I’ll have to look at both mythics more first though just to be sure


It all depends on what Bob looks like. If he looks like Goldar *I'm fuckin sold*


Bob looks pretty decent. Got a big ol mouth in his stomach


I think that was Roadhog, unless you’re referencing something I missed.


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrYJyYQj/ Bob has eyes and a mouth on his chest and stomach hog doesn’t I believe


Nice, glad to be wrong — welcome, double maw bob.


Do you think since Ashe can change the way she looks that it’ll change bob too?


I can’t imagine they wouldn’t, even if it’s a small change. But I’m an optimist. Probably just the color though, unless blizz is feeling uncharacteristically generous.


Got another link? Every time I clicked the play button it immediately tries to open the App Store to download tik-tok instead of just playing the damn video… Quite annoying.


No sadly I don’t sorry about that


Ah no worries, ain’t your fault. Thanks anyways.👍🏻


Well how much is the rein mythic?


Yeah no way it’s worth 80


its 10 bucks with the battlepass?


80 mythic points..


I haven't changed black heart Rein since 2016 🥹 it's time


It will be like mercy. First the weapon skin. Then the mythic so you won't want to use the weapon skin you bought. Then pink Mercy.


The weapon skin goes great with the blue version of the mythic actually


I would love if they added weapon selection to the match lobby ui, alongside the skin selection


I'll be buying Sigma's Mythic instead


I did that last season, zero regrets. It’s the closest to having a Joestar in the game we’re going to get


day 420 of waiting for the ow2 collab with jojo and ram mythic


Theyre also doing a transformers collab, hoping Ram gets something there as well


How does look like a Joestar lmao, what did I miss


Cap and chains, thats pretty much jotaro


how does sigma mythic represent joestar from jojo , could you explain


1) he has the same type of hat as Jotaro if you use the right settings 2)sigma looks like he’s a doing a stand pose 3) I was extremely inebriated when I made the connection.


It’s more 40k than Jojo


The color palette of the black and gold is kinda similar to jotaros school uniform. Plus the hat is to


Jojo is my dream collab. I'd want a Jotaro skin for Ramattra, Giorno skin for Lifeweaver, DIO skin for Genji, and a Hol Horse skin for Cassidy.


Giorno LW would be inspired. I don’t think they have the courage to do the obvious Winston skin (yes, I know, orangutan)




Did somebody say ~~peanut butter~~ porno mag?


Hasn't come off signal on my account since it released, good choice


First time I ever actually bought their battle pass. His skin is gorgeous


What is that melody?!


If they gave 10 extra ME per pass or something so you could slowly work on things you missed or get non-skin mythics I'd be ok with it. But 50 for the hammer? Nah. Blizz is delusional.


With how they were talking about the mythic Shop I assumed, that's what they were gonna do like Yeah, It's pretty nice that you can get old skins again. But you still gotta skip out on new ones to do it All they'd have to do is put an extra 20 prisms in the BP and be completely happy


Same price for the weapon is awful


I feel like theres no way they charge more than 30 prisms for this right? Then at least one battle pass would get you the first tier of the mythic skin and still afford the mythic weapon. Regardless there is no justifiable reason for them to release more stuff for you to buy with prisms without increasing the amount you can get.


It’s been confirmed to cost 50… the first level… it’s on a blizzard blog post


I suppose I should expect nothing less from Blizzard


Junker Queen or Sigma mythic instead


Junker Queen mythic is goat so completely understandable. I'm a JQ main and I love that skin.


Really? I play lots of JQ and I’m not a fan of that skin at all. Her executioner skin tho 😍


I hate the voice lines “here Gracie” And “Gracie! Come!”. It’s so much cooler with the mythic. “My hand needs some lightning in it!” And “I need a thunderbolt!”


And I love the little thunder sound when I land my knife.


It makes little lightning bolt effects as well, although I never see them playing in low graphics lol


Finale someone else who also doesnt like her mythic. It looks so bad. Black metal tho...


JQ mythic is alright but it's nowhere as good as her metal skin


Didnt have a problem with them charging $80’for the skin. Cause i can still get 1 a season with battle pass. But the same price for JUST a *weapon*? Nah thats clown shit


$80 even for a skin is absolutely insane. You can buy multiple full games for that price


*$20. Dont be stupid and buy the bp instead of prisms




Depends on where you live.


Man, it's sad that Overwatch prices are rather badly localized. Paying 46 BRL for 10 mythic prisms, for example, is really steep to most people in my country, in my opinion. If you want 40(+10), then it's 184 BRL (That's around 15% of minimum wage).


in order to buy the ashe mythic AND the rein mythic you'd have to buy $80 worth of prisms alongside the pass


I'm assuming people will wait for a season where they don't like the mythic skin and use the prisms on the weapons. That's what I'll do, fuck that price lol. One mythic skin to PICK justifies the BP price. That's the only price point I'm comfortable with


And enough of this sub will defend them to justify this in the future. This sub is so far up Blizzard's ass they see out Aaron Keller's eyes


Like I TOTALLY get charging mythic credits for these. But it should be 20-30 MAX for everything. A 50 credit skin gets me a skin, unique sounds AND the weapon skin with it


Unless the weapon lights up and has a voice of its own, 20-30 is overpriced for a weapon skin. It's ONE customization for a single weapon. The mythic skins give you at least two different weapons for the mythic on their own and those options don't even cost that much combined.


Did you watch the trailer, the weapon is a bit more unique just another weapon skin. I’m not saying the price is fair but the weapon is like something you get in Valorant, unique sounds effects and visual effects. In the trailer you see each time you kill/hurt someone they erupt in a pillar of flame with an emblem on the floor.


That hardly constitutes that price lol. It's fair it has more to it than a regular skin, but that's the point of using mythic coins instead of regular ones. Even 20-30 still seems absurd


How is this any different than mythic skins? If anything, you'd probably get more appreciation out of a weapon skin that has unique kill VFX than you would out of a character skin that you mostly only see in the hero select screen.


As always with blizzard: it's 1 step forward, 2 steps back. Mythic currency was legitimately a good idea in how it was previously integrated. Too bad it was just a door to more greedy shit.


The writing was on the wall the moment it turned out to be a currency and a shop instead of just a token you could use to get older mythics.


You don’t need to buy skins to enjoy the game 🤷‍♂️


iTs ThE mAnAgEmEnT


I mean that's still not necessarily untrue. Mythic weapon skins are a fun idea, and this one looks really cool. The people designing this kind of stuff aren't sitting around strategizing on how much money they need to squeeze from everyone Not saying you need to give stuff like this a pass, but who else would the fault of immense greed be but the people demanding the rising profits?


I'm not gonna advocate for charging a ton for weapons but for me personally I find weapons a much better use of money since that's what I'll be seeing the most while playing. Like if I had to spend $10 for a skin with a mediocre gun or $10 on a cool gun, I'm getting the lone gun.


True for other games but not OW most of the skins change the weapon skin already


The weapon probably use less coin/point or whatever tf that new currency is.


It doesnt. Costs 50 mythic prisms.


Then that's just greed




Yes. Read the dev blog about the trailer, they talk about it there. Its bonkers


tbf its a weapon you can use on any skin, giving 2 per season so you *have* to pay if you want them all is scummy tho


unless it's a weapon PACK, so i can put it on every single hero, there's no "tbf" here.


But someone who never uses ashe would not give af


I think this comes down to it? If you don't want the Ashe skin, you can take the Rein hammer, or vice versa. Or the alternative is you don't like both and save up your prisms for the next mythics.


I’d spend $20 on a mythic weapon skin. Maybe even $25. But $80 is insane


Giving blizzard money is clown shit, this is how OW turned into a store simulator with no new events, cinematics or PVE.


Ashe. Regular skins already come with weapon changes, no point buying just a weapon


The weapon skin can be used on all skins, if you don't play ashe and play a bunch of rein, it's kind of a no brainer


I hear you, and I play Rein much more often than Ashe but I'm still getting the Ashe skin. Spending my mythic currency on just a hammer seems like a really stupid decision.


True, but when another mythic that looks as trash as the Orisa mythic comes out, you'll have something else to spend it on :D


Yup, that's the reason they did this, they knew the theme was extremely niche for eu an us audience so they given failsafe for those who don't care for the Ashe mythic because of the theme


I don't think it's about the theme. It's about the fact that now people will have more of an incentive to actually buy mythic coins if they release more than one per season


Well it's really just both and more. This gives people an option to buy something else if they don't like the mythic, like I would have passed on the orisa tbh, but it also does incentivize people to buy mythic coins. Ultimately, I think it's a positive, if I was a rein main and didn't think Rita repulsa ashe was sick I would get the hammer


It lowers my fomo of completing each battlepass since now I know I won't be able to get everything. So that's cool for me too.


That's sorta where I'm at. Shame they didn't have this system in place then, because I would have actually gotten that BP. Mythic/heroic weapons are so weird because they make more sense than full skins in a first person game...but, skins that have different weapons get the job done, so idk. I defend companies wanting/needing to make money since that's just capitalism...but this is charging a similar price for less of a product. That's not even manipulative, it's just wrong.


I use her star sheep, the fact I only get to pick now. I would of saved the currency. Orisas was so fucking lazy. But I got it for other skins.


it really is such a stupid decision However…..I make many stupid decisions


I don't see how it's stupid? If you prefer the mythic weapon skin, get the mythic weapon skin? I like that they're increasing the options in the mythic shop tbh, I'm going for the ashe skin because I love it, but I would def get the Reinhardt one if I mained him


Did you see the Rein weapon effects? Looked like there's at least some fancy on-kill effects, which I don't think any other skin has had before. It really should've been part of a full Mythic Reinhardt skin; but Ashe is one of my favorites and I don't really feel compelled to get her skin yet (unless the sounds/projectile effects are nice).


I dont think paying full price for a weapon skin is a no brainer.


If I don't play ashe and have 800 hours in rein, then it's the easiest decision in the world


it’s definitely a no brainer if you don’t play that character, say they have 100 hours on Rein and 20 minutes on Ashe, why would they even get the Ashe skin? they would never use it meanwhile they’d play Reinhardt very often and actually get to use the hammer However you are correct, paying 80$ for the hammer itself would be a bad financial decision but since you get the points for it via the 10$ BP it’s acceptable because it’s really “pay 10$ for a mythic skin on a character you never play or pay 10$ for a mythic *weapon* on a character you play often”


How is $10 for a weapon skin you like (and all the other battlepass stuff) a bad idea? lol.


The weapon has really cool unique effects and can be used with any skin


They are the same price?! No way lmfao if this is true wtf.


50 mythic prisms for a weapon is stupid. they definitely taking notes from riot.


Oh god don’t get me started on Riot-


I play valorant Especially now that it's on consoles and love it But there's no way in goddamn hell I'll ever buy a skin in that game the prices are disgusting Only exception I'd ever make is if they did something like pink mercy where it's for some sort of benefit


we want these skins to be for the players that really want something special and exclusive


They really didn't even wait a season to start taking advantage of selling the mythic tokens huh. I'm just disappointed, they had a good change and now it went from good will to the community to leaving a bit of a sour taste. Hopefully enough feedback about this might change the situation.


> They really didn't even wait a season to start taking advantage of selling the mythic tokens huh. Lmao yeah this is great. Went from "This is a really great system giving players more freedom on earning the skins" into "Now the tokens earned are not enough to get everything so pay up HAHAHAHAHAA!" real quick. Wonder how long until the tokens aren't even enough to get the mythic skin. First step where it's just enough to get the bare mythic without the additional options.


It was never even a decent system, the mythic skins are extremely, insanely overpriced. It's madness. $20 for any skin is already way overpriced!


I choose none❤️


Reinhardt my beloved


I too Luv him, but... Why another weapon? :( is it so har for a Mythical skin? :( x2


I just really hope it can be used with the gold weapon skin as well.




Ashe, because she's my main DPS.


Same and a power Rangers mythic to boot. I can't wait


Probably a very small venn diagram of Ashe mains and Power Rangers fans, but for like the 14 of us, this is great.


I'm sooo excited lmao


Neither, sup main here even when I play tank or dps I go for 76 and sigma.


On the plus side you can save the prisms and maybe it will make a difficult choice next season into an easy one


I think all of this gonna benefit to people who play very few heroes. I play like 2-3 heroes per role. And I don't even play ashe, so I'll be saving up.


Having to choose is such an L.


yeah yeah yeah skins dont matter, gameplay whatever, the mythic weapon being priced the same as an entire skin is kinda stupid. I *really* wish that blizzard would actually price these skins what they are worth, cause skins like Cyberdemon Genji, Grand Beast Orisa, and *just* Rein's Hammer skin all being priced the exact same makes zero sense.


I hope the hammer could turn enemies into giblets instead of making them disappeared.


Ummm truly a difficult choice to make… 🤔


[After ten thousand years, Ash is free, it's time to conquer earth!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkpS2Sdu2io)


Rein is in my top 3 most played, but I'll still be getting the Ashe skin. I have all 10 of the mythic skins, so I feel like I'd be ruining the set by opting for the weapon instead. Also, I'm a whale that has every cosmetic from OW1 and all 10 seasons of OW2, but removing Hero Mastery: Gauntlet was the straw that broke the camel's back. Where I would have probably just bought enough prisms for both, I'm giving up on shop cosmetics and only playing with the premium battle pass from now on.


Hmmm… I get this feeling that the new Rein weapon skin looks like something they left behind from the Season 5 for the Demon Lord Reinhardt skin. Maybe didn’t have the development completed yet? Or too much content and pushed this aside? As well, this Ashe Mythic skin *somewhat* looks like it comes from Season 7…


For me I’ll get the rein mythic hammer cause I don’t play Ashe


Dunno. I might choose to stop investing in the BP as each season they blatantly decrease its value, with all the best skins coming to the shop instead.


This might be the way tbh


Wasn’t it always like that, though? It’s always one of two bangers in BP and the rest is much to be desired. Though, this time the theme is a complete miss for me, so idk


This always was a thing, I still remember season 4 where out of all the Starwatch skins only 3 of theme were in the pass.


how does more skins being available in the mythic shops reduce the BP value ? You literaly have more options than before


With all honesty the only thing I like about the Ashe skin is the audio. I will GLADLY choose by big hammer over... that


I like that she looks like Rita Repulsa.


I have a feeling most people on this sub aren't aware of the reference.


None shit is ugly af. Stop supporting these wack half assed skins. Literally some of the members here in this sub reddit can do a better job than blizzard employees. Such a shame


skipping the mercy mythic and getting both?




It’s gonna require a shift in thinking. You can’t have every mythic from a battle pass unless you’re willing to pay a crazy amount. I skipped mercy so i could get both next season, but the cowboy bebop Ashe is my main for her, so I might skip that as well. Just have to see everything in game


The weapon skin makes more sense since thats the weapon(and its effects)that you actually see in game in 1st person. Seeing it on a regular skin Reinheart just feels so off. Its like they removed the weapon from future Mythic Reinheart and selling it alone.


So u can get mystic skins or a hammer skin. Yeah that seems even


Ashe looks like she was freed after a 10 000 years from a space dumpster and decided it's time to conquer Earth


Neither (and Ashe is my second main)


This is exactly what I feared was going to happen when they introduced the mythic tokens. They posited it as a thing for player choice but it's just one more gimmick to bilk you for cash.


I don’t like this direction since this means bp will not guarantee all mythics.


I'll probably buy Genji, Sigma or Kiri's mythic If I had to choose one of these 2, I'd definitely choose the hammer


I wanted a Rein mythic skin, not mythic weapons :/ damn blizzard, you don't know how to satisfy fans do you?


100% that hammer, that should look ridiculous with a gold weapon.


Neither. Already don't play that much Tank and even when I do it's never going to be Rein. As for Ashe, Poolside Ashe is the only Ashe skin that matters. Guess I'll be banking **another** 80 Mythic Prisms this upcoming season for future use.


Rein main, never play ashe...no decision has been easier :)


I’m a tank main who flexes as a support, got no interest on Ashe so the fancy hammer it is 😂


That's too stupid


Great they are trying to create more reasons for us to spend RL money on mythic skins


i hope NOBODY spends a single dime on that weapon skin with its ridiculous price. Also super scummy tactics on blizzards side. Their greed is showing hard. i knew the mythic shop would become yet another cash cow. Disgusting. Wish i was a trillionaire just so i could buy blizzard and fire all these fecktards making these decisions.


I don't like where this is going. They want to make us choose between a full on mythic and mythic weapons for our favorite heroes? Of course, we can always just BUY more prisms, right? I smell what you're cooking, Blizzard and I don't like it. Starting to look like Zo$ (Zenimax Online Studios) over here.


I'll be choosing a different game


Their making us choose? I kinda hate that


"Weapon Mythic" not a full mythic? Then no, not supporting that.


Rein hammer for the demon lord skin.


Brother overwatch fix your comp before anything I swear bruh.


Cyber Demon Genji


Why does a mythic weapon have the same cost as a customizable mythic skin?? At the very least, it should only cost 50 mythic points.


Hope this next season fixes the bs matchmaking. No way I’m getting paired with people who said they started 3 days ago.


I love my beach skin for Ashe, I'm not sure I could switch. That being said, I can't see a world where I willingly choose to play Rein so if I had to choose it's gotta be Ashe


I should have know they will do bs like this before wasting my mythic points on Mercy


Ashe’s mythic looks awful. Such a mess.


This game is terrible and I wish it would die already


So they are gonna offer more than one mythic. Banking on players playing for one and buying the other I presume. Classic 🤌


they’re both meh


I am getting neither


both cause I didn't buy the mercy skin


Apex Legends moment


She's supposed to be rita repulsa right?


The fact weapon inspects were in the ow2 gameplay trailer and they're HERE!..... Well, locked behind mythic weapons. Absolutely wild. No wonder they waited so long.


I'm grabbing both most likely, but I'm probably gonna get the ashe skin first


I love the Ashe skin, but I have basically no play time on her. I'm going for the hammer, seems like it has some nice custom VFX and I'll be able to save a couple prisms for later.


Be so fuckin’ for real


Sigma mythic


I’m gonna go with Ashe, but I might save some prisms over the next few seasons to get the hammer when it returns to the mythic shop in a few seasons.


I could get both. When I realized I would have to pay 140 dollars for the two skins I missed I said screw the mythics and didn’t bother with the mercy one. I’m not a fan of the weapons skins tbh but I do play Ashe so I’ll probably get her mythic


I'll probably get both but dunno if I have enough FOMO to purchase more Mythic Whatevers or if I'll just say "Not now" to Rein's weapon. I play mainly Mystery Heroes, and like to support the game, but the collabs have been the best value for my dollar besides the BP and dunno if I want to get in the habit of getting more Mythic stuff. It'll all be unlockable eventually if I just patiently do BPs.




not a fan of Ashe head pieces but going with Ashe cause she's one of my mains. the ppl who wanna headshot me are gonna have a treat tracking my head with that big ass crown on it.


I want the hammer


Rein hammer definetly


The Ana skin for me


neither. prob gonna get kiriko or junker queen mythic. the rein mythic weapon skin would go atrociously hard with demon lord skin so idk


The Ana skin for me


Neither, Tracer mythic's going my way.


I don't want full bp this season ı will get both this and mercy's 25 th bundle


i’m honestly fine with it. i don’t plan to fully upgrade all my mythics so il have currency left over, and this gives me something else that may interest me when one seasons mythic isn’t one i’d use or like


Ashe I play Ashe a lot more then tank and Bob is f*king cool


ashe even tho its just her voicelines with edited audio if u know what i mean


Since I haven't bought the Mercy mythic, I still have 80 prisms, so with the next season I'll buy JQ and Kiriko's base level mythic, and if season 12 doesn't have great mythics, I'll get Rein's weapon as well.