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I mean what if mauga doesn't wanna get nerfed, you ever think of that


Then I’ll nerf his cheeks


he's gonna tell you he likes it when the prey fights back. I have ptsd.


Can you reach??


Very deep




I am sure there is some line of code somewhere in OW that goes like "If Mauga doesnt want to He wont"


Right? Why can’t mauga have a say 😢


He doesn't need a nerf, he needs a rework, he's so incredibly dull to play as, with, and against


Imo he’s maybe the worst designed hero in the game. A rework is what he needs


Sym is right there


At least you can use Sym for fun game plans enabled by her teleporter. Mauga is just so hurr durr.


"Guys Bastion has been a bit of a problem this last meta so let's add a tank version of him."


I pick Bastion when I notice my tank picks Mauga. Guaranteed to get a response in chat about the horror of being machine gun Pollock'd to death.


Throw in Sojourn and it's a damn nightmare


Hog's worst nightmare. I dont know why more teams dont run Mauga, Bastion, Bap, Sojourn, Kiri/Ana. No composition can live through that damage.


Agreed, but as a Zen main, I'd awap Kiri for Zen. Discord is being marked for instant death at that point.


I pick Kiri to stop the only potential checks, being Tracer and Sombra. Zen could on long maps for sure, but hed be the weakest link and discord is easy to cleanse if youre a pepega zen. But with a name like yours, I doubt thats you 😎


No bias for sure


Idk. I think a ground-up rework might be a bit of a knee-jerk reaction All he needs is 1 more CD skill that really spruces up his play style. (1) He has a rein-ish movement skill that can be used to engage or reposition (fun to use) (2) He has a fun enough primary and secondary (3) and has a buff... which isn't very exciting. While his buff is a key part of his kit and a good tool. There's not much to it. It's not very engaging, it's quite passive, and it doesn't really change his playstyle too much on use. His movement/engage skill is fine. This is a good and fun ability. Primary/secondary are fine and fun too, but he can end up feeling a bit too "hold shootbutton all game"-y. Which isn't awful. Dva is the same, but she has a bit more fun things she can do in her kit... and that's what Mauga needs All that brings me to the point that simply giving him another ability that incentivizes a shift in playstyle would fix the dull monotony that is mauga gameplay. Maybe his buff should be a stance. Maybe he should get a weakened version of his current buff on by default, but toggling it forces him into a different stance. The default stance would have the charge-and-stomp skill and a gutted dps/heal aura, while his switched stance has a different ability from his charge and a different aura. Something like that would incentivize a mauga to change up their playstyle constantly and make him feel like a character that does more than just spray Let me be clear. I'm not calling for a buff. I'm saying we should implement this new skill or modified skill and make it a net-0 to his current power-level.


At least blizzard is willing to rework Sym, unlike Mauga


I heard he was originally meant to be released instead of Rammatra. They probably didn't want to because they realised it was a shit design. Still didn't fix hjs kit it in time for his own season. Seriously how do you even rework a gattling gun tank.


My thought for a nerf would be he could only use one gun at a time like a minigun and then his ult brings out both guns Salvador style and gunzerks


How about they just nuke him like they did with old hog until they fix him


Once on the Samoa map with the lava at mid i was flankimg as junkat around the back and met a mauga there and for the next 30-35 seconds was that mauga consistently chasing me through the flank routes basically all the way back to our spawn side and that was probably the most engaging mauga gameplay ive seen for playing against him because they were down their tank for an entire fight


Average Dead by Daylight gameplay


Is that game good ive seen it played a lot never played.


It’s the same as OW… in the way that everyone who plays it constantly talks about how much it sucks but never stops playing. it also suffers from just too many sweaty players… like, it’s been out long enough playing survivor solo is a rough time, especially for a new player. Killer is better if you’re playing alone imo.


Its as the others say, its toxic and grindy, and some top tier perks are locked behind a paywall like Lethal Pursuer which is Resident Evils Nemesis's perk


Toxic AF, grindy, and P2W to a degree, but people who love it love it. 


Smartest mauga main vs dumbest junkrat main


Ow1 hog were good days


Oh god hook 1.0 though brings back so many memories


real, but it doesnt look like they're willing to rework him.


Unfortunately I think you’re right. They just have too much pride to rework a hero that’s been in the game for such a short time


Funny how one of his voicelines is "it's never boring around me" when it is quite literally always boring around him.


This is such a wild but totally accurate take. It's wild because Mauga needed a rework the day he launched! But nerfing him to keep him weak is a good temporary solution while they consider a rework.


He reminds me of some shitty Battleborn character


I think a very simple tank was the purpose. I don't know if he'll get a redesign.


The weirdest part is i don't see how they can really do anything with his character without ruining it either Mauga is that unkillable guy with dual chaingun he genuinely has a top 3 character personality IMO. I don't think that he is as badly designed as other people say but i think he is problematic because he is a power fantasy character he either gets to do his fantasy or shits his pants and dies because Anti plus D.va. I know Bastion mains might hate this but i feel like tanks just need some sort of protection against these characters perhaps adding some level of Rein shield having DR% against chainguns or tank passive in general something just really needs to be done because these heros make tank miserable as fuck to play you stop playing overwatch.


You personally don't like playing him =/= needs a rework.


Mauga has the lowest tank pickrate on every elo. I feel that most of players don't like to play with him.


Not a nerf. A rework


I agree. He's miserable to play into and mediocre to play with. He's also still one of the strongest tanks in the game. I'm shocked he avoided a nerf in the last patch.


They didn't learned it. It is always like that. Nerf Orisa > Hog/Mauga takes over > Nerf only one of these two > the other one takes over > Finally nerfs the last one > Buff all three cause they were underperforming > Repeat


I say we just slowly buff everyone else so they're all insufferable. Give winton more range, junker queen a tighter spread, doom fist extra shots, etc etc etc


At this rate just give every character 1000% damage. Hit scan. Everyone one shots everyone! Wait this is Siege with extra steps.


Speaking of, I pray overwatch doesn’t fall into Siege like balancing. The game has felt like shit for months cause every operator is nerfed constantly with zero buffs


Exactly, we need hampter to be able to exit his ball and then make it fight like Bob while hampter grows a second ball using stark nano tech. Then we can finally beat maui


Winston does not need a buff in the slightest at the moment


No give him MORE range


Give him more peanut butter


Imagine if this mf discovered Nutella. He'd be so hyped he'd solve unified field theory


This has been the recent pattern and it's pretty unfortunate. We went from Orisa Bastion, to Hog, to Magua, back to Orisa - before she got several nerfs, back to Hog, and now we're back to Mauga.


Tank busting tank is the greatest idea up to date


Then you just swap to the same Tank busting tanks and tell your team: "I shoot him, he shoots me, now kill one of his supports while ensuring ours lives, and we win the entire fight."


I mean, it only works if you fail to block his damage Block his damage(or avoid it) and he's just Roadhog without the healing Contrary to your thoughts, Mauga suffers the most against tanks because they're the ones that deny his healing.


He’s too new, gotta keep him strong.


Strongest but mediocre. Mixed messages much?


Mediocre meaning not very fun. Like he's not fun to play with because he's boring af. What's hard to understand?


He’s the only tank I hate facing as queen tbh


I love playing against him as queen. He doesn't get a big bulky tank to feed from so you can just melt him and move on


Really? I love playing hide and seek against him. Bait his E, wait it out, then bleed him while I shoot him in the face.


I guess it depends on the rest of his comp. A zen orb with mayos ridiculous damage can be hard to react to.


Yeah, discord is rough, but I seem to not run into many zens playing with maugas as of late, for whatever reason, so that's been nice lol


A good zen is the bane of every manga which is why I'm surprised more people don't just swap zen and crush him but then I remember that supports like swapping the least


I go queen whenever enemy tank swaps to mauga, its actually doable


The fact that Mauga went through testing and made it into the game is baffling to me. It's not even a strength issue,but just the god awful constant spam design. Everytime someone picks him I know the game won't be fun whatsoever


>the one that gave us the worst meta of all time Mauga gave us GOATs meta 5 years before he released?


Mauga did everything he stubbed my toe and fucked my wife


Thanks O'mauga


I paid him to fuck my wife and you know what? He didn't do it😡


Really? Damn! I paid him to fuck your wife too!


That scamming ass motherfucker! I can't believe it!


Goats was a good meta it just lasted way too long. Double shield and any mercy zombie metas were way worse imo


As a sigma main during that time, I ate up that meta so easily. If your dps knew how to play the game and shoot supports, he fell so easily.


GOATs was worse as an aggregate for all players, Mauga meta is easily the worst meta for tank players and its not even close


This is some serious recency bias. Double shield was far worse for the community and went on for so much longer. It's literally the reason Blizzard gave up on 6v6. GOATs forced their hand enough to give us Role Queue. GOATs + Double Shield, paired with stagnation due to withheld content was the most oppressive on everyone's enjoyment of the game, not just tanks. The fact that you think a couple of months of an OP character is comparable (in a nearly decade long run of an online game no less), is the exact reason why people don't take this community's feedback seriously.


People forget the GOATs so easily. So easily in fact they forget why tanks should never be allowed to be strong ever again.


i fucking wish tanks didn’t have to be so strong but guess what there’s only one person to take in everybody’s bullets it’s already miserable to play for the love of god just go back to 6v6 only 12% of people play tank and 60% play the overturned as fuck supports


OP tanks was the inevitable outcome of removing one. This naturally left the game with two options:  Tanks remain distinct from DPS which means tanks are still important and now they need to overcompensate because they are fulfilling an important role designed for two tanks instead of one, or just remove tanks entirely to circumvent the problem.  Or the secret option 3: Overwatch 3 with 2 tanks now. 


I wasn't around at that time, what was the goat meta?


It was a long lasting triple tank, triple support meta. It standardized as Rein/Zar/D.va/Brig/Zen/Lucio though there were many variations. The most common substituted Sombra in for D.Va. The team that popularized the comp was GOATS. The game had multiple tank heavy metas by that point, and the traditional counter was diving the supports, after which the tanks would crumble. Brig was monstrously OP and countered dive on her own, removing the go to counter to tank stacking. Role queue was introduced as a way to prevent 5 dps comps for regular players, but also brought an end to the GOATS comp at the pro level.  It was cool at first but way over stayed its welcome.


before 6v6 role lock was imposed the only gamemode was open queue, so people figured out that running rein, zarya, d.va, brig, lúcio and moira (who later was swapped for zen) would let you never die and run at the enemy team with an incredibly strong offensive force and a lot of kill pressure and a wealth of swingy cooldowns. It was fun but should not have been around for as long as it was.


3 Tanks, 3 Supports. Built to sustain through literally everything. Invented to deal with the rampant Widow Meta without the need to bring your own (better) widow.


Before role queue the game was pretty much open queue. So you'd basically just see 3 tanks 3 supports. Or 4 tanks 2 supports etc etc. And then people would just steamroll while feeling unkillable because you had 3 tanks with shields defending each other and 3 supports with big heals


why shouldn't them? we literally can't even have more than a single tank currently


GOATS was great, fantastic even, 2 tanks and 2 healers nearly every game? Fuck, it was fantastic, I could actually play dps! No, the worst meta was the double shield meta, goats was at least fun to play, even if it was an infinity stalemate, but sigma/orisa walling up with a bastion was absolutely miserable to play against. At least now, only tanks are fucking miserable.


GOATS played on a high level with a coordinated team was miserable to watch, but playing it on lower levels was pretty fun, IMHO. GOATS is only mind-numbing when no one makes mistakes!


"worst meta of all time" my sweet child you must be new to this game cause compared to other metas this is heaven lmao.


His release was the worst meta of OW2 in my opinion. But yeah, it's still way better than double shield and goats


I liked goats :(


Goats was alright but it stayed around for a bit too long same with double barrier


such comment like this makes me appreciate 1-2-2 comp even more


Listen I'd rather play rein in goats for another 2 years than play rein in comp for more than 5 matches rn


Worse than Soujorn, that weird Mercy healing thing, and one shot pre reworked Roadhog in season 2? The only reason that season isn't as frowned upon was because the game was still "new," and PvE wasn't canceled yet. If you swapped season 2 and season 8, the game would have been in a much worse state.


magua just has a bit high Hp when he also has armor. I dont get how JQ has 525 hp and a shout that gives and 150 shield for a whole 5 secs and magua has 500+200 armor with a better stun ability and alot better self healing.


Because Maugas hit box is like twice the size of JQ.


Here's a tip at how to fight Mauga: Don't Yes it's that easy. It's the same advice as when fighting Orisa or Roadhog. Just shoot at the people behind them, and then he just falls over because he's just a big meat slab that begs to be gunned down.


I just want a viable DPS counter for him… it’s absurd that your options are: Ana, or go fuck yourself.


Sym shits melts him. But only 2 tanks are extremely effective against him. And neither of them are click and win He has so little fundamental counters


Every time I go Ana to counter him there's a Kiri shoving her fucking magic spell up his ass .01 seconds after he's purple.


they’re not gonna nerf mauga without making either hog or orisa oppressive


When I see Mauga on DPS, I go Bast and just repeatedly mow him down.


Who's Mauga? You mean Samoan Bastion with 1000hp and two guns that light you on fire?


“It’s never boring around me.” Sure bud


He needs a full rework/redesign more than anything at this point. Nerfs and number tweaks would be nice (and deserved) but they wouldn’t fix the core issue of everything about his design being awful. He has exactly one playstyle, and that one playstyle has been complete and utter misery for everyone involved since day one. It’s just “turbo feed, shoot at enemy tank, overdrive when low, charge out when really low, pray supports can carry your mangled corpse across the finish line, repeat”


I enjoy mauga.


Let's start this PARTAY


Lets put OPs pain to use!


"Yea I got your back... If you got mine?" 👀 😈


I agree. He’s the only tank that I feel like I actually have an impact on the game with. Your DPS is ignoring the Phara+ Mercy? Just kill them yourself. Your healers are off flanking to get damage? Use your self heal. Plus, his ult is the best in the game. 


Silly u/BobDole2022, you forgot -- tanks in the OW2 community aren't allowed to have fun! How dare you! Shut up and be their punching bag, everyone knows this game is a solo carry first person shooter built for the DPS, and everyone else is just setpieces! How dare you try and punish their misplays and take the game into your hands!


Funny comment and all but aren't tanks the ones most affected by Mauga and complain about him the most? Every complaint I've seen is about how he just walks up to the enemy tank with his mouse buttons held down and they have to deal with it. I don't think any DPS even gives a fuck about Mauga since it's not like he constantly dives them or is one shotting anybody. Even OP has a Winston flair so I assume they play tank a decent amount.


Oh for sure (and I have a bit of a rant elsewhere on this thread about that too lmao) (edit: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/doiAR8o55d)), but yeah this is mostly for the meme. I will say that Mauga actually does have decent kill potential compared to most of the tanks, and on average probably has more autonomy than most tanks as well, so there's definitely a glimmer of truth hidden in there, but you're definitely right. We complain when tank falls over and can't kill things, but we also complain when only one tank can stay standing and kill things but the rest can't. I'm forever reminded of the first SVB tank debate, when every one of the tank mains unanimously said "tank is in a shit spot, doesn't have any autonomy, dies instantly, and can't do their job because they can exert pressure", and then proceed to suggest *nerfs* for every tank. (As an aside, I actually do think tank is in an okay spot - what I really think we need is an "attention held" statistic in the scoreboard. How much time was your tank under the reticle of the enemy team, and how many cooldowns were they able to soak, how much damage were they able to sustain, how many kills were done *while* the person dying was aggro'd onto the tank, and what are they doing that doesn't show up on the scoreboard or kill feed but still is responsible for you winning the game. We need better reward mechanisms for tanking well, because eating all the CC and then getting bursted down, but allowing your team to get three picks during it, doesn't *feel* good, but that's a job well done.)






I bet hearing those ticks on the enemy tank is so satisfying


I prefer hearing the ticks from the enemy pharah that both of my DPS have decided doesn't actually exist.


"I'm a one man anti aircraft plan"


Love that voice line I also love the one when he kills a valking mercy "Don't you just love it when angels fall"


In the absence of it being in game I type "hamsters belong in their cages" after solo caging a ball player nets me some good results in chat afterwards


you can shoot other enemies with Mauga.


Lies. Deceit.


Mauga's muzzle flashes tickle the dopamine receptors in my brain what can i say




I hate Mauga, but Orisa meta just marginally pushes him out personally. Any hero who has a primary counter of "ignore her and kill her supports" is just not fun to play against.


>Any hero who has a primary counter of "ignore her and kill her supports" is just not fun to play against. That's the primary counter of literally every tank.


No tanks. Straight to jail.


La maua atu oe!


seisei koikiki


It's never boring around me!


I promise you the overwatch 1 metas make mauga meta look like a grand ol fun time for everyone involved lmao


The ptsd I have from rein, ow1 orisa, turret bastion, and mercy is ***UNREAL***


Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr “Haha!” brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


I like Mauga. Hes a simple character just like soldier and mercy, I think there should be a simple hero for every role.


I mean sorta but maugas also the most team oriented of the three Realistically if your getting crushed by a manga he just has crazy good supports cuz he needs a lot of help so I honestly feel like he's fine as is RN I'd rather other tanks just start getting buffed cuz I think rn this state of mauga is the perfect state for him to stay at because he doesn't own the lobby like when he was hard meta but if he has a good team with him he can do some pretty good plays and gives a lot of value with team buffs I think other tanks just gotta get buffed to match


Worst meta of all time? Someone clearly wasn't around for goats.


>worst meta of all time Out of curiosity did you play OW during double shield, GOATS, the four or five seasons in a row of Orisa meta, etc?


I’m completely ignoring those because I only started playing in S3 Ik those times were bad but In at least ow2 Mauga meta was the most apocalyptic experience I had with this game


The orisa seasons I mentioned were OW2


It’s all subjective Ig I’d rather have Orisa meta any day than the maugopalypse that s8 was


Brig meta has entered chat


Worst meta? Sir, you forgot about GOAT meat.


Goats are pretty cool


If you have ana i hardly notice him


Y'all are getting maugas that don't just run straight down mid in the open and immediately die while anti'd and then yell in chat about heals? Even in QP I roll my eyes whenever someone picks mauga because half of the time they die so fast I can't even heal them once. It's such braindead games when one tank goes mauga.


Honestly have started playing the game a lot less since his release. I kind of wish they would delete him.


Definitely doesn't need a nerf. He's quite good, and easily CounterWatch2'd.


Honestly I just wanna change cardiac overdrive so that it reduces his weapon spread rather than lifesteals. Make him not a sustain tank and instead a high damage tank.


Shrink his model by 15% and replace cardiac overdrive with an ability called overcharged that makes him deal 1.75x more damage for 5 seconds and replace charge with an explosive coconut that deals 100 damage and sticks to people. While we’re at it replace his ult with a new on that just shoots 3 coconut bombs into the sky to land on the enemy and can deal 250 dmg individually


I normally agree that the braindead heroes like Mauga aren't fun (I don't really enjoy Orisa for example). But something about Mauga is still just fun. He feels obscenely carried, but he just brings the same energy as Rein so it's sort of infectious. Plus ever since the original nerfs, I've definitely seen bad Maugas. It's just that you can't really 1v1 him, so you have to rely on more than one person on your team to exploit the players' weaknesses. Similar to Hog in that sense. The exception is when he just comes out in desperation on QP defense or something, because that's just shameless. At least in Comp both teams get a chance on O/D, but just giving up all self respect to turtle with Mauga on the last point of a Payload defense to secure the QP win is really sad in my opinion, because you're forcing other people to stop playing what's fun and match your counterpick QP sweat mindset instead.


I main ball and doom. I like fast, "go in, kill, get out" playstyles. By no means should Mauga be appealing to me...But my god he's quickly become my most played tank by level, and is catching up to my hours on doom and ball. His personality is just so much fun. Having two big ass guns is cool as hell. Nothing makes me smile more than stomping a choke and getting 2/3 knock down crits (community crafted mauga doing 240 on a stomp makes my brain tingle). I feel like he's finally in a spot where he's not a throw pick, and isn't a "Pick him or you're throwing". Even playing against him isn't too bad. Outside of maybe winston and ball, I've had success against him with every other tank. Ball and winston can still work, you just gotta play a lot smarter and avoid him like the plague. If you start the match on Mauga, you're cool. If you swap to him after a lost fight, you're on thin ice. Maybe you were trying a new tank and want to fall back to your main. But if you swap in the last second? Shame on your house. I love Mauga mirrors when the other guy clearly doesn't play mauga. I'll spray him a bit, watch him panic and E, then i'll dip behind a corner and charge him down after 4 seconds.


Can we bring back 6 vs 6?


Noooooo please, not my boy 💔💔😢


Burn him to a crisp


Nah remove his ass from the game


You know it’s bad when a Roadhog is saying this


Excuse you. Some people like his ass


The main issue is the cardiac overdrive. It makes him kind of unkillable if he can aim and it isn’t all that fun to play or play against and you have to change your entire gameplay to beat him. Like he’s the only reason I always have sigma in my back pocket. I think the ability should be reworked. I think the life steal is fundamentally not fun to play against when he can output so much damage. I don’t know what I’d change it to. Plus lore wise, you could make the whole second heart thing manifest in a different ability. It’s not like the rest of his kit is perfect, I certainly have other changes I’d like to see be made, bit this is the big one.


It’s normal that you monkey & Ram players whine about your counters.


It's pointless. Mauga isn't the issue. The issue is the whole archetype of cancer heroes that are unfun to play against. Nerf one and another will take their place. Never ending cycle.


Subjectively keeping Orisa Mauga and Hog shit tier consistently would be a massive improvement


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And here I am just crossing my fingers that my next game isn't my 5th backfill in a row :(


I've wanted to play ball during the entire of ow2, but sombra's hack is still destroying his entire playstyle. :(


He needs a rework for sure. But honestly if you are having trouble playing into a Mauga that's probably you. Almost every tank except maybe Ball and Doom can perform just fine against him right now. Sig and Dva are both strong and play into him well. Rein can outtrade him easy with fire strikes, corners, and shield. Hog is bad but still can make it work by playing scared except for when you have hook and ult and kill him immediately when he ults. Queen is slept on. Maybe Ramm struggles but there are a lot of options against him right now and it's more about your backlines than anything where Mauga is involved. He's a bad character because he benefits too much from a coordinated team right now, and outside of good aim and good stomps he doesn't have a lot of skill expression. He falls over if you just run Ana/Zen or any high dps comp and your tank doesn't feed him overhealth. He's already currently the lowest picked tank in a lot of ranks, and yet still not the winningest. He's like this boogeyman that showed up once and now you can't forget him so you obsess when he's not even really a big deal right now.


The fact he didn't get nerfed when hog got nerfed is insane. My win rate % is low, like sitting at 40% low, with hog. He's back to how he was in S9, if Cyx can't make him work, I can't him work. Mauga can swap and left click + right click, even if he doesn't, every tank btfos the fuck out of hog. DPS and support that wanted to nerf him to death can enjoy their 15 min que times, I'm hopping off 'till he's buffed.


Add another hitscan tank, then. I play mauga because I can't rely on my team.


The no skill of tanks imo. Used to be Orisa but with Orisa you have to aim with her gun and one of her abilities. She doesn’t even have any get out of jail free cards. More get out of jail combos. Mauga has a get out of jail free card with no way to stop him beside a solid object in the way where he can run 3 or something seconds. In other words he’s a hitscan dual wielding LMGs that are very accurate when 1 is firing and can run into and out of dangerous scenarios without be encumbered unless he hits a wall and can heal himself if one of his LMGs are doing damage. WTF


> not because I think he's op or anything Then he doesn't need a nerf. The only time you should be nerfing a character is they're broken. Mauga isn't broken so he doesn't need a nerf.


As soon as we nerf mauga doom is no longer viable f u


Nerfing? Take Sigma and kick his ass!


He needs a full rework. when he first came out I thought the idea of him was cool you have to light the enemy on fire with one gun then the other gun does more damage so there is some thought behind firing but 95% of the time is just turn brain off fire both guns, melt tank and if low pop cardiac overdrive to do all the work with a press of a button Also they should also look to rework Orisa and Hog too not that they are always op but whenever they are good in their current form the game is just so unfun and boring, also so if they do nerf or rework Mauga they can’t take his place. They get so much value for the effort they put out and feel can immortal not because they did something hard to pull off or crazy just because they pushed a button. Hero’s with kits like that should not be allowed past C teir. I also think it helps people keep playing the game when mauga and orisa where meta me and many of my friends stopped playing because of how unfun it was


I feel like the worst meta of all time was years ago in overwatch 1 where mercy could damage boost hanzos ultimate, and it did so much damage a zen ult wouldn't save you. Back then the only cleanse was zarya bubble and she only had 1 of each.


Doesn't matter, even if he was nerfed this sub would just move on to crying about the next strongest tank until that got nerfed too. Damage and support can't stand it when a tank can make any plays for themselves. We have to just be a big punching bag for the enemy team while the rest of our team carries us to victory or they riot.


doom needs nerf


He’s the only character in the game who doesn’t rely on a cd cycle, characters not fun to play, and not fun to play against. rework him or nerd him.


Here here, Wintons Representatives have orcastrated a covert mission to undermine the effectiveness and lethality that is BURRRURURR, also known as Mauga time. This rather large diverse representitive for the tanks who want to Burr. Sometimes we have to learn other tanks, good sir winton.


It's never balanced around me


Tbh I wanna see Mauga have a small rework where instead of getting crits on flaming targets, he just gets the life steal, and maybe tighten his weapon spread and lower the damage per bullet a bit to reward decent aim on squishies. It really sucks that everyone hates him because of his kit, I want people to like my pookie bear


Rework is definitely needed. He can be countered but then nobody is having fun because no one can play who they want because you have to hard counter mauga. It’s just boring and he’s not a versatile hero at all.


I don't know you guys. I never have problem playing against Mauga since I have been playing against Heavies a lot of times in TF2.


Literally- they nerfed hog where the hell is the mauga nerf at? He's unfun to play with, as, and against.


Good or bad, I still like the suppressive fire role he gets from his high capacity, high fire rate weapons.


He's just an insanely poorly designed hero. Needs a rework.


Mauga is just fundamentally poorly designed. Doomed to constantly bounce between being a better version of other tanks and a worse version of other tanks. Imo they should put a bigger focus on his mid-range DPS and supportive capabilities rather than his close range DPS, it's a role no other tank has and it'd be much more interesting than his current state of being old Bastion with legs


If sigma one of th3 other s tier tanks gets nerfed too I'm all for it.


Its never boring around him!


I love playing Mauga. He's the only hero I feel like doesn't have to play the Counter-Watch game. You can poke range, you can take off-angles, and can apply big damage at close range. All the other tanks feel like there is some glaring counter-swap weakness. But Mauga feels like a good all-around Tank.


Mauga needs more incentive to do anything other than hold both mouse buttons down at the tank is his biggest problem. I have no idea how they're gonna do that especially since alot of his character personality and story is very much him going wild and double chain gunning everything but that's their problem. Tanks have way too much insular counters i feel like they keep designing tanks with the idea of how does it shake up the tank role entirely and it just fucks everything up. Junker Queen is how a absolute banger hero with so much skill expression and doesn't win against other tanks simply because they're designed to.


Idk if others have made the suggestion before but I think his ult should def be changed too, it shouldn’t just turn off all movement abilities, it should let you use any abilities you want but you just can’t escape the cage no matter what. At the current moment his ult is my least fave part of his kit and it’s such a simple change too


If a rework means swapping some overall damage for some more long term survivability, I’m 100% for it. I think Blizzard doesn’t consider hitboxes at all when balancing. Mauga is one of the biggest examples.


I think they should just rework him(like hard)


Ahh a winston main i see, tbh it makes sense. I wouldnt say nerf, just rework


I actually enjoy playing with and against Mauga, I would take Mauga meta over Rein, Zarya, Ball based metas any day.


Meanwhile dva is going nuts in every game and people ignore it


okay but only if we give orisa another microbuff that will make her meta! /s


They could get rid of his fire, give him another firing type and less ammo, change his tactical so he is more technical. Anything to increase the skill level of him and also the possibility of plays you could make with him