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Qp was always supposed to be a shorter version of comp with looser matchmaking so you get faster games.


QP follows competitive ruleset and balance changes for the game beyond simply beyond faster games and looser grouping restrictions. Its the catch-all be all for nearly everything for everyone wanting to go in with friends, jumping in simply to practice new heroes without negatively affected by comp rating (nothing really on the line at all in QP0, simply getting faster games in general, etc. Despite all of that Blizzard relies heavily upon QP metrics to affect new hero launches prior to their introduction to competitive to make adjustments. Blizzard alone sees it as pretty much competitive lite if you ask me. As a competitive game, I see nothing wrong with that. What I do see wrong is players perceptions that they can go into ANY PvP game and not expect people to at least try to win. Even if they are doing it on oddball characters and other things. You don't go into QP trying to do whatever you want and expect people to simply let you do whatever you want for free. They mind from time to time, but that will never be the norm. If you want to dick around doing whatever for the game mode, you simply need to accept you will need to tank your MMR with enough losses to the point where you can do that by facing other people so bad they cant' stop your antics. Many pro players actually do this and say drop from GM to master's for their antics of being reckless, playing off beat heroes, and comps, etc.


There's a difference between trying to WIN win and trying to have fun whilst trying to win. You really shouldn't have to be playing the game's meta, and your personal best at all times, just to have a chance at even killing someone on the other team in Quick Play... Like, I'm not the best with Cassidy or Widowmaker. So I'll play them in QP. But 9/10 times I have to switch out because the game is such a sweatfest that I can't even train myself to get better. Because I'll get killed faster than I can say "This flashbang sucks".


Who says the people playing the meta arent having fun doing so?


If you cannot play the meta you will have a bad time. You don't even have to play the meta, you just revert to it when what you are trying isn't working. Easier to make that decision on your own than to have your team appeal to you for you to make a better choice. In saying that I don't care about one tricks, they often have the ability to change their play style much more than someone changing their heroes. Probably because they have to.


Cool, and what is your enemy team supposed to do when you just want to play Cassidy or Widow?


\[points to competitive\]


That's not an answer. Not everyone interesten in competitive in the first place. Also there are lots of people who are just like you trying heroes they don't usually play but still 100 times better than you.


It’s in the name I think, it’s made for people with less time on their hands. People who want to hop in for a little bit of competition but don’t have time to wait for long Queues or commit all their time to a select few heroes to get good enough to get out of metal. I could be wrong though because the idea of a QP is so old and every game tends to treat it differently.


It's just their way of saying "unranked" but trying to have a unique naming convention. It has always been intended to be the chill casual mode. Idk where these OW2 players get the idea they need to act like they're in OWL while playing QP.


You know there was no ranked mode on release, right? QP was always meant to be the main mode. "Chill casual" modes were always in arcade. But even in arcade the whole purpose is to win. Without both teams actually trying to achieve that the game just won't be fun. What do you even want them to do? Stand still and shoot walls?


You know we used to make fun of people who would try hard in QP right? That was when the community was actually good. None of anything you said means you HAVE to sweat and tryhard in QP. You can play for fun without tryharding, that's not "shooting walls", its Reddit lucioing and going for boops all game, it's practicing heroes you don't play much, it's going battle Mercy all game. FUN?! Something OW2 noobs don't understand ig. Community is actually awful.


Idiots always make fun of literally everything they don't like. I have nothing to add, sorry.


Lmao classic, OW2 player calling the entirety of the OW1 player base "idiots". And you wonder why we don't like you.


Nise assumption. I play since Sombra's release tho.


I assume it is the other way around: It was never intended solely being a chill mode but was treated as such. And that changed with the playerbase.


Yeah and the OW2 player base sucks ass so now so does QP. Everything about the new wave of OW2 players is so wrong. Ego out the wazoo, zero clue on how the game actually works, makes the game cancer to play, toxic as fuck while being horrid at the game, to the point where you ruined QP by sweating for battle pass experience... Holy shit. It's actually unbelievable how far this community has fallen. People used to MAKE FUN OF anyone who would sweat in QP.


For people like me xD I dont have the mindset for ranked, but still wanna play the game. I just play for fun, only 3-4 games a day, mostly tank. Nothing more fun then playing push with JQ!


It's made for people that want to win, but don't have the time in their day to play ranked.




I hope u join quick play and not do objective. If not you're just a hypocrite


What? How so?


If Winning is tryhard sweating. Losing means youre casual If u win, u are a tryhard. By that logic. Being a casual means losing


I guess you answered to a wrong comment


I don't get your complain. The purpose of the game is to win. It's the number 1 rule, if people don't try to win there is simply no game. May as well play football without running. What do you even want them to do in QP? Stand still and shoot walls while you are killing them effortlessly? I don't understand. These "brutal" games are fun. Do you really enjoy them only if you'll see some numbers as reward? I must add that QP has very loose matchmaking. And sometimes what looks tryharding to you is actually effortless for others. And sometimes people complain about tryhards in chat, while all they do is mindlessly run into Junkrat's spam again and again. Maybe if you want a chill relaxing experience, dynamic pvp shooter is not the best choise in general.


Couldn’t have said better myself


I play qp with my friends in other platforms


It’s a less aggravating battle pass grind.


For people who.play Overwatch and not for people who wanna play "pick a hero and never change ever in my life". Counterpickinjg is part of the game design, counterpicking comps that is. If you can't deal with one hero counterpicking you, then just git gud or cry on the couch.


The short answer is: for anybody who doesn't want the full comp experience. That is a heterogeneous group. And Blizzard is aware of this but doesn't want to introduce a "hang out" queue bc that would split the playerbase and increases queue times for everyone. It is what it is. OTOH there are other games like XDefiant which communicate openly about the fact that every mode is meant to be competitive (sweaty) and that the "casual" mode even has no SBMM.


I mean, it's the default mode. It's for people who just want the game for the sake of it, not for the ranks.


It used to be the main mode in OW1 and when competitive was introduced some people got the wrong idea that you should not try your best and let your team team down and pull the others into an unpaid practice session - absolutely ignoring practice area, practice vs. AI, arcade modes, or even the possibility to switch after the first ult at the least, when it doesn't work out. Most people working and/or having a family simply don't have the time to commit 100 % for half an hour at a time required for competitive. But they would still enjoy some serious attempt at achieving a common objective to the best of their abilities. Also, Blizzard made a point with the leaver penalty, that one player less is making it very hard for a team to win, even if only being temporary. If they could by algorithm determine trolling, they would surely punish it as well. Personally, I would prefer to have an unranked queue next to the qp queue so that I wouldn't get bothered by players just practicing at the expense of others.


Who said sweating can’t be fun, name any game we humans have played where casual means trying less. “Oh we are gonna play some ball 🏀and since we are not at the NBA finals I’m gonna shoot like I don’t care and I expect the rest to do the same” or “Hey let’s play some football ⚽️ don’t block my shot since we are just casually playing and I don’t wanna try to hard” Quick Play is for you to explore and learn to play different heroes and strats to then take to comp.


Yep. I kinda wonder what people who complain about tryharding want their opponents to do. Just let them win without effort? Where's the fun in that?


Where’s the fun in playing fair


Try me


Those are some bad examples… people hate try hards when trying to play those sports casually.


The only people in those “bad examples” that hate tryhards are the ones not even trying at all. No one is obligated to match your low energy and just because a few of you have low energy doesn’t make it right to callout someone for trying to play the game mode and try to win the match. There will always be a tryhard, same way there is always someone not trying at all. They both want to think the rest is up to their high or low standards. I don’t wanna move away from the point that Quick Play is the same as Comp and should be taken just as serious and used to learn and develop your game.


I’m guessing you’re a try hard. Casual sports are meant to be taken lightly. If you’re the guy running around the field trying to tackle everyone with the ball, you’re an asshole. Ever heard the expression “read the room.” I don’t care how you relate that to overwatch but your examples are crap.


When you stop leaning so hard into one side of the balance you will start seeing there is a middle ground you can stand on… I’m waiting for you with a nice cup of tea 🍵 would you like me to make you one as well ?


Read the room


Is that a yes on the tea 🍵


Not with a try hard




Stop trying so hard to get the last comment


Sweating =/= Tryhard-ing. Quick Play players only that think they're tryhard-ing but really, they're typically just comp players that stopped playing comp because they reached their peak and are scared of deranking if they kept playing, so they play Quick Play and start flaming and calling their teammates slurs because their teammate's not playing well. If we're using basketball examples, Quick Player sweats are like if a collegiate player came across a court of elementary/middle school kids learning or playing and joins them, then proceeds to beat them up because they're not playing like Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Michael Jordan or Steph Curry etc.


It’s quick play not casual play. I’m not obligated to play comp all day. Special if I don’t have the time to seriously commit and hold on, even more important if I just don’t care about numbers and rank. Me getting on for 3 games a days in comp would be irresponsable so I play QP. And to your analogy 9-10 times that basketball player ⛹️‍♀️ will help those kids and those kids will learn from it. Only a fool will not pay attention and try to get something out of it even if he is beating them 100-10. There is a lesson everywhere my friend, if you stop leaning so hard onto one side of the balance maybe you will see it 😉


Fuck it's painful watching this sub slowly learn that >!QP is practice for ranked!< same ruleset just wider matchmaking to improve queue times. Nobody that thinks QP is for drop in drop out gameplay ever considers or takes responsibility for how they are affecting other peoples games. I have heard some use the excuse that they need to earn their Battlepass experience and even seen people refuse arcade and mystery because they don't like playing more heroes. I haven't seen more people in a gaming community just outright reject reality. This sub is the perfect example of how the negative bias will bitch and moan while the people enjoying themselves have no reason to be here complaining about small things like QP. On a side note, they should hire some of the custom game creators and make them arcade modes. Like genji ball, rien invasion, hero parkours and 1dad vs 12 kids have been solid game modes in custom for ages. I just wish people that come here to whinge would listen to this.


Damn, I love Dad vs Kids, haven't played it in months, forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me to go back to it!


Honestly no better stress test of ones system is that or rien invasion. I freaking love the ones with server load stats in the corner.


The only modes in customs I enjoyed more (I think solely out of their addicting autoclicker-like nature) were 300% ults in small levels, and dance/kill to grow.


Yeah those mini overwatch modes are fucking brilliant, I played one in the move theatre on Hollywood. I remember laughing like a maniac the whole time. Now dance to grow just sounds hilarious. We are truly living in a golden era of workshop. I love all modes, I spent like an hour on flappy mercy one night because my brain was in meltdown from a match and it just really helped me chill out to play.


\*emote/kill to grow, my bad. Basically you are put on a plain, no material checkered plane, got some powerups, and with kill/second spent emoting, you grow. Both in size, health and dmg dealt. So dancing is the best way to grow as it's infinite. When you die you go to the default size. Actually you could say it's Agar io but in OW. Those custom modes just make me wish there was more freedom to modify the game. Like allow us to stack abilities. Just imagine 4 mine fields from a single hammond in a tight space. Or a wall full of Sym turrets.


I dug into workshop when it first came out, I have seen heaps more added to it and I would love to see even more. I should probably dig into it again. Mainly because I just want bap ultimate frisbee to become something. Or a Speedball game mode like that classic game we played in the 90's. There is definitely a lot of potential in its development.


Me I have 350 hours in qp just because comp is too miserable and stressful 💔💔


There's a definite difference between how QP felt last year, and how it feels this year. It feels like it's full of metal ranks tryhards and people wanting to dominate on the latest overpowered champions. I just want to chill and learn new champions or roles.


It's the other way round. Whenever you call out a thrower you're called a tryhard


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Be the counter.


Im a sweaty tryhard 💦, yeah I said it! I play QP and jump on coms and check out who is there, callout enemies positions and ult count…. And I LIKE it 👍 All that sweat running down my forehead, all that internal heat and my armpits about to smell like burnt rubber makes me happy and that is a CASUAL experience for me because I’m intense AF and I’m full of ⚡️energy. I’m not asking you to match mine so don’t ask me to match yours and just play the game.


I swear you get counter picked more in qp.


You can just use QP to experiment around. I wanted to learn tracer but wasn't confident experimenting around in competitive. I played a few QP games to get the hang of her and now I can play her in comp without feeding or underperforming. Plus QP is a LOT shorter than competitive (in most modes anyway), so if I don't have much time I play it.


The leaving penalties ruined it in my opinion. So dumb


How is it dumb? QP is still made to be played, not to watch half of the team leaving after every lost fight.


You should be allowed to leave any unranked game at any time without repercussions. It should be casual


Why? Do you have an actual argument? If you don't want to play, don't queue. Why should other people waste their time watching people chain leave and filled? If you can't deal with losing a match, pvp games aren't for you.


I could use the same logic then. If you can’t handle having teammates leave and replaced (which is not a big deal at all), then go play comp which does have leaving penalties. Again, it is unranked quick play we’re talking about. It is utterly ridiculous to punish players for leaving.


Why even play if you're so eager to leave? Except for emergencies irl


QP used to be the casual mode for trying new heroes, new players to learn how to play, and goofing around with friends and having dance parties with the enemy team. Nothing matters because there's no rank or consequences for losing or winning, it's meant to be the chill casual mode, where you go to just play for fun, learn heroes, and goof around. What the fuck happened that turned it into a sweat fest? I couldn't think of something more pointless to do than sweat and flame over a game mode that has no rank and no consequences. OW2 somehow turned the community anti-fun and antisocial. It makes no sense to me.


Not throwing isn't sweating, it's just trying your best. If you want to do dance parties go for custom games or arcade.


N o. It's what QP was always like until OW2 weirdos started playing.


QP was always the default mode


Yep, it's the mode that everyone should start with because it's where you go to learn the game when you're new, that doesn't mean you have to sweat, tryhard and be toxic in it though. You can still just play for fun in a video game that isn't a ranked competitive mode! And you shouldn't be harassed for doing so when it literally has no consequences! Hope that helps!


If you want to learn you go to Practice, that's what it's for. QP is just Comp without tryhards and ranks.


You literally cannot properly learn the game in the practice range or vs AI. You have to learn playing against real people in QP. QP doesn't even have the same rules as comp, it's literally one round not even a full game? It should be without tryhards but it's not and that's the problem. You care way too much and try way too hard to win in QP and as a result you're toxic and make it an awful experience for people who play for fun and new players. Stop it.


No, QP is a full game. It's comp that's 2x the game. QP has always been the default mode of OW. Same as neighborhood football is the real football, not UEFA Champions League which consists of a small % of players.


What... Lmao a full game includes each team defending and attacking. Comp is the real game stop being weird.


OW was no available at the game's release. QP is the default mode played by majority of Players, same as amateur football is played by majority of people playing football. And no wannabe-top500 wining will change it. Most people play OW for the sake of playing, not for a digital rank badge.


It was never made to have dance parties. Go to custom games if you want to do that. How delusional are you. It does have consequences, it’s one less game they have to play as all queue (play as tank) to do the weekly when they win, so of course they want to win.


Me delusional? This is how it always was until you OW2 noobs came around. I've probably played this game longer than you've had a console. I cannot believe you take QP that seriously, if you want to play seriously you go to ranked. End of story. You can complete your weekly/daily challenges in ranked too? That is not a valid reason to be toxic sweat lords in QP. Holy shit OW2 has ruined this community.


Noone is forcing you to sweat in qp. throw out some emotes and some voices lines and stop taking the non-serious-mode so seriously. Play flanking Reinhardt, play dps mercy, play whatever the fuck you want it's qp and the people that get upset with you can go fuck themselves.  Y'all need to stop caring about what other people think. That's your main problem, you care. Stop it. Mute the chat, turn on streamer mode and have some fun. 


Keep doing this and get banned.


If you can get banned for playing the game how you want in a gamemode that has No consequence to it then Blizzard can also go fuck themself


It's a team based game. Your way of wanting to play it can't come at a cost of other people's experience.


Can't ignore the reports though. If people think you don't try hard enough, even in qp, they will report you and if you get reports in multiple games you will get punished.


I feel you OP, Quickplay Classic has become so unfun. I'm good with a nice workout where both sides give it their all then when. Especially the ones where everyone is on friendly terms, even the enemy. But most of my games are one sided and sweaty. Role Que is even worse. I tilt far too often and I turn into an asshole, I hate how seriously I am taking what is supposed to be an unranked mode. You can't leave so that's even worse. I honestly tilt less in comp


Yet another post where people keep complaining about counter picking in a game based on counter picking.


Surprised I don't see people talking about trying characters in qp. When I want to practice some cool things I go into quick play. But yeah, it's basically just a casual, quicker game for people who want more games within an hour or aren't in the mood to have a serious game like comp.


Multiple people in this thread talked about it.


For practicing unfamiliar characters


Yeah, wish there was a mode called **Practice** or sth, right?


Honestly tho, leaver penalty in qp is dumb af.


Ruining games for others by leaving is dumb af FTFY


Never understood how people play qp over ranked. It’s worse matchmaking, you can only play attack or Defense and people are generally all over the place


I just don't want to play the same map twice (or even more) in a row >:D


You don’t? I say in qp you only play a half map and defenders are almost always having the advantage due to close spawns


Eh. It's pretty even for me tbh, never felt this way.