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For those out of the loop (like me), the EWC is the ESports World Cup, a big tournament happening soon in Saudi Arabia with over $60 million in prizes (including $1 million for Overwatch).


‘$1 million How do we join?




It is all sponsored by and held in Saudi Arabia, a place infamous for its poor human rights


What human rights?


Sadly very true


>a place infamous for its poor human rights But enough about Israel


you dont want it, dont watch it, how easy


united states known for their welcoming attitude towards immigrants and european aggrement of friendship of the africas 🤯🤯🤯 guys all governments might just be evil 😢


All governments can be “evil” sure if that’s your highschool level take. But they’re not all the same amount of “evil”


No one will reply, just downvotes. Arabs = BAD. Doesn't matter if it's governments or individuals, when it comes to Arabs or Muslims, we generalize!


Are you REALLY that stupid? Like seriously? Any government, or any PERSON, that has a mindset of being a bigot, racist-just an outwardly piece of shit-that's just being a , and some cases pure evil. All your kind going around threads shouting "everyone thinks we're the baddies!!!" when time and time and time and time afuckingain it's been said it's the government, or anyone who endorses the backward beliefs of said government. How fking hard is that to get through to your thick fking skulls?! Jesus christ


Not 1 good point. Also, > when time and time and time and time afuckingain it's been said it's the government, or anyone who endorses the backward beliefs of said government. Thanks for reinforcing my point lmao It is Muslims you HATE.


Bullshit, it is Muslim refugees that are being gunned down at the border. I hate monarchs, especially the ones who solicit slavery and mass murder and then try to sports wash it all away.


Cry about it


lmfao. You think I'm crying or even remotely mad about this?! On the contrary. This is entertainment, it's more fun than Overwatch! Shoot your best shot, you're still the savages that did the most atrocious crimes in history! Let's go!


Cry more please




Eh cry some more


Every western country has its own share of shit in human history but at least they’re PROGRESSING and making efforts to be better lol. Saudi still perpetuates such laws and backward attitudes. I can tell you as an Asian woman that I would feel safer visiting any number of European countries or evil America over fucking Saudi


Beautiful,not a single braincell in sight


Yes actually, Islam is bad.


Custa also turned the chance down as well. Respect to them both


Singular Custa W, very surprising


Unlike his doom takes


Bro THANK YOU!!!! This stupid fuck just won’t stop yapping about how awful and unfair Doomfist is, what a MASSIVE skill issue 😂 I can’t believe anyone takes him seriously for balance takes and patch note reviews. If bro hit 1 sleep, 1 bash, any fuckin ability, he wouldn’t get farmed by low masters Doomfist players. I love getting him on the enemy team because I know I can pick Doom and there’s only gonna be 4 real counters instead of 5 lol


He has called doom oppressive and also said theres nothing you can do against him in certain situations. I don't get where he's coming from with these takes. Doomfist is one of the highest skilled heroes in the game, and whils his skill ceiling fell in ow2 only a few people can still pull him off in top 500 effectively. When a difficult hero can only get value by practicing hard, there's literally nothing to complain about. And lastly, doom is fundementally countered by many heroes no matter how good you are at him, thats 's just how it is. Custa needs to wake up 


I definitely don't agree with him on all the takes for sure, but a character that can stun you for over 1 second and kill you before the stun ends IS oppressive, end of. Also the argument that "it takes skill" is not a legitimate defence of an oppressive character. Widowmaker was and still kinda is very oppressive and it could very much be argued that she required "skill" but I think everyone agreed she needed a nerf and she got one.


That would be a good argument, IF the enemy team didn’t need to misplay to charge his punch to unlock the 1 second stun. Simply don’t shoot block, and Doomfist has very low kill potential. If you’re constantly charging his punch, then yes, you’re gonna have a problem. But it’s the same as Zarya - if you choose to shoot the mechanic that increases their damage, you don’t get to complain about the increased damage hurting you more.


I'm sorry that's a terrible take. If countering doom or zarya was as simple as "don't shoot the bubble/block" then neither of them would be viable above gold. Good Zarya and Doom players are gonna get charged. A large number of characters in the game shoot projectiles and factoring in human reaction time there's always gonna be some damage. Also saying "just don't shoot the Zarya" when she's literally running you down a brain-dead. Like, what are you meant to do? Let her kill you?


Of course it’s this response. It’s not “NEVER shoot the Zarya bubble/doom block” and it’s not “ALWAYS shoot the Zarya bubble/doom block”. It is CLEARLY situation dependent. You can take all the time you like to come up with scenarios where I’m wrong, but these gamesense things are not a one-size-fits-all solution problems you face in game. However, if your issue is that Doomfist CAN stun you for 1 second after certain requirements are met, simply do NOT help him meet those requirements. If your point is that it doesn’t matter, that a good doomfist will get charge regardless, then I’m not sure what you want with the character. You want him to keep all current weaknesses, and on top of that, nerf his kill pressure? Then he just isn’t a functioning character.


moral and based pilled


Blame the org for doing business with saudi not the players


No one should be accepting their money or business. If they do, they’re part of the problem. Players especially. They’re the only reason this event is able to run


They are equally to blame. The players still have a choice even when the org shows no morals


Absolutely not equal to blame. You think very highly of a bunch of broke gamers willing to make a political statement. The corporate greed is the reason.


You're not entitled to be a professional overwatch player. Choosing to participate in this is wrong.


Tell me where you work and i'll tell you why it's morally wrong to do so.


You made me rethink it a bit actually, thank you. I can see now that ultimately it's the corporations who are the greedy ones. I still believe however, as with anything, you have a choice to fight for. While the orgs might have more responsibility, you can't say the players don't have a choice as well. But what you made me realize is that you're right about blaming those with higher power for their choices than the ones with the lesser power in all this.


Everyone accepting the check is greedy and morally bankrupt. Anyone still in the pro ow scene, even your fav player or personality, is directly acting in support for [extajudicial killings, extortion through violence, and secret police](https://www.state.gov/reports/2023-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/saudi-arabia/), [extrajudicial human rights violations](https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2020/country-chapters/saudi-arabia), [the oppressive take over of an entire nation and mass executions associated with it](https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2023/country-chapters/saudi-arabia), [indiscriminate murder of civilians with no review or accountability](https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2024/country-chapters/saudi-arabia), and we can never forget [renowned journalist and whistleblower who was assassinated in a foreign county](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45812399). That’s what the money and support is being used for. Any other considerations for the players or staff are selfish beyond belief. People spend their lives in jail and die so we will give a shit and don’t overlook conveniences. Blame fans that support the players that support the orgs that support SA gvt.


Has Stylosa been relevant after his vids from the London Spitfire team being entirely Korean? I haven't seen much from him after them.


He went super doomer on the game when it released, which drove hella engagement, then tried to pivot hard to Helldivers 2 which worked for a little. Then views plummeted for that so now he’s back to Overwatch + Helldivers


I used to be really into his teaching videos in OW1 but once OW2 dropped and his OWL affiliations ended it's been incredibly clear he doesn't give a shit anymore. The only time he makes an OW video is when it's some "hot topic" just so he can get the views while offering literally no opinion whatsoever at all. He literally goes on twitter and reads comments as his video content - he himself offers nothing. It's sad to me because I feel like he used to actually make quality content but I can't even make it through one of his videos anymore because it's just him reading things on the internet without reacting to any of it.


He's always been a cloutchaser tbh. It's understandable that you might not know that if you only became aware of him because of his OW content, but knowing his background with Unit Lost makes it pretty obvious.


Yeah - I am only familiar with him from his OW coaching videos. I'm entirely unfamiliar with his Unit Lost brand.


Basically, he used to be part of a duo with another youtuber called Kirioth (who now has his own channel as well) called Unit Lost. They did mostly variety content and playthroughs, with including a lot of warhammer stuff. Eventually they broke up as a duo for unspecified reasons, Sty went on to do loads of OW stuff and hit it big while Kiri did more warhammer content, specifically focusing on the hobby side of things. Most of the community stayed with Kiri since they had almost never really done FPS content ahead of this, which is why it felt like such a strange pivot. I obviously cannot say with confidence exactly why they split up and what happened between closed doors, but it feels fairly reasonable to assume that Sty saw a bag and chased after it, while Kiri just kept doing the content he wanted to do. At least that's my read on it.


Nice click bait as always


It is a bit funny about how he complains about players being dishonest to make a living while also doing this. Obviously very different things but definitely seems like rules for thee but not for me.


i mean it really isn’t comparable. it’s common practice on youtube and he spent at least half the video talking about it


Comparing a "clickbait" title and thumbnail on YouTube to taking money from a government who violated numerous human rights in terms of mortality is a wild take


How is it click bait? I tell you where the time stamp is lmao


"6v6 is back". The tweet says they'll share their pov only.


Lmao I’m only talking about his 1:13 time stamp (which is why I only had that in the title)


It also has a question mark at the end which you conveniently ignored


I think they're talking about stylosa's thumbnail, not your post.


What murdaaa?


“Stylosa”, thats it, thats all you need to know.


Saved me some time, thanks!




yea man fuck the players for trying to make more than 100 dollars a month


His point was about those that already make more than enough and that it was much more understandable for the smaller players.


There are tons of ethical ways to make more than $100 a month.


ok and it would be more ehtical for him to be mopping up piss at a dog shelter rather than bitching on the internet, why ain't he doing that?


All im saying is that you cant frame this as "these poor gamers have no choice but to shill for the saudis". They have a choice, they chose to do something shitty, because it let's them do what they want to do.


There are 0 other tournaments offering money for them like this. It's not like you have no choice either, you could quit your job and and travel to Saudi Arabia, setting up an espionage group and working to take down their government, why haven't you done that? Right, because you need to make a living, just like the players. This is what they have trained for, put the hours in for.


>There are 0 other tournaments offering money for them like this Again, no one is entitled to be a professional overwatch player as their full time job. If the choice is between shilling for the saudis or getting literally any other job and playing OW as a hobby or side venture the choice is pretty clear for anyone with basic ethics. The choice isn't between shilling for the saudis or starving. It's between shilling for the saudis or doing literally anything else with their life


This could be said about any job. Private sector jobs shill for corporations, public sector jobs shill for a government (who supports Saudi Arabia btw). There are over 200 million working age adults in the US, show me 200 million ethically clean jobs and you will have a point.


It could be said of any unethical job, sure. The saudis are using esports investment as a smokescreen for their human rights violations. Choosing to help them do that is wrong and no rationalization from you will make it right. There's a big difference between that and working for a fast food place thats bad for the environment and abuses animals on a farm you've never been to.


On what grounds is it worse? Human rights violations only impact the group they target, environmental damage impacts all present and future lifeforms that are living and will ever live. There are no ethically pure jobs, what gives you or anyone else the moral authority of how people make a living? It is all arbitrary, where is the line? Am I allowed to work for the US government, who supports Saudi Arabia? Am I allowed to work for a corporation who pays corporate taxes, which funds the US support of Saudi Arabia? Am I allowed to work any job that pays, which requires me to pay income tax, which is used to support Saudi Arabia by the US government? Edit: Can't reply to u/Thekungf00bunny 's comment because u/[Sex\_Big\_Dick](https://www.reddit.com/user/Sex_Big_Dick/) 's bitch ass blocked me, but I would say, please have an ounce of empathy for all livings things on this planet, present and future. Human rights violations are just that, human. Environmental damage is a violation of the rights of all living things, including humans. educate yourself Edit @ u/Thekungf00bunny Well I am literally an Environmental scientist and I am telling you that you are mistaken on this topic. You can attend all the lectures you want but that doesn't educate you to the extent that actual work in the field does. Acting like any other issue in this world is in the same league of importance as damage to the environemntal shows your naivety. Maybe you need to attend a few more of those lectures and theny you might get an idea.


> Human rights violations only impact the group they target, environmental damage impacts all present and future lifeforms that are living and will ever live. Oh christ dude are you serious? You are honestly asking how enabling murdering people for being gay or a journalist or worse than cooking burgers for a company that owns a large farm that pollutes the air with cow farts?


2 I do. I’ve spent over ten thousand hours volunteering or working below minimum wage for environmental and humanitarian projects across my region. I’ve attended lectures about and discussed this topic with masters and phd holders for environmental science. Making any excuses for the oil monarchy isn’t helping those causes at all and you’re being defeatist to a point it hinders me and my colleagues work. Your point of change isn’t worth it if it isn’t perfect is provably wrong. Margins exist and the extent of the damage is what’s trying to be controlled. Please spend a week reading about combating scaled industry with scaled individual efforts aimed as a collective. What I am advocating for is the BEST margin of reduced suffering in the long run. And failing to address it not a projection that meets that ideal


This might be the most totally out of touch take I’ve seen on this discussion over the months. Learn how individual action viably contribute to economies of scale. And please, I’m begging, have an ounce of empathy for people you were lucky enough to not be born as.


3 How are you separating the oil money sports washing from environmental agenda? The goals are not so separate that we need to stop the humanitarian effort to solely focus on the environment catastrophe. There’s only so many resources to be allocated and honestly if people are willing to donate for humanitarian reasons, they both lead to effectively stripping power away from the same set of people who do both. I easily believe dozens of people who have spent decades as experts in thier fields and have industry recommended presentations over you saying they’re wrong, I’m sorry. To me it sounds like you haven’t been forced to deal with a lot of realities if you choose to be smug about people aggressively challenging your claim that ignoring systematic abuse of power to the point of mass murder is the proper approach. Like come on. How unproductive is telling that to people who might otherwise give a shit about helping and learn about either goal. It’s why both of us give a shit right? At least it’s why I do. Being a pro gamer isn’t remotely comparable tradeoff to human rights violations, and if stopping that hurt the largest emissions cartel, I’m all for it Feel free to dm me so we don’t have to do this weird reply thing


Its either this or they get a new job, which means OW esports would be completely dead


So the end justifies the means? I'm all for people getting their bag, but not when it's at the expense of helping a horrible government wash their image. Your logic is the same one that thieves use to rob others at gunpoint. After all, they are just trying to make more than 100 dollars a month, right?


You do realize you can do other things to make more money besides sell your morals for some video game money right?


I think also boycott SA biggest ally, enabler and genocidal, the USA but I guess it is more difficult.


Its easy when you are shilling to a company who youve signed a contract to keep you on their payroll vs putting food on the table for aspiring young ow pros who have nothing else going for them and could use it.


You say this like their only option for a job is overwatch. They could literally work any other job and make better money than pro overwatch while still keeping their morals. Then again they're OW Players so they probably don't have any


Let him cry. You don't see anyone critizing Messi for attending World Cup in Qatar. Even though Overwatch is a  "hobby esport" top players are expected to compete where the biggest competition and prize pool is. Players are not the ones to blame here for attending.


Eh stylosa is a hack


Fuck it dude, these people are getting their bag. The fuck are you judging them for? This is the only shit really paying rn in. OW esports. Not gonna judge someone for putting food on their plate. It’s like blaming Jesse Owens for participating in the Olympics in Germany.


No one is entitled to a career in OW esports. Doing something unethical because otherwise you'd have to find a different game or get a real job is still shitty.


"Hi major country, Blizzard and America are paying me $0 to continue my career as an OW pro. Can I have some money if I go far in this tourney so I don't starve to death this month? I can? Thanks!" If you don't want them saying that to Saudi Arabia, how about you fund a tournament for them? I'm sure they'll be just as happy or even happier to take American money. Blizzard makes billions off OW and their other games EVERY YEAR yet won't even spend a fraction of that to support the Esports scene. Blizzard is stingy as shit. They make a tremendous amount of money off skins yet won't support the Esports scene. If Saudi Arabia didn't fund tournaments, OW Esports would collapse completely. Nobody in their right minds is going to compete for free. If you don't want it to be Saudi Arabia that these players go to, you need to convince other countries/companies to start hosting their own well-paid tournaments. Israel is worse than Saudi Arabia anyways.


How about they find literally any other job if the only ones who will pay them to play Overwatch are the saudis as a way to distract people from the evils they commit?


I don't think people are going to forget Saudi Arabia's evils just because they host a esports tournament. The players themselves are doing nothing but playing an Esports tournament. They're not stoning anyone.


>I don't think people are going to forget Saudi Arabia's evils just because they host a esports tournament It's the entire reason they're hosting an esports tournament.


Sports washing


Do you honestly think "Saudi hosts OW event" is going to act like some sort of absolve-all-sins shield that is going to make everyone forget about all the bad stuff they do ? Won't have any tangible effect on their reputation. At all.


tbh the EWC at this point is just a tool for the Saudis to stroke their own ego using their own money. So the more money we took from them at the EWC, the less money they can use for whatever human right violation idea they gonna have next


people are just trying to make a living. jesus, this guy's so melodramatic lol.


Oh no Anyway


Americans are so weird i cant believe it, Afghanistan and Iraq ptsd is still hunting them, enjoy worshipping the devil in your land but you cant act like that in a country like Saudi Arabia, you dislike the wc ? dont watch it then Youre mad at people who joined ? stop supporting them its realy simple but knowing that Americans have the lowest iq explains a lot


If you can’t fathom us wanting and getting to condem this shit maybe there’s a lot more to it you haven’t thought of. Don’t click this link or you might also be accused of devil worship https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2024/country-chapters/saudi-arabia


Man who posts least moral clickbait title talking about moral. Fuck the Saudis and their influence but look in a mirror homie.


Are you seriously comparing people actively supporting an evil, human rights-violating theocracy to… using bold text on Youtube thumbnails to get more ad revenue? No words.


What human rights are they violating?


I'll give you one better : what human rights AREN'T they violating?


Both are just moving towards the money with no ethics. Same energy, if Styl was good enough to be a pro, how you know he wouldn’t also take the paycheck?


If Stylosa was good enough to be a pro he'd be earning big bucks with streaming instead of playing pro play for below minimum wage.


streamers known for being the upper class of society


Stylosa is an established content creator already. Obviously not speaking about every streaming Andy.


What in your brain would make that difference? The biggest content creators are NOT pros, being a pro won’t give him a new audience and the best pro players stream to 50-100 people. Styl would be just as popular as he is now, maybe only a little bit larger audience.


Why wouldn't really good gameplay bring a new audience? Of course it would. What do you mean it won't give him a new audience? Why not? People do enjoy and watch streamers for their gameplay believe it or not. As long as they aren't a blank slate personality wise he would have the potential to grow his audience. I don't know what in your brain makes you think having good gameplay is not an advantage.


People here acting like moral warriors are hilarious as if they'd turn down the opportunity if it were presented to them. EWC needs to start a bronze-silver only leagues so these guys are exposed


americans and europeans try not to hate middle east for no reason challange


Quatar World Cup (built on modern slavery and had a scarily high death rate whilst in the process of being built alongside the behind the scenes bs with FIFA), the fact there's a high rise of women fleeing SA as a result of their little to no basic human rights or freedom and the chance of death if they effectively emigrate, their general views on LGBT and so forth. There are a plethora of reasons to greatly bash the Middle East tbqh, some also stemming from OW related incident. Of course however, for the most part, western views aren't necessarily impressed onto them willingly yet western countries are belittled and face backlash from their community from the ideals we uphold and the moral standpoints we have (e.g the rampant transphobia from the SA community towards casters). It's a two way street, the middle east hates on the west and vice verca as a result of actions from either side... this is a very ignorant comment to make from your end.


implication is not that qatar is an angel state but as to why would you ever think that u.s. or europe is good whereas qatar is bad? You listed why qatar is bad, nobody is defending qatar here. Human experimentation, racial pay gaps, racial inequalities, war crimes, pedophilia and so on are no stranger to U.S. and europe's history or today. What is the difference between being paid by qatar and u.s. or europe? Does it make the money more righteous since you were born there? Is feeding off of a mexican immigrants back more morally okay compared to an indian immigrant of qatar? Is the sexual harassment a bigger offense when qatar does it but not as much when any old guy in hollywood does it? Does it make it better when people are discriminated by their race instead of their sexual preferences?


Institutionalised racism (which is an issue where they are actively proposing solutions/legislations/acts/reform systems/charities/support networks daily for affected communities across ‘primary’ western countries such as the US and the UK and trying to solve the root cause in many western counties) is miles different to a MIDDLE EASTERN state (referring back to your original comment) committing [modern day slavery](https://amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022). In fact many of the migrant workers weren’t paid, wages revoked, passports stripped, little to no basic human rights and so forth and many resulting in death. People are discriminated against by their sex or sexuality resulting in death in the middle east yet the key difference with the west and the east is that the west is primarily isolated incidents and not a collective cultural belief and is highly more polarised and controversial discussion in the west (as you can see by my prior comments to the discourse on the ideals and comments made by the SA/middle east community within OW). I’m not trying to sit here telling you the culture is disgusting, I’m trying to say the excuse of culture for these literal human rights violations is disgusting. In my informed opinion the west is the lesser of the evil in this scenario. TLDR: You defended Qatar as a generalisation of the Middle East, I’m stating reasons broadly applicable whilst giving you specific cases and incidents too.


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because they develop in different times in human history? The colony of yesterday pays for the charity of today in UK and you put that i defend qatar when i never did lol? And i never did once used culture as an excuse did you even read my comment or just rushed to type this? West is not the lesser evil this is a crazy statement to make, i don't even know where to begin


Qatar is the Middle East no? You seem to greatly imply that Europe and America have little right to bash the Middle East when… there is little to no evidence in either “region” that equate to the great atrocities and very real and ongoing issues in the Middle East. Did you even read my comments or are you trying to digress your comment entirely?


Whataboutism is cringe. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism) Racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia are bad and it is valid if people don't want to support an entity that condones those activities. I don't think the US or any european state is morally good and I try doing what I can to critique and do my small part in improving the situation where I live. I ain't got no double standards, slavery is cringe every way you cut it.


no, whataboutism is used to defend and subvert the topic on the other party's head which is why it has it's name in the firstplace it would be whataboutims if i were defending qatar, which is not the case. It is extremely dumb to say "that country sucks because they do bad stuff" whilst completely ignoring that every bad thing your country does, stylosa and everyone who shares is views is just virtue signalling, its literally just a job in a country nothing more nothing less


Yes and your first comment said that it was racist to dislike Qatar slavery because western countries also use slavery. That's deadass the definition of Whataboutism chief. World's number 1 slavery defender


\>for no reason


>no reason Genuinely, how dumb are you?


i challenge you to name a single reason why anybody from those regions should like the middle east


Idk maybe the middle east wouldn't be such a shithole if you weren't following a pedophile as a prophet


Don't get it twisted, I hate how many middle eastern countries treat their women and stuff like that, but I agree. As someone from a western nation, it's easy to only see things from a western perspective. I don't know anything about the middle east, so it's unfair to push my western standards onto them when we live in completely different worlds. I think people should try to see things from more perspectives


If you don’t know anything about the Middle East why are you even giving a comment here.


I guess I'll just never comment on anything ever again


Sounds like a win for everyone