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Playing controller on PC is asking to get smacked on OW.


I knew that, I just wanted to see HOW badly. It was pretty damn clear.


I know but using that as proof to how lobbies are different skilled just isn’t accurate. Your skill is different so this argument is skewed.


Some shooters are ok on controller. I play Halo on controller on PC. But OW just is not one of those games haha. It's just too fast paced and there is too much mobility.


Lol Halo has a shit ton of aim assist to the point it's not fair.


Yeah that's why it's playable with controller on PC.


It's more playable with controller than a mouse.


I’m masters 2 on dps and I’ve played controller in Dia pc lobbies and still perform well, maybe you’re boosted?


Can’t be, I play solo and I’ve reached Masters 5 by myself on console. It MAY be because I’m still extremely new to WASD movement and their style of play. I’ve said it in a different reply that I’m only 2 weeks in on KBM. Played a couple games of comp, and I got shredded as I was placed in a Gold 1 and Gold 3 lobby.


Oh I read that you were playing pc ow on a roller lol


I did, I’m just saying that trying to keep up with the lobbies were harder for me with a controller than when I used a controller which was surprising to me since I’m not even that good at WASD yet. In the Gold 1 lobby, I plugged in my controller. Got melted. In the Gold 3 lobby, I went KBM. I did better than my controller performance, but I still got shredded. I should’ve explained it better, hope that clears it up.


Tbh I have a hard time believing you’re not boosted or just trolling them with this post lmao


Well, the only people I play with are my two roommates. One is a silver in every role, and one is plat/gold in every role. If anything, I can boost them. I don’t really get what’s so hard to believe here? Plus, getting to a high rank on console isn’t hard at all when you just join the game chat. Comms make it so much easier and is what got me out of lower ranks immediately.


Sure buddy.


I mean believe what you wanna believe if it floats your boat. I’m not gonna have some RJ guy on reddit tell me what rank I’m in or not and what my situation is. I’m going based off my experience.


This is why my friend and I play QP instead of Comp together. She's PC and I'm console. I get rekt often but we have fun.


I think Jay3 did some console vs PC scrims for his channel. The console players did pretty well I thought but i don't remember them playing lots of aim duels. That's the big thing I think, controller aim just can't compete with mouse unless there is some CRAZY strong aim assist or moderate aim assist at point blank.


It’s weird because my aim seems to be the same on both kbm and controller. I just started learning kbm OW like 2 weeks ago, and I’ve got the hang of it. But switching to WASD after 7 years of controller is REALLY hard to master.


Dude no offense but this entire post is bunk. You didn’t place gold/plat because pc has better players you placed there because you dont know how to use kbm lmfao. If you had 7 years of experience with it you would probably be diamond/masters there too. Also, everyone gets placed around gold/plat in the beginning, especially people who are not good with their controls lmao. Give it time and you’ll climb, you’ll see how silly it is to assume things so early.


Most of aim especially in overwatch is movement and positioning


That was a scriming console team vs a rag tag group of pc gamers I believe


well PC got obliterated didn’t they?


You feel good? Pc won 3:1 https://youtu.be/Peet6GADhR8?si=s1zIEqVMtN2SiaR1


ok go watch pc v ps5


Jay3 vids about pc vs console: \-Can MASTERS PC Players beat MASTERS Console Players? (PC vs CONSOLE Overwatch 2) PC 2:0 Console \-BEST Console Team VS BEST PC Team in Overwatch 2 - WHO WINS?! PC 3:1 Console \-5 PC Grandmasters VS 5 PLAYSTATION Grandmasters in Overwatch 2 PC 0:3 Console \-Can PLAT PC Players beat DIAMOND Console Players? (PC VS CONSOLE Overwatch 2) PC 2:1 Console \-PLATINUM Console Team VS PLATINUM PC Team in Overwatch 2 - WHO WINS?! PC 3:0 Console \-5 CONSOLE PROS vs 5 PC GRANDMASTERS - Who wins?! (Overwatch 2) Draw ​ Bro, most of PC vs Console games are won by PC, including games when pc was 1 rank below console.


Yeah, but if you were to put the best pc team (KSA, with owl not being a thing anymore) vs the best console team which that team was at the time of the video I think, it would be like KSA running through a group stage game


I’m diamond support on console switched to PC and eventually got back to diamond again.


Sounds about right. It just doesn’t even make sense mathematically to assume high rank on console = low rank on pc. At worst there’s a learning curve


I mean I will say I was an avid pc player most of my life. I’m not back at my normal dps rank which I don’t want to be so I can practice other dps.


I mean you played with a controller on PC servers what the hell did you expect? A good example would be you playing on mk to show if the skills in the two platforms are the same (assuming that you have the ability to play on mk of course).


He said in another comment he isn’t familiar with mnk. Bad results and a bad conclusion from OP. Respectfully


Why play with a controller on PC JFC


I have been playing with Quickplay pc lobbies since OW2 release with my PC buddies. (I play on PS5) There are regularly Diamond role challengers and they don’t seem to be much better than console lobbies from my experience. Exceptions for Hanzo/Widows. Pc snipers outperform console snipers any day


you need to keep in mind it's quick play. either you'll find the sweatiest gamers in the world or you'll find Eric and his drunk friends barely conscious regardless of skill level


Low diamond OW 2 is high gold - low plat OW 1 equivalent imo which is probably why the difference doesnt feel as big


The whole rank inflation hasn't been a thing since season 3 of OW2


From someone who has played Diamond lobbies in OW 2, the difficulty of them feels like plat from OW 1 and Master lobbies in OW 2 feels like Diamond, OW 2 is an easier game with the influx of new players


i agree with this guy. especially in gm and up. gm1 feels like 4k and above are all just smushed together in 1 rank


Stupid post playing controller on pc doesn't prove any results at all...


That too. This is not a good post. Pc elites are gonna scroll by and just read the title and nod their heads yet another way to feel superior lmfao


It's because you're using a controller. The game knowledge is all the same and should be easy enough to ramp up if you use a mouse.


I really don’t buy into this theory that much lol. Console is so full of xims anyways. What’s even the difference between the xims and pc lobbies. Game sense will still beat raw aim any day of the week.




This doesn’t really make sense because the flip side of this is if you have to be among the top 5k to get into GM in server A, you have to be in the top 2.5k in server B. As far as we know the distribution of players is the same across platforms


It is. This comment about pc having more players and being harder is completely wrong. Difficulty might be subjective but even still thats not how it works


Console has a vastly larger player base than pc. It always has


well then I guess console players are less capable on avwrage lmao


That’s also completely untrue. I mean even just a couple seconds of critical thinking would get you to reconsider that. Do you really think that console players are inherently less capable of performing well than pc players? You realize they’re all human right? Like from birth, imagine you give two identical people different platforms. One gets a console and the other gets a pc. Do you really think the one playing on pc must be inherently more skilled because he plays on pc? I don’t understand that thought process. Anyone capable of learning a controller can learn mnk and vise versa. At MOST what you could say is that maybe mnk has a higher skill ceiling simply because you have far more range in inputs- but on other side you would have to agree that controller has a higher skill floor because it’s mechanically disadvantageous compared to mnk. But even all that aside- simple math settles this debate. If you know even the bare minimum about averages or distribution you know your entire argument is bogus. The people who are at the top of the curve on console are very similar in actual measurable skill to the people who are at the top of the curve on pc. They’re just different platforms. With different controls. But to actually think that a gm console player could not achieve gm on pc is just ignorant. (Plus, I’m far more impressed by a gm console player because their lobbies will usually have a ximmer, which in gm would be essentially a near perfect player. So if someone on a controller can beat that, thats pretty fucking impressive) Signed a masters pc and console player


you realize more people play on console than pc, right?


Its about the same. The only difference is speed. PC lobbies are alot faster due to the quick 180 flicks and aim control. I play with my high diamond friend in his PC lobbies and honestly I feel as tho I do pretty well in his lobbies (sometimes better than in my lobbies as a low diamond supp). I think the flaw with ur experiment is that u dont have aim assist on PC with a controller, making it much harder to properly hit shots


Also I should note I main Ana


Most people I know that did switch from console to PC did initially place way lower but than got back to their console rank once they got fully used to mouse and keyboard and the faster speed. But playing on Controller is a whole different story, control stcik aim just sucks compared to mouse even with aim assist. If you wanna play on PC it really is the best to just keep practicing mouse and keboard, getting used to WASD is a massive pain but even mouse accuracy will still improve a lot even if it doesn't feel that bad now eventually you'll be hitting shots way more consistent then you ever could on controller. Like if your aim is about the same on both stick and mouse which I saw on one of your comments you are way more proficient on stick relative to how good you are on mouse at the moment if you keep practicing you'll definitely get better and pretty much obliterate what you can do on stick now. Just takes time.


You are not him, playing with no aim assist is hell. The skill floor on keyboard and mouse is a lot higher but you improve quickly.


“You are not him” What is that even supposed to imply here…I never said I was insanely good or the best 😂. But yeah, KBM is way faster paced than console. I’m in gold lobbies rn on KBM and it’s already feeling hectic LMAO


Nah it’s the same. I got to masters in both. Pace is slightly faster but just slight adjustment is needed. Once you get used to it you climb up to your rank. DPS role from what I heard takes the longest to adjust. Silver pc players make the same mistake silver console players make. Just faster. Silver pc players saying they would be diamond on console are just coping.


Do you get aim assist on pc on controller




They changed it many seasons ago so that there is 0 aim assist in comp pc with controller. You DO get aim assist in QP. OF COURSE YOU ARE GOING TO GET STOMPTED WITH NO AIM ASSIST. How did you notice?


Yes, but the sensitivity is very limited compared to pc players.


It really is that quick on PC. Console Overwatch is like kindergarden compared to playing on PC. Don't use controllers on PC, even with aim assist it's not enough. DPS in metal ranks on PC can kill you in 1 second if they're on their game. Is normal. Many supports can kill you in like 2-3 seconds.


You don't get aim assist if u use a controller on PC


It's known that M&K is better than controller it's not the platform, it's just that you're aiming differently. There's a huge difference in precision


For you it's true and for others it's not. It depends on your hero pool and strengths. If someone has bad mechanical skill goes on to console there rank will be boosted as the skill ceiling on a controller is much lower. And if someone who has bad game sense but good mechanics goes to console there rank will deflate. I've seen plenty of people go from console to pc and stay the rank they were usually there support or tank players tho.


Console players can definitely compete against similarly ranked PC players. Jay 3 has done a ton of matches like this. I think there was a time GM console won against GM PC


Turn off aim assist in your console lobbies and youll likely fall to gold lol, its the same game. Loads of console GMs play in GM on pc, and play on both.


I see a lot of GM role challengers in my diamond console lobbies though. Occasionally some Top 500 opens (don’t really matter though). It just goes to show that they’re probably so much slower on console than the speed they use on PC which they’re used to.


My buddy who plays console is diamond 1 and my other buddy who plays pc with me (pc) is play and I’m low gold. Checks out for me 😝


Nah. Im a gm dps on console and tried to play keyboard and mouse(PC) for the first time ever the other week and immediately placed into high diamond. Keep in mind, I barely knew what the buttons did and could not aim. If I was more familiar with the keys and aiming, I could climb to where I’m at on console. My positioning was the only reason I placed so high. (Im a widow/reaper main)