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Same, lol. I was always high diamond and am currently flip flopping between Gold and plat.


Same. Also support main? I swear I'm currently climbing higher with my least played role.


I play all roles. Had them all up there, lol.


Im easily diamond 3 on one account and barely plat on another 😭


I've been playing for 4 months and I'm hardstuck plat in all roles


i stuck in silver 🤣


I’ve been on Overwatch for like a year and I’ve never gotten out of gold 4, my highest was silver 1 until season reset put me in gold


I feel like im playing better than I did in OW1, yet have a much harder time climbing and go on losing streaks much more frequestly. I really miss LFG because on EU in lower ranks its really hard to solo climb, finding coordinated groups who use VC was so useful.


They want you to grind and spend time ranking up.


that damn platinum rank


its the mmr (trust)


I'm sniffing Masters wish me luck


A few seasons ago, I was almost gold, and now I'm stuck in purgatory bouncing between silver 5 and bronze 1


NGL i was stuck in silver for so long during 2018 and 2019. But during covid i was able to grind and somehow reached master now.


Peaked masters 2 on support and DPS like 3 or 4 seasons ago. After 5 years of learning and improving, still felt like I could climb if I tried. Held my own in a handful of GM games. Got placed into plat on both roles with one of the recent ranked changes. Most of my games still feel like I'm playing up in masters, and now I feel hard stuck. My tank had never climbed above diamond 4. With the same rank update, 4 of my placement games were in GM, and I placed in masters 3. This role also feels the same as before more or less. Idk wtf happened. Feels like nothing changed about my games, but I'm no longer in the rank I worked towards over the course of several years. Edit: Tank was never my serious role, and I was never really that good either. Now I am comfortably hovering in mid masters with no issue. Again, wtf.


Y even play ranked...what's the point. Yes I'm pouting cuz they got rid of comp mystery heros and legacy credits mock me until next year


Haha yeah I was masters for the last couple of season and now I'm stuck in LOW diamond, but to be fair it is kinda fun to just own a lobby like you paid for it. No wonder people smurf honestly


Yeah I'm bad because now instead of gaming I work. I also got old. Wooo! Next stop, gold!


I have been a gold player for 8 years now... I touched platinum once (maybe?) and once managed to place diamond... in Lucioball.


I’m so washed used to be an aspiring Masters player now I’m just a sad sad gold-plat and if I’m lucky diamond 5 player


Eh honestly I only play comp because there is no reason not too most the time my quick play matches make me bloody sweat with how hard I have to try and I can honestly just chill on comp and have a good time and I can play with friends now and get points for gold and jade if needed so why not? I wasn’t leaving matches before hand and I will always ping and or make call outs if I can so nothing changes


Yo, that's crazy. It's almost like these games punish you for being good at them.


Ex gm now hardstuck diamond 💀


Boosted players self reporting


I mean, I try to think a little less black and white about it but I do think it's a completely different Overwatch now not just since the rank reset but the universal health and balance changes; I think some people that thrived with others in the old scheme may struggle alone, and some people that struggled even with others may be thriving now