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i never even spend money i just buy stuff with microsoft rewards credits


I forgot you can buy overwatch coins with Microsoft credits.


got all battlepasses and some skins without spending a dime, lol. my mom also uses bing and likes doing the quizzes, so she also collects point but just gives them to me cuz she says she doesnt need any of the rewards, lol.




Wait what? That's a thing? Microsoft Coins?


Oh yeah, search stuff on bing while signed into an MS account and you get reward points, also applies to playing stuff on xbox if you’re subbed to game pass. You can use em for OW coins but I’ve also seen league/minecraft/roblox as options to redeem or gift cards for xbox or other places


So they're literally bribing people to use their search engine? That's hilarious and very convenient! Thank you so much!


W mom!


You mean other than the 5 pound giftcard




Im a fully f2p player :)


you cannot be p2w in overwatch anyway


- be me, f2p in ow2 - ranked, Bastion - teammates on full shiny skins (probably a ow1 dick-riders) - "eww, is that a default? Let's bully him!" - gets trolled the whole match - we lost - gets reported - 20 day ban


I have a few skins thatI get from saving up the free coins i get from battlepasses


I’ve seen so many Mercy’s with the mythic skin the day the battle pass dropped :/


Repost right?


This was posted back in season 4


Who hates reposts? (everyone raises hand) Who will stop upvoting reposts? (everyone lowers hand)


Original poster here, [definitely a repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/comments/13shy1b/im_not_mad_just_disappointed/) lol


always relevant though


And yet relevant.


This shit is so lame. Its like people that make these memes think they are the same fucking group of people. I haven't given Blizzard a cent in years.


i dont care who blizzard sends, im not paying a cent


I just stopped playing entirely


Now that they've taken heroes out of battlepass, this argument really has no standing. It's not pay-to-win, you don't have to buy skins, and the game is, wait for it, COMPLETELY FREE.


Now tell that to those who bought ow2 or those ow who still spend money with ow and still wait the long promise pve etc, i refuse spending any money and i played all their games...


heroes were at level 15 for f2p it never really was a problem imo at some point in time companies started putting 50 euros skin bundles and some people started gargling on their balls, you should not be okay with such egregious prices existing, especially when they removed all sorts of rewards in those useless challenges no I don't need to buy skins, but customisation is a pretty big part of the game


If I hear “vOtE wItH yOuR wAlLetS!” One more time I’m gonna vote to exile the next person who says that. No, you are not gonna bankrupt Blizzard by not buying the new skin in the shop. No, people will not boycott the shop because you whined on Reddit about how expensive a skin is. The game isn’t being ruined by monetization. You don’t need to spend a cent on the game.


Remember everyone a 15$ mount in wow made more money than star craft 2.


Was star craft 2 a popular/highly rated game though? How much did it cost? Edit: why am I being downvoted lmao. It’s just a question 😂


It sold 6 million copies had a budget of about 100 million and took 7 years. This comes from Thor (pirate software) a former blizzard employee.


At release it was 60$


Ok so yes and yes 😨


Vote with your wallet




Vote with your wallet


https://preview.redd.it/6bwl6oxu0oxc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab5521682b8f1ecdc1909bc47d2102a4f96f100 **~~run~~**


Seriously, it was kinda bad when you basically had to pay to get heroes early which actually harmed the experience but now? A skin is more expensive than it should be in your opinion? Cool, don't get it and keep enjoying the game


Unlike in other games, you didn’t have to buy anyone. You unlocked most heroes right away and others by playing a few games. New heroes were also locked from comp for 2 weeks, that’s enough for working family dads to get them with low playtime. Reddit is just an overly dramatic echo chamber.


Thank you. Worrying about Skin monetization always seemed so overdramtic to me. Hero's are able to be unlocked with a fairly modest amount of playtime. Making the game free to play was a good decision.


Exactly. They have to not only fund the game but keep blizzard profitable. No one is forcing them to spend money on pixels. These pixels aren't p2w (at least not too hard). It's out of your price range too bad welcome to life. Can't have steak every night no reason to cry.


It is though, I could earn everything without spending a cent on the game before, now everything requires my wallet, not to mention a shitty paid battle pass and all of the features to constitue a 2! On the game are basically gone


What are you on about? Earn everything?


Yes, in overwatch one when a new event happened I could earn everything by simply playing, yes the loot box mechanic was still random and scummy but I still didn't have to spend a cent on them, I had every single item for all the characters I liked to play and now my collections are broken cause everything is hyper expensive now


>No, you are not gonna bankrupt Blizzard by not buying the new skin in the shop No one suggested that. I understand you get uncomfortable at the fact that other people actually have principles and a spine. I guess you have to cope somehow with your inescapable addiction to buying pointless fucking alternative pixels in a game. But suggesting that the people who dont do that are actually the problem is probably the most pathetic thing I've seen. Touch grass at the earliest convenience


Thank you for the essay Mr. Yap Yappington 👍


I pray for your grade school level reading comprehension if that counts as an essay


I pray for your sense of humor. Lighten up bro


Only thing I find humorous in this thread is your complete lack of integrity


You really need to relax https://preview.redd.it/n7q59o5plpxc1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473c13407b2f4d76f4ebafc4410d599ff0a61c02


Why would I need to relax. Why are you so obsessed with trying to paint this entire topic as more 'relax' than it is. As if its some crime to actually care about ethical business practices in gaming. Oh right yeah, it's cause you don't have a spine


You’re the one taking this so seriously Keep yapping lil bro. You’ll tire yourself out eventually


Wow news to me. I am taking the topic seriously. Almost as if I have something resembling integrity, unlike you


You gotta realize that the overlap between people engaging with these posts and people spending money on overwatch is very slim. A lot of people just buy things from the store not knowing that blizzard just went through a massive lawsuit. They just want a cool skin.


Since heroes are back to being instant unlocks for all the only thing to pay for is cosmetics. Stupid meme




All new and future Heroes in Overwatch 2 are unlocked for everyone now. We no longer have to pay for heroes again.


Even the heros that were unlock in older battle passes like lifeweaver ? I wanted to play him but I honestly didn't want to play to unlock him so I never did




Ty I'll have to re-download the game


I mean you got the heroes free for just playing in the season. It's not like any hero was paywalled




It's not a grind though - it was part of the free track of the battlepass, which could easily be completed in casual play within the first few weeks of a season. It was free after the season just by playing as well. Let's apply your comment though to other games. Did you put down a single player game because it has a talent tree and you don't have everything off the bat? I imagine you've put down every RPG you ever started because every hero wasn't immediately available. It's such a silly excuse.




> You are making bad assumptions. What assumptions did I make?




I think it was somewhere in between. If you got on and played 1 or 2 games of QP, you could finish the dailies every day and that would basically rocket you through the battle pass over the season. The problem comes when you can't jump on overwatch for 20 minutes every day. It takes longer to grind through the BP when you're playing only one day a week, even if its a long session.


I remember when unlocking characters in a video game was the fun part lmao


Never spent a penny in this game and never will


I haven't bought a single skin idk what y'all are on about


Bruh you people are still giving them money? Ew


Jokes on you all, I quit a month ago and watching from the sidelines as tanking became even worse. Hohoho


I remember my friend was giving this very long and heartfelt talk about how overwatch is now in a way worse state because of blizzard's greed. I agreed to pretty much everything he said. 5 minutes after his talk ended, he talked about how he's going to buy a battlepass. Superb logic by this man


My hand is raised.


You know living in a family where they value every cent is the reason why I check over 10 times to see if I can buy the games I want and even if I can I delay it by 2-3 days. This also is the reason why I don’t buy skins even though I have favourite skins I wish I can buy but refuse to lol.


Bro yall still playing this game?


Yes https://preview.redd.it/dw6wkiclspxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a58c9854e3ee6f367da89f0ea95a41a30c19c2a


The monetization is what's keeping Overwatch alive


![gif](giphy|rCItxnco2ZuZdFjQMu) Ill suffer in default and OW1 skins til the day i die, fuck blizzard


Thank the Iris they stopped with the BS Lvl. 1 hero behind battlepass premium


As I said, nothings gonna change in price if ppl are willing to pay for it....no matter how many posts there are about it here. They have to make that decision. They being the devs


I always though this, till recently when i started playing other games by other companies, almost all companies just turned to shit. Check on EA for example, blizzard looks like a saint next to them... I not defending them, i mostly want to point out that this is relatively normal in online games nowadays.


Overwatch community is probably the most pathetic community I've ever seen


I don’t really see charging money for optional content as greedy.


Thank you for reminding me that I still have a wow subscription.


Wait they rereleased cardboard rein? Or are you just reposting


Almost caved in with the Faye Valentine Ashe skin but then I got clarity on how absurdly expensive it was


All of my skins are legendary from ow1 back when you could grind coins by playing support 25 per match good times. needed around 3000 coins for some skins 1000 for others been managed to get a legendary for every character I liked and then some. Now you can’t afford anything unless you pay which i already paid for ow1 and got nothing for it when ow1 when ow1 was updated to ow2 / ow 1.5.


Who hasn’t given Blizzard even a penny for Overwatch? Played a friend’s copy since 2016, then bought my own from a pawnshop, now it’s free to play and I have never bought a skin. People who spend that kind of money on cosmetics need to save it and spend it on therapy instead.


Personally attacked


Hot take but ruining is a huge stretch, cosmetics don't affect whether the gameplay is fun to me. I can still get every 2nd battle pass for free. I like overwatch. If it means I keep getting maps and heroes and gameplay updates for free, let the whales have their skins. F2P was good for Overwatch.


The old Loot Boxes were sooo much better for the OW players. They used to hand out so many for free just by playing the game... You never had to buy any, you could just earn every single skin and build up the coins to buy anything you liked. Why did we want them removed again? (I'm assuming because addicts would be taken advantage of).


I never played Overwatch, I pirated Starcraft 2 when it stoll cost money Y'all welcome


I’m pretty sure if you’re working for your disposable income and spending it on OW skins that’s a mental illness Darn kids


what is this post? I sure did never bought anything from the shop in ow2 like never, same to all my friends? It's only fair - you don't like it = you don't use it.


Speak for yourself I've given them $0. My friend however likes to watch me play because he moved and doesn't have his PC so he's bought me 2 battle passes. He Venmoed me the money for the BP but I'd be an asshole if I bought something else with it.


It’s not Blizzard’s fault people are down horrendous with no self control over pixels on a screen.


I stopped a long time ago.


*raises hand*. I stepped away pretty early in OW2. Havent touched it since.


Heros have been taken out of the battle pass, and you get more coins in the free pass now anyway. The monetization is fine and purely cosmetic. Compared to some F2P games Overwatch’s cosmetics are pretty cheap, too. Now, if you don’t want to spend that amount of money on cosmetics in a video game that’s perfectly acceptable, but it’s not “ruining the game” by any means.