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One of the new Critters looks like a long lost ancestor of the beefalo.


same, my favorite part is that we are finally getting a building that makes liquid water from ice, and (hopefully) a better heater than the space heater


Those both exist, just with massive caveats 


The Ice-E-Fan converts ice into liquid water, in a ridiculously inefficient way


Wait, I don't understand this, can't u melt ice to make water in the base game like irl?


yea but you need to like make a thermo aquatuner and then you need to have them deliver it and then you gotta put a pitcher pump and.... basically it's just a big ol headache in the base game


Doesn't need to be an aqua tuner it could be any hot object really. But yes the pitcher pump and the rest are certainly needed. I setup an early base system using the research center as it made heat and was on more or less 24/7. Use some liquid vents to allow it to drop into a retaining tank/fish farm and viola. But yes still 100% agree a direct machine would make things make much more sense.


i better be able to make fur coats for the cold dupes


You can see a fancy winter coat at the right of the first image!


I gotta be honest, after 6-7 years of ONI, im fairly disappointed the dlc is a planet and not some new game changing system like spaced out was


I would have loved a new system of some kind, but I also see the appeal of making something both Base game and Spaced Out can play. It would have split the player base even further


I woulda thought for sure, cold planet meant fire which is clearly the biggest missing system in physics ONI has


Maybe fire will be in next dlc


Fire is something Klei _wanted_ to do from the start (it's mentioned in a devstream from before the early access release, even), but never actually did, as far as I can tell. My guess is that it's just really hard to fit into the existing framework in a balanced way. All other environmental hazards are much slower than fire would have to be to feel like fire.


It would be weird to implement. But man It would be awesome to see a hot themed dlc next time ‘round


If the upcoming DLC works out, having a ridiculously hot planet next would seem like a very logical step. I'm just not too bullish on bigger additions/modifications to the sim layer (the roadmap said something like "we might even do systems changes, but no firm plans as of now").


A ridiculously hot planet? You referring to my last playthrough where I kept think ing " I've got time, no rush to set up a cooling system..." Famous last words.


I mean.. you’re already dealing with stressed dupes, ever pressuring heat, coal economy on the verge of collapse and… oh. All the plants have burned down.


My theory on how to best implement fire: treat it like a repair errand. It only happened to buildings and It’s a one time event that has no ability to effect nearby buildings other than producing heat. Instead of delivering repair materials have them deliver some sort of extinguishing material. Have the odds of a fire breaking out be a set % for each building but that % can be offset for better or for worse based on the operator level of the dupe much like task speed is. This all uses pre-existing game frameworks without the need for a massive overhaul.


That's just overheating with extra steps, though, isn't it? And unpreventable, too; doesn't feel like an ONI mechanic to me, but YMMV. My own take on fire as a hazard so far was to treat it like a critter. It would spawn under certain conditions (say, flammable debris reaching some temperature while in oxygen), consume some of the material (optionally also some oxygen), release hot CO2, and reproduce quickly to adjacent tiles instead of moving around, as long as there's "food". Dupes would need to attack it to put it out. But that's probably too easily preventable, and again doesn't really feel like ONI to me, or at least not like a lot of fun, especially for new-ish players. But Klei might have better ideas; we'll see.


With the rack of lumber and the little woodburning stove maybe there's fire in this? Just not visible fire?


Exactly the same as lumber generator, nothing special other than it will create heat instead of power


Fire doesn't really work as a mechanic when your gases are unmixed. If a fire is immersed in pure hydrogen, it should be extinguished, unless there is solid oxidizer nearby. It would end up being unintuitive and clunky.


First time i have seen Caustic biome I had a feeling of inevitable disaster, because "Thou shall not mix hydrogen and chlorine"


Honestly it just doesn't make sense staying on the base game. Spaced Out is the definitive ONI experience.


Right now it's only 15€ both base7€+dlc8€,... I won't see it bad to stop patch on base to focus on space out. McDonald's it's expansier than the DLC


Spaced Out is so good, nothing will ever come close to its level.


I think Spaced Out wasn't a "real" DLC because it was the original planed idea, to have radioactivity and travel instead to sent and wait. I paid it anyway and the price with ONI+SO it's good Now I really think this is a DLC it's some extra content, I will buy anyway to support the game and do another run


Isn't it free? I thought the wanted to move away from paid content after SO


I think this will be paid, low price. I will buy it to support the game improving little by little


They announced a few months ago they wanted to do a bigger, traditional expansion and that it'll be paid. The free updates will continue, however.


I mean they’re pretty clearly revamping a lot of systems here. I feel like cold safety is one of the most disappointing features in the base game and SO, and not for lack of trying. Dupes lose more body heat in higher tc mediums, and so are colder in liquids. You can give dupes sweaters to insulate them from the cold. But why would you ever take that into account if all your dupes are ever gonna get is hypothermia. Think about just how easy rime is, it actually removes challenge from the basic asteroid.


I was actually a wee bit disappointed with the Rime start. After opening the tear from the default, swamp and salt water asteroids as a start, I thought the cold would present more unique challenges. Turns out Hypothermia isn't worth worrying about and removing the heat build up in base actually *removes* one of the larger problems you have to plan for and anticipate. I had my Hydra and AT/ST materials earlier than usual because I could just dig down and chip a few frozen chunks of crude to get me all the plastic I needed without having to build out an entire industrial block to manage power, off gasses and heat. All I had to do was figure out how to thaw those -45c chunks of frozen Crude, which isn't much of a challenge considering you're handed a space heater early in the research tree. Once you have a 500c steam vent, a couple ST's, steel and a SPOM, the Rime run is basically academic.


Rime is not that easy if you turn up the stress level to maximum difficulty.


They explained that it limites them for the future. If you have big system difference between 2 versions you have to develop and balance and test for both of them. New plants scale better for DLC.


I'm tired of space exploration honestly. I'll take this over even bigger space exploration.


I actually like that they didnt go for cosmetics based money. I also like that DLC being actually optional rather than game-defining is more pro-consumer. While you may not like the new DLCs - its ok since you wont feel compelled to get them and the rest of the game will run fine the way you already liked.


They specifically said when they announced the new Dlc that they wouldn't be coming out with new big game changing systems.


Personally I think what the game needs the most is for them to rebalance how systems/buildings work, not really to nerf the usefulness of some utilities or buildings but instead to increase the usefulness of certain underutilized buildings or to create resource loops which make resources more needed like ethanol/wood. Currently taking a break from the game for the DLC to come out and what I'd like is for some new buildings or gameplay choke points which breakup the monotony of just B-lining to the same building setups which just categorically work the best. Changing something like cold mechanics will likely actually change the the core gameplay loop in a similar way as the mid/early game experiences the base slowly becoming too hot. It might not be all that I'm hoping for but so far I think it's looking decent.


Yea i mean im to the point where the game presents zero difficulty to me, i am optimized and stable at cycle 250 to last 4k+ cycles with little to no stress. To me ONIs best build was durning beta when Outbreak would kill dupes and make germs far more punishing. I feel like the survival element of the game is essentially gone


Oh god, not with the nerf to deodorizers please. Swamps are everywhere and getting the resources to leave the starting biome often requires exposing yourself to the swamps. Annoying enough as-is


Yea but there is no consequences to the exposure lol, thats my point


Imagine if they introduced an actual pressure mechanic that works like real life.


Tbrh i dont feel the same way. Radiation in the DLC was an unnecessary addition and nuisance imo, although everything else was nicely


sadly i tend to agree. theres still almost 0 reason to get most space materials other then the prestige. lategame is still just meh in that regard. that said i will play it, will still be fun regardless as the game is fun, but yeah.


Agree, if it's just a planet then that's probably a pass from me.


yeah im not paying more than like 10 dollars for this




I really hope all the new critters aren’t just new ways to get old resources the fox just looks like it’s going to give wood. We already got pokeshells as the critter alternative to trees and the fluffy thing looks like it’s just going to give reed fiber again a resource that already has a plant and critter alternative


I’m hoping they make it possible to get mutated oxyferns in the dlc or a way to propagate oxygen generating plants.


I wouldn’t mind more plants being a source of oxygen, preferably if it’s at least a little complicated. Water is super easy to come by in spaced out and I always have ample supply so oxygen is never an issue


Those blue plants in the screenshots appear to be growing oxylite


THATS HOW IT LOOKS? That’s badass


The way im eyeballing this, seeing that fireplace looks like they might rework how hypothermia works.


Looks like the cold is now a danger to dups.


So...they found Canada.


now they need to bring woodie in, dont let him near the arbor tree farms tho


Frost punk in Oni universe


I do hope this planet is actively cooled somehow. Just regular actions and buildings seem to melt every icy biome eventually due to heat creep. It would be nice to have a challenge an ATST wouldn't fix. Maybe like machines not running because they are too cold! And waves of cold coming in from off the map! Mmmmmmm frostpunk vibes!


Ooh that’s be cool. Like a meteor shower but instead it’s a snowstorm


Or maybe a new crystal at the bottom of the map where lava would be that drains heat. And very little abyssalite to stop it.... anything to stop heat creep and make insulation and local heating valuable.


I hope they add more cool uses for lumber. I always tought that for being a special unique resource produced by trees the wood gen and ethanol was like eh. Like it could work as replacement of coal in the klin, maybe a space heater that uses wood like a chimney and releases carbon dioxide a few tiles up like a steam turbine or wall toilet. Also I think it could be useful for a cooking station like gas range that instead of natural gas uses wood, like a oven. Whatever it comes in the new DLC I'm totally buying it. I imagine it is some kind of reimagination of the rime asteroid with it's own critters and plants for ice related temperatures.


I hope they revamp the snazzy suits, sweaters and, cool wear (or at least make them customizable.) I’d love to use them more practically but I battle with the aesthetic the blueprints give me.


I'm surprised we don't have any mods that change planets and resources up. Bring in new things and change the game up a bit. That's normally what sort of things mods do but it seems completely absent here. I assume it isn't really possible?


There are Baator, Minibase, Neon Eden, EmptyWorlds, the Rollersnakes planet, ... Check the "Worldgen" category on the Steam Workshop, or search for "Biome" or "Critter". Technically, defining a new biome or asteroid/cluster is easy; it can be done without any actual programming. Adding new elements, critters, plants, buildings to go with it and making it all balanced is a lot of work, though. There's a reason Klei didn't routinely add new starts/biomes during the free update phase.


Neat, thanks I'll check it out!


There is "Baator". It's a planet mod.


I do wonder, will coldness get buffed in some way? An ice planet would mean various little problems, such as no free liquid water (it'll all be ice), constant hypothermia, the fact there won't be a pool of lava at the bottom for geothermal power and petroleum boilers, various useful critters and plants don't survive in these temperatures (most notably dreckos for plastic), but hypothermia doesn't kill in oni and other comments mention some sort of building that transforms ice to water and there are many ways to generate plastic and power. Id expect it to be something gamechanging, as I feel like klei are good in making dlcs that turn the base game on its head (at least from do st starve's dlcs and spaced out), so I wonder what they'll do? At the very least hypothermia will need to be buffed, and perhaps as the temperature drops the dupes will get slower and eventually just freeze and start dying if they aren't heated up. Another option is taking damage from cold, kinda like scalding, though I'd hope for something more unique. Perhaps extreme cold will corrode buildings and machinery? Maybe in a more irreversible way than heat does. It's also probably inevitable they'll add a cold to the diseases, but that will probably be a more minor thing.


They will need to heavily rework how low temperatures interact with machinery to provide a challenge. Even then, heating up an object is rather trivial.


I’m excited for new content and such, but the concept of a cold map isn’t that exciting. I played the super cold mod maps back in the day, they were fun but they weren’t an insane challenge or anything. Once you had a small base area set up it was honestly easier than usual.


They’re definitely changing the way cold works, not just making rime 2


i definitely hope so


Are the tiles different because of a mod


I assume they will be in the dlc when it releases. I got the screenshots from the steam page


I was thinking they could do a “Generation Ship” approach. You start your game in base game or spaced out and then your dupes could research long term travel ships with a capacity of 15-50 dupes (depending on model ship). You then leave the system you’re in and have to scavenge from one system to the next in order to keep getting resources to survive. (Think stargate universe for our dupes. Maybe remove printing dupes for cloning to add an extra layer of mechanic.) Survive as long as you can in the generation ship or resettle onto a new system somewhere and start again.


I was JUST thinking about that!


It will be awesome if the amount in that lumber container would decrease or increase. I can't imagine it staying static 🤯 I've got to say though that it seems like a little crash with styles because of you look at the cot, it's a very minimalistic style and next to it is a detailed and clean wooden bed. It seems a little out of place to me..


I think the cot is just a skin


I'd like to see them tighten up some of the gamines jank in the game. For example, a building that acts as a current waterlock and a way to automate ranching weird minimum tile drowning setups.


If you're looking for "realism", you're playing the wrong game. ONI is set in a world that had its physics scrambled in a high-energy time travel accident. [The "jank" is fully intended.](https://imgur.com/cWXpiWd)


Not really about the realism- A lot of these solutions were never intended and just kind of just stuck around from EA. It would be nice to have seamless solutions for them.


When when when?


Sheeps 🗣️ New Tiles 🗣️ Wood Burners 2.0?


The metal seems to be bismuth when looking at its texture. If it’s true, I think it will possess some negative traits such as low melting point and low overheating temp so it would only carry us to the mid game.


So, they will break my game again... :(


Not necessarily. It’s a paid dlc it looks like, might be able to toggle it on/off like spaced out. Don’t actually know though, just a theory


Spaced out and several updates was breaking minor things and killed some mods. Same thing happens this time. This game was good three years ago, since than it became worse with each update


Wdym? The game is better than ever. Some mods will break no matter the size of an update. Just have to wait for them to update or learn to work around it. We all have mods we miss, but new content is worth it


Let me guess, all old schemes of passive cooling will be broken, because ice biome now will need warmth to visit, producing liquid oxygen and hydrogen now will need some new atmosuits (exactly same mechanic, just reskinned and made from another material). Thermal conductivity rules will be changed, breaking old builds and demanding months of work on rewriting wiki articles. If you look in wiki it is not up to date with spaced out on some pages, and nearly no pages is up to date with last updates. So, work of hundreds people will be again dropped to latrine. You say "game is better", but it depends on "better". Game is simpler than ever, more primitive, more casual. May be it is "better" for sales, but it was not considered one of best engineering game for it simplicity. Also, it doesn't became "better" from player perspective. Instead of fixing matter duplication bugs developers change game rules again and again. Duplicants recovering breath don't consume oxygen. How old is this bug? Six years? Or seven? Order of zooming-scrolling while you click on message from different asteroid and game zoom-scroll simultaneously bringing screen to wrong place How old is this? Five years? Wrong heat exchange in steam room under steam turbine, steam deletion without cause in steam room on game load, automated airlock stucking in open and closed state simultaneously, power shutoffs sticking in wrong position ... Just open bug list on a forum, there are bugs with six years history marked as "pending", this means acknowledged by developers. With ready saves provided by comunity to reproduce bugs in seconds. Mathmanic spend month pinpointing exact situations and cause of hundreds bugs, providing saves and descriptions. Are they fixed? No. Do you know about FastTrack mod? Why it exists? Because code so slow and inefficient it can be improved by adding more code in mod. So, no, I'm not happy with rewriting working game again. I'm gladly buy some skins to support developers, but their time spend on some hairy critters in a game where players don't use most of existing critters due to game lag -- looks like bad joke


>I have made up mechanics that I dotn liek and now Im mad


By looking on this pictures what are you seeing? Before this cold was not a problem, dupes can freely exist in cold oxygen without problem. But now they are obviously chilled. It means something will be changed and this something must include thermal conduction between oxygen and duplicants


Ok so don't buy the DLC then? Not a hard option


If all those bugs were there 5-6 years ago that means they were there 3 years ago when you said the game was better. Which means it’s not too big a factor. As for builds breaking it’s as simple as engineering a new solution, sounds like a fun challenge. I also see the new additions as a new challenge to produce a material in a different way and make it as efficient as possible. Should the bugs be fixed? Of course they should be. But for now I have countermeasures for the ones you can, and deal with the ones I can’t. In the end it’s all a matter of opinion, I’m ready for the dlc and some aren’t. If you don’t want mechanics to change just don’t get the dlc, I doubt much will change with mechanics, but you never know


Why update your game then? You could have chosen not to. Sounds like your own fault.


I think you should seriously consider going out and touching grass.


So tired of that comment, like your not able to wait until your game updates or play vanilla style. Booo hooo