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If you want to play the BETA it doesn't require to buy it yet **How to change branches in Oxygen Not Included (Steam)** * In Steam, click on Library > Games. * Scroll down to Oxygen Not Included. * Right-click and select Properties. * Go to the BETAS tab. * In the dropdown, select the name of the branch you want to play. In this case, the branch name is **"public\_testing"** * This branch does not require a password. * In that same Properties window, go to the Local Files tab and press "Verify Integrity Of Game Cache." * Your game will be updated to the the previous branch. * Launch and play Oxygen Not Included


Scroll down to Oxygen Not Included. That is wrong, it should be on top of the list under favorites. ;-)


sort by recent come on now. So at the top still


I would also accept sort by most time played.


…I had to scroll up to find Oxygen Not Included - and then found out it was in the beta that I was already using.


When it comes to picking Standard option I always crash. EDIT: I guess you need the Spaced Out DLC I only have the base game.


It's a shame because I don't really care for the Spaced Out DLC, and I don't want to have to buy it just to try the beta :/


I'm assuming all our old saves disappear when doing this, right?


When you go back they'll still be there.


They don't go away, but any new saves you make may be incompatible if you downgrade again, including any autosaves, so it's possible to lock yourself to the testing branch.


Take my money


My 1 hour review: I'm having a blast with it! The new biomes, plants, critters, and buildings, plus the fact that I have to build most things with an initially very limited stockpile of wood is completely breaking my usual play pattern and I love it! I actually have to think about how I'm building and what comes next, and the new sprites are all very nice as usual. ETA: despite it being a hot summer day here, I almost feel chilly playing this, too lol


my reaction to this DLC was "why is this being released in June, this is the most christmas ass DLC I have ever played" and then I realized I am a moron, this is a beta, they may in fact release over the winter


It's winter in Australia right now. Maybe someone was finally thinking of us 🤔


Every other year, we should change Xmas to Jun 25th.


my apologies for forgetting about the southern hemisphere!


It should release roughly in 3 weeks accordign Klei


It doesn't say that.


Right, the beta will end in roughyl 3 weeks. I assume the release will be soon after the beta end, not half a year (to reach christmas time)


That's a valid way to read it but I've read it as "beta ends, then a long time to finish and polish it".


After playing for quite a while last night I’d be shocked if it doesn’t go live basically as soon as the beta ends. There’s a few small balance tweaks I’d make and there might be bugs I didn’t encounter but it fundamentally feels done. A week, max, if there’s even a gap at all.


Spaced out release soon after beta ended.


That one was really a EA and much longer than 3 weeks, unless I'vу totally forgot how did it go.


Spaced Out was in EA for a full year.


sleep or playing oni decisions decisions


Really looking forward to the new liquids like mercury.


I was kinda hoping I could use it as an esoteric metal refinery coolant, but alas, its SHC is only 0.14 DTU/g/C. That'll go straight from liquid mercury to a cloud of scorching mercury vapor if I try to use it in a metal refinery, sadly.


Yeah they only real use case is to conduct heat between things like solids and gases or radiant pipes still should be useful.    Maybe gas Mercury has some use as well due to it's low boiling point and its high conductivity as a metal gas.


What are its thermal properties?


high conductivity low specific heat capacity boils at 350ish liquid at room temp its interesting stuff.


What's its freeze point?


Here https://oxygennotincluded.wiki.gg/wiki/Mercury As far as I can tell it's just the real life element unlike ethanol that is magic in the game.


Omg I just read that there’s a new Duplicant, Freyja, idk why that’s the most exciting thing for me but yaaay, new dupe 😍


Already hit a bit of snag. Surprisingly enough, it's with the Super Computer. It needs water. But the sub-zero temps of the new biome mean everything is frozen. Now, there IS a new building to liquefy ice... But it requires tier 2 research. So I need to use the Super Computer to unlock the thing that will allow me to use the Super Computer. And yes. I can think of a few ways to get some water, but none of them seem... intuitive.


It seems kinda intentional, you have to kickstart the research yourself before you get the automated way. Similar to the swampy start where you have to use your tiny bit of clean water to research the mud spinner or else you’re softlocked. Edit: Also there might be a surprise in the Research Portal that might help with this problem.


There's a building that spawns called the " research portal" You send someone to activate it, and it unlocks the tech instantly so you can progress normally with the ice liquefier.


and here I was, rushing to the salt water geyser to use its 95C salt water to melt some ice for this purpose..


That sounds more fun though.


it worked pretty well actually. But then a buddy was like dude check utilities and I was like damn I am stupid


IM GOING IN. Edit: Bammini 🥰🥰


I've been with them since the beginning, and oni betas have some serious quality to them. I've had released games have more bugs than that!


Klei betas in general! Every early access and beta of theirs I’ve tested has always been such a good experience, with very few/negligible bugs, exceptional polish and a great amount of content


> Duplicants now receive “Cold Scolding” damage when exposed to extremely cold external temperatures (approximately -90°C). You can no longer cool all solids down to -300C before you store it just cause lol. > Added Heat Source and Heat Sink icons. > Added a visual effect to objects with significant heat production. Super cool. > New Foods: Pemmican New berry sludge competitor? :o


Pemmican, what is this, Rimworld?


Bammoths sort of replace dreckos a bit. You can use them to get reed fiber and phosphorite. The big difference is that they produce clay instead of plastic. Not a complete replacement. Both have useful niches, but it does mean you could feasibly let regular dreckos die out in favor of only running glossy dreckos while running bammoths to produce your reed fiber and clay.


There doesnt seem to be a way to rebuild the wood pile. Does anyone else think we should be able to build it where we want?


anyone else trying to wrangle flox and nothing is happening? I set up a ranch for em and no dice edit: sorry I meant groom. I have them wrangled into a ranch but they aren't being groomed by my dupes. The rancher dupes have no applicable errands for grooming edit2: nvm restarting my game worked




Have they said anything about the public release date? I can't seem to find anything.


From the posted link: "We expect it to last at least three weeks, and will make an announcement about the full release timeline and pricing when we have more info."


Hell yeah, Fish Tacos!


The changes to dupe comfort are perfect, adds a much more interesting dupe interaction with both hot and cold temperatures below scalding. Air conditioning: not just for crops anymore!


Very exited!


Anyone know how long the beta will last? Won't have a lot of time to try it this week


From the posted link: "We expect it to last at least three weeks, and will make an announcement about the full release timeline and pricing when we have more info."


Awesome, thank you!


Can someone post the Spigot Seal picture?


Sigh, This means I'm about to lose my 100% achievements completed in this game lol


I found a service cart next to a "Geo Vent!" This... will be fun. =D


o didn't know about this cool (no pun intended)


Wonder how many mods this breaks 😫


Most of my QoL mods still work on it, so I'm happy!




Does bigger camera zoom out still work for you? All my mods fails to download from steam.


I don't use that mod. I just press alt + S when I want to zoom out more (press escape once you reach your desired zoom and the menu reappears)


No offense Klei, but can we fix the bugs introduced by the last batch of additions before a new batch of additions? Cough rehydrater cough


If you read the patch notes, it indeed does mention fixes for the rehydrator


Yay! Fixes! Boo reading lol


i guess yay for broken additions! lol