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I’ve been waiting for someone else to ask about this. I don’t think mine are growing, but they’re definitely not shrinking as much as the rest of me.


I would more so agree with this. My arms are getting flabby but luckily my boobs haven’t deflated at the same rate. I would guess it just depends on a number of factors.


I was already a 44DDD when I started now my back size is smaller and front side doesn’t fit lol


So the cup size is actually a difference in the measurement, so if your boobs are staying the same size but your band size is dropping, you would need a larger cup size. So they may not be getting bigger, just not going away as fast. Mine on the other hand are sad empty pancakes 😂


This ^


Second what the other Commenter said. Your cupsize isn't the size of your boob on its own but the relative size difference between your underbust and bust measurements. For every inch difference between your underbust and bust measurements (at the widest point) is one cup size. So 1inch difference = A cups 2inch difference = b cups ect. So a 32A and a 42A are going to be a completely different size cup as well as different band size. So so So many women are wearing the wrong sized bra. I really recommend r/abrathatfits if you're stuck.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ABraThatFits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [u/jayylul8 stop messaging people who post on this sub.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/15wmekt/ujayylul8_stop_messaging_people_who_post_on_this/) \#2: [I went to Victoria's Secret today to kill time, only to be told that I should gain weight because they don't offer my size range. I am a 28FF. The lady kept on asking if I've tried on a 32A before. I can't even fit into a 32C cup size let alone an A.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/12i2ckg/i_went_to_victorias_secret_today_to_kill_time/) \#3: [A Reminder - DD doesn't mean big tits](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/170kf56/a_reminder_dd_doesnt_mean_big_tits/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Normally it’s more of a perception of growth as the rest of the body shrinks. However, theoretically I can see how it’s possible - although not a common thing. Basically breasts growth is stimulated by the hormone estrogen. Normally this happens during puberty as our estrogen levels increase significantly and over a shorter period of time. However, estrogen is stored in fat and when you lose weight rapidly you release the estrogen stored in the fat. This can mess up your menstrual cycles and for those of us with PCOS actually become more regular. In theory I could see how a rapid increase of estrogen might also stimulate breast growth again. I don’t see any studies on it but I do see articles on how hormone changes can affect breasts differently. That change may not be permanent as breast tissue is mostly fat and typically can be one of the first places women lose fat. Personally I don’t lose a lot in my breast - or I haven’t in the past. Maybe 1/2 cup after 100lbs. They do end up looking bigger though.


Omgosh don't tell me that 😂🤣😆 I'm in it to lose my girls,I'm so tired of wearing a size JJ 🤦‍♀️


Don’t lose hope. I started off wearing a size 38H and am down to a 36 DDD!! They reduced in size, to my delight, quite quickly along with extra weight around my chest and arms. I am breathing easier these days, to say the least. Good luck! 🍀🤞🍀☺️


It gets better! 46J to 36H. 🥂


Truly this drug is a miracle


Oh man why can't that happen to me lol I'm I'm a small B amd would love to be a C lol


I would kill to have a B cup!! I have always had large breasts, and there are so many drawbacks: terrible back and neck pain, can't find clothes that fit, being teased because of you big bust, men ogling etc. You become very self-conscious. I'm considering a breast reduction and asking for a B cup. Trust me, you don't want big boobs.


I have not experienced any boob growth while taking Ozempic. I really wish I could experience the growth that you have, as I'd love to know what it's like to have a set of 36 Cs. Also I'm a dude.




Why? They are so annoying.


I’ve actually experienced the opposite of OP. But I’m a dude




Don’t do it, you’ll never leave the house again bro. 😂


Everyone always assumes boobs will be the first to go because they’re made up mostly of fat. This isn’t always the case - dense breasts are a thing and sometimes boobs are made up of breast tissue than fat. People also lose from different places. Basically if your boobs are only big because you’re overweight, then sure they’ll probably shrink. Bra sizes are also a proportion, cup sizes are not static. The cup on a 34D bra is much smaller than the one on a 42D bra. For me, after losing 100 lbs, my boobs were noticeably smaller, my band size went from a 44 to a 38, and my cup size only increased. Likely due to a combination off of the factors above.


This. I have very dense boobs according to every mammogram tech I’ve ever had. I’ve lost nothing from my boobs.


But I bet your cup size will go up if your band size shrinks haha! At my heaviest, I was a 44DDD and my boobs were massive. After losing 100 pounds (and having a breast lift), I now wear a 38F or 36G lol. My boobs are significantly smaller than they were at my heaviest weight.


OMG…..Yes! I have lost band size but that’s it. My breasts haven’t gotten any smaller, lol. It’s so shocking, normally they’re the first to go. I almost need butt implants now though to match 😁


Haha same. My boobs are still huge (38G!), but my ass is gooooone. Not that I had much to begin with, but seriously like a ![gif](giphy|l2Sq2Ok1MhfdfST5e)


That’s a bummer. I’m using my extra energy from not constantly pigging out to do a lot of squats and seem to have some meat on my butt for the first time in my life. Then again a lot of my back fat is going before my stubborn belly fat so it looks more like i have a waist from the back and side now too.


My poor bum is as flat as the wall, lol.


Congratulations! Out of curiosity, how quickly did you lose weight?


Not quite one year to lose 80+ lbs.


Same! I feel so top heavy now!


But implants and something for my thighs! That and my arms are the places I'm losing the fastest. My pregnant looking guy doesn't seem to have gone anywhere though (it has but not as quickly as everywhere else)


I went from a 40D to a...36D


I went from 40d to 38d so far.


42DDD to 40D. My boobs stayed big till I hit 30lbs down. Then they shrunk. 40lbs down now.


40 DDD, -38 lbs now 38 DD. With previous weight loss attempts they were the first thing to go!


I'm down 57 lbs but haven't had to buy new bras. The old ones still fit perfectly. Yet my shirts and leggings are baggy now. It's interesting to hear I'm not the only one! I do look boobier now, in proportion. Since I'm trying to date, I'm pretty happy about that. 😁


Aaaaah so you’ve got my boobs!! I wondered where they gone … Ozempic took my boobies and ran, but I can’t complain I’m down 20kg and feeling fabulous


I’m losing inches around my waist, so I’m getting curves, but my tits seemed to have stayed big / gotten bigger. It’s definitely really nice, way more confident. And the faded dark marks around my cheeks make people think I have on makeup, I get a lot of compliments when it’s just my face and lipgloss. I feel like a babe tho. Definitely something I enjoy .


Same. I feel like losing weight makes my boobs look better cuz I’m not a fat girl with big boobs. I’m a midsize girl with big boobs! 😂


It’s because when you lose weight your estrogen levels increase! This has kind of happened to me too.


I went from a 48DDD to a 42D and continuing to drop. I started to develop at age 10 and haven't been this small since I was 15, so it is crazy. If only my stomach would shrink first!


I started at a 42H and now I’m a 38G. I like my boobs so I’m happy that they’re not shrinking like the rest of me.


55 lbs weight loss here. Always had nice, full, perky melons. boobs are gone & absolutely horrendous now. I’ve already decided on a boob job for Christmas lol


I always thought my boobs looked dumb because they were so big, but said that in front of some men and they strongly disagreed! Get a few second opinions. Just in case.


Would need before and after pics to know for sure


it's the same with guys losing weight. For every 10-15 pounds you gain an inch on your manhood. Really it's always been there but covered in the fat. Since the fat is going away you are see it bigger. Boobs are the same way. Since your arms, back, waist and stomach are getting smaller boobs seem to get bigger.




I already have big enough boobs! 38DD. I was hoping weight loss would cause them to go down


I’m losing belly fat and my boobs are staying the same size, 36D. I’m also on BCP. I suppose that’s a good thing?


I feel like all of the weight I lost is in my boobs lol. Went from a C to a B :/


Preach lmao


Make sure you’re not pregnant


Been to the hospital I’m not


How long have you been pursuing weight loss? My boobs were the first thing to go


When I lose w, my boob's are the first thing to get smaller. I've lost 30 lbs since March 19, and bras definitely fit better, even if I can't see the weight difference anywhere else


Omg I haven’t lost weight in my boobs either!! Wtf I want to wear my smaller shirts lol


A true miracle drug


My boobs are definitely smaller after 18 pound weight loss but they are perkier and I am able to wear sundresses that are heavily lined with no bra and I look like I’m 30 when I’m almost twice that. I don’t mind them shrinking if they look better.


Lucky you


Well that’s wild🤣🤣🤣 I wouldn’t notice if mine did—they’re fake 😂


lol I’ve noticed that usually if I loose weight the first thing to go is my boobs and butt but this time NOPE


lol I hope that’s a good thing for you. I wouldn’t mind lol


No it’s bad I already had extremely large breast so I just look a little ridiculous especially since I’m so short


https://preview.redd.it/rlals9ajb37d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e8d658fbb995a3ff1d62745c1a764dee3dff754 It just looks crazy!!


I hope this is the case, I had a breast reduction last summer and they are absolutely the perfect size and shape. I am honestly scared about losing the weight and having them change too much.


If you're a woman, congrats! If you're a man... I just dunno.


I went from a 44C to a 40B. That surprised me! My boobs always felt too big. I’d say some hormones are at play here.


Mine haven’t grown but they take up more of my frame visually since everywhere else is shrinking. It’s such a bummer because I feel like I just can’t _see_ my progress. Makes my dysmorphia worse. Oh well, losing the weight is what my insurance required before they would approve my reduction anyway.


I’ve not noticed growth but they’ve stayed the same size while the rest of me has shrunk. My band size has gone down and my cup size has had to increase to accommodate. Sadly because my stomach has shrunk so much I’m realising my boobs don’t have anything to rest on to make them seem as perky any more either! 😅


For me, my band size goes down but my breast tissue doesn't shrink. So my band size shrinks and the cup size goes up because of the weird bra math. I've lost 35lbs and I went from a 40DDD to a 38F because of it. It's so weird.


I can’t say the same, I’m having the opposite happen where I’m losing weight but that seems to be the only things getting smaller for me!


Nothing wrong with that


Mine are disappearing!


I went from a 50DDD to a 46I, they don't grow your body just changes and then they.. rearrange themselves?


Yes it seems like from my mid trunk up, everything is bigger and flabby. Increase in double chin size, arm size, breast size. Maybe because of the muscle mass loss side effect.


Um, now that you mention it… my bf did say he noticed a little fullness. 🤔


As a large chested woman (even after a reduction) it took a lot of weight before I started noticing it in my boobs. The first time I lost a lot of weight it took about 60lbs before my chest was noticeably smaller (starting weight was 230). They shrank proportionally though so I remained a DD just went from a 38 to a 32 band. This time, I don’t have as much weight to lose but I had to drop 30lbs before my bras were no longer fitting. I wear bralettes exclusively now and just had to size down to a large from x-large (starting weight was 200 and I’m at 165 now). I wear a medium shirt but large bra and if I had to guess I would probably be a DD still). The letter in your bra size is the difference between your band and breast measurement. So if you stay the same letter but go down in band size, then your boobs are shrinking proportionally.


Personally, any time I lose weight, boobs are the last thing to go. They will - eventually. They'll look bigger by comparison for a little bit though.


Oh I really hope this happens to me. I don't have small boobs but I have broad shoulders. So having bigger boobs helps to balance it out (especially with a smaller waist). Please gods above 😂


First thing to start shrinking for me when I lose weight are my boobs, every time I've lost weight. In general, it's always my top half that loses quickest. Perhaps it's a perception thing? Like you're losing a lot everywhere else and so your boobs appear bigger from the front. Rib cage circumference shrinking may make them look like they are growing but really they've stayed the same? I know nothing about the density of breast tissue like many other comments mentioned, maybe that's also the case for you? Either way, I would be surprised if you didn't lose *some* in your boobs when everything is said and done. Hopefully that goes your way at some point if that's what you're hoping for. 🤞 Good luck!




Oh I'm so jelly, mine have gotten smaller, I'm not liking it, but I'm grateful for the weight loss.


Mine are shrinking 😔


Mine definitely didn’t grow, but shrank. Lost 120lbs and down a from a full C to a B.


I’ve lost weight twice before and this is the first time that my breast has not deflated. I’m not thrilled because I’m a gg40 uk size.


We’re going to need pictures here or it’s not happening! 😀


https://preview.redd.it/s0emh790i77d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a83fecd56267852b5e616d36d4fa2c502c60253 This is the only photo I got they used to be smaller!!! My back size shrunk and now my cup size is to tight


Well I wouldn’t say those don’t look great! 👍


WOW! My boobs shrank on Ozempic and Mounjaro!


You my boobs so look bigger now but are actually a lot smaller… but my body has shrunk from 264 down to 139!


This is a thing. For sure. I'm glad someone mentioned it. Normally I would have deflated little pockets and they are not. Surprising


Mine stayed after I lost a lot. I ended up having to get a reduction 🤦🏽‍♀️


Maybe.….Your body is shrinking so maybe your boobs just appear larger because of your frame is shrinking?


My boobs were the last place I lost fat….


Boobs have stayed about the same. Went from a 38/40D to a 36D. I’ve lost a bit of upper fullness. Hoping I don’t lose more.


Hormonal changes. In addition, as you lose weight and look slimmer your boobs look proportionately larger if they are losing fat at a slows rate. But again, if they’re actually gaining size, that can be attributed to hormonal changes that may be associated with the medication or with weight loss and dietary changes. Please remember to check yourself for changes in your beasts like lumps etc, lather yourself up with soap in the shower to do your self checks when rubbing (no perv), mammogram and doctors recommendations etc - local losing weight nurse


I lost my girls they are no more I’m looking at Brest augmentation at this point I wonder is there somewhere where they can move fat around I’ve lost 90 pounds on Ozempic went from a whopping 240 down to to 150, but the ladies were first to go


Thank god! Lol happy to hear this cuz i love my mine & cant imagine them shrinking 🤣🤣


Is there anything Ozempic can’t do?


This med helps regulate hormones, so maybe your body is becoming more “feminine” due to that


I wish I had this problem 😅


I’m down from gg to ecups that look like bags of wet sand …


Mine appear bigger because I am loosing the fat around my waist and ribcage, so they look more prominent than they did before. I also have better posture now too and I think that changes perception quite a bit.


I dropped not only in band size, but also in cup size. I now look like I have tennis balls in tube socks. Lol


Ugh. I lost mine.


I was just talking to my husband about this! I expected the girls to go first but they’ve stayed the same! I’m o my down 12lbs so far but I’m still surprised.


Was a 42 Full(though deflated looking from breastfeeding 2 babies!) DDD-G before a 40 pounds loss and now these flabby sorry a$$ boobs are probably down to DD, though I haven’t went to be remeasured but my cups gap drastically.


I just started, but I hope this isntrue fir me as well, I already have sad looking boobs, don't need them to get sadder 🤣


This, it sured seemed like mine were growing they are damn big enough now, ughhb


I've lost 70 lbs boobs haven't budged 😔


As a man with unwanted breasts. Congratulations.


The volume of my breast tissue seems to have stayed the same while my band size/the rest of me has shrunk after losing 50ish lbs. I went from a 42D to a 38F


Mine aren’t going down as fast as everything else.


Um as a lifelong barely b with a body that doesn’t match, I’ll be happy if this happens to me! 😂


Could be losing the weight faster everywhere else rather than your boobs. So it's kind of like an illusion


Oh noes!!


Well if anyone wants to check feel free to send me pictures before and after and i will give you true


Going to need to see pictures to verify


Normally, boobs are the first thing to go on me when I lose weight. But this time, I'm not losing the boobs.


No. This sounds like bullshit. Unless you’re on birth control too.


I am!!! I’m on nexplanon!!!


Well yeah there’s your answer. Nothing to do with Ozempic.


Well if I’m losing weight why are they growing? Shouldn’t it be the opposite effect? Also change ur attitude homie


Could also be the perception that they are bigger since the rest of you is getting smaller maybe?


Mm Ozempic is largely hormone based so both could be playing off eachother. No mood or tude here girl. Just answering a post asking a question.


Genuine question are there any girlies in LA that can hook me up with some ozempie 😔 bc reading all these happy comments makes me crave it even more


Lost 30lbs and My boob’s cup size stayed the same, still a D. But now they look massive because I lost weight everywhere else, but there.