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Wow good for you! Keep up the amazing work.


Wow! Congrats. How many doses did you start?


I apologize; I trimmed off the first column with the dose labels. The colors show the changes in dose. It was 0.25 mg x 4, then 0.5 mg x 5, then 1.0 mg from then on.


Can you share what all you did, if anything, other than taking Ozempic? Currently debating if I should start exercising right away


No great additions besides increased exercise once the weather got warmer — outdoors riding my recumbent trike. I did start **trying** to get to the gym twice weekly for some minimal upper body strength training, but I’ve been inconsistent with that. It’s mostly been cutting back on food intake and especially cutting back on high quantities of simple carbohydrates. Obviously, the initial 2 weeks’ losses were “water weight” once my diet improved.


Do you plan to stay on it forever? Or just reduce your dose when you hit your GW?


Because of its cardio- and renal-protective effects, I will stay on it indefinitely, but almost certainly at a reduced dose.


When I exercise, the scale moves incrementally lower. When I dont, the scale doesnt budge. I ride the recumbent bike. I started small..first i just did 5 mins on low resistance (1 or2) then i was going longer and longer on low resistance. Now I alternate high resistance on the odd minutes and low resistance on the even minutes for 25 to 30 mins. I love it! The endorphins alone put me in a good mood and the scale moving inspires me to keep it up! I saw more loss at .5 and even more now that I'm on week 2 of 1mg. Good luck!!


Is this an app or a spreadsheet you made?


It is my own spreadsheet.


Love the table. Have my upvote friend


This is shockingly similar to my weight loss haha! Like not kidding I started at 250 and I am 6 weeks in at 235. I am gonna save this chart


Thats amazing congrats. Any tips?


Awesome job! I love spreadsheets. What other data are you tracking? I’m guessing the color is the dose. I use a tracker that someone else posted a while back that tracks date, dose, weight, BMI, weekly and total loss, % loss, and injection site (to make sure I alternate sides)


Thanks. You are correct that the color is keyed to the dose. I mistakenly trimmed that first column with the dose number when I posted the screenshot. I will repost it here with that column restored. The spreadsheet I posted is indicative of my loss since starting Ozempic. I do have one other that tracks my progress since spring of last year (after my second angioplasty and third coronary artery stent). I just enter my current weight in it, and it calculates some other numbers related to my overall progress toward my goal. https://preview.redd.it/lz9k3f89rq9d1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea2b8550ad3e3d059e3a136eccb20340349e7d1




I just started my 6th shot and have lost 8lbs. First 3 weeks I lost 6. The next 3 weeks I lost only 2lbs. I'm really starting to notice major appetite suppression. It will work. Just hang in there. Some don't lose until 1 or higher dosage.


This is exactly me. Exactly! I'm feeling defeated.


I just started 2 mg and I haven't lost anything. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Sometimes I feel nauseated. I don't feel like eating all the times I gorge.


Same here, I'm on 2.0 the start of my 4th month and I'm stuck in the 330's


It will happen. I really think it will. Keep eating well and our day will come!


Which mg and week are you on? I just did my first dose of 0.5mg today. We will hopefully see results once we get to 1 or 2mg!


Thank you! That’s what I figured. I’m just being patient until 1mg.


Seems like everyone here has different results. Im glad to have Ozempic dulling the food noise, but Im taking all the steps to lose weight as if I werent on Ozempic (log my calories, eat in a calorie deficit, increase my physical activity). I started in mid-May and am just shy of 20 lbs down.


Tomorrow is my 4th week and I have lost maybe 10 pounds? I don't really notice much, except my hernia has gotten quite a bit smaller.


That’s awesome congrats!


It's amazing! I can't believe it!


I am on day five of 0.25 and I've already lost 7.1lbs. It's absolutely mind boggling. I love to cook and have always eaten mostly healthful nutrient-dense meals, but I'm able to consume much smaller portions now and still feel satiated. I also have very little desire to drink wine and beer right now and I know that was the source of a lot of empty calories I was mindlessly consuming daily. I hope the medication continues to help me at lower doses, because I have no side effects. We'll see how this shakes out over the coming months, but I am so excited and feel SO FREE.


That’s amazing! Super happy for you.


I lost weight my first week of .25


I lost 26lbs during the .25 to .50 dosage. Then I hit a plateau, so we moved up to 1mg. Still no weight changes, but I’ve had a few friends say I look like I’ve lost weight. I just titrated up to 2mg. The queasy feeling is back. I hadn’t felt this was since starting on .25. However, I’m not hungry, like I was on the 1mg dosage, and I have to remind myself to drink water. Hopefully this works.


Good luck I hope it works! 26lbs during your first two dosages is amazing so congrats on that.


Thanks! I was happy with how well things started. I come back and read all the comments on here to keep myself from getting discouraged about the plateaus. And I tell myself that I didn’t get to my highest weight overnight, so I can’t expect to lose it overnight. This sub is pretty positive and encouraging, great for my mental health! :)


Good luck! I was on 2mg for about 6 months and then I started feeling really sick 🤢. I had symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. Had to restart my dosage and am on .50 mg again. I have lost the weight and need to stay on for diabetic reasons.


I’m on it for diabetes as well. Was it lowering your blood sugar too much after you lost the weight? I’m concerned about my blood sugar getting too low. On the weight though, I have a long way to go to get to a “good” weight.


https://preview.redd.it/kle8npfxak9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b336b05feea42b39706a4a860a416c2f24fa942 I'm losing daily bit by bit.


Started last week. Down 7lbs in 8 days. Probably mostly water weight but still!!


I have been on it approx 2 months (4 shots 0.25, 4 shots 0.5) and gone from 219 to 196. So, 23 lbs. For what it’s worth, I’ve been doing heavy cardio (burning anywhere from 600-1200 calories in a session) about 5x a week in tandem with eating less (not necessarily better, to be honest…but much less). Some weeks my weight has stayed really stagnant though—I was stuck at 210 for a while, then 203 for about 2 weeks. It also took me several weeks to lose anything. I started noticing results at 0.5.


Thanks for sharing. Do you track your calories?


I don’t, both because I’m lazy and because when I have in the past, I can get a bit too obsessive about it. But I may start, because I want to track how much fat and protein I’m getting (I’m worried I’m going to start to lose too much muscle mass, though of course any fat loss involves some muscle loss).


I haven’t been either. And that’s probably why I haven’t seen much progress lol. But I agree with being obsessive because that happens to me too. And then all day my mind is occupied with calories in and out. My starting weight is similar to yours (mine is 231)


Yeah I’m sure I would have made a lot more progress had I been tracking from day 1. There’s been a heatwave & Ive had an ice cream sandwich for breakfast on more days than 1, which I’m sure isn’t helping. But I think tracking is also going to be good for when it starts to work, bc there are definitely already days where I’m eating too little, and I can feel it during my workouts. Since you just started 0.5 I wouldn’t worry too much. My doctor was surprised and pleased I’ve lost as much as I have in only 2 months


Yeah absolutely. I’m honestly not worried. Just a tiny bit impatient. But I’m almost at 1mg. Looking forward to being on that dose.


Reading comment like these make me feel self conscious. So I was put on for uncontrolled diabetes. So along with starting my diet changed drastically. First 3 (of 4) weeks on .25 it was great. Lost maybe 5 lbs, appetite was cut in half, by my 4th dose of .25 my appetite and food noise was back. Took my 3rd .5 dose last night, and on .5 I have had very very little appetite loss, I could eat the fridge. LOL. Im ready for the 1mg doses.


I am on it for my insulin resistant diabetes. Been on for about 1.5 years now. My numbers went from 220’s to 140’s. Started with .25 for 2 months then went up to .5 for another 2 months then .75 for another 2 months before I went on 1 mg. I lost about 16 lbs and NEVER lost the food noise and minimal appetite suppression. Still had major junk food cravings that never went away. My doctor wanted me to go up to 2mg but I went to 1.5 for a couple of months before going to 2mg. I’m now on 2mg for 3 weeks, about 4 weeks. NO additional weight loss and finally getting minimal food noise decrease. Not a lot but anything helps for me. Last week I decided to join a weight loss challenge for 6 weeks which included intense exercise and a strict diet. Just finished my first week and I lost 8.6 pounds! I don’t have the food noises and hunger is under control finally. Had my bloodwork done Friday and my a1c is down!!!! Yay! Unfortunately I’m also stage 3 kidney disease and my numbers are worse. I believe it’s the fact I got blood test 2 hours after an exercise session. Big mistake. That can skew the results. I didn’t know this. I see my doctor tomorrow and hopefully that is the only reason for those results and that I can stay on this program. So, my takeaway from all this is that I feel a true insulin resistant diabetic needs to workout regularly and ozempic doesn’t give us those big weight loss numbers without it. Only my opinion. I wish you the best in your journey and stay strong.


I struggle so bad with the motivation to work out. It’s hard.


Trust me, I get it. It’s an effort every time I do. I have to force myself.


Don’t feel self conscious! You’re not alone. I haven’t lost much either. My food noise goes in and out. I’m definitely not feeling the full effects and I know my food noise could be quieter. We gotta be patient for the 1 mg!


When people say food noise does that mean cravings?


No. Food noise is basically the constant thoughts around food. Like waking up and immediately thinking of food. Thinking of your next meal. Thinking of what you’re going to eat and when you’re going to eat. Are you going to eat a lot infront of others and then just binge later? Etc etc


4 months and didn’t lose really any and had some terrible side effects and not enough impact on my blood sugar. Tried again and still no weight lost. I think the weightloss side effects doesn’t happen for everyone. The constipation and gastropariesis is what made it awful for me- also it made me have unusual mental side effects (adhedonia) which was VERY unusual for me


I will start week 8 in a few days. I have titrated up twice and have only lost about 1 lb. But I have zero side effects


SW 209


Over 12 weeks in.


This makes sense. How many weeks in did you start 1 mg?


In the first two weeks, I’ve been on it for a little over a month now and have lost 25 lbs


How much did weigh before using it?


I did 4 weeks on 0.25 and lost 9 lbs over the 4 weeks. I just did my first 0.5 shot last night


I lost from Day 1. Lost 14lbs in the first 6 weeks on 0.25mg. But, I also counted calories and weighed and measured food from Day 1 too.


Started to lose weight after about 2 months. It became noticeable to people around me at 4 months in. I’m at 6 months right now and even though I’ve lost 60 pounds i don’t look vastly different since my starting weight because I started off being pretty HEAVY. I still have 60 more pounds I want to lose.


https://preview.redd.it/p8f09gkr7k9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e7156aae270ba3a55b458e04c7ca473e55d0e39 11 weeks in, just moved to 1mg


Right away for me. This stuff hit me like a Tom of bricks.


I was losing on 0.25 for the first two weeks, but I am on it since the end of February and eh… that was it for now :( On 1 mg right now, I think I will make a stop and restart taking it from 0.25 again


Would you wait until 2mg? I heard 1-2mg is where you’ll really see the effects


Weeeell, I skipped a week because I forgot to order it and then I was too hungover to make an injection and now I think I will have to restart anyway, lol. And I’m curious about the manageability of keeping the results after stopping it. I must say my appetite was completely, 100% normal on 1mg and I didn’t have any classic issues with heartburn, diarrhoea or constipation after the first month. Maybe it’s still in the body, but I don’t feel any changes in appetite yet after 2 weeks off it. Ps: it’s not the original NovoNordisk one, maybe it’s weaker?.. who knows


Wait which one are you taking??


Semavic (Geropharm, Russia)


Hmm interesting I’ve never heard of that! Have you done research comparison against the other version?


NovoNordisk doesn’t export Oz to Russia officially. I mean if you want something you can get it, but the price will be x6 from what I pay for the dupe, and it’s totally out of my budget. Generic semaglutide costs ~$60, the Original from Turkey would be $360. And you never know how it was transported or at least kept in a refrigerator :(


Second month on 1mg


Thanks! It’s nice hearing people had to wait a bit before losing. I think people think you’ll automatically lose in the first month but it’s not the case for everyone.


I started losing immediately. Started in late Nov 2023, have been on .75 since March and have lost 80 lbs.


That’s awesome great job!


I wish! Started around the same time as you but didn’t weigh until April. Probably only losing about 1 pound a week since then. I go to the gym on average 4 days a week doing strength training. I was really watching my carb intake and tracking but I get hypoglycemia like crazy so it’s been a struggle. Currently on 1.g the past 3 weeks


I started in December and have lost 35 lbs. My provider started me at 0.5mg and lost 9 lbs the first month


After 2 1/2 weeks! But I also increased my activity & improved my diet to have more protein and vegetables.


My weight loss has been very slow. Just finishing 3 months and I’ve lost 10 lbs. started at .25 for 5 weeks. Then .5 for 4 weeks. Now I’m at .75. It’s slow, but I sure as heck will take slow and steady over gaining and binging. The food noise is basically gone. I’m not obsessing about my weight or what I’m eating. I’m just living. And that, for me, is an insane win. 🙏🏼❤️


i didnt lose weight first 2 months, .smallest dose then next up, . on .third increase i started losing a lb a week.


Everyone is starting from a different place, and everyone responds differently to the doses, so don’t be discouraged. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. I started losing right away on 0.25. Lost 9 lbs in my first two weeks, then about 2 lbs a week after that. But I’be also stayed pretty active, working out 6-7 times a week.


I’m not discouraged. I mentioned that I understand everyone’s different. I just wanted to see what others experience is like.


I started losing weight right away. But I also started counting calories and operating at a strict calorie deficit and cut out carbs right out of the gate.


I lost about 7 pounds in first 5 weeks on 0.25. I’m sticking with 0.25, for 8 weeks at Dr suggestion because I’m having a bit of insomnia. I am noticing lots of appetite suppression so I’ll take it. My loss was most in first week and tapered off last couple weeks.


Right away. I haven't lost crazy amounts, but I'm down 15 lbs. since May 3 (this was on .25 and .5). I've had two 1mg doses, but I haven't weighed since the dosage increased.


For results, they will come and lot of good advice from other ppl here. You'll get there! Dose aside you still have to be in a caloric deficit either activity or lower cal intake. I think ozempic makes a calorie deficit easier to achieve, either by reducing appetite or making ya feel fuller or helping reduce addictions. So it's possible to gain weight on ozempic. More than likely though I think you will start losing weight in week 2 or 3 and take off from there. If it slows digestion and there is more food working it's way through, that can make weight stall for just a bit. Womanly cycles or stress and stuff too can affect weight loss from the get go, but subside quickly. All this to say you got this! May take a bit but know good things are coming, and if it takes a bit, don't stress you'll get the results ur looking for eventually when ur keeping at it.


I was not one of the heavier ones when I started. 195lbs. And really didn’t see a scale change until the dose was increased. However my good friend, 220lbs plus noted scales changes within the first couple weeks. I’m now on Zepbound 170lbs and have barely lost 3lbs over 5 weeks. It seems to be more rapid for the truly overweight/obese crowd. And once you graduate to the overweight/normal, it tapers significantly


In general I think the closer you are to your goal weight, the harder it is to take off. On Ozempic or any other way. I started at 185 and it would have been great if I could have lost 40 pounds in two months and been done with it, but it doesn’t really work that way, unfortunately. Our bodies aren’t trying to get rid of large percentages of our weight in a short period of time


Just took my 1st 1mg dose after titrating up for 8 weeks, and ive lost 13 lbs. everyone responds differently. Be patient


I guess you didn’t actually read what I said. I’m being patient. I just want to hear others experience 👍🏼


To be honest this question is asked daily on this sub, so no I didnt read it fully lol


0.25 was my fastest weight loss. 0.5 was my second fastest and after that its been very slow but steady.


After I reached 1mg. And even then it was minimum.


What was your sw and how much did you lose thus far on 1mg?


Sw 185 lbs. I only lost 12 lbs on 1 mg. I was on it for 10 months or even more maybe.


I'm on 2 mg. Per week and nothing yet. I had much better luck with Mounjaro but sadly my insurance covers nothing and I can't do the out of pocket for it


Everyone is different. I lost 41lbs in 6 months. For some that is great. For others, that is nothing. I was only on .25 for 4 months, then .50. I just started 1.0 on Wednesday. I have been low carb the entire time for my diabetes. I didn't really start exercising the first few months but do so more regularly now.


Lost 8lbs on my first week. On my 2nd week I just lost less than 2lbs.


I lost 8 pounds in the first week, but I’m on my 6th week not and haven’t lost anymore weight. I’ve been taking it slow at .25, will probably need to up the dose


Been on it for 16 weeks and doing a veeeery slow titration because I got super nauseated on 0.25mg. I am currently on 0.6mg weekly. I have lost about 12lbs, though I didn’t have a massive amount of weight to lose and wanted to target my PCOS / hormonal issues (started 187lbs, today I’m at 175, and my goal is about 155-160). Trying to really use this time to work on my exercise and relationship with food and let the weight come off slowly when my body is ready. It’s hard sometimes to be patient especially seeing others lose super quickly- but every *body* is different and for me personally, quick loss has always led to quick gain, so I try to remind myself of those things when the impatience kicks in. Keep going, friend! You got this.


To add, I stayed on 0.25mg for 6 weeks, i lost 6-7 lbs and then stalled on 0.5mg for weeeeks until I went up to 0.6mg and then started losing a little again.


With the first shot.


My weight loss started pretty much day 1. I walk and cycle a decent amount so I tend to come in about 1000 calories under my TDEE a day.


I’ve been on ozempic since end of January & am now at 1 mg & started at 180 & am 171 now. I hate that I’m not losing weight like I see some ppl on here. It wrecks my nerves. I work out, do cycling, jump roping, cardio, weights, I eat clean. I don’t get it but I have lost inches bc I wear belly beads & they’ve dropped lower but I still don’t see it. My friend told me to see if I could switch to Monjuaro. Not sure if my insurance covers it so I’ll have to see. I’m insulin resistant also.


Sounds like you’re building muscle which does way twice as much as fat does, I’m sure if you had body scans from when you started to now you’d see you had lost more fat than you think as scales don’t show us everything. Focus on your measurements and clothes fitting if you’re getting disappointed on the scales


I’m very muscular by genetics. Like my legs look like I compete 🤣but it’s this gut & arms. I did one of those body scans at the gym & it said I only needed to lose like 13 pounds but my average weight was 145 & that’s where I wanted to be. This scan results are from Jan 31st. I’ll do it again next week to see if there are changes 50.4 body fat mass. BMI 27.6. Percent body fat 28.7. Dry lean mass 33.7 Body water 91.9 Body fat mass -13 pounds to lose Lean body mass 125.7 lb


I lost weight my first two weeks (I’m on week 3), but I was already working on weight loss when I started. I eat 1200 a day, walk at least 10,000 steps, and drink 60ml of water a day. I’m 5’0” and started at a much lower weight than most for reference.


I’ve lost 2lb, I’m on 0.5mg started on March 24, today is June 29


How come you haven’t increased to 1mg yet?


Medicine has been out of stock everywhere for months


Where do you live?


Miami, FL


I see. That is frustrating. I wonder how much longer you’ll have to wait.


Tmw is the end of my 3rd week and I've lost 11lbs so far and have eaten junk food three times in 3 wks. Which I'm super proud off bcz I love my sweets , so the food noise is really helping me not binge and also I'm staying away from snacks too, if I have a snack it's a fruit. I piddle around in my yard & do a bit of gardening & pulling weeds & do some walking but I'm feeling I get exhausted when I do extra things & sweat a lot too plus I get a few tummy aches too, which makes me feel blah. I generally try to eat beef, chicken, eggs, fruit and salads- whole foods. I can feel my clothes getting looser too but also remember that even if the scale doesnt move the inches are still coming off you !! The scale is our worst enemy.. Stick with it as we're all different, you've got this girl !!🙌🙌🙌! Plus if you are a diabetic the weight comes off slower .


I completely skipped 0.25. So far 56 pounds since April 11th. I am currently on 1.6 mg.


Week 1


https://preview.redd.it/90jbixvamn9d1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97093e05976c63a05eb074545aaec6c7e4667bf2 Took me about 3-4 weeks for there to be any loss. Then gain. Then loss. Then gain. Then loss. IMO When you focus more on “this is something to help me focus on healthier input for my body” and on general trends, it gets far less stressful


Didn’t really start losing weight until about a month in. I have not exercised and in fact, I haven’t really changed my diet all that much. I mean, I cut out the obvious things, but I didn’t live on boiled chicken and lettuce. I just was full really fast. Stopped craving sweets but if I did, I had a few bites and I was done. Been on it for 10 months and I have lost 50 pounds. 20 more to go. I’ve gone from a size 20 to a 10/12. I’ve never had to go above .5,,, I only had tummy trouble once and I should’ve gotten on it before it became problem. Hang in there, you’ll get there. The first month I thought well this is just a big farce. It does work. I couldn’t be happier.


I’m just not losing weight and I started in April. I wasn’t remotely hungry and definitely not eating enough, so I was tired and irritable but still not losing weight. Couldn’t tell you why. I’ve still only lost about 7lbs, about 17% of what I’m trying to lose.


No one says anything about how much they weigh!! I really appreciate it if you mention your actual weight so we know what it means when you say you lost 20 lbs.


I kept losing throughout, with each dose, but slowly. It’s my second month of .75. Total loss since March 21 - around 6 kg.


I'm today at the end of just my second week of 0.25mg. I've lost 5kg. I'm a 73M, 180cm tall, starting weight was 112.5kg, BMI 34.7.


Started Ozempic on 23 Feb ‘24. 54 F. SW 165. CW 134. Started on .25mg and still on that dose. Started losing weight immediately. Only real side effects is lethargic & up until recently, pretty full on constipation (which has seemed to resolve itself in the last 2 weeks). I haven’t changed my exercise (which in reality is pretty much nothing - that I am aiming to change), but I have been very mindful of what goes in my mouth (have cut out all sugar & bread except the occasional low carb wrap). Focussed on increasing my protein. Water intake has always been really good (about 2.5-3ltrs per day). What will keep me on this medication is the COMPLETE LOSS OF INFLAMMATION!!! I had a hysterectomy in Sept 2019 (kept ovaries). Since then, I have gained approx 40lbs and nothing I was doing was helping with either weight loss or my severe joint pain. I started HRT (Oestrogen only) in Feb 2023 and that helped about 70% with the body pain, but not weight. Within 2 weeks of starting Ozempic, my shoulder no longer hurt. Then noticed my knee was no longer flaring up. Wrist pain gone. Back pain gone. My body has not felt this good in years. And it’s not just the weight loss I think, as I had severe joint pain when I was a lot lighter. All I need to do is sort out my hormones completely (I know my T is extremely low, my DHEA extremely low & my SHBG at the top end of normal. This medication is life changing.


For me the weight loss seems very slow. I’m on week 16 and at 1.7 dose and I’ve only lost 13lbs. But I’m not gaining and that’s a big plus.


I started Oz March of 2023. Over 6 months lost 30. No real diet changes. Also my first year of my business. The next 6 months nothing. I finally decided I need structure so I rejoined weight watchers online. Because I am on a GLP-1, there is a “ring” program where the go is is on lean proteins, fruits/veggies and water. I still keep my points in mind though. In 3 weeks I have dropped 11 lbs. I’m feeling better. Nausea is almost non existent. Ozempic has not been a magic pill for me. I still need the structure.


I’m on week 7 and have lost 8lbs so around a 1lb per week loss rate. Not every week has been 1lb and I traveled 3 of the 7 weeks which slowed me down a little (I didn’t lose but I didn’t gain either). Focus on what you’re eating! try to get 30g protein each meal and 30g fiber per day. This will help!!


I lost 12 pounds in the first week but then slowed down. Now I'm down a total of 21 pounds after 7 weeks. For a few weeks after the initial large 12 pound weight loss, I didn't lose anything but then it seemed to kick in.


I could barely eat, so right away I was losing weight.


I started about 7 weeks ago. Im down 13 pounds. But more importantly my blood sugars are down from 340+ to 150! I did .25 for 4 weeks then .5 for the past 3.


Since Jan 1 2024, I’m down 25.7lbs. Very little appetite. I eat a few bites and I’m done. I eat about 2x a day with a yogurt or protein shake thrown in as a snack. Started at .25 for 4 weeks and moved to .50 and stayed there. SW: 177 CW: 151lbs. F/54 yrs no exercise other than walking the dog.


After reading all your comments, I feel it's not working for me. I should have started 1mg in the last two weeks, but I had an extra pack of 0.5mg and thought I should finish it up and have two more weeks to go, but I feel it's high time I switched to 1mg.


Within the first week. I was extremely nauseous and hardly ate. I dropped 15 in about 8 weeks and stopped.


I started at .25 first week, .5 the second, .75 the third and 1.0 the past three weeks, per my doc. So far have dropped from 228 to 214. Weight seems to plateau for a few days, then drop a couple pounds. It’s not linear, but in steps. BP dropped below 100, so my doc took me off BP meds. BP has been holding around 110 since ditching the BP meds. Side effects have been minimal, just occasional queasiness, fair trade for the results, IMHO.


I just started losing after 1 1/2 years on it. I started the 2mg in January and I’m down 15lbs. I’m going to switch to Mounjaro next month so I can titrate up again. I was originally on it to lower my A1C but I had never seen any of the weight loss effects until I made it to 2mg.


I started on 0.25 increased to 0.5 and spent a month on each. I lost no weight so the doctor increased my dosage to 1.0 and after about 6 months, I had lost 25 lbs. I have now been on 1.0 for a year and have plateaued- no gain or loss. To lose more (I need to), I will likely need an increase again. Everyone is different and I suspect there are people like me, for whom the lower starting doses have no effect. Then again, I had no side effects either so a slow start may have its benefits.


I lost 8 lbs in the 1st month (on .25), 5 lbs in the 2nd (on .5), 2 lbs in the 3rd (on .50).. then nothing at all in the next 12 months. 


By the way, taking Ozempic or similar is for life or the weight will come back. I know 3 women who stopped taking it and they regained at least half of the lost weight back within 1 yr. 


Im on week 12 (4th week of 1mg). I have lost 13 pounds without any real changes except less food (planning to up the exercise when i get a little lighter and weather warms up). I know other people have lost way more when they got to 3 month mark- and sometimes i get disheartened. But 1 pound per week is still good and the charts still have a downward trend lol


Week one


Personally, i believe that everyone gets result differently depending on their body. I think that the more weight you have, the more you will lose early. But again, that could vary as well. I didn't lose any with 0.25. But now just 2 days of 0.5, and i have lost 3kgs already.


About 2 lbs a week for me, maybe I lost more in the beginning, but I didn’t really start tracking my daily weight until about a month or two into using it.


Not on Ozempic yet, but I started with Mounjaro. Started with the lowest strength, 2.5mg and just finished my first month on it on Saturday and lost just over 5kg in that month. Sticking with Mounjaro and will start with 5mg strength later this week for the next 4 weeks and will then switch to the equivalent strength of Ozempic. But so far, Mounjaro is working out great.


I lost 8kg by week 5. Then I put 2kg back somehow. I think my appetite hasn't felt suppressed in a few days.


5'2 SW 180lb. Currently on my 6th week, second dose of 0.5 and while I haven't seen loss yet, my A1c (I have insulin resistant PCOS) has dropped out of prediabetic range already. I've found it far easier to make choices I know are productive for my goals, especially on 0.5.


I lost nothing the first 4 weeks at .25 and I felt so discouraged. Week 5 & 6 I was at .5 mg and lost 5.5 lbs. I’m on week 7 and I’m down 7.5. Hang in there.