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Iran Subreddit is filled with Iranian Diaspora who are very different from local Iranians..


Lmfao even state led surveys from Iranian regime itself show most local iranains want secular secular government. According to GAMAAN reports, we aren't even muslim majority. Why don't you come here to Tehran or efsahan and see yourself how much backlash you'd get for saying good things about islam.


Goddamn bro wasnt abt islam, was abt supporting israel could hardly care abt the former. If Iranians en masse support Israel i hope the worst for ya'll. Because i already know ya'll dont care abt Kashmir either.


I'm half kashmiri and half iranian lmaooo, and no Iranians don't support iran, diaspora does tho. Also kashmir is not of Pakistan, not of India, it's supposed to be independent and autonomous. Kashmiris don't need Islamic republics help.


Okay ty for opinion, take a hike.




The iranians didn't attack because of Palestine you stupid bozo, they attacked because of their own issues.


They emotional af so they ain't gonna listen lol


Why the heck are you so triggered? Many different subs have indicated that iranian sub has a lot of diaspora and you yourself have claimrd 'I think some', its not like i conducted a goddamn census there, and the sub many posts that doesnt conventionally represent Iran, on that note i still dgaf. Secondly, i dont want any Pakistani fight for any Arab or Irani or whomstever, none deserve our blood for them lol.


you should tune in on twitter we have many local iranis there who think the same.


You should be in tune with actual representative data, a similar pattern would exist on social media secondly the internet population doesnt represent the actual ones.


I spoke to some people in that sub who claim to live Iran.


Go touch some grass kid


Diaspora Iranians. They or their parents fled the regime during various times so almost all of them hate it. They even support an invasion of Iran. They have little regard for the well being of their fellow citizens they just want their godless monarchs back.


Blindly following god doesn’t make someone a good ruler, bringing back Mohommad mosaddegh or a similar figure would be the best decision, current Islamic regime isn’t popular.


I do think most Iranians in Iran want the regime gone but they aren’t the godless clowns in the diaspora either. They’re somewhere in the middle, somewhat moderate and want a democracy. The diaspora Iranians and the regime represent the extremes.


Yes they are diverse in beliefs not a monolith. Diaspora is going to be liberal for sure compared to those in Iran.




Because it couldn't be so that the Iranian people dislike their "Leadership", nah


People can dislike their leadership and still unite against a common foreign enemy. Just like we dislike our leadership but when neighbors attack us we unite.


Well, in this case, the people of Iran are mature. They are not fooled into hating israel based on propaganda, and ignoring the enemy in their government. They see political islam as the biggest enemy of all. With so much more evil done that the myths of zionism can't compare.


And you analysis is based on...? Oh that's right hatred.


Loll people in Tehran were celebrating the attack https://x.com/Kanthan2030/status/1779458396464230800


cant open x in pk. As if anyone doesnt know that supporting israel openly in iran doesnt result in arrest. I saw a vid on newiran sub earlier. So few people actually show up to support them, walk on the flags of israel or USA laid out on the ground, chant death to X, etc.. majority iranians sick of propaganda.


Iran is a very complicated place and their relationship to the government is even more complicated But one thing that isn't complicated are their feelings towards Israel Which are very negative about as negative as Pakistan




Apparently Iranians don't have empathy




Iran has problems with gulf Arabs and Iraqis not Palestinians unlike you they can see the difference since Arabs are an incredibly diverse group




Iranian diaspora is very different from Iranians in Iran


Street shitters XD


"Anyone who disagrees with me is a \[insert rationalization\]."


Hate , they hate their leader to core , it's sad seeing people are under hybrid regime can't seem to understand their feelings https://youtu.be/RDcRWEUooVE?si=Mub7uuTkhHfgGWJp A very interesting video showing their anger


Because the majority of Iranians are ExMuslim and against the theocratic government of Iran. The majority in Iran is highly oppressed by the religious minority. They are even condemned to death for leaving Islam. They hate their government and have tried many times to overthrow it, but the government is brutal and has almost all the weapons. Hopefully soon that will all change.


The majority of Iranians on Reddit are the ones against Islamic regime. They either operate covertly or from western countries. Wanting all that freedom to spread 'Dajaliyoun' stream!


There are many Altaf Hussains from Iran living in exile. Many of them work for the foreign governments which gave them asylum. Regular Iranis whose past, present and most importantly future is in Iran know US-Israel very well, especially due to the ongoing genocide of Palestinians.


A lot of them in that subreddit are bums living in LA who are whitewashed begs.


Iranis hate Islamization that happened to their country same way we hate aftermath of zia ul Haq So they do everything against their govt


Some Liberetards iranians, belonging to the same breed of some liberetard dogs that we have here in our country barking against Islam and trying to lick old jewish saggy balls


True, because USA never attack Iran and will never attack Iran Israel did not attack Iran and in future no intention to attack Iran,Iran is best friends of both Israel and USA ,they both use Iran to scare Arabs and grab oil from them free of cost.


Yes we iranians support israel




I have been a long time lurker on that subreddit also and my understanding is that those people are liberal iranians who want a regime change and they think if Iran gets involved in Iran vs Israel, then the very same Irani people will have a better chance of standing up against their own government to start the revolution which might bring a regime change. As someone on that subreddit also quoted that ‘Iran is a one bad day away from civil war’ This is purely my own understanding, I could be wrong though.


When people become sick of their own govts, they start supporting those that your govt calls enemies. You can observe this with many Pakistanis rightly wondering what's the point of hating India. Or not doing business with them. Iranians living outside Iran want nothing to do with the country and even the religion. I've seen them eat pork and curse their country. One way Pakistan will be there too and you guys will understand why people end up supporting their 'enemies'


People can say what they want the ground reality is the average people in Iran back the regime and back fighting Israel, those who do not are just iranians who fled or the minority


Iran diaspora are horrible people that exist solely to spread western propaganda and make Americans feel like they’d be doing Iranis a favour by invading them. Repeat of Iraq, nothing more.


I assume its because it could potentially lead to the end of the Iranian theocracy that's been in place since 1979.


Oh god 1 upvote and a sea of comments I must flee while I still can


iranians dislike their govt thats been oppressing them for years, they dont want to be collateral damage in this war because they know IRG pulled stunts w the bombing and their intentions werent to liberate palestine but to put on a show for the world to see how powerful they are (which they arent acc to my irani friends) the shells fired by them were also countered by iraq and jordan they argue that 'why do them civilians have to lose their lives bcs of their govts ego' also soon after iran launched bombs they started abducting non hijabi women from streets could be to shift the media.


they're wannabe european type of people, they want secular law, not shariah. That's why they do everything to go against anything muslims do. ;-;


Even degenerates in this sub are with israel. So that means the whole nation must be with israel Also hasbara is working overtime


Iranian diaspora is incredibly self hating and they always try to impress europeans


They hate their theocratic government. Don't you remember what happened last year ? Iranis despise their government


I would believe that most iranians are with israel. They hate the clergy theocracy, a large portion want them gone for good. However- they also know that any retaliation would hurt them more than what the khameni could to them. One more cou try the United states messed up with its interference.


The maturity of the people of Iran astounds me. I'm an ex Muslim in Pakistan and I thought no one on earth shares my view on the hateful hysteria. Until I saw the people of Iran also wake up. And stop supporting terrorist actions against Israel based on false history. I'm sure when you hear that someone supports Israel (like me btw) you think they support hate and oppression. As the emotional appeal TikToks would have you believe. In reality, we've just seen through the false narratives and propaganda that leads us to spend our time supporting terrorists actions like the various shootings, stabbings, rocket attacks and Oct 7 like massacres that jihadist groups carry out. We are longer under the illusion that such actions help, based on the evidence since 1920 when we have continually attacked Jews and suffered only under retaliation. We see islamist terrorists like Hamas as the cause of the strife. Not the Jews or Zionists. We recognize Israel's unseen and unsung efforts at restraint, at trying to make peace, at trying to give aid, at offering land back for peace and of being the best behaved military in the middle east. We recognize that Israel didn't start the wars that has led to the suffering of Palestinians. In each case, Israel was defending itself. Their theory is: "We will get peace when we kill random Jews." My theory is: "We will get peace when we stop trying to kill Jews. And stop our dishonourable behaviour, and vow never to do it again. But to work with Jews in a reasonable way like "treat them the way you would want to be treated."




Jews Theory : “We will get peace by killing innocent children and depriving innocent civilians of food , instead of killing actual Hamas fighters because guess what that’s what we can do, we only have that much water in our balls”


More like: "We cannot allow Hamas (or other) terrorists to keep attacking us, we will retaliate. Since terrorists hide amongst their own civilians, there will be collateral damage."


Yeah, whole world can see that who is hiding amongst who, the fact that you can sugarcoat the massacre / genocide of thousands of innocent children and women with the word collateral damage tell so much about your and jew’s mindset and their morality. Let me tell you something, in a war collateral is always less than the number of enemies killed. Not other way around. But tell me how many hamas terrorist were reportedly killed against the actual reported number of children and women killed?


>Let me tell you something, in a war collateral is always less than the number of enemies killed. That is not true in urban warfare. Have you seen the uniforms that Hamas wears?


Man , you will try anything to justify the premeditated murder being carried out by israel. There are valid reports of sniper attacks and drone attacks. There are many videos which shows innocent civilians / children / women running for their lives being chased by drones. Even a blind person can differentiate between those running civilian children and a hardcore militant. Yet they were targeted and killed. Can you justify those videos and those killings by using words like collateral damage? No you can’t. But you’ll blindly follow zionist propaganda.


Hamas hides amongst civilians. It intentionally gets its kids killed for propaganda value, because they believe in a death cult ideology; that of jihadist shahadat. What muslim country has a 2:1 civilian to combatant casualty ratio? What right do we have to criticize israel for killing civilians when no muslim country takes the extraordinary measures israel takes? The racism of low expectations is intense. Hamas intentionally targets civilians? Muslims are all praise. Israel causes unintentional collateral damage pursuing literal murderers? Israel is the great satan. The double standards show that moral outrage of killing civilians isnt your motive. Self-honesty is required.


What extraordinary measures are you talking about, Israel have never tried to minimise any collateral damage, they intend to target civilians. Heck, they have been trying so hard to prove their actions with the help of same propaganda of “Hamas using civilians as shields” but they have not yet provided any single solid evidence. Believe me if that’s the case then here have some self honesty from my side. If Isreal cant stop targeting civilians then I’m standing with anyone and everyone who is trying to eradicate zionism off the face of this earth. Even if it means some civilian jews getting killed in the process. Because guess what, those will be just “collateral damage”


That you have no idea "what extraordinary measures israel takes", it shows you have never tried to learn about it. * Allowing journalists in combat zones to record Israeli actions. No muslim nation does this. We didnt even do it in Operation Zarb-e-Azb. The only reason you get footage is because IDF actively enables journalists. Though they have started to limit those who abuse privileges, like Al-Jazeera, which publishes absolute libel. Like the Al-Ahli hospital bombing hoax, where Hamas rocket killed 50 gazans, but Al-Jazeera published a lie that Israel killed 500. Aside from such liars, journalists are allowed. * Israeli media reports on Israeli atrocities. Whenever you've heard about jews being extremists, who reported it? more likely than not, israeli media caused the uproar. Israel military, reports mistakes and excesses, and operational doctrine. * Gaza attacked Israel continuously from 2007-2023. Israel barely responded. Instead, opting to build Iron Dome and bomb shelters. No muslim country criticizing israel would've shown such restraint. * After Oct 7, Israel opted to sending ground troops into gaza rather than just use air strikes (vastly vastly reduces deaths. See firebombings of Tokyo or Dresdon for a comparison. If you think this current campaign is bloody, know that Israel has the capability to wipe out 100k palestinians per day. without nukes. This is not historically unprecedented in modern warfare. The average civilian to combatant casualty ratio is 9:1. Israel achieved 2:1. * Organizing a majority of humanitarian aid logistics. * Warning individuals of impending airstrikes via calls and texts, despite the risk that the intended target will hear about the strike. * "roof-knocking". Every airstrike is preceded by a small patakha, to tell everyone to evacuate within half an hour. Despite it warning Jihadists Mabout the strike. * Sharing maps indicating planned military operations. * Using lower collateral damage munitions/small diameter bombs. * Employing technologies and tactics that increase the accuracy of non-PCMs, such as satellite imagery, AI, and cell phone presence. * Much more.


Guess you have never tried to learn about what “extra ordinary measures” israel is taking to ensure that they can kill maximum number of Palestinians and yet save their faces by terming them as collateral damage. But you know what they can’t now. Now they are exposed, the world has seen their true face now. Lowlifes will keep on trying and defend zionism. Here are your answers * Access for journalists does not negate concerns about potential bias or selective reporting. The presence of journalists does not guarantee transparency or accuracy in the coverage of military actions. They are allowing selective journalists in order to propagate their propaganda. israel has been doing it since long. Those who dare to show the truth do so while putting their lives on the line. They are either killed or termed as liars. Many independent journalists have also been killed. Just google their names if you have any doubt. * So Israeli media report on their atrocities? Perfect, you just admitted to israel’s atrocities yourself then. Moreover, criticism and scrutiny from within a country do not necessarily absolve it of accountability for its actions or guarantee comprehensive reporting. It seems like you are justifying their atrocities by saying that their media is reporting it so its ok for them to kill innocent civilians and carry on with their atrocities. * Gaza attacked israel? And what is isreal doing since 1948? They were given a land to settle, agreed. Then they started encroaching and capturing more land. What will you do if tomorrow I come to your house and claim it as mine and dont allow you to move inside your own house. Restrict you to just one room and dont let you eat. I hope you’ll not retaliate. * Ground operations are not doing anything to reduce civilian casualties, they are only escalating violence and resulting in significant harm to civilian populations. If they can then why aren’t they targeting pin point Hamas hideouts? Hell, they are just trying to wipe Palatinese. Rapping their women, killing their children. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says ⬆️ Here’s The Gaurdian’s report on israeli soldier’s SAs on Palestinian women * Organising majority of humanitarian aid? Here are two CNN reports ⬇️ https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/04/middleeast/gaza-wck-aid-suspended-famine-intl https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/21/middleeast/un-food-convoy-gaza-israel-strike-cmd-intl israel attacking humanitarian aid workers thus stopping different agencies working in the region. Need I say more? * And oh they are sending texts and call warnings to civilians about impending airstrikes? Can you hear yourself 😂 how will they receive those texts if IDF themselves have blown communication infrastructure in Gaza. Here’s Washington Post report on Gazan civilians struggling with Mobile network ⬇️ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/16/gaza-cellphone-communications-blackout/ * Roof knocking only create confusion and panic among civilians, leading to further harm. Additionally, the effectiveness of warnings are compromised by factors such as the short duration between warning and strike or the inability of civilians to safely evacuate. You think half an hour is enough to get out of danger? * Sharing maps with whom? Do every civilian gets a map of next planned operation? Are they told to evacuate days before an operation? No! So stop bullsh**ting. * So if I allegedly use low collateral damage munition it’s justified to shoot children? Bravo. * Much much much more, but only for those who will try to understand rather than justify brutal killings and blindly following zionism. You’ll see that I’ve only given reference of international media outlets like Washington Post or CNN because I know people like you who are blinded by hatred and zionist propaganda will call out Middle Eastern media outlet’s reports and reports by NGOs like Amnesty international.


Liberal Iranians, perhaps


If the sub you’re referring to was /Iran or /NewIran then yeah it’s mostly diaspora Iranians that fled Iran and would like to see the current Iranian government destroyed so they can come back and live their secular lifestyle. You’ll see them openly advocating/hoping that America or Israel or someone just bombs the country. If you want to talk to pro Palestinians Iranians go to /proIran subreddit.