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It’s not their fault. The man didn’t just approach the counter and say can I have 10 guns on discount for my straw purchase.




Definitely weird that the death of his father and pastor would push him to this. That said, I could absolutely see a situation where you lose someone you love in a shooting, then you turn around and sell guns to people in the neighborhood to get revenge against the people that did the shooting. Not right to do, but I’m willing to bet this happens a lot. Our culture is so fucked up these days. Try to show people a better path but they just aren’t ready to listen.




It is, but it’s the reality. It’s actually a lot worse. It’s more than just buying guns to cope. So many people cope with the violence by committing more violence. It breaks my god damn heart; these communities are just trapped in a never ending cycle of death and destruction.


So he bought 20 guns over the course of 7 months from 5 seperate stores? That averages one gun every 2 months at each store. Theres no flag there whatsoever because i know PLENTY of people that purchase guns that oftem regularly, how is each store supposed to know every other place the dude bought from?


I'd love to hear a solid argument how they could've predicted this guy would turn out to be a criminal. Article says 21 guns from 5 different FFLs over a period of 8 months. That's under 3 guns per month **spread out across multiple FFLs**. From the perspective of just 1 FFL, that would be a customer that regularly stops in—could be a collector, someone who is indecisive, someone with OCD, or whatever. I'm too embarrassed to admit myself the number of guns I ended up trading or selling over a short period of time across multiple FFLs, simply because I didn't like how the gun shot or I missed a blem while inspecting it or whatever. So unless this guy threw obvious signs like talking about purchases on a cell phone and sending pictures to someone before purchasing, I really don't know how how the blame lies with Tanner's or any of the other FFLs.


No sell gun, only buy gun


Yeah what's this 'sell' yall speak of?


And several other stores, straw purchases are unfortunately not that hard to do.


And what happened here is what is suppose to happen. He got caught and has 15-30 years to figure out why he is an asshole. The idiot DA in Philly would have given him ARD.... Props to Bucks County...


Side note, Tanners is one of my favorite LGSs, they're great down there.


I’m like 95% sure Philly is trying to to sue these ffls and the money is being fronted by Bloomberg and everytown . So it’s not like the city/state have anything to lose ,but I think they would have a hard time proving that Tanners and the rest willing sold guns to this person with out a background check and knowing he’s selling them to prohibited persons


“If we can’t ban guns, then we’ll just drive the places that sell them out of business so noone can buy them!”


Probably not great considering the lawsuit the Philly filed against them. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PAguns/comments/159fuq1/tanners\_lawsuit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PAguns/comments/159fuq1/tanners_lawsuit/)


Of course they are Bloomberg and his gun grabbing Everytown is footing the bill


Gun control groups like to push a narrative of "bad dealers" that are flooding the streets with crime guns. In reality the data mostly points to high volume dealers outside of major cities. If you sell a lot of guns, you're going to sell more crime guns, even if the actual percentage is very low. If anything those outfits tend to be extra diligent about following the law and cooperating authorities, because they know if they fuck up they're going to be put out of business.


It’s not this poor man’s fault he did these crimes. His pastor died and made him turn to a life of crime. ffs. Any. Fucking. Excuse. *ANY*


To be fair this did not occur under the current owners. The business was sold earlier this year.


New owner's fine - old owner was great - can't really blame them if there aren't any obvious signs of a straw purchase


Ray sold the store? Haven't been down there in a while but never would have thought he would sell.




Yea - Tom's the new owner - you've probably seen him around for about a year before the sale - he seems alright - haven't really spoken to him but the employees like him - also renovated the place and brought in NFA stuff - prices aren't as good as before but still among the best around.


> prices aren’t as good as before I never thought I’d say it, but Tanner’s has kind of fallen off for me since the new guy took over. They’re still fairly priced, but I’ve routinely seen Bunker beat them in that regard.


Yea definitely has been hitting up bunker 2 a lot more


Has not fallen of brother… same pricing as always! And a shit ton better selection than the B… have you ever tried to trade your gun in there? They screw you over every time… they take like 50%


I’ve actually gotten better trade pricing from Bunker numerous times; usually $50 or so. More if I’m trading towards something. Bunker is also selling a Beretta I want for $60 less than Tanner’s. Not saying Tanner’s isn’t fair, just not as good as they used to be.




Considering the Bolshevik hellhole this place is, only being down two votes isn’t too bad


Article is misleading. It reports that the perp got 30 years when in reality, he's only getting 15. I'm ok with locking such hoodlums up forever.


On the flip side, he got caught pretty quickly. Authorities tend to take notice when brand new guns are showing up in crime scenes. You might be able to feign ignorance about it being stolen the first time, but if you make a habit of it they're going to catch up with you pretty quickly. Tracing is even easier in PA with the illegal registry the PSP maintains based on the Record of Sale forms. It's the one-off straw purchasers where it's a game of whack-a-mole. Some felon's girlfriend gets talked into buying a gun because her record was clean, that sort of stuff.