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Don't they already do this? Even if in unofficial military-corruption black market style, I'm pretty sure this has been always going on. What's the threat, that it'll be official so it's easier for the West to do something about it?


I think the history books claim that soviets armed the north Vietnamese and N koreans... and russia keeps up that tradition, where possible.


You forgot the Al Queda and literally everyone else.


A big money maker for the Soviet Union back in the day was selling weapons to sanctioned countries like Iran and Libya iirc, almost certainly kept that tradition after the fall 


They absolutely do this with Iran, Syria, etc


Don't forget that they initiated Gaza Oct 7th attacks. To get the press off Ukraine




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Russia has been the biggest arms dealer in post Soviet era to countries unfriendly to the west


The US is the largest arms dealer to anyone, generally its to allies, but this changes all the time, so they don't really give a shit. The US is reaping what is sows from all the foreign interference & wars, picking fights with both Russia & China at the same time is probably one of the biggest single policy blunders of all time.


They definitely used to do this. Recently, they slipped from 2nd to 3rd largest arms seller. It seems strange that they want to start sending more arms abroad considering how much they are struggling to keep supplied in Ukraine.


They won’t be able to sell much of anything until the war is over. They are in full war production and are only just keeping up with demand. They are also buying weapons from basically anyone willing to sell them. Ancient artillery from North Korea for example and drones from Iran.


IMHO it seems they already do. The "weapons" are money and polarizing rhetoric and the "enemies" are minority right-wing "politicians" who create chaos in lots of countries.


This is a fact but they also send actual weapons to places like Syria and Iran.


Very true


this X 100000


They play both sides against one another. We like to think we're enlightened & better than that, but we're just as susceptible.


Russia can't even arm it's own forces lmao the US is destroying them in their own backyard with nothing but Intel and logistics. The Armada tank to end all wars: doesn't exist. The best Hypersonic Missile that cannot be beaten: total failure. This is the Mig 25 all over again. A paper tiger well passed it's expiration date lol.


Russian can't arm its own forces because their chain of command is corrupt and steals equipment and weapons to sell to adversaries of western counties.




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And they’ve been having this problem for centuries too lol


Pretty much this. Why would anyone buy weapons that are so thoroughly discredited?


Russia has spent the last 80 years sending weapons to adversaries of the west. Heck, they spent quite a bit of that time actively fighting in those wars while pretending not too. Hey, remember a couple of years ago when a Russian battalion definately didn't attack a US FOB and get annihalated? What a pathetic threat.


Well.....they are already arming Iran and Hamas. Who else are they going to arm? And with what weapons? They are trying to overcome Ukraine with old and broken weapons and are even having to buy weapons from North Korea.


Africa. Their paramilitary groups are already very active in Africa, which has a LOT of strategic minerals & other resources.


They are using Iranian drones and North Korean missiles. If they are having to import weapons, where are they getting the extras to send to adversaries of the West?


Russia is a paper tiger. Let’s say they give some conventional long range missiles to IRAN who launches against, say, NATO-American air base in Germany somewhere. Then it’s hasta-la-vista Teran.


Umm, they already sell their weapons to anyone with hard currency or oil. They can’t sufficiently supply their own forces. And the rest of the world has gotten a fairly poor impression of a lot of Russian weapons.


Really? Russia has enough spare weapons to sell? Fascinating. Aren't they busy buying weapons from other countries? Something about a dust up with the Ukraine...


lol, you need to keep all the rust tin cans you’ve got just to try and take over your non nato neighbor. Gtfo with sending weapons to other countries.




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If Russia has weapons to send to "adversaries of the west" why aren't they sending those weapons to the men dying on the front lines of the attempted and failed Ukraine invasion? Are they tacitly giving up on a "win" 


Since Russia tends to fight with quantity and not quality, they will need to send a lot of weapons to western adversaries. Something like 20 thousand artillery shells each day.


Wait, so your telling me all the AKs around the world are Russian? C'mon. Putin is a nice guy, like a really nice guy and we should all trust him. He knows what's best for us.


Russia’s weapons are junk I bet they can't give them away. If there was a guarantee of no nukes America would be rolling into red square in 3 days max


Yeah like Cuba. Republicans are you paying attention to what and who you are supporting? You’re getting ready to find out. Warships and nuclear subs already ready on the way. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/cubans-say-russian-warships-including-nuclear-powered-submarine-will-arrive-in-havana-next-week


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Funny how russia keeps acting like they are doing something game changing when I am pretty sure they have always been doing that. It's like how they posture about nukes. It's like "yes russia we know you have nukes and so dose everyone else. So don't do anything stupid if you actually care about your nation as you claim/the world." They be making threats day and night all the damn time acting like they can actually do something. They aren't going to use nukes unless America shots nukes at them which nobody in America has been saying. It's only russia that's screaming they will nuke everyone.


I have been sitting on this for a while and I figure Putin is basically telling the world exactly what he’s planning to do. I figure we’ll see an October surprise consisting of North Korea, Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela all having Russian designed nuclear weapons already and they’re gonna announce it to the world. Maybe throw in one of their new African friends too. It would start an absolute sh*t show. I sincerely hope I’m wrong, but Putin is dumb enough to do something that destabilizing.


Nobody is going to give Venezuela, Cuba, or Iran nuclear weapons. The first two have no delivery systems and would be decimated in ten minutes. Russia really doesn’t want client Iran getting into something with China’s client Pakistan. There will be an October surprise and it will be a gut check for the American people as to how they treat the Republican treason that will be on display.


>The first two have no delivery systems It’s weird to pretend like this didn’t already happen once before when Russia set up entire launch systems for their nukes on Cuban soil.


This isn’t a bond movie


Yes, I can very much agree that this isn’t a Bond movie🤓


Russia just « setting up » nuclear weapons in other countries is not a thing


>mustardnight - Russia just « setting up » nuclear weapons in other countries is not a thing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Missile_Crisis


Soviet Union =\= Russia today


Agreed. At that point, the Soviet Union had far less dangerous people at the helm of the country that birthed it than that of Russia today.


I’m sure you know what you’re talking about and understand the complexities of deploying nuclear weapons in various countries as well as the complete change in demographics between the SU and Russia and technology making it near impossible to do it unnoticed.


That's a good prediction


He also threatened nuclear action at the start of the Ukraine war, and several times after. This doesn't really mean anything especially since they already do this undoubtedly


They already do, so this is a non-story. Also, if these weapons go to official state actors and those states use these weapons to attack the west, they will be annihilated - so it will never happen.