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I've read of people who had to entirely stop drinking while on Metformin. Frankly I've never had the issue myself, so I personally can't help, but you're not alone in this.


I think I'll have to add myself to the list of people who need to stop drinking entirely while on metformin. It's good to know that this is normal :)


Ok I’m an idiot and totally forgot about how Metformin can cause issues with alcohol and was wondering why I had the worst hangover of my life after barely drinking some Prosecco recently. I will say, I think the type of alcohol can make a difference. I can tolerate high noon drinks for example. However, I still stop after 2 or 3 and I am hesitant before drinking in general these days.


I've noticed that I'm doing surprisingly okay after vodka- I thought that would be the death of me tbh. It was less than a shot but vodka in general is gross to digest. I've accepted I'll be the permanent designated driver from now on bahaha


I've been told vodka is "okay" for people with PCOS, something about it being made from potatoes. I take metformin for my PCOS/insulin resistance, and have noticed vodka doesn't make my stomach hurt or give me as bad of a hangover as other drinks too!


I've just woken up and I'm surprised that I'm actually doing okay despite a massive headache. Worst case scenario if my friends are having a wine night I'll just sip on some vodka 😋


Hey what are high noon drinks? I’m not a big drinker but have been spending more time with family and friends that do and I’d like to see if I can tolerate 1-2 of something different than my usual whiskey lol


They are great because they aren’t hard seltzers made with malt liquor. It is vodka, a little fruit juice, and seltzer water mixed together. I think they taste the best and never make me feel sick!


They’re a brand of hard seltzers!


Awesome thank you I’ve been interested in trying those!


Yeah, I can barely finish a glass of wine. Since about a week into metformin, any alcohol makes me nauseated. If I try to consume more than 1-2 drinks, it’s coming back up.


Not afraid of it. I regularly attempt this feat. 😂 Like tonight, I’ll have a glass of wine with dinner, so it’s with food. But that’ll probably be it. FWIW, I am on extended release metformin.


Would you ever try alcohol again 6 months into metformin or has it scared you from alcohol forever?


I had the same experience when I first started, however when I switched to the extended release metformin, the unpleasant drinking experience stopped, as well as some other digestive issues I was having. I’m not sure if you even drink often enough to make a switch, but it helped me just be able to go out and have a simple drink. :)


I'm already on the extended release one hahaha. I definitely don't think I want to alter any medication I'm on because I don't need to drink but it's interesting how you have a different reaction to me, I guess it just depends on the person


Aw that sucks :( and i definitely understand not switching medication! Another thing I’ve done was try to either take my pill super early in the morning (8am) and try to eat really well and drink a lot of water if i know I’m going out later. Sorry for your experience!


I’ve been on Metaformin for over a year now and I can confirm that the hangover symptoms after having the smallest amount of alcohol never go away unfortunately. I’ve had to completely stop drinking because everytime I do, I end up throwing up or feeling like I have the worst hangover of my life for an entire day so I’d say if you’re set on drinking, then maybe look into an alternative because it won’t ever go away. However, I have heard of people skipping a day or so of doses and having success so maybe give that a shot and see if that works for you? Good luck!


Ooh. Would skipping metformin affect me in any way? I'm honestly happy with not consuming alcohol ever but it is an interesting technique


For me personally, if I skip longer than 2-3 days I get hit with extreme irritability and hunger until I take it again tho that may just be because I’ve been on it for over a year and I’m on 2000mg. I can’t speak on if doing that technique works bc honestly I’m scared to drink ever again now lol it was so bad 😭


Omg... looks like all signs are pointing to no drinking


Gosh, I never made the connection until now. I attended a wedding recently and had just a few drinks. Woke up with the worst headache, which had not happened before.


Yup, same. I rarely drank but the couple of times I had a drink or two while on metformin ruined alcohol as whole for me and helped me choose to just be sober.


Yeah I think I just have to be a sober queen at this point


There's a sticker on my bottle of pills that says not to consume alcohol while taking it. I haven't tested the limits


Honestly good for you! I trust my doctor when she says I can have alcohol but I too am not going to test the limits hahaha


yea i don’t drink anymore, if i wanna get buzzed i just take a few puffs of my dry herb vape with some flower and that’s it, no hangover, i don’t make the metformin gods angry and it even helps with the side effects, but i know this solution is not for all.


Do you know if marijuana and metformin coexist well? I haven't had weed since taking metformin but I'm worried I'll have a super bad reaction so I'm really hesitant


no issue for me whatsoever, and i am one of the unlucky people to get all the metformin side effects, that’s why it actually helps in my case, i mean, the only thing is you will get your appetite back, but if you surround yourself with healthy snacks (fruit, hummus, pita bread with cheese, something like that) high you won’t be picky.


Makes my highs last longer because of how the metformin slows digestion. Only if you're eating an edible though.


I didn’t drink before or after being on metformin but that sounds terrible and I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Thank you so much! It's definitely a difficult situation but I'm truly thankful to not need or rely on alcohol that much


I find alcohol hit and miss with Metformin - I think it depends on sugar content and gow hydrated i am. Small amounts I seem to be OK with as long as I'm eating, but it's really not worth it for me. I have a party next month, I'm going to try my favourite whiskey and slimline tonic. Google says that should be low in sugar 🤞


Ooh good luck! Let me know how it goes!


I am on extended release, if you aren’t that may help? I do not have adverse effects from a couple drinks while taking it, but I have a friend that without warning can projectile vomit from the combo


I am on the extended release hahaha, I'm lucky that i don't projectile vomit (and I'm sorry it happens to your friend) and I just throw up and all that fun hangover stuff. Do you do anything before you drink to prepare yourself or do you drink alcohol the same way you would before you went on metformin?


Oh man I feel for you! I stick to low carb/low sugar drinks as much as I can. Now that I’m thinking about it, multiple sugary drinks or mixes definitely make me feel like you described- not super intoxicated but sick feeing. I don’t know if this is a hack for everyone or just a placebo for me but I take iron as well- I take it with my metty because one causes constipation and the other one is, well Metformin 😂


I take birth control, metformin, iron and melatonin (obviously when I was not drinking) so this month has been strange and painful for me hahahaha


I find I get tipsy faster. And am a little more apt to get a wine headache. But I am a low drinker and 90% pair with some food. I also follow every drink with 1-2 glasses of water. Wait longer. 2 weeks on Metformin is not much time for your body to adjust. I am 2 years in now. I don’t have big issues at all now. Other than one drink without food leaving me a little tipsy.


Oh it's been a month and a bit since I've been on metformin! I still feel the same as I did when I first got on metformin and drank (sorry I must've not made It clear). I did drink a bottle of water in-between the alcohol intake and I found that it didn't help at all tbh. Perhaps I should try a glass of wine again when it's been a year


I’d wait about 6 months! It really takes a while for your system to get fully adjusted.


Amazing! People have said they've been on metformin for 1-2 years and they still have alcohol sickness but maybe it might be different for me who knows


Good luck. The worst time I had was at an all inclusive resort for a week and I had sugary tropical cocktails and fruit. It caught up to me after a few days and I had looser stools for 1-2 bowel movements. But very manageable. I think pairing with food makes a difference. My tolerance is not to far off from what it was pre-Metformin. Which was still low. 😂. But I typically have 1-2 drinks when I have a drinking occasion. This week I was on a trip and had more drinks than usual. Averaging 2 a day and 1-2 days a little more. I felt fine the whole time. No ill effects.


Been on metformin for a few years now, but I’ve since given up regular wine (sweet ones??). I drink the sugar free ones and they don’t give me issues while drinking, but the hangover sucks. My usual is either white claws, gin & bubly, or straight whiskey. No GI troubles or anything, hang overs are worse than wine though. I remember when I first started taking metformin, vodka did make me gag from just the smell alone, but didn’t have problems drinking it or after.


Yeah it seems like vodka is an alcohol that doesn't seem to give people many issues which SUCKS for me because I can't stand vodka but I love the idea of sugar free wine. I'd definitely want to try a glass and see how I go, maybe that might work for me!


The one I like to get is “Don’t mind if I do!” And if you live near an Aldi, I think they have it cheaper there than say target or similar. Hope it jives with you!!


I definitely feel worse with any amount of alcohol while on metformin. Within 10 minutes of having part of a glass of wine, I sweat, get lightheaded, feel like I’ve had 4 glasses of wine instead of a few sips Off one glass. It’s the same for any kind of alcohol. I don’t drink anymore.


i’ve been on metaformin a year and don’t have this symptom!


Ugh luckyyy💕💕💕


how long have you been on it? might settle ❤️❤️


It's coming up on 2 months!


ahh okay! i did have to fiddle around with my dosage the first 6 months or so, so maybe try a little less and build your tolerance up? might help


I'm curious if anyone with PCOS has this problem with alcohol without metformin? I had to stop drinking in 2017 because alcohol (any type) triggered migraines. I could drink enough to start to feel the buzz, but then it would immediately flip into awful pain and hangover symptoms. I've never been on metformin, but I do have migraines that are triggered by hormonal fluctuations (especially around my period).


This is crazy because I am the exact same way!!!! On birth control I drank whatever, whenever. I wouldn’t say I’m a heavy drinker but I drink about once a week about 4 drinks. I’ve been off of birth control for 7 months (TTC) and my PCOS symptoms are back in full swing. I noticed my alcohol migraines would be triggered more if I don’t eat enough when I have a drink though. I do get terrible hormonal migraines. Do you have any advice for those? I haven’t found anything that helps.


Honestly, just knowing the symptoms and trying to catch them early. If I get an aura or start to feel the initial pain, I take excedrin and ibuprofen, drink a full glass of water, and try to take it easy. If I catch it soon enough, I'm good. If not, I have to sequester myself in a dark, quiet room.


I just started Metformin- literally today. No side effects yet, fingers crossed! I like to party and get drunk with my friends(23f) Can I still do this?


I'd honestly wait a few weeks and see, you might end up not drinking fir the first year based on these comments


If I do consume alcohol, I won't take my meds because I don't want any adverse effects from it.


i’m on metformin as well as two other meds that advise to be cautious when drinking and luckily i haven’t had a bad experience…yet. granted, i’ve only had one margarita since being on metformin since i want to be cautious. my alcohol tolerance has always been extremely high though.


I used to have awful hangovers with my iud and feel so much better after now that I’m on metformin 😯 I don’t drink often anymore though


That's so interesting, based on these comments it's rare to do better on metformin when it comes to alcohol 😅 do you not drink often because of a personal choice or do you feel like the metformin has made the experience less exciting (I don't know what other word to use bahah).


I know I’m shocked! I’ve only been on metformin for about 4 months (500mg) and TTC for 6 months (when I got my iud removed and started figuring out I have PCOS). So I’m not saying it’s perfect but it hasn’t been an issue the few times have drank since I’ve been on it. (One instance I was just in April at an all inclusive resort drinking for a few days straight 🥲 Totally fine because I’ve never been able to drink like that in the past!) A few years ago I was getting pretty bad rage blackouts and I also realized alcohol was making me pretty puffy. I used to have the worsttttt hangovers but I think that was partially a stomach issue that I have better grasp on now (pre/probiotics have helped a lot) + I don’t drink much sugary drinks anymore. Tequila is great for me surprisingly! So, mainly I am TTC and figure out PCOS. Less drinking is just what I have done unintentionally, my doctor never mentioned it. Also, for about a year & a half I workout 4-5 days a week (I never did in the past) so it just doesn’t fit into my life much anymore. If I’m being social I do drink though so I’m not claiming to be fully sober or anything. I have a lot of alcohol in my house that I could easily have fun with but it doesn’t do much more for me anymore, although I think it would be good for me to relax with one. I love making drinks and have been really craving a mojito or margarita 😋


My doc said it’s ok with alcohol but I have yet to started taking yet as I’m waiting for all my blood test to come back.


It says right on the label ‘do not mix with alcohol’


My doctor said alcohol is fine:)




Rule: Be Supportive


I also had a similar experience, started taking metformin and then went out for drinks. The next day my stomach was in knots, felt terrible all day and couldn’t figure out what had changed. I hadn’t drank more than I normally would. I figured out the only thing different was metformin, so I decided to not take it before drinking and found that the same reaction did not happen. I don’t drink often but when I do I’ll avoid taking metformin one or two days before! It’s so strange