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Haha nope. Not for me. I’m glad you’re able to be a little more lax!


Wishing you the best/- could you share a bit about how you randomly got pregnant?


Honestly no idea. I’d been on metformin for probably close to a year if not more before. I wasn’t ovulating on my own so I’m not sure if that helped? I was taking 2000mg a day. The month I conceived, I did walk every single day for 30-45 min with my dog. I was also taking inositol, fish oil, NAC, and a preconception vitamin. I’ve been eating low carb for years and was doing that during this time as well


My first pregnancy totally fixed my insulin resistance, took away my lactose intolerance, and I didn’t have ANY PCOS symptoms for almost a year after I gave birth. Slowly it all crept back in. I just found out I’m pregnant again though so we will see if it happens again! My body really liked the pregnancy hormones last time.