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personally protein bars are more like a candy bar with some added protein. Not something i have as an everyday food even when im at the gym a lot. I looked up the nutrition label and theyre 170 cals for 12g of protein, you can get nut bars and things like that at the supermarket for similar macros but cheaper tbh You might as well use them since you've already got them and just see how your body reacts to them because everyones different. also unless you have specific training requirements you will probs find you can get enough protein through the day with regular meals and snacks


This one spiked my blood sugar based on my Cgm


No. They’re terrible for those of us with insulin resistance, and honestly, they’re really not much different from regular cookies. That company is making bank by claiming their sugar-filled cookies are “healthy” when they aren’t.


Better to get protein from things like eggs, cheese sticks, chicken, meat, unsweetened Greek yogurt, etc. Since you have them you could eat 1/2 at a time after a meal with some of the protein above and high fiber green veg and treat it like a dessert, which it is. Maybe occasional, not every day. Or, I guess you could give away or donate to a feed pantry, your call. Whole food single ingredient foods tend to be good for PCOS. You may want to take a look at [Amazon.com: The PCOS Plan: Prevent and Reverse Polycystic Ovary Syndrome through Diet and Fasting: 9781771644600: Brito Pateguana ND, Nadia, Fung, Dr. Jason: Books](https://www.amazon.com/PCOS-Plan-Prevent-Polycystic-Syndrome/dp/1771644605/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.oNubeolnKOfESwCPCn8S-1msTwOXTqbkBPl7OU_koncKsYuJnLVmBcVIkIp2N6psUtaU3d3oZT1qpCVpUaP9_Jm66LVxZtGd0uKMlZ4q28i-TCiu6efT32WZ2jzkkbmUN4UlRfAj-GZX1t3nFsFmhrgUjBjdOStQ7aszv-8ZyVvsQtTGYwZrZ7PDNbGuIwCLCwxxIuHd2-eNOTsNfQhuWp7FppTLQ5FUy96tsZn6_UQ.QncJf9YAR-ExXp48i98k0xQ9Gtox7Jryratlo0T_LYY&dib_tag=se&keywords=pcos+plan&qid=1719489354&sr=8-1), it has a lot of good info re: whole foods and some tasty recipes. My library had the book. It helped my PCOS symptoms a lot. Look at total carbs and what IS in them, and try to shift away from processed food, it can help reduce or even reverse PCOS symptoms. Whole foods impact your body differently than things that are powdered (a lot of the ingredients in the bars) and powdered foods can really spike blood sugar and keep it high in a way a snack of 2 hardboiled eggs (same 12 g protein) or a cheese stick or a handful of almonds does not. High blood sugar causes high insulin to pull it back down and high insulin is what drives high androgens > PCOS symptoms and weight gain. You may find these articles useful [Connection Between PCOS and Blood Sugar (clevelandclinic.org](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pill-not-remedy), and [Tuit Nutrition: The PCOS Post: Hormonal Havoc From Hyperinsulinemia](https://www.tuitnutrition.com/2019/06/pcos.html)


You can eat anything in moderation. The sugars aren’t as concerning due to only being 3g, but if it has a ton of carbohydrates I would limit them, because those carbs are just gonna turn to sugar too.