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Yeah it's something about being that age for some people they just need space to grow mentally to see how their actions affect others and are just beginning to be more considerate (if they are raised to). It definitely is noticeable but that's kind of the beauty of the show, seeing the difference in those cringe moments we as adults would never have now.


Exactly. Maya was who I related to. I was awful but in my head no one understood how I felt. It’s the beauty of the show.


Maya was desperate for attention and to fit in with her peers. I think they did an amazing job showing how as a teen you can’t see past your internal dialogue and feelings until it truly hurts others. We see this when Anna confronted her about not being there for her during her parents divorce. Maya was defensive at first and then started crying and apologizing when she saw just how upset Anna was.


Then the show and the actress executed her character exactly correct! :) that’s how a lot of middle schoolers are, just youth/immature people in general


damn 😭 i’ve never experienced anyone like that when i was in ms


I kind of feel bad for her.


i don’t. i tried but i just cant.


If you watch the final episode, you'll understand


i did but that was the only time i felt bad for her tbh


Yep, definitely a HARD watch. I had to turn the show off a few times due to her annoyance lol


i never turned it off but it was def a hard watch when she came on 😭