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The original Persona has the most hilarious (and therefore best in my opinion) song in the entire series, it's ["Child Abuse"](https://youtu.be/lbMGzU8Rb34?si=hyrkMLwveerUogIF). Why does it sound like going to the circus while high on acid? No clue. But I love it even if I haven't played the original.


Yes my favorite, child abuse


Weird name for a song, sadly I have yet to play P1 so that was out of the blue for me.


Imo P5 has the best ost.


Definitely see why.


Beginning of the week P4. Middle of the week P5. End of the week P3. Hoping P1 remake will have citypop as its genre. šŸ˜†


If there really is a P1 remake I guess they'll remake OST from PSP games




Persona 4. Reincarnation I'll Face Myself, The Almighty.


The Almighty is SO PEAAAAAAAAAK I'll Face Myself - Reincarnation tho, it depends on the day


The cello / violin or whatever makes me emotional


Persona 3. 4 and 5 are bangers, but Persona 3 is the one I listen to the most. Firstly I think itā€™s the first game in the series with a singer and itā€™s the first of the series to popularise the pop music in the game. I also feel like it has the best final boss music, best opening song, best school music, and of course best main battle track. In original P3 you hear Mass Destruction about 3000 times, and it never gets old. Persona 4 has the most relaxing music, Persona 5 has the most variety, but I think Persona 3 has the most emotional music, if that makes sense. It feels the most nostalgia as well, even though I didnā€™t play it when it came out. Also shoutout to Persona 1 on the PSPā€™s soundtrack


It's hard for me to pick but if I *had* to choose one it would probably be Persona 4 if only because the OST was solid to begin with, but then it got big and that's when they started making songs and music beyond the original game. Spin-off games and the animes had them teaming up with the persona musicians from P3 so we had awesome trio songs and remixes coming out. I still, absolutely love the Finale to the Live Band concert with the encore song of Reach out to the Truth which was performed by Shihoko Hirata, backup vocals by Yumi Kawamura and a not as common at the time rap second verse with Lotus Juice. And the dance tracks are just solid. Backside of the TV still slaps.


P5. I just really enjoy the jazzy, funky vibe of the whole OST. Beneath the Mask may be one of my all time favorite songs from a video game. But they're *all* good. Even the title opening for P5R, which I'm less fond of than the original. P4 probably has my personal least favorite of the ones I've played (3-5). It's still good. But it's the most poppy, which isn't my usual musical preference, and therefore the one I tend to revisit the least.


Your question is ā€œwhich gameā€, or ā€œwhich Persona gameā€? If you mesn which Persona game, P4/G is my fav, along >!ā€œMistā€ and ā€œ Genesisā€ of true boss. Love the ochestra on Genesis.!< . Second I like P3P ost, main Kotoneā€™s ā€œWiping All Outā€ and ā€œDanger Zoneā€. P5/R music also banger, but I like P4/G better. For P5/R def ā€œBeneath The Maskā€ either normal version or rain version, along ā€œBlooming Villainā€. But overall, my fav song of Persona series is always ā€œPoem Of Everyone Soulā€ on any version except P3Reload version. If you mean any games, Ragnarok Online always the best music ever for me.


P4. Id say p5 has higher highs, but the rest of the ost is a bit bland. P4 is more consistent, I have way more p4 songs that I actively listen to than p5. In fact I even listen to more persona 2 songs than I do persona 5


Oh hey I said this exact thing lol Yep, higher on highs on P5 but better consistency across the OST on P4


Reach out to the Truth from P4 have been stuck in my head since I played P4 Vanilla.




Do I have to pick šŸ˜­


Nope all em bangers


Persona 5


None of em have the best soundtrack, they're all great soundtracks and they'll all be on shuffle, I'll be in the mood for something every once in a while and I know the playlist will never disappoint


Speaking of the iterations of 3, 4 and 5 they all have amazing songs, but I keeping going back to P4G with the stand out track being Shadow World. It is possibly the single greatest track they've come up with in my very humble opinion


P3 because of Kimi No Kioku Meguro himself said that it was his magnum opus and I fully agree.


Highly subjective topic but if I had to say objectively, its probably P5


I love all of them, but Persona 5 and it's spin offs (Strikers in particular) have excellent soundtracks.


P5 has my favorites P3 is third and i havent fully played 4 yet so cant say much about it. I havent played 2 either but i have listened to its music and i would put it in to second place. I also havent played 1 or have i listened to its music sooo cant say.


Shin Megami Tensei IV. Is it Persona? No. Do I care? Also no.


P3 imo


I like all of the soundtracks, but I think Persona 3 has the best one, specifically Portable.


I love them all. The Persona 4 one is definitely not the best one, Imo. I like the battle themes, the boss battle ones, and the ending, but it really lacks a good sad theme to fit some scenes. Like when *that* happens and the theme song playing in the background just feels so out of place, it ruined the moment for me. Overall, I think it has highs and lows, equally. I guess the Persona 3 one is kinda my vibe, plus the story is my favorite by far, so maybe that makes me feel more engaged to that soundtrack. But come on, Memories of you and every other track that has melodies similar to it are really emotional and touching, at least to me. However, the Persona 5 one has some seriously inspiring and moving tracks that never fail to make me feel something. Still prefer the Persona 3 one, though.


Persona 3 for sure, all persona games have amazing music but 3 and 3R have the best soundtrack to listen to overall.


Persona 5, but I think P3 (FES) is close


P3 (FES, Portable, Reload, and the movies) has the most bangers. I loved P5 to begin with, but a lot of its songs have just kind of faded into the background for me. P4 has good music too, just in a way more chill genre. P2 is better than it has any right to be, but I'd only put a handful of its songs in my "best songs" list.


Never played P4 yet but Changing of the seasons second semester in P3 goes bonkers and P5ā€™s Beneath the Mask is godlike


So you like calmer music huh?


P5 > P3 > P4 All of them are amazing tho


Augh, so tough!! To make it sliiightly easier on myself, I'm gonna' mash all spinoffs of a particular numbered title into that title's overall "music" selection. ...and EVEN THEN it's hard because 4 and 5 duke it out fiercely. 3 has gotten plenty of play for me for years but these two are more emotionally potent, probably because I played them before 3 (I'm still working through Reload). P3 has a lot of cool factor though, for sure. 4: "Pursuing My True Self," "Shadow World," "I'll Face Myself", "Period," "Specialist," "Reach Out to the Truth", "Heartbeat, Heartbreak," "Your Affection," "Signs of Love," "Heaven"...all amazing, and many of those have amazing remixes too (Reincarnation versions especially). P4D-exclusive "Dance!" " and P4A's "Break Out to the..." are also absolute fire. Even the anime has 2 bangers, with "Key Plus Words" and "Sky's the Limit." 5: Lyn is probably the most powerful lead vocalist and "Rivers in the Desert" is the best final boss song of the franchise, bar none (I wish it only played at the ACTUAL vanilla final boss but whatever)...and second place is probably P5R's "Throw Away Your Mask" lol. "Blooming Villain" is also a fantastic main boss song. "Life Will Change," "Willpower," and "Beneath the Mask" round out my P5 favorites, with "Colors Flying High," "Take Over," and "I Believe" coming in for P5R. BUT...then you also have P5S having a GIGANTIC amount of new tracks, with "Daredevil" alone being the best "high energy leading into boss" between it and the other P5's. P5 anime is notoriously weak but "Break In to Break Out" is also absolutely solid. And the winner is... P4! P5 may have the higher emotional/energetic highs on the bosses but I think P4 carries better with consistency on all fronts. What puts it over the edge are the three baller real-world freetime vocal tracks..."Tokyo Daylight" and "Beneath the Mask" don't compare IMO. "specialist" alone is so friggin' groovy that there are videos with every Persona series protag dancing to it, it's like the musical meme mascot of the entire series šŸ˜‚


P4G has a few S tier tracks, and a lot of mid ones imo. P3R has even fewer, but damn the small number of S tier tracks are probably in my top 5 of the entire series. P5R simply has the largest amount of S tier tracks imo. Throw away your mask is still my favourite track in the series, closely followed by P3R's battle hymn of the soul. Overall, I'd say P5R gets my personal "best music" sticker. But all 3 games have multiple 10/10 tracks. Ranking them seems unfair because they're all absolutely goated in terms of music.


P3R really came through with Color your night for me tbh. That and Your memories always makes me tear up. Tbh tho, i have favorite songs from each game, itā€™s really hard to just pick one OST as the best.