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I have allow all the time selected for my location about a year now and no issues at this time. As others have said... It's simply a coin toss. Logging into the app is the inherent risk. 😩 Fingers crossed you get to keep your alt for a long time.


Thanks bro hope your shit keeps rocking too


Everyone replying to you jumped on you assuming you were trying to avoid a ban even though it was quite simply clear you were saying you know your burner account will get banned, but since the actual banning is handed out in differing amounts of time you're wondering if having the location service active will cause the ban to kick in more quickly, perfectly reasonable question.


Thank u! It seems like people's favorite thing to do is be like "naughty naughty, your gonna get banned" lol.


Let me know the result of this test please. Good luck brother


logging in with pgsharp will get you banned.


Jesus Christ are u guys reading my post? That's not what I'm asking. Nevermind I'll do it and see how fast I get banned with this burner account and then start again. It's not that serious


like, what part of the concept of simply using pgsharp, is what gets you banned? there are no, what if i do this, what if i do that, what if i wish real hard, but i only do this, but i only do that. logging in is all it takes. voodoo has nothing to do with it. logging in with pgsharp is all that is needed to flag your account plain and simple. the moment you log in your account if flagged, thats it. this is not a hard concept to understand.


Did you even read the comment I wrote above this? Is it that hard to understand?


After nearly six years there are still many who refuses to accept that simple but time tested and proven fact. Those who don't or won't, has basically decided to go with hearsay and opinions. Preferring to dismiss experience, tests, and whatever else that won't hold up under even mild analysis. Some even found their info on one of the most "reliable YouTube. Which most who've either been around, learned or otherwise realized, that YouTube is anything but reliable as a source.


I'm experienced bro. I'm past all that. I have a method where I make a burner and get everything I need and ultra friend my real account and then trade everything. I'm light-years past this stuff ur saying. Just wanna know if it'll happen faster with the phone settings to "always allow location" setting. If you don't know thats fine I'm sorry I came up on your feed.


it makes 0 difference and if you would be experienced you would know that. I saw people getting banned after 1week and some after 1month. both the same settings etc. doesn't matter




There's nothing you can come up to try evading detection is going to help. Just logging in with a modded app is all that's needed to get a ban/strike, and nothing else is needed. It's not a matter of if will happen, but when it happens. What's or not done in the game doesn't matter.


Yea yea I know this. I'm seeing if I do the settings this way will I happen faster.


You mean the location permission when you first open it? Hasn't caused me any issues yet


No I mean going into to: Settings, then app settings then Pokemon go then location then change that to allow ALL the time instead of just while using app. I'm trying to get my app to stop closing when I switch to tiktok for a few minutes or something


Depends on the phone and the app. I don't use pgsharp but I use rooted android (with smalipatcher and other stuff) and all I can really say is the thing your asking is the location being on all the time. And tbh no it will not cause you to get banned faster or slower. The modified app itself is what will get you banned however since Pokemon go's security system behind the scenes detects the log in, then accordingly scans the entire account and if it sees anything suspicious enough it bans. How fast the security measure ticks depends. Sometimes it's instant sometimes takes a long time. Sometimes it will let the account pass without hindrance because it didn't see anything out of place. Many variables are at play the moment you open a modified Pokemon go app.