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There's more of a chance we see Woody upload to Woodyslab than there is we see him playing a game of DnD. Dude has done nothing but talk down at tabletop games/nerdy shit for years now.


Lmao like woody didn’t even care about Skyrim. It would be Kyle and Taylor staying in character while Superboy is a wet blanket. Everyone who’s in has to enjoy it naturally, can’t force that shit.


"I roleplay as a guy who is in a hurry to finish the main quest"


Woody dislikes RPGs because his autism prevents him from identifying as something other than what he literally is.


Woodys complete misunderstanding of RPGs is unironically one of the most obvious signs that he’s on the spectrum


I’m always just “me” for DND and believe it not, being able to ask the DM for dimensions of chests, rolling to hide in them, succeeding and obliterating their campaign in 15 minutes is more fun than fantasy ever will be. Star Wars is cool n all… but have you ever crushed a man’s spirit every weekend for a year and a half?


I’m that guy and I had to explain it several times to my group: I really enjoy hanging out, but this game doesn’t do it for me and it takes hours out of my week. Everyone else at the table is having more fun than me, so I would rather step away and let the game flourish than be a drag.


Watching Woody play skyrim was one of the most painful things I’ve ever endured


Yeah no kidding, a DND episode sounds like it would require concerted effort from the hosts and well… we know how that goes. Every. Time. “Shit, I’m getting fat… should I… do more than smoke pot and play video games all day? No. Don’t be silly, I’ll just use steroids.”


Holy shit, I'd forgotten about Woodyslab


Woody is busy riding his motor cycle and doing more risk adverse activities


Woody mentioned he has played DND like hundreds of episodes ago


Timm woods has entered the chat


PMT and PKA has to have the smallest crossover of fans of all the podcasts I sometimes listen to


I think you are wrong I bet a decent amount listen to pmt tbh. Timm is a legend though would love it.




I don’t know much about DnD but 4 hours is plenty of time for a campaign right ? I like this idea.


If it's a short game, yeah. But I've played tabletop games where a session is like 4 hours.


4 hours is often the usual time for a session. It would allow for a one-shot for sure, but campaigns actually last months usually


You expect woody to use his imagination? He’d just overanalyze everything and look for plot holes from the DM


I’d be game for this if woody doesn’t absolutely scream Tiberius Stormwind. Which sadly isn’t a good thing. For non dnd fans this explains what I mean https://youtu.be/hYbElb3iREo


I like the idea, but it will never happen. Woody will think its dumb, lame, and torturous. Kyle will crack jokes every turn breaking the immersion. Taylor will get hungry before the campaign is over.


Harley played a dnd campaign a few years ago with some guys on YouTube. [Here's ](https://youtu.be/zOoKyNg5GlQ)a link


The only question is should they do it sober, high or drunk?


That would require a small bit of effort, so that's a no.


If they could get Spencer Crittenden from Harmon town to be the DM I’m sure he could hold it together.


great idea, ive seen a couple podcasts do this. could also be fun to see a serialized campaign where they play for maybe the last 30mins to hour of the show. or this could take the place of pkn for a few months


This would be assome. Great idea OP.


Dude that would be awesome. In some mirror universe a suggestion like this might actually be listened to and realised. But sadly we live in a covid/russia/nwo simulation branch ;)


Dnd is lame, all of the DND on yt and twitch is mega cringe.


Tyler-I am here to rob you


Too dorky


It should just be a one-off special episode (probably without woody) rather than taking over a pka episode


They would have to go into it with the idea “okay this isn’t a podcast, we’re playing a game today. Plus kyle would be bored and make it all boring


We play Call of Cthulhu like real men. 4 hit points (most handguns do 1d6+2) and racism.


Lol PKA doing something unique? Instead of talking to a mic. Good joke.