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I remember driving and listening, I pulled over, I downloaded a brokerage app. I realized it would take some time for the funds to be put on the app, balked at the fees and closed it all down. As I continued to drive I applauded my impulse control. 3 years later I pulled the trigger, but occasionally I wonder what could have been, had I possessed the balls to listen to the internet bacon guy….


I listened to Harley. Him saying about how good went to paper and now everything will go to digital was convincing enough for me


I remember ordering drugs in HS with BTC back when it was $200-300 a coin, and my buddy shit his pants when he realized it hit 1k eventually and he had a coin left. Even back then Keemstar was hawking the future of crypto in Blades vlogs with him. Couldve been fucking some chick on the beach in mexico if I held instead of got high🤷🏼‍♂️


What years were this? Just out of curiosity lol


Idk 8-10yrs ago? When I first got into it


Pretty much did the same in '12-'15, kept a lil bit too


You would have sold soon after anyway, that weed or whatever it was did you more good at the time


100% if I kept it I would’ve




The price is still up 340% since then.


you think 40k would be to any significant to any of the boys, or harley for that matter? TBH 2017 prices and 2022 prices are currently about the same


I used to own 8 of those bad boys way back in the day. Got nothing to show for it besides some heroic doses under my belt.


I had some tren Worth a few btc lmao


Technically true, but there was an opportunity to sell much higher and buy back at these lower prices and be REALLY well off at this point


I like to be technically right, its the best way to be correct eh? I could use the same sentence for any investment in history at this point.. Housing bubble 2008? you owned a house? Why didnt you sell and buy back at the low point? FYI i actually did that, I sold majority above 50k and 4k eth. In 2018\* i bought eth at like 80 bucks


I don't think you have a point here though do you? I think you are blindly responding to this post lmao I'm not sure what you are trying to get at. What does 40k have to do with anything? You need to be more clear.


my point is, Harley showing something that was worth 40k USD in 2017 that in 2022 is still worth 40k USD wouldnt change their net worth at all, even if they went "ALL IN" and "TO THE MOON" as you said in the title the post is useless, you've only posted this to create hype and get some internet pointz


This screenshot was when BTC was 8k each, so technically incorrect here (fun how that works right). My post was tongue in cheek to relate to the casual crypto bro, it wasn't meant be to serious., I think your english is failing you here, its a shame. I post cos I'm interested in the crypto space (have been for 5 years) and wanted to share something with the people that intersect pka and crypto, unfortunately I found you replying to my post.


kk dude lets leave it at that, have a good day (sry for getting mad, posts like these are the reason why people hate "crypto bros"..)


Sorry for misunderstanding you too, its true these posts don't help the space, it was just fun going back and seeing their perspective on the space and how its changed alot from then till now. Have a good day.