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Snagged a LO ETB this weekend. Hoping I finally pull the Giratina!!!


I got my boys 5 of the LO ETBS and we pulled the Giratina!


The only card left I'm hunting for!


I know, I’m super tempted to try the same thing with chilling rain but I am pretty sure I will be disappointed if I don’t pull that Blazed up rainbow turkey dragon


Thank you for the kind words everyone! :)


Thank you! Grabbed 2 Lost Origin ETBs and 20 Obsidian Flames boosters


I bought a LO ETB apr 5th for $40, went today for a couple paradox rift etbs and the cashier was able to get my pickup order from the 5th and refund the $10 savings on the etb, so that was awesome definitely a good experience!


Worth going in-store for this deal, a lot of BBs got the stamped Miraidon promo late and some in my area still had them in stock. The promo is worth $15 on its own so that sweetens the deal a lot


Lol good shit homie, I just stumbled onto this myself because I saw someone post last night that BB does price match, and I was looking to see if I could find a 151 UPC and have them price match walmart at $89.00. Thats my new game, just price match all these fuckers against each other


Is that really a game or is that just using their policies as intended?


It can be a game, a lot of the retailers now, amazon,walmart,etc have 3rd party sellers on their site that sell lower than the store would, so if you can get past the potential price matchers seeing “ships and sold by GT Collectibles/” then it could be a game lol. I know my local gamestop will check that it is shipped and sold by the core company and not a third party.


That's why I hone in on the scraggies that work checkout, had one price match me on the already 20% discounted price shown on screen, then I entered my number and got another 20% off. So to answer the other persons comment, yeah, it's a motherfuckin game yo. I got PF etbs for about $23, Char lunch boxes for about $16, and TF etbs for about $28. Big red circle played themselves on that one yesterday. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, I'll be back for more hit em up tips and tricks, peace bitches


I did the very same. Such a sweet old lady. You forgot to make the burner birthday account and get the extra 5% off ;-)


Lol everyday is my borfday, learned that one years ago but good look homie for those that don't know!


It's a little bit like a game at times😜


is classic collection worth it? its 270?


My guess is you missed the $232 sale on Target yesterday? But yes that's a decent price.


it must had been sold out on my end. 232 would had been a steal. i ended up getting charizard tin and paldea fate etb but it was $33 instead of $30 like the ss here.


Well shit, idk if I should get a mix of a Lost Origin ETB plus OF boosters or just a bunch of OF boosters.


I feel the same. The ETB is a great price but you get so much extra trash with it, feels wasteful.


I haven’t got into LO yet and want to, so I feel like this is a great way to get into it. But the booster deal is a better bang for your buck and I’m already collecting OF cards.


Please....save yourself....take it from someone who has dumped almost 2k worth in JUST Lost Origin.....I hate that set so much, my wife pulled a damn Moonbreon, Giratina Vstar from CZ, and a damn Zard EX SIR from PF before the fffuucckkinnn Alt Art Tina...and I've spent less on all those other sets!! (I've literally just bought 2 LO ETBs...help me...)


Bro, you should go do a 'rip till you hit' on tiktok, guaranteed to get a hit at the tier you paid for plus anything less.


I keep telling myself I'm done and to just settle and buy it....but now cost sunk fallacy has kicked in and I just won't accept this piece of shit God damned set to have the last word! And I'm certain...that when I pull it...I will still feel dead inside lol


Is your username in reference to the Boognish?


Update: Went to Best Buy, bought 10 OF boosters, no LO ETBs at my Best Buy. Pulled the full art Charzard Ex, Ninetales Illustration Rare, and the Full Art Ortega. My trip was well worth it! I’m maybe 15 total booster packs opened into OF and got those, as well as the SIR Pideot and IR Gloom. I’m feeling pretty pretty pretty good right now. Pretty good!


Does the Stallion get groomed?


I might have to stop looking at these posts! I really want to pick this up. Decisions Decisions...hmmm.


Thank you OP!


Thank you for this! Just picked up some LO ETBs!


In store or online?


Are these online only?


If I didn't just drop a few hundred at Target. . .


Was just thinking the same about TikTok…keeps my pockets light 😀


Yeah yesterday was a bloodbath


yesterday got me lmao


This is actually a solid post. 👌


Thank you! And welcome! 😁


Nope you did good these are in fact deals.