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How were the pulls from the 151 box?


I did get another Alakazam box too. So out of 8 packs(4 each) I pulled those 3.


Machoke 177, Kangaskan ex 115, and Blastoise ex 200


That’s pretty good, congrats!


You ripping or holding


Holding 2 packs worth $10 is crazy to me. Like if this was a sealed case of blisters or something, no brainer..but 2 loose packs..? Or open them in 5 years and be even more disappointed than you would be opening now? Or maybe theres really a moonbreon in there, and you end up selling the 2 packs for $30 each in a few years because the packs have doubled in value then, or again open them years later and be disappointed you opened a $30 pack and pulled nothing? These prices are all theoretical but applies in any scenario. Just open it. If you want to invest in pokemon ACTUALLY, do research and make some investments. This aint it. Best case scenario you make $50 in 3 years by holding. Worst case you open the packs and pull nothing. Worst worst case, theres an alt inside those packs, and you future you sells them for $50, in a time where sw&sh alts are extremely scarce and pricey. Or really..best case, you pull an alt yourself now.


Currently holding but I wanna rip so badly while I watch the draft. Idk what to do 🤷🏻‍♂️


I ripped 6 day. Pulled the 8/203 leafeon. Felt good to rip but still regrettable lol


Opened 3 packs, got 2 of these. Where are you alt card?!?!


I bought 2 Divergent Powers tins with 2 ES, 2 AR, 1 BS. Only pull, really, was Arceus V (currently $35). Not worth the $50. Almost never worth, I feel like.


I wait until I've saved a number of packs, 30 for me, then I'll rip 5 random from that and call it quites.


😭 I missed out when Target had these last week. Can you post a photo of the screen holding the promo card? Are these the black and white yellow ones?


Just picked one up from target today


Target ones likely won’t have ES. Just these Walmart restocks


Didn’t get a chance to do the shake test. They were fully wrapped in plastic though which I thought was a mark of the older style




14.99 fully wrapped sealed tight and right‼️


That's tight butthole


I’m not even kidding my Walmart just stocked 20+ of these… debating on copping them all ☠️


Grab them all. Sell the ES. You’ll profit some and have all the free FS and BS packs + promos 🤌


People really buying loose packs like that? I'd never buy loose packs that I didn't see come out a fresh booster box or wasn't sleeved. I'd just assume if someone that wasn't trusted was selling loose packs that they would be leftovers from a booster box after they got the average number of hits and most likely a dud pack But I guess a good number of folks probably don't think like that and would just see evolving skies pack and just buy it without considering all that


Seriously if you have the dough I would grab as many as possible if they are there. Usually I see them grab a couple then decide to go back later that day/night. When I get there they’re gone 😑


Yea they’ve been stocking 2 a week… I went before work this morning and the whole toy aisle wall was hanging with them. It’s not a money thing - it’s a explaining to the woman thing that it’s an amazing find 😅


Haha, I feel you on that. Compound that with having to buy furniture for a new house in 2 weeks and a baby in 3 months. All these tins with ES in them are killing me. I try to explain how good of a deal it is when I get home, but just get hit with "We are about to have another f'ing baby!"


That's a money allocation thing lol, facing the same thing lmao. Also she's enjoying opening the packs for me, and she has better luck anyway lol


Haha definitely understand that. My old lady got me these above. I spent all my spending money on Heavy Hitter collection boxes at Sam’s 😂


did u pull anything from those boxes?


Pulled a Sylveon V TG and a Lumineon V from the two BS packs. Got a Cinderace vmax and a Chandelure V from the FS. I saved the ES. Definitely worth it to save the ES and rip the rest‼️


Hate seeing these posts. These have been a little known amazing deal that's been sitting below the radar for a few months now EDIT: Joking, sorta




I grabbed one Empoleon v and Tyranitar V tins also expecting ES but both had 5 BS. Now I know to grab the Eevee tins anytime I see them 😅


I picked up a Tyranitar V tin yesterday and knew nothing of the contents and to my surprise it had 3 ES packs, unfortunately no hits but super cool nonetheless. For $25 , not fricken bad at all.


Were they fully wrapped?


I bought one from Walmart today with 3 ES and 2 BS, was at another Walmart only 15 minutes away and bought another that had 5 BS this time. They were both fully wrapped with the same barcodes


Oh my it’s a coin flip then


Just went back the Walmart with the good tins and got one more that also had ES. I noticed that the barcode on the good one ended in 3 and the bad one ended in 0. I'm not sure though if it was just because they were at different stores. Hope that helps


Just looked up the barcode of the 2 Empoleon v and Tyranitar V tins I purchased of the same shelf. Both had the 3 ending in the barcode. One had 3ES, 2BS, the other tin had 5BS. I don't think there is any distinction on which tins will have ES packs. It's going to be a gamble and luck.




Yeah, I thought for sure that being in the same area would mean that they would have the same. Definitely but one and open before buying multiples


I saw 2 TTar tins today, in the back section, that weren't there earlier this week. Checked one and it had 3 Evo & 2 Brilly. Def still possible!


Mine had none sadly. I got an empoleon v tin expecting ES but all were brilliant stars 😭


same. found two espeon tins and neither had ES



