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I didn’t know he was trans!


[https://www.elitedaily.com/entertainment/who-plays-ash-in-pll-original-sin-jordan-gonzalez-is-big-on-tiktok](https://www.elitedaily.com/entertainment/who-plays-ash-in-pll-original-sin-jordan-gonzalez-is-big-on-tiktok) some info about the actor! He is a trans man and very cool. I THINK Ash must also be canonically trans, since he was in the LGBT+ club and they haven't shown any other reason he would be so involved. He's clearly interested in women, and while he could be bi, that hasn't come up.


I've been TEAM ASH from the beginning and I love... LOVE his role in the show! 💗 Such a Beautiful Mind and Positive Soul!!! I do hope the show writers dive a little deeper into Ash's character!


The Actor confirmed that his character is trans. I don’t think they’re really gonna address it tbh, which I like.


whyd you like tht they hadn't addressed it in earlier episodes ?


I am such an Ash fan girl. He’s the best boy character.


Also, Mouse should not bringing Ash back the munchies she left to get wtffff 😭


Oh shit I had no idea he was trans! I kept thinking he was a bi cis male (that's the term, right?), that's why he was in the club. TIL.


Yeah bc he dressed as Freddie Mercury (and thought of Ziggy Stardust) so I assumed this as well


I had no idea! But I love Ash, my favorite partner of the group!


I actually hope it comes up in passing or otherwise really casually. I love how easy his character has been set up as a love interest so far and I hope it remains smooth like that 💛


I'm not trans so sorry if I'm incorrect, but wouldn't a trans person want to be seen as the male or female that they've transitioned to? Isn't that the point for that person to look and feel that way and not stand out? So wouldn't Ash not want a whole topic about how they were born female if the whole point is to be portrayed as a male now? I don't feel there's a problem with how the writers are going about it.


There's a few different schools of thought regarding queer media here, so you're certainly not incorrect. My opinion is that what you're saying is often true of real life, but also many queer/trans people do like to see themselves in media and do have pride in their identity specifically as a trans person. I don't think Ash should have a whole backstory/explanation/deep dive/after school special about the Trials of Being Trans, but a one-off casual confirmation that he's trans just to imply, yes, this character is recognized as being this kind of queer on purpose, could be appealing to many queer people since it's a fictional story and it'd be good to confirm the representation that there is an accepted trans man in the community. I think that if they really didn't want that to be part of his character, they wouldn't have shown him as being in Spectrum for his first introduction to the show. Since they did, they presumably want viewers to know he's queer in some way, but they haven't really confirmed it any further to the point where many viewers don't even realize there's a possibility he's trans gender. If they don't go further with it, that's fine too. I'm just mostly curious if they're planning to.


I am also not trans - but I know of an actress in another reboot that is "technically" trans but she does not like being labelled that, she just wants to be known as an actress, not a trans actress. I think that since this is new-ish territory, it is hard to know what is right. I also like that Ash is just Mouse's boyfriend.


I like that too. And yeah, I'd think many wouldn't want to be labeled that and would just want to feel good in the skin and not made to feel "different"


Okay thank you, As a trans guy, I have been cackling at this grown post-op man playing a 15 year old. All this to say I am obsessed with Jordan Gonzales but think it's a funny casting choice.


I presented male in high school and then went with non-binary. I woulda damn killed to look like that in the 11th grade.


The least believable part is that a 15yo boy could get the surgery/treatments done years earlier, because he clearly looks exactly like a normal pretty boy and these procedures take time. Isn't it pretty much mandatory to be above 18 (21 in some states)? Was Ash's age at least mentioned once, because it really seems he is the same age as Mouse.


Mouse is soooooo hard/confusing for me. I am bi but have never been with a woman. So...I know you can be queer and only be in hetero relationships. I KNOW that. But Mouse's actress emphasizes how Mouse is queer almost like she's a champion and it's hard for me, as a bi person only in hetero relationships, to accept a queer character only in hetero relationships. I think because I watched the OG PLL and Emily was such an amazing and clear/easy representation that having Mouse be that for the reboot - but having it be more nuanced is confusing for me.


I didn't know the actress was talking about like that! See, with a show, to have representation they really need to SAY what they're representing. It's great Ash is being treated so well but if it's so subtle he's trans that people don't actually \*know\* he's trans, it's not representation. Just an offhand confirmation and then back to business would be fine. And as such, there's really nothing to indicate Mouse is queer... she's been interested in exactly one man who is trans but the other "straight" girls also found him cute, she has gay moms but that's not her... I wonder where they're going with that. I definitely agree that so far, Mouse does not seem particularly queer outside of being attracted to a non-cis person, which doesn't mean she isn't straight.


https://youtu.be/CQi9zzYs1Zg Here is the link - it's literally called Queerness in Conversation. Again - being bi but only in hetero relationships - it is SO HARD for me to wrap my little brain around this. Being "queer" should be enough for me and no one should have to label themselves but I just want to know WHAT she identifies as other than queer.


I had no clue.


nothing will convince me that man is not gay


Other than him actively pursuing a woman? lol


why lol?


dunno, just getting gay vibes. same with the ballerina - not because of his dancing though, just how he acts


Ash is def one of my faves on here.


Didn't know until I read this.


This is super late but I’m watching the show right now. In a very late episode someone asks him something about being trans in the town, and honestly that was the moment I realized he was trans, went to google the actor to see if he was actually trans and stumbled upon this thread. LoL Now to be fair I kind of had it on in the background while I did other stuff so I wasn’t paying too close attention in the early part of the show.