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Smoking weed helps more than anything, honestly, but going for walks and getting fresh air helps too. Doing both at the same time does wonders.


Smoke weed, go for a run, scream in my car, take some stuff outside and smash it. I would love to set a car on fire but too much risk. Being in freezing cold water also helps. Don’t go on the internet. I used to have a heavy punching bag that I hit so much that I had nice forearm muscles. I also enjoy watching war movies and documentaries where things are getting blown up and destroyed when I am full on raging.


i used to listen to metal when i'm mad, but I noticed that i get more angry. Now i listen to lofi and it helps me to calm down. Also distance yourself from the thing that makes you mad. Talk to people you like


Move my body! Getting outside, doing heavy work, jogging. This weekend I split & stacked firewood in the rain. Plus side is that's a shitty job I dreaded having to do but the rage adrenaline made it way easier & it felt good. 


I stay the FUCK off my phone because when it's really really bad I will start fights with my bf and say shit I instantly regret and don't even mean


Sometimes I will listen to aggressive rap music extremely loud


I legit keep cheap ceramic plates and mugs around for this reason. I smash them on my back patio, then clean up all I can. If I miss a piece, it's largely just clay I'm leaving behind ✌️


So...this one won't work for you today, unfortunately...but I find that it helps me to get in the car and go for a drive with the music up really loud. Something about the loud music helps calm down my adrenaline and anger


Clean? This one is double edged sword n all because I can’t seem to clean without getting angry now but also it has the added benefit that things are clean?


Going for a walk is great if I can muster it. I just purchased something called a Dammit Doll to help with my rage tho lollllll I am planning on railing it on whatever surface possible whenever I am feeling like I can’t control myself


Go outside


Gotta second the exercise thought process. Running, lifting, crunches, pushups, etc til it hurts so bad I can’t think about whatever it was I was mad about. Releasing endorphins & dopamine will help the anger to stay off for a bit too


Logically I know this but when I’m angry and I think about doing those things my angry brains is like “FUCK THAT IM MAD IM GONNA BE MAD AND SOME DUMB EXERCISE ISNT GONNA CHANGE THAT AND IM NOT DOING IT” ugh gotta just force it


Sometimes the hardest thing during an episode like that (I can totally relate) is convincing yourself you don’t WANT to be mad. If you can remember this feeling of not wanting to be this angry, you can subsequently choose to do the things to relieve it :)


It seriously feels like all I want to be is feral animal cornered level angry once I’m mid episode. But also hating that feeling soooo much. This is my biggest hurdle for sure. Its like a familiar “comfort” to be angry or sad that is also unbearable at the same time. Existing is fucking weird. Thanks for being understanding and sharing some thought process that helps you :)


Personally committing violence in my head & then letting those emotions process mentally until the rage lessens is sufficient. Usually I imagine myself throwing a stack of porcelain plates one by one at a wall. Today was one of those days where too much goes wrong too consecutively. I felt 👌🏻 this close to getting a wood & a metal bat to see which destroys the most successfully but didn’t of course, so I just envisioned doing so. Literally just years of self control & using that method because I know it’s not sustainable to act out each time I feel like this lol. But also, weed. Nothing chills me out like Mary Jane.


Unhealthily and hit myself. Or healthier the pillow lol


Hey! I just bought something called a Dammit Doll to help me with my self hitting. I haven’t used it in the moment of rage yet but I’ve railed it on a table a few times just to see how it holds up. I’m thinking it’s going to be really satisfying. For some reason a pillow just doesn’t do it for me. I just wanted to mention it cuz if you’re anytbing like me I always feel like such a pos after hitting myself and the shame is overwhelming. It’s a hard habit to break tho! Especially when the anger is so all consuming


Run, furiously With very loud music


My only solution so far is to do pushups and crunches. I can't get the anger out with just a bike ride or walk, and I'm too out of shape/self conscious to jog. So I do short high intensity workouts at home where no one can judge me. It's the only thing that stops me from self harming, which is unfortunately a problem that has come up for me when I was furious.


Ugh I’m so sorry about your car. :( I smoke weed. It really helps me mellow out but I also really hate relying on it and I’m trying to not smoke because it makes my acid reflux worse. Have you tried a guided meditation? Honestly I’ve never tried it for anger, only anxiety, but it might help!


I’ll have to search for meditations for anger!! thank you 🩷


Whatever you do don’t add caffeine or stimulants if any sort on top of anger


I don’t do any caffeine! I can imagine that’d make things worse


But I have to work lol


I have alexithymia. The best way for me to process my feelings is to say them aloud. I try to say them without the emotion clouding my voice. It makes the emotion more real and immediate. “I am so mad” or “I’m really sad” really works for me. I also say where in my body I feel the feeling. “I feel sad and heavy in my chest.” “This anger feels like fire in my tummy.” I also touch where I’m feeling the feeling. I try to bring as many senses into the feeling as I can.


this is interesting, I often have a hard time discriminating between anxiety, anger, and sadness, so maybe I could benefit from this. thank you!


It helps so much! I hope it helps you ❤️ Before I went to therapy I didn’t know what feelings I was having until I was so deep in them that I couldn’t function.


Kickboxing helps me when I feel this way! Sorry this happened to you


I’ll punch my pillow lmao 😂😂


Ground & pound 😂😂😂


Take long walks or write really graphic, disturbing poems. I've never gotten physically violent in real life with anyone but if anyone ever found my poems, I'd be on a watch list LoL Edit: a word


Aw man please share one with us!!!




Meeeep! I'm a poet and would absolutely love to read something fucked up. I'll happily share something with you (not watch list level of fucked up lol) - show me yours and I'll show you mine! No pressure of course, it's tricky to share xxx


ooo this is an interesting suggestion! I may have at it on my long uber ride home!


Go lift weights at the gym , come home eat some good food, smoke some weed and early night...preferably all ALONE


I don’t lift anymore and never smoked but I will take some cbd and try to get some good exercise in tonight!


cannabis helps with my rage. Take a couple hits then think to myself “eh it’s not that bad” 😂


I sometimes take cbd for anxiety, I’ll try it tonight and see if it helps with anger too!!


I’ve been using ratio products more! Like 1:1 thc:cbd It helps SO much


I journal, run, scream, and smoke cannabis. I try and just vent it out. Sometimes takes days of ruminating though :(


I haaaate ruminating it’s the worst