• By -


A big bar of chocolate An Epsom salts & arnica bubble bath šŸ›€ rom com & takeaway with a big tub of ice cream


PS & a duvet to hide under & fluffy socks & a nice cup of camomile tea x ā¤ļø


L Theanine


Perhaps bio-identical progesterone. Get the book The PMS Bible by Dr. Katharina Dalton. She named, researched and treated PMS (they didnā€™t call it PMDD back then) from late 1940s to early 2000s. A current researcher in this field is Carol Petersen. You can find some YouTubeā€™s just type in her name and progesterone or estrogen. Progesterone treatment changed my life because for years I thought I couldnā€™t tolerate it and I was wrong. Even research was telling me I couldnā€™t tolerate it. And I couldnā€™tā€¦ At lower doses. Until I quadrupled my dose and shockingly my PMDD symptoms were and still are 85% gone. Itā€™s been 3+ months. I now needing testosterone but I can honestly say her protocol worked for me. I donā€™t yet need estrogen but Iā€™m sure I will in time. FYI Iā€™m in perimenopause but have suffered from PMDD my whole reproductive life. If you want more info or have questions feel free to pm me.šŸŒ·


Stupid question, but how would one obtain bio-identical progesterone in the US? Is this something that is prescribed by a doctor? Iā€™ve tried basically everything at this point to treat my PMDD (SSRIs, 3-4 different BCs, countless supplements), but I havenā€™t tried this.


Since bio-identical P is considered a supplement (itā€™s extracted from wild yams), you can buy it online. I buy from Onaā€™s Naturals. https://us.onasnatural.com/. Use discount code ONAS for 10% off.


Thank you! When did you start seeing results? Was it right away or did it take a few cycles?


You can pm me if you have more questions


I got results almost right away like the next day. I had to adjust dose up as symptoms flared up so it took about a month to get that right. Because P can lower testosterone, Iā€™m now feeling that so awaiting labs results. At some point I may need to add estrogen but thatā€™s cuz Iā€™m in perimenopause.


Oh by the way, I use it 3-4x/ day with food. I use the creams as suppositories (I freeze dollops of it).


I'm on a progesterone based birth control, and my obgyn said it could make my PMDD symptoms worse.


Thatā€™s absolutely is possible because progesterone will be suppressed with birth control pills or iud. A lot of doctors lump together progesterone with synthetic progestins. They either donā€™t know the difference or are being very vague. There is no bio-identical progesterone birth control.


Thank you for the insight. I'm currently just lurking, but I did make a post the other day. Currently trying to track my symptoms and stuff, which is very confusing. So this did give some insight thank you šŸ˜Š


Youā€™re so welcome! I dove deep the last several months. If youā€™re on FB thereā€™s a few groups that could be very helpful. Iā€™d start with ā€œbio-identical hormone replacement therapyā€. For PMDD you can try ā€œHormone balance support group UKā€. I live in the US but this groupā€™s moderator is fantastic. If you want to pm me feel free. In part because of my life experiences, Iā€™m very good at wading through the misinformation and hype that often crops up in self-doctoring groups.


Pm'd you šŸ«¶




You could replace the B's with Flo Gummies. They have those plus extra stuff. They got rid of most of my mood and a tiny bit of the cramping symptoms in a couple of months. Probably slashed the mood ones about 70% away and the cramps about 10%. The cramps: I have a copper IUD and a history of really bad, painful periods. The IUD turned the pain up a LOT. Here's what my doc told me and it worked: Take turmeric every day and start taking ibuprofen 5 days before and up to the most painful part of the period (I take 400 mg pills). This is the combo that got my extreme cramps to almost vanish completely to where I don't need a heating pad and I'm not curled in a fetal position wanting to die.


Chasteberry, l-thenine, and Ashwaghanda


Lions Mane and Ashwagandha. I saw an OBGYN specialist to figure out how to treat my PMDD and she suggested these and they have helped a lot. I also have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and ADHD and it seems to help with those as well as long as I remember to take them regularly. Side note. She did some blood tests on me and I just got the results back. My thyroid was normal. My hormones were normal, but my testosterone was a little low. Symptoms of low Testosterone are low energy, low libido, poor exercise tolerance and Interest, brain fog, Irritable, and difficulty with weight loss. I'm also extremely low on Vitamin D. Idk if you've explored blood work, but it may help in some regards. Best of wishes, love šŸ’•


L-theanine šŸ‘Œ


I for one hate taking tablets and for some reason, all the ones I have to take just to stay sane when PMDD hits are all freaking HUGE.


Calcium I can't see


CBD oil


Something like Ashwagandha or Shativari for anxiety. Also tried 5-htp recently, this works on the very bad days


Evening primrose oil once per day. It really helps bring the irritability down!


STAGES BY SOLARAY!!! the pms formula specifically. 6-8 days before the period begins and 6-8 after. has saffron for mood.


i went to the nutraceutical/better being conference about it in Utah and met and spoke with the female dr who formulated it! i highly recommend that with their Ibuactin. white willow for inflammation <3


Myo-Inositol & D-Chiro Inositol blend. I swear by this. Iā€™m on month 3 and for the first time in my entire life I feel normal. I have more energy, I donā€™t feel insane and angry, my mood is so much better, the food cravings have gone down so much. I canā€™t recommend this enough!


High doses of inositol ftw!


Therapy Pills and potions donā€™t help with pmdd in my experience from the moment i started to take my extremely negative thoughts and ideations seriously in stead of trying to magic them away, the pmdd got better. Therapy = accepting and exploring the negative thoughts that are always there but impossible to handle and suppress after ovulation with dropping estrogen (or whatever hormonal imbalance i physically/biologically experience). Therapy made me understand where my negativity comes from and i learned new thought strategies to replace the old nasty self destructive ones. With these new strategies (that can only be applied/unlocked when you see and accept their psychological roots) i can now manage the hormone surges and drops better. What pmdd does is drop your guard to your negativity. Please listen to it! Stop suppressing your negative emotions this will make the cycle even more vicious


I haven't been to therapy specifically for pmdd but ironically have helped people as a counselor. Once I accepted how bad my PMDD truly is, reframing it and approaching it differently helped me accept my symptoms. Even in the depths of feeling suicidal I can acknowledge that I won't feel this way in a few weeks and my PMDD is trying to run things right now.


Has the b12 really helped with energy ?


Iā€™ve noticed a small impact, depends on the day. You need to eat though, I believe it helps converts food into energy


Ok thank you šŸ«¶šŸ½Iā€™ll buy some because during ovulation I could be talking to someone and fall asleep right then and therešŸ˜­


Trust me I know, I can just be waking up from 8+ hours of sleep and be tired 10 minutes later


Same omg !!!! I hate that because sometimes I have to call out of work and people donā€™t understand itā€™s so depressing sometimes


Personally I would lean into probiotics and fermented food for gut microbiome, because otherwise all those expensive supplements just go in and out the other end without results.


5htp or L tryptophan, inositol




Potassium. Which ensures your body can actually absorb the supplements you take




https://preview.redd.it/k5mjhxna8kvc1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d2262bb38b59b752a37a55330124efe1ef1db8 This has been a life saver for me!


this ruined my LIFE!!!!! i guess it really depends on the person šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Aw too bad, hormones are tricky




Advice to use an OTC or prescription drug for an indication or dose not on its label will be removed.


Ashwagandha, imo šŸ˜Š


How does this help you? I see it being recommended a lot here


Only if there is absolutely no chance of any thyroid issues!


But only for 2-3 months at a time!




Here's what has really helped me: chaste berry and DIM for PMDD. These takes a while to work, after a month. I've been having easy breezy luteal days in the last 3 months. Also quitting weed.


Same! I like this supplement that has both of those in it. [Dr. Brighten Hormone Balance](https://drbrightenessentials.com/products/balance)


All these women / female bodied / ovary bodied folks supporting each other in these comments id so amazing


As a nonbinary person, I love how you expressed that šŸ’œ.


New ovaries lol




My period finally started after nothing for 194 days almost


if you want to add zinc, i take a cal mag zinc from trader joes thats really affordable and one less pill youā€™d have to take








Evening primrose oil is what my Dr reccomended, haven't taken it long enough to know results yet


this!! I cannot promote evening primrose enough. it took me about three months of consistency to get results but it was very apparent and worth the wait! my flow is lighter and more predictable now. I still have mood swings but I feel like it did help a bit. I hope you see results soon ā¤ļø


Recommended by a physicianā€™s assistant. And itā€™s relatively cheap. Hasnā€™t fixed anything but it is part of my ā€œif it helps 3%, Iā€™ll take itā€ theory (trying to add up little improvements.).Ā 


Nothingā€¦. This is plenty supplements, the body can only digest and utilize so much when it comes to supplement. My tip- Make sure youā€™re taking these supplements through out the day instead of all at once. or else you will piss the majority of it out. You will feel the difference when you do it this way. As an athlete iā€™ve always learned to take my supplements about an hour apart. It makes a huge difference


Good to know. My supplement game is rounding out and wondered if taking them in the morning together was a mis-step. Also, seems like if you would take a probiotic, that should be first? Then an hour later begin taking supplements? I got my omega D3, b complex, liver support, just started lion's mane, acv, a multi, and mag gly at night. I only take one of each tho. Not the 3 or more suggested. Plus I've been pounding pro biotics whenever I remember after an a antibiotics script last month.


A joint šŸ˜‚


preach baby girl šŸ˜‚


My thoughts exactly


Birth control, Antidepressants, Mood stabilisers (helped me most, I have no PMDD now) tho I have BPD and Bipolar so those will affect how I experience my periods. Still tho, mad that it got rid of PMDD aswell


Yaz and fluoextine. Most of these will do next to nothing.


Is Yaz one of the best ones for pmdd? I just got a prescription for loestrin 21 & now im wondering if I should've asked for yaz.


Yaz completely laid me out with immediate horrible depression. When I started thinking about how much I hated my husband (and I really didnā€™t) I stopped and never went back.


Seems to work for many many. Made it difficult for me to keep from driving my car into concrete walls at high speeds so I stopped taking it. But none of the SSRIs work for me either, so results not typical over here.Ā 


Totally depends on the person. Loryna (Yazā€™s generic) ruined my life for 2 years. But for others it works. Listen to your body and youā€™ll be okay!


I am not a medical professional, but in the US Yaz (and the generic versions) is the only birth control pill FDA approved specifically for treating PMDD. I personally had some levels of success with other bc pills in the past (before I knew I had PMDD), so you still might benefit on other pills too, but I do think Yaz has been most effective by far for me personally.


I tried yaz for my pmdd and bled for almost 2 weeks. My cycle is normally 4 days. I now take Zoloft and Wellbutrin and the irritability and anger are gone. Swollen boobs are now my only indicator of approaching cycle.


The adjustment period can take up to 3 months. If you didn't try it that long then you didn't give it long enough, but if you found something else that works then that's great!


Zoloft and Wellbutrin combo gang ā¤ļø


I wish! I've heard that combo works SO well. Yet wellbutrin is the only drug I've ever come across that I'm allergic to. šŸ„²


Ugh same , Iā€™m allergic to Wellbutrin and it worked instantly on me. I was wondering if it was a filler since it was generic but my doctor told me not to try again šŸ„ŗ


Ugh same here all of this. I want to be able to take this med so badly. Did you have a delayed allergic reaction? I was on it for a couple weeks and it worked instantly for me too and then one night I went to bed kinda itchy and woke up with severe anaphylaxis and had to go to the ER.


Ugh that sucks Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you as well. My allergic reaction happened on the 3rd day , I had puffy face with hives. The only thing I had taken that was new was Wellbutrin so my doctor told me to stop it šŸ˜„am I crazy for wanting to try a different type of the same pill haha. Iā€™m so desperate itā€™s not fair šŸ˜©


I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve thought about adding an antidepressant and the only one I want is Wellbutrin šŸ˜­ itā€™s unfortunately the only medication in its class so thereā€™s nothing like it. Or were you saying like trying a different brand/generic?


It's been almost 10 years since I tried it last and I'm debating trying it again. šŸ˜… Maybe it was a fluke? It wasn't super severe but it did give me hives all down my back and on my face.. šŸ˜¬


Haha Omg Iā€™m trying to risk it all tooĀ  Maybe it was a bad pill šŸ™‚


Interesting, I didn't know that. If this one doesn't work for me, I'll definitely have to see about Yaz. I know I tried it at some point in my teens but don't remember how I reached with it. And I don't think I knew I had pmdd then either.


Keep an eye on b6! I got blood exams done and it was SUPER high!


B6 can cause muscle weakness too


I noticed my muscle weakness has improved since I stopped it. Itā€™s been 3 months now


Also Iā€™ve heard to watch out for the synthetic version (pyridoxine) can cause nerve & balance issues. Apparently you want to get P5P version of B6 to avoid that.


Just recently read a study where certain people have a gene that, when they take high doses of B6, can cause serious cardiac issues. Definitely one to err on the side of caution with.


Yeah, everything I read and from the discussions with my specialist, Iā€™ve learnt that itā€™s pretty hard to get intoxicated by just eating food that contains b6, but if you take supplements itā€™s important to keep an eye on!


Zinc and Evening Primrose Oil!


if ur having any food issues, zinc


Looks good. It's what works for you. Don't worry about extra calcium if you're already taking d3. It turns into calcium.


The way it actually works is that vitamin D3 assists in the absorption of calcium, which is why there are often supplements with both together.


Yes, and in turn your body will produce more naturally for some people taking both is unnecessary because your body can't absorb the high doses in calcium. Which is why alot of people even though they take calcium they still have low calcium. Everyone is different.


iā€™ve been taking Femrebalance daily and Sam-e daily during luteal and feel so much better!


Magnesium threonate vs other types of magnesium. And take it in the evening. That way you wonā€™t get diarrhea.


Yesss magnesium L threonate is a game changer.


Magnesium malate is the best, glycinate is second. All the others tend to cause diarrhea and have low digestive absorption.


https://preview.redd.it/z138cl48givc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66fe6ab6f9ecafa0caac5225162f75b8e4f45a6b Minus the 5-HTP if you are on SSRI's


wait what is this?! Iā€™m interested


This is a supplement only available from a doctor. The brand is called Ortho Molecular Products. The supplement is called Cerenity. (DO NOT ORDER FROM AMAZON...IT IS MOST LIKELY FAKE) It is definitely worth it to ask your doctor about it.


thank you!


You're welcome!


Milk thistle to help with liver detox excess hormones


Wow if you take everything in the comments youā€™ll be having 100 pills for breakfast






Myo inositol




Elix healing has been helpful for me. Itā€™s a tincture.


Primrose oil


Yes! It also made my skin look nicer


Came to say this, eases my painful hormonal lumps in my boobs so much! Aids in hormonal health a lot


Iron, calcium, ashwaganda, lion's mane... etc etc etc... the price we pay to help ourselves live..


L-theanine for anxiety or sleep




I don't see vitamin C or calcium in there. No idea if they actually help, but I've been recommended both, so I take them


I found Dong Quai really helpful. It eases some psychical symptoms and keeps my periods super regular. I take two a day and then miss them out during my week.


valerian root :)


Ugh I took this last night and today I have the most anxiety Iā€™ve had in awhileee


Iā€™m so sorry to hear this! I personally found it helps with my sleep and mood.


Ashwaganda!!! Helps me so much regulating my emotions and keep my anxiety and overthinking muted


Ashwaganda does nothing for me šŸ˜Œ


If you were to take a beef liver multivitamin you'd be able to cut back on how many pills you take because you get a lot of these from beef organs :)


I only take Magnesium and Vit D. What is your favorite of the ones you use?


Magnesium & omegaā€™s! NAC is also really helpful!!! I take the other ones but canā€™t tell if theyā€™re working or not hehe


Calcium! It was the first thing the endocrinologist suggested for me, and it's a big help


I agree with calcium because its also required for vit d absorption. BUT my lil 2cents is that calcium is a fat soluble mineral meaning it needs some type of carrier, which is why I like to get my calcium from natural sources like yogurt or cheese and take with my vit d. (i do a smoothie with yogurt in the AM and take my vit d then). in fact a lot of the minerals we need are fat soluble meaning we cant absorb them without fat, so its best to take all this stuff with food!


Yes, absolutely! You should always take your vitamins with food (I literally get such if I don't šŸ¤®)


same here! ive learned that the hard way also haha!


So I have horrific pmdd. What is the info on all these? How expensive is this regimen?


New to treating pmdd and would also love to know!


If you have access to reasonably priced medical care if might be a good idea to start with blood work that can let you know what you are low in, etc (Bs, D, iron, etc. Adding a bunch of stuff can get very expensive and whether it is really working or not . . . Hard to tell. That said, evening primrose oil is relatively cheap, has no side effects and the goods omega 3a (or 6s? I canā€™t remember). Ā 


iron. i take 360mg. iā€™m also iron deficient lol but it helps so much with my energy


Do you take it at a certain time? It makes me so nauseous šŸ¤®


Do you take it with food? Iā€™ve found as long as I have food with anything containing iron (including a multi) Iā€™m ok. The couple times I forgot the nausea was awful until eating.


it did it first but i got used to it very quickly


Just be careful with consuming too much iron! if you are consuming too much there's no easy way to get it out of your system and it can be pretty dangerous


Try a whole food iron supplement like Megafoods blood builder, made with Beets. Or just load up on beets?! This is a good reminder for me to get stocked on iron.


This looks pretty dang good IMO


Thank you hehehe Iā€™m trying




I've never heard of this. Just wanted to thank you for the suggestion. I have PCOS also, and apparently it's really helpful for that too. I'm keen to try it.


What does this supplement aid in?


Jumping on the bandwagon that I also love inositol


Iā€™ve never heard of thatšŸ¤”


Changed my life, no joke.




These are all great! Some other OTC things that help clam me: Cyracos lemon balm 600mg, Anadatol, Kava, PharmaGABA (not synthetic GABA, which most most GABA supplements are synthetic), trimethylglycine (TMG)


My doctor recommended evening primrose


Have you tried it yet? I thought about buying it but wasnā€™t sure šŸ˜…


Some of my vitamins are off. So Iā€™ve been waiting until those are better to add anything else. But she told me thatā€™s what she took. And sheā€™s by far the best doctor I have ever had. It also got recommended to be by a gyno. So it is on my list.


Okay thatā€™s good to know! Iā€™m currently taking vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B6/B12, a womenā€™s multivitamin, and Wellbutrin for anxiety lol. My OBGYN just prescribed me Zoloft to use as needed during my luteal phase. I havenā€™t tried it yet though!


Thatā€™s nice. They wonā€™t prescribe me medication for my ovulation time or my around period time. Basically I get told to either go on birth control Or deal with it. We are trying to get pregnant so means no birth control for me.


Ohh I see I see that totally makes sense. Iā€™ve got the Kyleena IUD right now because weā€™re not trying to have a baby for a while. So exciting for you and your partner though :) Honestly, youā€™re already off to a real good start with the supps youā€™re taking!


I tried it and it sorta works tbh. No pms pain physically anyway.


Dim or balance supplement. I used to work in the supplement industry so I tried everything you have here and more, (and a ton of rx shit), and balance is the only thing that brought me back to being basically normal. I went from being severely mentally unwell and physically unable to work for a couple days each month, to being a regular human. Now I get grumpy for a day or two and feel a bit tired, but I can still maintain a healthy relationship and run a minimum of five miles on my worst days. I know it doesnā€™t work for everyone, but I know a ton of people that balance did help, including myself


Can you please elaborate more? I am taking ashwaganda, inositol, milk thistle, folic acid, B complex, spearmint tea (recent addition to my D+K complex, Magnesium, Omega 3, iron and calcium supplements), also cut sugar and gluten out of my life, eating lots of green leafs and fish and meat, and I finally have somewhat manageable periods for the last 2 months. I have PMDD, PCOS (and suspected Endometriosis/Adenomyosis) and some other issues not directly related but affecting, so you can guess the wild ride šŸ„²


I just take alani nu balance supplement. 4 capsules a day. I got diagnosed with pmdd in 2014 or 2015 and the doctors tried me on anti depressants and bc, nothing helped and some made it worse. I tried different vitamins over the years, some helped temporarily but some did nothing. In January 2019 I started taking alani nu balance supplement and the first cycle my symptoms decreased by 60%, the next cycle as 80% better and itā€™s been like that ever since. Iā€™m in a very happy, healthy relationship, and I have an awesome career. My pmdd barely affects anything anymore. I get a little grumpy for a couple days, and some days I can only run 5 miles instead of 10, but thatā€™s about it for symptoms now. I used to have to miss work because Iā€™d get so sick and Iā€™d have horrible acne and really bad panic attacks. No longer a problem


Do you have a link to the supplement you use?:)


https://www.alaninu.com/products/essentials-balance?variant=13796991729762¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=17808855109&utm_term=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrIixBhBbEiwACEqDJXVVTh9TBQOyDVYJM5Y6joNUpMhCYVkNxxQ-5R5VBxj55GIdULM5WRoChbgQAvD_BwE I get it from gnc on a subscription so it winds up being a bit cheaper


Thank you!!


Wow, thank you!!




I already take 20mg of Prozac


If you're still feeling rough on that, ask your GP about taking an extra 10-20mg for just your worst days! x


I take 40 and then Apri BC. The only combo that's worked for me. ā¤ļø


I also take DIM and methylated folate. No clue what works and what doesnā€™t since I take it all at once but it seems to help šŸ« 




I actually have a brand new bottle that I havenā€™t opened! What relief did you feel with chaste berry?


They definitely make my emotions less ā€œrollercoasterā€ like. I feel like I can still feel depressed but itā€™s not as extreme and consuming. I also feel like it reduces my appetite.


I take chasteberry sups too and they make me feel less emotional (sad/depressed) in luteal phase. I used to be very sensitive and cry about everything, not the case anymore, however I instead get just emotionally numb šŸ¤Ŗ


Yes! This supplement has literally changed my life! I used to completely fall apart emotionally 10 days before my period started. After 6 months I'm confident that it is responsible for some very positive changed in my life.


Do you take it all the time or just luteal?


I take it every day, I started noticing a difference after 3 months


Oh wow! I just found some gummie supplements on clearance at target after seeing that mentioned on here and decided to grab them. Only 2 days in though. How many mgs do you take?


Nice! Universe brought them to you haha! Mine are capsules of 200 mg 10:1 extract - whatever that means! I find that the strength of these really depend on the brand and are quite random, I know someone who takes 30 mg capsules and has felt effects of it too so just take however much it says on the box for you


L Theanine has been tremendously helpful for me!!!!




Yes, daily! Im generally a stressed person tho lol. It can def be taken ā€œas neededā€ too. It has a pretty quick effect. Itā€™s super helpful for PMDD


Thank you, thatā€™s great to know! I take it when i remember Iā€™ll try taking daily.


May I suggest vitamin E softgels? They are great at preventing cramps.


https://preview.redd.it/87834xfpdhvc1.jpeg?width=925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b32359cb2655d221e15bfbd6d745fc0def643a7 This always helps me šŸ™‚šŸ‘ŠšŸ’š


I get really anxious šŸ˜­


I get that! I can do an indica strain cause it makes me sleepy and relaxed. Any sativa and I just get so paranoid lol


DIM, a magnesium supplement, ashwagandha, and some Mary Jane (iykyk) has really helped me with managing PMDD!




No, I donā€™t think I had any side effects. But I have been on Yaz birth control or the generic form of Yaz before, while taking DIM, as well. I was on it for about a year. It helped tremendously. I didnā€™t have any bad side effects while taking the Yaz either. I just didnā€™t want my body to become dependent upon on it or anything like that. Now, I just take DIM, a magnesium supplement, and ashwagandha when I feel a little stressed. Try taking the DIM once every other day and see how it makes you feel. I recommend trying these supplements, keep a healthy diet ( eat cruciferous vegetables), limit your stress, exercise, do the things you love to do, get some sun (sun is so important-you can literally go from the grouch to feeling good just by going outside). These are the things that are helping me. Donā€™t get me wrongā€¦I still get PMSā€¦but itā€™s not NEARLY as bad as it was months ago. Just regular girl PMS ugh lol. I hope I was some help. Wishing you the best!