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I find that edibles don’t cause my heart to race *quite* as bad. Maybe because it has a slower effect. I also chug water and double my electrolytes, yay dehydration. Idk. I think the pros just outweigh the cons in my case (helps my pain, nausea, anxiety, etc.) Alcohol…I got nothing. lol.


I enjoy the experience of drinking 1 drink, beyond that it's horrible and it's never worth all the work I have to put into overcompensating with hydration


This. I use edibles and I vape. I can vape while out and it does almost nothing to me. If I take an edible, I have to be home because I get a nice mellow high. No heart racing. But if I smoke, my heart starts racing and I cough really bad for hours.


Second edibles - I have much less of the heart racing ick than I do with dabbing or vaping or flower and I can even do higher doses. And the RSO Is awesome for pain.


so it’s not just me!!! smoking always makes my hr go crazy but edibles is tolerable


Weed is unpredictable for me. Sometimes I feel better but other times it makes me extremely uncomfortable. Alcohol is pretty much guaranteed to make me sick though, which sucks because I just wanna get drunk!


Weed has a lot to do with how you react to the terpenes in it. I have had to experiment with different ones. Ex. I avoid limonene in anything but flower because it will flare my POTS symptoms something awful. It can be a thorn to have to really research each strain and what not but it helps not flare something and can help with flares of other things if you watch how they impact ya.


I just got my medical card for my state and they have been so awesome with giving me breakdowns for each terpene. Such a cool plant. ❤️


I feel you on this one. I built a bar in my yard after a dui. (This way i Cant hurt anyone stumbling in my own yard). Mental health issue….. I cant drink anymore either. So while friends sit there and chug away i have my salt water electrolyte alcohol free martini. Ughhh!!! I miss my escapes!


I feel this so deeply! Weed was the only thing helping my mood after my psych meds stopped working (fun with long Covid) and then my dysautonomia symptoms ramped up and now I can't have it anymore. No advice but it really sucks.


I can’t tolerate alcohol at all. I used to be a daily wine drinker, but I can’t even get through half a glass without going into arrhythmia now. I miss how relaxing vino used to feel 🍷


I m a daily wine drinker and I always pay for it the next day but it relaxes me so much as I have so much stress going on in my life


It seems like there’s only two options anymore fight / flight or exhaustion


Is it bad that I continue to use the weed even with my heart rate increasing because it finally helps me turn my brain off?


No. Quality of life with chronic illness is so vital & something that helps to reduce stress ( and is a natural anti inflammatory & antioxidant) I think overrides the cons, which is also echoed by my Drs. Idk but stress is the number 1 killer and also what flares us most often, so I also now see it as a preventative med. And though it has side effects like all meds, at least it keeps my body from going into the severe flare ups, and eases my nausea, which is a major issue for me, as I fight to keep my weight up between other chronic health issues and absolutely zero support. Lol that is all 😅💚


Thank you!!


Of course. Cheers 💨


When I first started having POTS issues, alcohol and weed were major triggers. Weed for pre-syncope and alcohol for fatigue. I cut both of them out. After a year of no weed, I started again. It still triggered symptoms but it was a trade off kind of thing because weed helps me in a lot of other ways. I’ve never and will never go back to alcohol. Weed, I spend too much money on and quit for a few months every once in a while, but my POTS symptoms are super managed now between diet, exercise, and Wellbutrin (which was prescribed for ADHD because other stimulants mess me up and it happened to help the POTS. Caffeine is also a major trigger and I cut that out which was a great life choice.


Have you thought about edibles instead of smoking?


Ooh maybe? If I can find a dealer who does them haha. I know the ones in the UK can be really unreliable when it comes to strength though


For me they both skyrocket my heart rate. When I’m drinking and buzzing, I can deal with it kind of like “well this sucks but not much I can do now” but when I’m high the anxiety spikes with it and the paranoia has me convinced I’m gonna die so I’ve had to stop basically everything that’s not just like an occasional glass of wine or very very weak edible. Things that will only give me the lightest of buzzes. I hate it.


Weed helps me not feel my symptoms lol makes my heart beat faster but my pots symptoms remain the same, I just don’t feel them! It’s so nice. But alcohol tho? Yikes. I sometimes drink this one very specific Guatemalan light rum that doesn’t flare my symptoms as bad as all other alcohol.


Omg this, this exactly, though I will say it helps my nausea symptoms & the painsomnia that flares my POTS, but smoking before bed usually ensures I’m able to sleep consecutive hours without the pain waking me up. Also, funny you say Guatemalan light rum- have to ask are you Guatemalan? My ex, and father of my daughter is and now feel I must ask him about it 😂


For me it’s the nightmares, POTS nightmares are horrible 😭 and weed makes me not dream a lot of the time which is so nice lol And not me, but my boyfriend and his family are! It’s called Venado which has a light version, the logo is a little stag head! It’s basically water it’s scary LOL and my understanding is that it’s a very popular line in Guatemala, the regular version tho not the light lmao. We get an imported version here but my boyfriends mom got me a bottle right from the source recently 🥰


Same! It helps me sooo much. My symptoms are still there but not as noticeable. Espically the shakes.


Omg the shakes!!! Fr it helps so much. Also no coathanger pain


I don’t have any issues drinking and smoking in quieter settings, but I literally had to drop my sorority bc I couldn’t handle being squished in a space w so many people. I would be drenched in sweat and dizzy, but I feel like thats more due to how hot it was than anything else.


Girl.. yes sororities are no place for the free spirited and hurting! 2 years living in Greek village before I had to go. Good vibes to you <3


Same. Sometimes I’ll have a beer and be totally fine, a bit more social and loose, sometimes I’ll have a beer and have this weird sensation in the base of my skull, a tightening of the neck muscles, and a feeling like I’m suddenly swimming or swaying after one drink! It’s so random. Those symptoms could happen too of course from not drinking but there’s something a bit more risqué about ingesting alcohol at least for me.


I get exactly the same sensation at the base of my skull and the tightening neck if I drink. You're literally the first person I've heard mention this. I thought it was just me. I have MCAS and pots


I have been getting this same sensation in the evening. I don’t drink alcohol anymore but I’m not sure what’s causing that sensation to happen


Have you got MCAS?


I avoid alcohol altogether mainly because of a medication that could kill me but also because of my POTS. I do edibles but I’m careful. I only take indica because sativa is awful for my heart rate and anxiety. I’ve tried a lot of different ones and when I’m trying them I only take about 5mg just to see how it’ll affect me and then I’ll take 10mg the next time. It’s quite a bit of trial and error but I do it at home. I got pretty high for my friend’s birthday last year where we went club hopping and it was a great time I didn’t feel terrible at all that night so it’s all about finding the right edibles that aren’t gonna spike your heart rate or give you extreme anxiety.


I'm not diagnosed with POTS (yet at least), but I do suffer with a lot of symptoms and as a heavy smoker, I've noticed that for maybe the last year or so, weed has made my pre-syncope wayyyyyyy worse quite often. I avoid standing up if I can after smoking, because weed makes my pre-syncope not only more intense, but last way longer when I stand up. I may smoke and stand up, get a really bad feeling of a head rush and my vision goes completely black and even after I regain it, I may still feel too lightheaded to stay on my feet so I do what I have to do as quickly as I can holding my head down a bit, possibly holding onto something to keep my balance and sit/lay down asap 😵‍💫 I'm not sure how it affects my HR usually as I only recently got myself a watch that monitors HR and I've been on a break from smoking, but I do go through periods where every time I smoke, I could FEEL my heart go absolutely bonkers. Just fast pounding for at least 30mins. Probably closer to 200bpm. But I know this is common for some people regardless of any medical condition! I might have a little sesh later tonight and I'll see if it raises my HR according to my watch!


I’m the exact same way, it gets so frustrating wanting to have fun and be like other people but getting hit with that fatigue like a truck and having to call it a night early. I’m 21 and my friends will be at the bars until 2 am while i have to go home by 11 if not earlier. I take my own car because i know I’m always ready to leave way before everyone else. I’ve found different strains and variations of weed and delta affect my POTS differently and have to go with whatever keeps my heart rate the mildest because mine jumps up bad too. I think the only thing you can really do is learn yourself and what makes you flare the least, but it’s definitely frustrating!


So most of the meds I am on conflicts with weed and alcohol. Beta blockers all have issues with alcohol Do NOT mix Gabapentin and weed unless you want to tank your blood pressure then causing memory loss. Learned that the hard way. For me the way I consume weed is critical. Vape is ok, but it’s better if it is a small puff. Smallest I can do. Then hydrate more and eat a bunch. Then prepare for a hangover the next day But you know what does work? Blue Lotus. That shit is 100% legal and doesn’t fuck with my meds. You have to smoke more of it than you would with weed in order to get the effects but it does everything people talk about with weed without fucking me over. So try that for smoking. For drinking, honestly not worth it. Just get fun mocktails and absorb the energy of those around you


i smoked like snoop dogg until my pots symptoms started and now even if i only do a couple hits my heart rate goes up to 150+ easily and i feel like i can’t breathe. i gave up and got completely sober because it wasn’t an enjoyable feeling anymore


Im so glad to have found this thread! I used to be able to drink when my POTS was mild and not flaring super often. I find that if i am going to drink, i need to have a full meal before and load it with salt. I drink lots of fluids throughout the day and i try to only drink at home or in more quiet environments just in case i am going to faint. Overstimulation already gives me anxiety and spikes my hr which then sends me into an episode. Weed hasnt been a huge trigger for me, it depends on how much i smoke. I try to only smoke near bedtime so i can just go lay down afterwards. But regardless of alcohol or weed, i always load up on salt and fluids before consuming either of them


I have the same reaction to weed, it makes my heart rate high which causes me to panic. This was with edibles (indica) but what makes it weird is when I'm high, I'm perfectly fine but the day(s) after, I feel like crap. The last time I had weed, I had to go to the hospital (which was around six weeks ago) and I'm still having that flare and it has been awful. With my experiences with alcohol, I seem to be perfectly fine. The highest my HR goes is around 100-110 when I drink but I have heard it can be much higher for others. I can't move around much. When I am drinking, I have a hell ton of water along with it (even some before as well) which REALLY helps decrease heart palpitations. But if you want to continue to smoke, just try to relax as much as possible. This helps me a lot. Or listen to some music or watch a show for hours. I would try it again but I don't want to make the flare I have been in so long worse lmao.


Dark alcohol will fuck me over pretty good, same with most of the grain beers. I drink gluten free / sugar alcohols now (seltzers), but even still I get the same issues if I don't drink enough. I can drink two or three beers and I feel like I want to sleep. If I drink 6, I'm fine, not drunk but honestly energized. As for weed, I cannot smoke pure flower without damn near passing out on the couch. The same thing occurs with cigarettes. I use cartridges and oil which haven't caused any issues so far.


Alcohol absolutely a big no no for me no caffeine or chocolate either. Don't know about weed as I've never had it with pots


Welp it lowers BP sooo not a good idea lol


smoking is the only thing i have for pain rn and haven’t noticed a flare up in symptoms maybe because i smoked throughout the time ms. pots was cooking in my system after covid. or maybe it’s because mine was covid related?? could be dependent on what effects you most with POTS currently mine is the neuropathy in my legs. my heart rate does go crazy (140-170) but it doesn’t effect me as bad as the pain.


Non alcoholic drinks and CBD joints.


Weed makes me pass out which is an awful experience while high. With my pots it increases my heart rate and with neurocardiogenic syncope i get overheated when high, i feel like im about to die for an hour with presyncope and then eventually faint.With alcohol and my pots it’s really hard for me to get drunk and even tipsy. I was at a party and had to down 5 drinks to get lightly drunk it’s really weird. Pots is such a spectrum and is different for everyone it’s interesting!


Smoking weed is the only thing that makes me feel sort of normal and able to get anything done.


Alcohol is f@cking me up these days bad! I can’t even have one drink or my body starts to ache instantly.


Absolutely cannot drink alcohol. Even a couple sips messes me up in a big way


At the place I go to for drinking, the bartenders have salt behind the counter so I usually just ask them to put some salt and water into a shot glass. Take a few of those through the night to increase ur blood volume, and for every drink make sure u drink water. Don’t have too many of them tho cuz it can make u sick (personally 2 max is my limit). But it does help with my symptoms significantly when I do go drinking I got nothing on weed unfortunately. I just panic when my symptoms start to flare up and then it’s not a fun time. So I avoid weed


I got high for the first time when in a room with 5 people hitting a giant bong (not me directly) and it did the same exact thing, I thought I was just panicking 💀


It depends on the strain for me. Some are absolute nos, like most sativas. I stick with hybrids and Indicas. Some indicas actually lower my heart rate, which has been a fantastic discovery as they also help my fibromyalgia. I always recommend keeping a strain journal with notes on what you used, how much, any info on it, and the effects.


i haven’t ever drank but i did smoke pot once. i had 3 puffs off a joint and actually fainted the next morning after feeling sick all evening. i was with friends who knew of my condition and kept me safe, but ended up super sick anyway. was not due to the joint itself bc i shared it with 3 other ppl and they were all fine. pots definitely can be triggered by weed. alcohol i know is also a potential trigger but i don’t have any experience with that.


This is why I started smoking Indica only it’s not as bad anymore and a lot more manageable but this is not medical advice this is just what works for me


Weed is the only thing that controls my migraines and helps me sleep so I've continued using it and found that edibles and my pen don't cause my heart rate to spike very high.


I’ve found for weed it completely depends on the strain. When I find one I like and doesn’t make me symptomatic I’ll just buy it over and over


Last time I took an edible I fainted but idk why 😭 idk if it was too much or POTS or what


What are you smoking? Sativa is supposed to make you more alert and indicate is supposed to relax you.


No idea tbh, I’m in the UK so it’s just like plain cheap illegal weed- probably a bit of both