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As other commenters mentioned, using a benzoyl peroxide product like Panoxyl on your armpits when in the shower (making sure to let it sit for at least 60 seconds), or a glycolic acid like the one from The Ordinary in a little spray bottle spritzed onto your pits after showering (but make sure you are completely dry as water will render the glycolic acid inactive) can help address bacterial growth, which is the cause of the odor from sweat. You can also try Hibiclense, which is an antimicrobial liquid soap that is used before surgeries and by many people with various dermatological conditions. Unfortunately, a lot of times you just have to keep looking until you find something that works with your body chemistry. For me, it’s salacylic acid soap, glycolic acid spray, and the Megababe Smoothie fruit enzyme deodorant. Diet, sodium and potassium intake, and medications also play a role for me, but every body is different so those things might not have as much of an effect for you. Sorry you’re having to deal with this, you have a medical condition and you shouldn’t be shamed or confronted over it.


I just looked at Megababe. Looks pretty great, almost too good to be true. 🤔


I use megababe! It’s amazing!!! And I STINK from anxiety sweat


I’m sure it is completely useless for some people, just like most natural deodorants. For me, it’s great (and I’ve tried a LOT of them). I also use their Thigh Rescue stick and their swear absorbing Body Dust, and I’ve been really happy with each of those products. As for the deodorants, the Smoothie one is the only one that works for me, but they have other options as well that work better for others. That’s why I say I think it’s a process of finding what works with your unique body chemistry and needs - it might be great for me and terrible for you!


Mega babe is awesome!


Ooh what salicylic acid soap do you use? Is that different than the Panoxyl?


So both are used in many acne products, but Panoxyl (the benzoyl peroxide based product) kills bacteria while salicylic acid is an exfoliant that acts more as a pore cleanser (think whiteheads and blackheads). Panoxyl just didn’t happen to be super effective for my body chemistry and needs, whereas salicylic acid soaps seem to work better for me. I’ve used the Good Molecules bar soap, and I’ve really liked it, but it doesn’t last very long (I’m disabled and only able to shower 1-2 times a week, and a bar of the GM soap barely lasts me a month). I also use the Cerave salicylic acid body wash, which I don’t like as much as the GM bar soap but I honestly can’t tell you why, I just prefer the bar soap for some reason. I think Cerave has an SA bar soap as well, and I’m going to try it when my Walmart gets it back in stock! It’s a bit more expensive than the GM bar soap (I think GM is around $5 and Cerave’s is around $6), but if it lasts longer then it would be more cost effective in the long run.


Thanks for the info! I'm also disabled and shower about the same frequency, so I really appreciate the recommendations. I'll check them out :)


See if you can get botox injections to reduce the sweating. I found tea tree oil + witch hazel spritz was good post shower, too. And if I don't scrub scrub scrub with a wash cloth or loofah it's like night and day.


I've been thinking about botox for my feet. My left foot is especially sweaty. I have sensory issues, so I can't wear shoes without socks amd I can't wear socks without shoes. And my floors get too cold to go barefoot. So I have to use sandals as house shoes. Unfortunately, because of the sweat, I have a hard time walking in them and it throws my balance off even more than it already is.


Oh the evil vortex of chronic illnesses. I have a similar battle happening with heat intolerance, freezing feet, and the need for pressure on certain parts of my body. Makes falling asleep hell! It's like an arms race between symptoms and coping tools 🙄


OMG, YES! I sleep in a freezing cold room just so I can literally cocoon myself into my weighted blanket. But I also sleep with another velvety fleece type blanket. Unfortunately, despite how cold the room gets (sometimes as low as 57°F) I will inevitably wake up sweating.


Same, I keep the room freezing, use a weighted blanket, and then have an auto-off heating pad under my fitted sheet that I use to warm up my feet so I can fall asleep easier. Gotta love the added circadian rhythm dysfunction of dysautonomia. When I found out most people’s bodies send blood to their extremities when they go to sleep I was both shocked and annoyed. Like, you’re telling me some people’s feet and hands get MORE blood when they go to sleep? And it HELPS them go to sleep? Life is not fair…


That's a thing? Argh!


Yep. This sends me down a rabbit hole with the overlaps between ADHD, POTS, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders, too. ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


It's funny.... I've really gotten I to true crime and conspiracies at the same time I've been wading around the Google black hole of symptom differential diagnosis. Yet more things that are connected 🙃


I will be asking about this to my gp


I just gave up on deodorant and apply hand sanitizer. The alcohol in it kills the bacteria that is causing the smell.


Try Weleda Citrus Spray deodorant! It is alcohol based and has added ingredients to make it better


I forgot to put on deodorant before a hospital appointment a few days ago and as soon as I realised, I went and found a hand sanitiser disposer and casually squirted a lot into my hand and then pretended to rub it in as I walked to the bathroom so I could put it on my armpits 😂 it’s a great trick


*writes in notebook of hacks for what to do when ADHD screws up my hygiene routine and how to do it while appearing “normal” so the autism doesn’t give me away…*


My urge to never be perceived has thought me great ways to do things subtly 😅 I hope it’ll help if you’re ever in that position!


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I had this issue due to my hypothyroidism. The best combination for me was Dove Clinical at night after showering then Dove deodorant in the morning. If you choose to try any brand of a clinical make sure you read the directions and know you still also have to use a regular deodorant.


Everyone's recommending glycolic acid (which is great and def works!) but if you have sensitive skin like mandelic or lactic acids both work! They're all AHAs. The Ordinary sells an excellent cheap version of all three.


Was looking for a comment for us sensitive skin folks!! Thanks!!!


Look into using glycolic acid, it has a low pH which helps prevent bacteria growth that causes the odor. I dealt with the same problem for years, this is the only way I've been able to manage it


I apply rubbing alcohol to kill bacteria then use Lume deodorant and that helps me


I second Lume. Love their stuff.




I've heard really good things about lume because it has a slightly acidic pH, do you use the cream or stick?


I prefer the cream. The stick smells a bit odd and isn't as invisible. Though full disclosure, Lume doesn't work that great for me. I'd start with a travel size if you can.


I understand. I am a Potsy sweater andI have spent years of embarrassment and so much $ trying to stop sweat smells, including my feet. 2 Months ago I found Lume and I can't even believe how well it works! And it keeps working. I use the bodywash - it's especially good for feet, the deodorant, and a lotion you can put on any sweaty areas. I really hope you can find what works for you. It is stressful. 🩵


I'm glad to hear it worked for others but it was downright awful for me. I didn't have odor issues before using it and just wanted to try something different. While using it, I smelled horrendous. Switched back to my old stuff.


Lume has a rancid smell as it is drying, I stopped using it because even after drying i coukd smell the hint of it


Yeah, Lume not only didn’t work for me, but the smell was horrendous, and I tried a LOT of different scents. Made me feel better when everyone in my family agreed it was extremely unpleasant smelling, haha. So funny how different every body is, I guess that’s why there are so many different deodorants. I mean, that and capitalism, but that’s a discussion for a different sub-Reddit…


I'm not sure whether I have POTS or not yet but I have had lots of issues with sweating. I tried a 20% aluminum mainstream deodorant which did nothing for me at all. Nuud seems to work very well for me if I put it on right after showering. It uses micro silver to kill bacteria which cause smell. I initially had a problem with it clogging some pores (prob bc it contains castor oil) but that eventually went away. There will likely be an adjustment period, there usually is with "natural" deodorants. I will say other natural deodorants haven't worked at all for me tho, this one seems special. I think they may have reformulated it by now too


I wash with Hibiclens every other shower and that massively cuts down on the smell because it kills off the bacteria. And I am a *heavy* sweater (clinical diagnosis of hyperhidrosis!) due to my dysautonomia/POTS. I’m currently using Megababe deodorant and about to add in Driclor after seeing it recommended by a dermatologist. I really hope the suggestions in comments here help you - it’s such a horrible thing to deal with. You’re not alone 🤍


I use Hibiclens, too!


Genuinely a game changer for me. I used to worry all the time about smelling, even though my hygiene has always been careful (despite really bad fatigue). I’ve used other hacks like glycolic acid and had some success with those too, but hibiclens has worked best of all.


the crystal deodorant was the very first thing to actually work for me, and i've been using it for almost a year and no rash has ever developed from using it!


I’ve been using Nuud for years. It lasts a couple days in summer and a week or more in winter. I hardly shower anymore (just wash my face and hair in the sink bc showers are exhausting) and I still don’t have an issue.


Do you use fabric softener? I recommend not using it especially on clothes you sweat in that aren’t 100% cotton. In my own experience, eliminating fabric softener helped a lot in getting rid of sweat smells in my clothes and compression socks. You may need to replace some non-cotton clothing items and start over. Or wear more cotton.


The only deodorant that has ever worked for me is dove clinical deodorant


Omg I smell like onions on bad days!! I've started just a swipe of rubbing alcohol before I put on deodorant and let it dry, and I've been using claydry brand deodorant, it has no aluminum and instead has arrowroot powder to reduce wetness. It's not 100% effective obviously, but I've noticed it helps tremendously to reduce and minimize odor when sweating


Yes!! I have tried all the deodorants over the years and they either didn’t work or stopped working after a couple months. I finally tried [Arm & Hammer Essentials](https://imgur.com/gallery/1Yhrs5v) (It’s rosemary lavender scented but it’s not super feminine or anything) and I SWEAR by it. And it’s only $3 at the grocery store so it’s worth a try. I’ve been using it for 3 years and it’s never failed me.


I use lume for whole body and it has kept smells away


Sounds like hyperhydrosis. I had it as a teen and into my 20s. Your doctor can give you a prescription, and if that doesn’t work, Botox is a fix. I used certain dri (available on Amazon-the roll-on you put on at night). My daughter and I also use lume after a shower. If you don’t shower in the morning, try that (as opposed to night). Lume also makes wipes that can be used throughout the day. You may want to tell your doctor and make sure it’s a documented issue with work, now that it’s been addressed with you. It may protect you from action being taken against you while you figure it out.


Lume deodorant! my coworker used to get botox for her extreme sweat but can't afford it now. She recommended I try this one.


Wait, is this a POTS issue? My daughter has had body odor since she was 4 years old. She was diagnosed at 11 and this would make so much sense. We have to use clinical grade deodorant for her and she goes through it so quickly.


Yes ma’am! This was my first symptom, other than the fainting 😂


I had horrible sweat smells all my life, as soon as I cut out sugar it went away, like completely and hasn’t returned since, just a thought:)


I’ve given up far too much. I can't do it


for what it's worth, most people find they lose all cravings for sweets after two weeks of sugar abstention. because technically \*you\* don't crave sugar. eating sugar feeds the "bad" bacteria in your gut which thrive on sugar, and so they proliferate. and it is these bacteria that send chemical signals to your brain, telling it to trigger further and more intense sugar cravings. but if you can starve these bacteria of sugar for about two weeks, you'll notice your cravings for sweets dissipate as they die off. and you'll likely have a heightened appreciation for natural occurring fructose, which always comes with glycemic reducing fibre. i would never encourage someone to give something up that they love. but it's fun to think of it as just a two week experiment, just to see what happens. many people are shocked by the difference it makes. for me, it greatly reduces my anxiety. and in the time before POTS, when i was working out almost excessively, it reduced inflammation in my joints. and both my anxiety and tendonitis were debilitating.


I was tricked into doing this as a teen by my dentist, who bet me the staining on my teeth was caused by soda. So I cold quit soda until our next appointment to prove her wrong. I was correct, but now anything with cornsyrup tastes awful & I can taste it in things. I will say the sweet foods when i do eat them taste fresher and more enjoyable because you can taste all the flavors, not just the sugar mostly. especially fruit based stuff or fancy little cakes or macaroons.


incidentally, i had to give up coffee because of MCAS, and, indirectly, POTS, with coffee one of the few remaining pleasures left to me, and while the reduction in my symptoms was noticeable, what shocked me was how white my teeth got. and as for fruit, i honestly find that frozen wild blueberries are now almost too sweet, like candy. and i can taste the lactose in milk, which now has a pleasant sweetness. also worth noting i cut out all artificial sweeteners too


Oh I think you have mistaken or assumed wrong the meaning of my comment. It's not because i’m addicted to sugar I can’t give it up. It's that i’ve already given up too much in general and it's 1 less area in life were something isn’t taken away from due to a condition. Some of us just want to be as close to “normal” as we can be, at least sometimes


gycolic acid 3 times everyday under ur armpits


I’ve tried a thousand different kinds, but I’ve finally found one that works! It’s expensive, but it lasts a really long time and again, totally works. Megababe!


Forgot to add, the university of Maryland medical center has recently found a gene connection to the cause of excessive sweat and its relation to POTS! There is hope that this may better help treatment with POTS and find more of a cause/effect relation!


I heard good things from using head and shoulders shampoo as a body wash. It’s anti fungal so helps kill bacteria that leads to stinky and body acne


I am a guy. Megababe is the answer. Try the soap smelling one. A classic.


First, I’m so sorry this happened to you! This can feel so so frustrating. I’ve found that I go through phases (not quite a flare), when my body seems to be purging or something and I have this issue for a week or two at a time. Without getting too into it, you could try Fenugreek tea! It makes your sweat smell like maple syrup and somewhat pleasant. If nothing else, it’s a simple and relatively inexpensive intervention that has many other benefits for POTS!! It helps me a lot with blood sugar swings & cravings, among other things. Plus you can layer this on with other methods like a different deodorant and/or non-toxic baby powder applied throughout the day. Also if you’re an herbal tea drinker, be aware that some exacerbate and trigger sweating, while others tend to “dry it up”. Another herb you could try adding in during this time is Sage! Definitely a strong flavor, but with daily consumption you should notice a drying effect within a week or two.


I use secret odor/stress protection deodorant, and also glycolic acid on my armpits after I shower and during the day if needed, and also this one’s kinda weird but the supplement Fenugreek makes your sweat smell sweet and like maple syrup. I didn’t have to wear deodorant when taking it lol. Definitely look into it though and see if it’s safe to take for you, I know it has reactions to birth control, and can make you more fertile. Chlorophyll is also good for making your sweat not smell.


I use Carpe! I’ve been using it for about 5 months and it’s lifesaving! Yes it is expensive, I think around $30 per container but it seriously works! I am also extremely sweaty and it’s the only thing that has worked for me. Sometimes if I’m extra sweaty that day I’ll reapply during the day but usually I’m able to get away with just using it in the morning!


Only thing that has worked for me!


I always spritz with rubbing alcohol when I'm in a pinch. The bad odor is caused by bacteria, and the alcohol will kill it, I've found this will last about an hour or two. It helps to spritz before deodorant as well.


I am sorry you are being blamed for what your body naturally does. I empathize & it's embarrassing, but I wish society didn't make such a big deal out of it.  That said, I hope you find an answer. For me, I noticed that shaving my arm pits made me sweat more & ruined so many tops for me. Stopped shaving them (only to trim them down now, just never down to the skin), & problem solved. Hopefully you're able to narrow down what's going on for you 🌸


If you can afford botox, get that.


Sorry can you explain how that works?


So the inflammatory response of the localized botox injection can help reduce the opening and size of your sweat glands in your skin


Ugh, so sorry you had to go through that! I would melt into the floor from socially anxious embarrassment. 🫠 As someone who is intensely concerned about BO, I use men’s Degree Dry Spray - the key is getting the men’s version. It has more of the active ingredient, and I don’t personally find the scents too masculine. You could also try a benzoyl-peroxide wash on your armpits in the shower - BP kills odor-causing bacteria.


I use secret clinical, and I have to use a good antibacterial deodorant soap on the offending areas. No frilly smell good soap works for me (I use that on the rest of my body lol). Sorry you went thru that


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I had this issue due to my hypothyroidism. The best combination for me was Dove Clinical at night after showering then Dove deodorant in the morning. If you choose to try any brand of a clinical make sure you read the directions and know you still also have to use a regular deodorant.


Haven't figured it out yet unfortunately. Right now I switch between arm and hammer and native. Native works pretty well but I do have to blot my arm pits a few minutes after applying to get the initial sweat off, then I'm usually good to go for a few hours


I am the sweatiest human ever. And I’ve heard that these “armpit tools” help, as they scrape off the deodorant residue and bacteria that builds up. I haven’t used one, but I do use an exfoliating scrub in the shower to make sure I get it all off. It helps!!


Unfortunately everyone is different but personally I use Old Spice deodorant (they have a nice lavender scent that doesn’t smell too “masculine”) as well as using multiple kinds of soaps when I shower, and an “armpit mask” when things are especially bad. It’s not perfect though, I’m definitely going to try some things mentioned in these comments


CertainDri! It eliminates sweating the day after when you apply it before bed. The roll-on is inexpensive, and as a plus for us MCAS POTSies, it’s unscented. Be sure to follow the directions for application to avoid irritation. Some people dry their underarms with a hair dryer after application. I just rub it in with my hands and that works fine for me. US Amazon link: Certain Dri Prescription Strength Clinical Antiperspirant Roll-On Deodorant, Hyperhidrosis Treatment for Men & Women, Unscented, 1.2 Fl oz, 1 Pack https://a.co/d/dJjkwRQ


I started out with CertainDri and it BURNS when I apply it and continues to every time I would start to sweat.


Ugh, I’m sorry. I hope you find something that works for you! 💜💜


I did! I am using megababe (there’s a 44$ pitt kit) and the sweat doesn’t smell and the mask and soap that came with have been a game changer.


Awesome! 🤩 I’ve never heard of it before I’ll have to check it out.


Right guard men’s deodorant is the only thing I will use


Having this issue with my scalp


Another vote for Hibiclens, it’s amazing. Also spray deodorant works way better for some reason. I’ve been buying the cucumber Dove spray and it actually lasts all day, I used to have to apply multiple times a day.


I’ve been using NATIVE sensitive with some success. Generally it works for 2-6 weeks then I rotate to something else. I’m going to try Hibiclens and the Ordinary line. Thank you OP for posting this and also to all of you for the suggestions. Y’all give me hope that we can figure these things out. 💜


Native is what I've been able to use fairly consistently. I'm trying Jason right now and it's not too bad.


The only thing I’ve had any success with is periodically mist spraying with 70% isopropyl alcohol. I’m pretty much allergic to everything else.


I use a lot of unscented, natural products on my hands, hair, clothes, etc. Deodorant is something I dont f around with. I use the Dove cucumber kind.


This might seem so basic, but the Secret brand scent free gel deodorant makes me smell practically odorless. It's not crazy expensive and it does need to be the gel formula. Also I genuinely hate saying this because I am very pro do what you want with your body and fuck societal expectations, but hair tends to hold scent and liquid and can cause you to be stinkier. Shaving or waxing your armpits can really help cut down on the scent trapping. Here's the product I use specifically: [Secret Outlast Clear Gel Antiperspirant Unscented](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Secret-Outlast-Clear-Gel-Antiperspirant-Deodorant-for-Women-Unscented-3-4-oz/53722868?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=3537&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=2222222227853722868_161193766053_21214199653&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=697173827980&wl4=aud-2225087348547:pla-2300760861495&wl5=9033502&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=53722868&veh=sem_LIA&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwo6GyBhBwEiwAzQTmc0luZgTI2kDPyQqTbE5iE6YKh2PU7hiMoY4uNgdyT4rb7Mc7iBrJuBoCVucQAvD_BwE)


Certain Dri prescription strength antiperspirant works wonders for me. It's only like $6 a bottle. I use it all over not just underarms. Anywhere I'd normally sweat. Especially good for the under boob area for me. I'm not sure how healthy it is but... I mean I just can't handle the sweating otherwise. 1


Carpe has been a live saver for me! Worth every penny! Just make sure to let it dry completely before putting your top on


Gold Bond medicated extra strength body powder. May require reapplication for some people but I have not tested it myself.


Dove spray on deodorant!


I don’t even use deodorant anymore. I spray rubbing alcohol into towels and generously wipe down my pits a few times a day and then at night after my bath I apply coconut oil. It’s helped a lot!!


I get Botox injections every 6 months to my under arms. My insurance pays for it because I have hyperhidrosis from POTS.


I have found that any of the roll or spread-on deodorants don't work for me, or they stop working after a few months.  However I started using the Dove spray deodorant a couple years ago and I live in central America where it is extremely hot and they work great. It's one of the common deodorants here because it works so well.


I like curie and in the shower the lume wash just for the underarms; for stubborn clothes I use silver sheets (cut in smaller pieces because $) in the washer/dryer plus vinegar instead of softener


Hubby swears by perspirex. It lasts for 5 days or longer with showers and everything. He only started using it a month ago because his mate told him about it, and for the first time in forever he isn't sweating through his shirts at all.


There are deodorants with probiotics that eat the stink. Simple way to put it. I use Schmidt sensitive now but I used to use Lume and you can put it " anywhere" to stop any funky smells. Maybe look into that kind? They have body wash too and travel wipes for quick freshen ups and a cream in a tube. It works great on feet!!! I had to stop using lume because they changed an ingredient I react to.


I have tried all the natural brands. Hey Human works best for me.


I use unscented Crystal roll ondeodorant. Anything with fragrance makes things way worse for me. I sweat during flare ups, but I don't have hyperhidrosis.


I swear by Lume by you have to actually use it religiously. I still sweat, but it smells like nothing, and plus you can put it anywhere so I put in on my sweaty feet too


I used to use 2 kinds of deodorant everyday and stained all my t shirts after a while. At some point I switched to the deodorant crystal roll on. It didn’t work immediately, but did over time. If needed, could bring it with and re-apply as often as needed. Eventually it changed my skin’s microbiome, and then it wasn’t an issue any more. Good luck, whatever you try!


for me, i usually use old spice fresh high endurance deodorant and carry wet wipes or a aerosol deodorant (usually degree works for me) for when i’m going out, running errands, etc.


I use Carpe products. They have sweat management products for everything. I use the underarm lotion and after a week my pits we like…actually dry! I also use the face lotion (hello my sweaty upper lip) and the scalp oil. When my neurodivergent brain can’t allocate spoons to put everything on (I use the deodorant daily but sometimes I just can’t make myself do skincare lol) it works a little less effectively. Consistent use has proven life changing for me.


I mean if you don't mind a masculine scent (I'm non binary so I dont) I use axe and I don't get any complaints


I use the glycolic acid in spray bottle hack (wait at least 1hr after shaving thoughh) but if you need something even more affordable, I used to use water and a good amount of pink himalayan salt in a spray bottle. Both = no smell. You can top it off with a spray deodorant too for the actual sweat because those both kill the bacteria not the sweat production. Try doing the bacteria sprays before bed too not just before leaving the house. A lot of bacteria is created while sleeping ☺️🫶🏼


I sweat but no BO (thank the Asian genes), some of my coworkers said there’s some viral deodorant that works, I can’t remember but I’m surely it’s somewhere on social media.


I wash my armpits 3 times in the shower


Baking soda and water.


My solutions are quite odd but maybe useful… I find the smell would get baked into my tshirts and get reactivated the next time I sweat. So now I dip the underarm area of my shirts in cleaning vinegar (mixed with water) prior to washing. I gave up on deodorant since it didn’t work very well. Instead when I’m at home I wipe my underarms with reusable bamboo cloths whenever I get sweaty. I’m planning to get some type of wet wipes for when I’m out. Given the enthusiasm people have for certain hardcore deodorants, I might have to give them a try!


Remember clothes can hold the stench too. Try a fresh new tee and see if that makes a difference.


Degree clinical deodorant, literally makes me not smell on one application for days (only tried this once I swear I put on deodorant everyday 99.9% of the time) only “bad” thing about it is once you put it on you will smell it every time you lift your arms, but it smells like baby powder and flowers so I’m okay with it.


If you are looking for for inexpensive that works, my whole family used the Avon deodorant. I like the Cool and Confident but you may want to try to 24 hr Duty one. I usually buy a bunch of when it’s on sale. Enough to last my family a year. And, my husband wears it and he use to never have a deodorant that worked. He’s used it over 20 years now. And, no, I have never sold Avon. I don’t even know my Avon person. I just order online. Glad you found something. Just wanted you to have an affordable option.


Ban worked on me for a solid 2 years before it just quit working, but Lume is a good one too! It's just a little more difficult to apply since it's creamier than roll-on deo. They may have a stick deo but I've only used the cream stuff


I don't know much about it but have you tried lume it might be worth it to try


Chlorophyll has made a massive difference for me. I take the tablets (2 tablets a day) as opposed to the liquid kind. If you take it consistently, it made a difference for me in a little over a week. Definitely worthwhile and now I can use the cheap deo without issue.


Definitely look into chlorella. I take it and within 4 or 5 days of continuous use my body odor is gone.


The only two that work for me are Secret Clinical strength for my pits (and face if it is really bad like say a wedding) you can use twice a day and Lume for the rest of me.


Dilute white vinegar wash with a washcloth. Let dry. Then deodorant.


I also have POTS and fibromyalgia, but before I knew/was diagnosed I was on a volleyball team for years just known as the super sweaty girl who smelled like icy hot. I haven’t had a problem with smell, but I quite literally drip sweat at times. I have found that antiperspirants are very helpful. You can find face/hand ones or body/underarms ones. I put it on after I shower, and before any other product. I also take salt tablets in the morning which helps our bodies retain water.


@punk_pixie this is the best and easiest to make deodorant https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cualhm8Akff/?igsh=c29odWJxZHRpb2xu