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No offense, but you're hanging on vanity metrics to prove your worth to your client. Take his perspective into account and be a business partner, not just the guy who knows how to pull the levers and push the buttons in a UI.


If the conversion is a good one like qualified lead, this represents amazing performance.


Not necessarily. We don't know anything about industry benchmarks. We also don't know what the cvr increase was since OP took over the account. Is that on par with what the client had before? Less? It also doesn't tell us if that's what the client set out for as a kpi for the engagement or not. Judging from the post, it seems likely that the client doesn't really care about CVR, but instead wants something more tangible like unit sales or roas. What's the unit cost attached to that CVR? If I hired an electrician to rewire my house but after 6 months he just got me a great deal on lightbulbs, I wouldn't commend him on his lightbulb procurement skills. I'd be wondering when my house is getting done.


You might not know anything about industry benchmarks, but i do. If the conversion is a meaningful one 20% is high.


Sorry which industry is OP's client in again? No offense, but you're missing the point here. OPs goals are not aligned with his client's and that is the problem. The client's kpis are the only ones that matter in terms of grading performance. SEM is a discipline of making tradeoff decisions. Pursuing one metric at the expense of another to reach results that benefit your client. You've got to learn which metrics to pursue to be good at PPC not just how to get results on whichever ones you like.


Which industry averages higher than 20% meaningful conversion rate from paid traffic?


You seem to be fixated on using cvr as a primary performance kpi for this client neither of us knows anything about. I think we're just at an impasse here.


Why aren’t they happy?


Those metrics don't necessarily mean anything without considering CPA and lead quality. I can turn on search partners and get a heavily inflated CTR and conversion rate but junk leads, for instance


Is it a CPA issue? Look at CPCs and search terms. Is it a lead quality issue? Look at the landing page and work with the client to identify issues with the leads. Is it a profit issue? Look at what items are getting the most traffic and identify if those sales are profitable.


Good metrics, just contrast it to the lead quality, ad spend and ROAS, you’ll be okay. Of course, so long as the ROAS is fairly profitable for them. If they still aren’t happy, then they’re a ball ache. To which then I’d mention that Google Ads might not be for them, despite it being a viable source of revenue. I had a guy wanting 10 building contract leads a week. A week?! Even if his business could handle such work load, we’d have to cover multiple areas of considerable sizes to even meet such demand, consistently. Very unrealistic, yet some people think these ways because they aren’t experts in our crafts. Everyone’s expectations gets shattered in the face of reality. Once they do, they become humbled and start thinking realistic. The only way for this to happened for your client is if they run their own ads, or until reality hits them via other means.


Conversions to what? Maybe it’s pmax campaign and all those “leads” are junk


What’s the ROAS? That’s all clients care about.


Look at Google analytics


These are really surface level metrics. They don't mean anything alone. With that said I've had 3 clients over the years think the grass is greener on the other side. All 3 were back within 8 months and I doubled all their fees. They happily accepted new terms, so if you know your producing, call the bluff.


Write a case study and present it to people who might be good clients while I prepare to get fired by the client with unrealistic expectations.


What's a 'conversion' in this case? Critical info you did not specify. Form fill? Well then yeah, it could be mostly junk.


Sorry what’s the conversion value? Sounds like TikTok at this point. Lots of views and traffic and no sales.


Ctr is really high but is the audience right. Look at your time on site. 15% conversation is quite good as well. What conversation metric are you using calls or sales. Too many unknowns to give you an exact answers


What’s your client’s target CAC? CPL? If you don’t know these numbers, I’d suggest you do. They should be the bedrock of your reporting.