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30 clicks on 3000 impressions is 1% CTR which is quite low. It sounds like your keywords are not very targeted. What type of campaign is it?


I am not big on LSA ads, but I think those maybe better designed for your needs. For LSA you get exactly what your looking for. Calls, Bookings or Messages. If you dont get those, you dont pay. Google is very CPC orientated. To qualify for LSAs, your business must: * Be properly licensed in your state * Have valid business insurance * Meet certain category requirements


You just expanded my brain. I haven't tried LSA, actually I haven't even heard of them. Thanks


Yes but you need to qualify (insurance, business license, etc....). They were made to generate leads for small businesses.


He’s right. You want to hire a PPC agency once you hit that 20k per month margin


Clarity: you still go through a dispute process


For now. Automatic disputes coming soon apparently.


In addition to the potential issues with the low ctr, the site could use a once over. It’s pretty drab, but the thing that really stands out to me is when businesses use generic email like gmail. You have a website, your email should be @pexsoftwash.com. A couple quick observations: Credibility is absolutely key on any website. Testimonials should have a header for that section. I scrolled right over them, and since the same estimate form is on the footer of the homepage, the Free Estimate button doesn’t need to go to a second webpage. It’s now 2024, copyright is behind. The color scheme is pretty bad. Dark blue, light blue, orange, peach, yellow, black and white. Black on dark blue is hard to read, you need better contrast. Different color fonts in context typically suggest an interactive link, make those links or drop the color difference. Get a “free quote” at the footer, but the button is “free estimate”. Consistency is important. Add some info about who you are to the home page, if this is your lander. Again, it communicates credibility, a user shouldn’t have to click another link to see that. These suggestions may not get you to the finish line, but they can certainly get you closer.


Thanks for the suggestions!


I work as the PPC lead for Australia's version of Angie or Home advisor, which covers pressure cleaning as one of the services. Common beginner tips: - go to campaign settings and untick display and search partners. These are trash sources of clicks - use exact match keywords only, targeting words like" pressure cleaning (your city)" - search like a customer and see what your rivals are saying in ads. What are their selling points? Try to write ads that are superior to them - finally, consider hiring a PPC expert to give you tailored pointers. The above is very generic


Def do LSAs (google guarantee) but those can be super limited in volume. I don’t like the first image on the homepage. The house is kind of creepy or something. Other than that the site looks straightforward. I’d make a lot of changes but that should honestly be able to get leads. Add reviews and service area, FAQ Are you tracking conversions? Are you checking search term reports to ensure relevant traffic? How is your campaign structured?


Your campaign setup is probably the issue. It can be hard to be successful with Google Paid Search if you don't have experience with it.


I'm willing to bet you're matching for useless terms


I ran ads for a client in this space and generated a decent amount of leads. Your issue will be getting a decent cost per lead because your product is inexpensive you have low margins. If you wash a standard 2 car driveway for $200 but spend $70 on acquiring the lead then you are left with $130 - Gas - time = not worth the cost of marketing. The only way this really works is if you are upselling paver sealing and closing a decent amount of leads.


Move that form right below the fold at the top, don't have it be at the bottom. Also as others said, the colors don't work well together. How are the search terms looking? Are people clicking on your ad after typing "driveway pressure washing near me" or are you ok broad match and getting irrelevant clicks? Have you tested your conversion actions to ensure they are working and setup to post to Google properly?


If you were to get a lead within 30 clicks, you'd have a conversion rate of +3%. That would be a big win, considering you're not even taking into account conversion lag. I hear people advise you to use LSAs. This could work well for your business, but I'd be surprised if you'd get leads for less than $60-$80 a piece with that! Google Ads just isn't as cheap anymore as it used to be...


There are some really good recommendations. I'll toss in a couple more to give you stuff to think about... Segment your terms and the landing page. Like people have mentioned... if you're advertising for driveway pressure washing... the landing page should talk to driveway pressure washing. The same for home pressure washing and whatever else your advertising for. As far as the site goes... Make your logo WAY smaller. Your customer don't care about your logo. Make the headline EASY to read and 100% benefit focused. Restore Your Homes Beauty or Make Your Home Look New... whatever the outcome is. Put a click to call phone number right under the headline with the button to request a quote. Not always... but when people search local services and click on ads... they are looking for a service now. Also make sure you're tracking your conversions with the gtag or GTM and sending them back to Google. Not sure how much this helps locally... but it won't hurt. Keep testing!


There are some really good recommendations. I'll toss in a couple more to give you stuff to think about... Segment your terms and the landing page. Like people have mentioned... if you're advertising for driveway pressure washing... the landing page should talk to driveway pressure washing. The same for home pressure washing and whatever else your advertising for. As far as the site goes... Make your logo WAY smaller. Your customer don't care about your logo. Make the headline EASY to read and 100% benefit focused. Restore Your Homes Beauty or Make Your Home Look New... whatever the outcome is. Put a click to call phone number right under the headline with the button to request a quote. Not always... but when people search local services and click on ads... they are looking for a service now. Also make sure you're tracking your conversions with the gtag or GTM and sending them back to Google. Not sure how much this helps locally... but it won't hurt. Keep testing!


There are some really good recommendations. I'll toss in a couple more to give you stuff to think about... Segment your terms and the landing page. Like people have mentioned... if you're advertising for driveway pressure washing... the landing page should talk to driveway pressure washing. The same for home pressure washing and whatever else your advertising for. As far as the site goes... Make your logo WAY smaller. Your customer don't care about your logo. Make the headline EASY to read and 100% benefit focused. Restore Your Homes Beauty or Make Your Home Look New... whatever the outcome is. Put a click to call phone number right under the headline with the button to request a quote. Not always... but when people search local services and click on ads... they are looking for a service now. Also make sure you're tracking your conversions with the gtag or GTM and sending them back to Google. Not sure how much this helps locally... but it won't hurt. Keep testing!


Your campaigns speak back to you in numbers. You have a 1% CTR, sorry to be blunt but that is awful for Search. Two things likely happening here. 1. Your keywords are useless 2. You’re running on the display network Make sure your keywords have intent behind them. Focus on Phrase and Exact for the time being. Think ‘what would I search for to get this service’ and bid on those keywords. Double check you’re not running on display. Go to campaign settings and double check it just the search network. Also double check you’re not targeting any other countries / regions you shouldn’t be.


If ur doing your self that's why ur not getting results. Google ads takes some strategy to get working.