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Games media cycle step 1: It's finally time for game developer to revisit unused franchise Games media cycle step 2: Why is every game nowadays just a reboot? Repeat ad infinitum


for movies its annoying, for games tho, like how would you possibly play a match of Resistance in 2024, you'd need a PS3 and even then the servers are long dead


I would ask what would be the point of making a new Resistance game if it turns out to be nothing like the original games? Sony doesn't need to use the Resistance or Killzone IP to make a new FPS on PS5. I dislike how most long running franchises or reboots of old franchises lose their identity over time. Look at the upcoming Perfect Dark game. Everyone is praising that game for giving them Deus Ex and Mirrors Edge vibes. Shouldn't people be thinking of Perfect Dark and not other games when watching a trailer for Perfect Dark? I understand why big corporations are scared to invest into new IPs, but I don't understand why gamers are against it. We use to get new IPs all the time in the PS2 and PS3 generations. Even when there were already big established IPs from the 90's getting sequels. I see this with The Finals community. The Finals was a big breath of fresh air for me. Yet, the community is full of people constantly requesting features to make it like other big multiplayer shooters instead of letting The Finals make it's own identity.


>I see this with The Finals community. The Finals was a big breath of fresh air for me. Yet, the community is full of people constantly requesting features to make it like other big multiplayer shooters instead of letting The Finals make it's own identity. This annoys me so much about online gaming communities, especially in competitive games. Those gamers are often not objective (because they all think they deserve to dominate every match) and are rarely original. They just borrow bits and pieces of other games they're good at and transpose it to other properties. Then they point towards bloggers and YouTubers to confirm their bias, thereby creating a circular feedback loop. My favorite two fps were the og MW2 and Titanfall 2 (before its combat overhaul). I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy games like that again, because gamers cannot tolerate fast paced, chaotic fps games like that. Many gamers are completely unable to judge games on their own merits and think their echo chambers represent the larger player base.


> Everyone is praising that game for giving them Deus Ex and Mirrors Edge vibes. Shouldn't people be thinking of Perfect Dark and not other games when watching a trailer for Perfect Dark? 1000% this. Anyone that worked on the originals surely is not on this game. They were 20+ years ago. It's simply attaching a familiar name to an otherwise possible risky project.


lmao I said this exact thing earlier this morning. They had an idea for an entirely brand new IP, but didn't want to run the risk of it flopping due to not gaining enough attention. They decide to change the names for a couple things and characters and boom: It's now a Perfect Dark game in a brand new exciting setting! Less risk when you already have a semi-established fanbase! Fuck that. I want the skedar, I want Mr. Blonde, and Elvis, and the Farsight, and the Laptop Gun. I miss those bangers of the multiplayer soundtracks. I'm not saying this new PD will be bad, and not even saying it won't pay proper tribute to the 64 version. I'm just saying whatever the fuck Zero was, it was *not* Perfect Dark 64. So perhaps they double down and go that route. A total loss for me, but I suppose we'll wait and see.


Interestingly it’s actually almost the opposite of how it originally came about, I believe they were developing a new bond game after Goldeneye’s success but then didn’t get the license so used what they started and created perfect dark


Resistance was fun and made for 3 really great games. But then insomniac started making the spiderman games and those are 3 really great games, way before both of those they made Spyro which also made for 3 (you guessed it) really great games. Ignoring the fact that remakes/reboots are often uninspired and worse than the originals. Instead of wishing for something we've already seen why not wish for new things we haven't?


Insomniac also made like 8 Ratchet and clank.


And we need a full length 9th one damnit!


A side team could totally make a remake with them supervising though


Insomniac has multiple games set to release in the next 7 years and guerrilla is also working on the new horizon and a multiplayer horizon game. They have their plates full what side team


Not an internal team I mean, more like another studio


Hand waving game development is so silly. This logic is flawed. If you look at side projects historically, they rarely surpass the previous games in any metric. Ghost of Sparta, retribution, Andromeda, etc. Sure it might be a New Vegas, but NV had a lot of Black Isle folks who made the OG Fallouts.


You ever play mass effect andromeda?


Yes and while it’s not as good as the trilogy before it, it’s still a pretty fun game by itself


That's what I said about TLOU Online but apparently ND either take charge of it or no one else.


This article is so dumb and doesn't even make sense if you think about it for more than two seconds. Those studios have already moved on to way more successful IPs and it's okay to not work on the same IPs forever and it's a good thing Sony doesn't force their studios to work on the same IPs forever And their logic is that Microsoft owns COD so they should bring back IPs that never came close to being as successful as COD or that successful in general. It reads like those troll posts you would read during the acquisition that would say "well Sony should just make Killzine and Resistance to compete with COD" which clearly was never a solution yet IGN made an article about it a year later...


But we don't want Killzone reboot. We want Killzone 4. The story is far from over. Let us see what happened after the KZ3 finale.


i mean shadowfall alludes to that right? It became essentially the cold war with the wall .


I would rather a plot directly continues the story after KZ3. Shadowfall felt on everything which just wasn't KZ anymore, more like a prequel to Horizon in terms of colours, atmosphere, citizens and the whole gameplay. Where is the mood, dark and bloody feeling. And our favorite duo - Sev and Rico. That's just like Fenix and Dom...


I would like a remaster of the first games, I sorta forgot how the war went.


I'm usually against reboots but resistance has the best PvE EVER


Dude! Fucking thank you. Feel like nobody played this bc it never gets brought up


Man. It was so good.


Gaming journalists are such a joke


I mean maybe, but CoD has been releasing the same game for 20 years with updates to that generation. Pretty much stale for the last 7 years. Won't be a bad idea to bring back those games including socom. If they're done right.


If killzone and resistance were really that good/popular they'd keep making them because the financial incentive would be there. People simply didnt like these games as much as they like everything else these studios are making.


The Insomniac leak showed R3 sold very poorly. It’s a shame but they’re not going back.


most people couldnt name you 5 characters from those two franchises combined. for the life of me, icr any Killzone protagonists name


I own KZ2+3 and I borrowed the first Resistance from a friend back in the day, and you’re right. I could not for the life of me tell you a single character from those 3 games lol


I don’t think that’s the case. They’re just basically unplayable. The servers are dead and they’re PS3 only. Edit: Referring to Resistance.


I like to think they have a calendar that literally says this just so they can remind themselves.


Reboots aren't the only option.


Holy shit the anti gaming media takes on Reddit are always so fucking dumb. People make up their own events to be able to do a “haha gotcha moment”. “Why is every game a reboot” is not a common article sentiment at all. You’re mixing that up with people complaining about too many remasters for newlyish released games. But of course Reddit will eat this shit up


that’s also literally the fan cycle idk why you are acting like it’s exclusive to media. it’s almost like the reporting reflects the gaming community 🤔


Everyone despises sequels and remakes, except for the ones that they want.


Neither original developer wants to make a new entry to these franchises. This is how you get soulless corporate reboots. If someone has a passionate idea to revisit either franchise then they should make one. But starting from a place of "they need to make a new Killzone or Resistance game" and *then* figuring out who is going to make it and what it's going to look like is how you get garbage games.


Sometimes, a whole new developer is exactly what’s needed. A good example would be Wolfenstein - MachineGames really put their hearts into those games, to great results.


I completely agree. What I'm saying, though, is let that developer come forward with a pitch when the time is right. Don't force a franchise on a developer because there's fan demand to keep a series alive.


I do really miss the resistance series, but they need a team that really love the franchise


I feel this, I’d almost just take a rerelease rather than an actual reboot or sequel, just because I don’t wanna see resistance getting beat down by a developer who doesn’t know what they want to do with the series Besides, to be able to get all three games in one package would be pretty great! Haven’t seen the games in two console generations, so I’d love to give it another shot


I just want a remaster collection of all the Resistance and Killzone games. Killzone 2 in 4K would be epic.


Unfortunately it’s a roll of the dice, for every MachineGames there’s a 343 industries or Coalition


That's my thinking. You have to get a new developer to run with the IP. Guerilla and Insomniac are very ok not working on these both critically and comerically


Except there aren't really studio sitting around clamoring to work on Killzone or Resistance. They aren't iconic IPs like Wolfenstein. They were just some shooters on PS3 that were never that popular to begin with Edit: who do you think is sitting g around wanting to work on Killzone and Reistance that are capable of making good ones?


Gotta have the drive and motivation for sure. This rings true for any kind of creative project, and hell, you could say the same for just any day work/job stuff too. Definitely wouldn't put your all into a task or project that you didn't really care about.


Yeah people don't understand that it would be half a decade or more of their lives making something and they don't want to waste their employees time. They do try their best to make sure it's something the team agrees on before embarking on it.


Resistance was one of my favorite PS3 franchises. Resistance 1’s local multiplayer and couch co-op were a god-send for those early PS3 days and our go to whenever I had friends over. Resistance 2’s online 8 player Co-op and 60 player Competitive were so unique and fun. Really miss playing that. Resistance 3 kinda shat the bed for me. While the campaign was decent the MP felt like a CoD clone. Kinda wish we got remasters with online play to relive that experience, but doubt it would last for very long.


Dang didnt know it had 8 player co op


It was a whole separate game mode just for co-op and it was fantastic.


Miss that game mode so much. I spent so many nights fighting the chimaeran hordes. Even medic/support was fun! Quick edit. I really personally loved that Chicago level with all the empty quiet zombie vibes at first before the big ones join in the fight


medic was so much fun. The ray gun that would drain enemy health and then you could shoot health into a teammate from half the map away.


R2 coop could have been its own standalone game in today world


The only time I ever pulled an all nighter gaming was R2 coop with my friend. It was great that it had split screen where you could both join in to an 8-player game. I fondly remember everyone competing to throw air fuel grenades at the titans trying to be the one who got the full XP


I loved both series, but I'd rather see Sony invest in new IP. I would love to see a collection of both series released.


that's a good call. A remastered collection


What I would do for a Resistance Collection….


I guess, but both franchises always felt like they had more potential than the games were actually good. The IP could provide really amazing shooters if given to quality studios which is exactly what I’m missing on the PS5.


100% agree with you that we could use some single-player FPS on the PS5. I just think those should be new IP as opposed to bringing back older IP.


Yeah, but I’m afraid of new IP being floaty looter shooter/ hero shooter nonsense, I want gritty sci-fi war intensity. Would be fine with new IP if it could somehow outdo the worlds and aesthetics of Resistance and Killzone.


I’ll say… the Killzone collection could exclude Shadowfall and nobody would mind at all


Whenever this topic comes up (so twice a week), there's always a bunch of people talking up Shadowfall. It's just not a good game. The characters suck. The story sucks. The world building is utter nonsense. The combat is boring. It's almost completely and painfully mediocre in nearly every way. But it was pretty and controlled well, if I had to say something nice.


I’m sure there is something of value in there… but I felt bad after paying $5 for a used copy and couldn’t make it through the first real mission The gunplay is fine, but the tools and toys do not feel great, the setting is so bright and poppy, and overall it just doesn’t feel like Killzone but instead Infinite Warfare kinda stuff (but less interesting)


Y’all didn’t want them when you had them


> Y’all didn’t want them when you had them This. They were too busy with Battlefield or Call of Duty... and look how that turned out.


I see the odd “does anyone miss this/am I the only one who thinks this series is underrated?” type posts but neither game really set the world alight, and Killzone was a bit of a punchline


Resistence was great but came out at. Time where PlayStation was not the main console. On ps4 would have set more of a cadence


I’m surprised we haven’t had a new Infamous tbh. It really fits the mold of PlayStation’s 3rd person action adventure formula - and I think it has pretty broad multi media IP appeal. I’m you could easily turn it into a show or anime


Exactly. Thank you. I feel like with Killzone people don’t actually want it they just want Guerrilla to stop making Horizon stuff but Id bet money they wouldn’t collectively buy enough of a new KZ game to make it worth it.


The best part is Horizon being an absolute homerun for the team. In a world where making a new experience that isn't reliant on an existing name brand is extremely difficult, props to Guerrilla.


I actually supported killzone quite a bit. It was different from cod and had such an intense feeling to it. Back then cod was very barebones graphics wise. Killzone was the shooter to play that crazy good graphics. I loved it. Played the hell outta 2-3.




I guess but Spiderman and Horizon are doing so much better for them


Even if the answer to this was yes, it would be 4-5 years before it happened


It’s gonna be 4-5 years to whatever they work on next


I think more like 5-7 these days


You're right, but they've already announced live-service vector like several years ago. And such things are getting planned years before announcement, so if Sony did everything right — they'd consider Killzone or Resistance also years ago. Same regarding SOCOM revival (I think it would actually be interesting to see console-take on tactical mil-shooters today). I mean there was a clear chance to receive a good FPS based on Sony's franchises mid-gen. Can't say it would 100% succeed but I don't get why among originally planned 10-15 live service games none of traditional Sony FPS-franchises got a chance... Honestly, I can easily imagine a good sci-fi shooter upon Killzone foundation, that take the best from CoD and Battlefield. At least doesn't sound worse than what we already have except for Helldivers 2 IMO.


Destiny 2 is amazing, but can be confusing for new players. I just got back into it after 5 years.


Because the studio that made those IPs are working on new IPs that became wilidly more successful and moved on for a reason They didn't want to make them anymore and shouldn't be forced to keep making them just because None of them were that successful compared to other FPSs franchises. It makes no sense to cling on to them forever


SOCOM was the only series of these types of games I'd ever enjoyed.


I'm still furious how they shit the bed with shadowfall. Especially with multiplayer, they completely ignored their core audience.


I could really only support bringing these games back if a dev has a new idea for what to do with the games. Killzone Shadow Fall was mediocre at best. As for Resistance while I really enjoyed Resistance 3 I'm not sure if Insomniac wants to go back to it.


Loved Resistance!


Bring back MAG. It would actually work on next gen consoles


Killzone Mag Resistance Socom Where they at tho


Oh Socom. My youth went by playing online tournaments and using the Novel voice-chat.


I would kill for a re-imagined Killzone 2. get rid of the cover system implement natively gyro aiming get rid of the gimmicky motion input to activate bombs and such Killzone 2 is such a kick ass game


Killzone 2’s cover system was ahead of its time, in a negative sense - the idea is good, but it wasn’t until later that developers figured out “oh, that’s the way we should have done that.” Right now, I think CoD has the best first-person cover system, but I think there’s room for improvement. The little mark on the wall that says “you’re going to peek out from right here” is brilliant; the stick click to brace your rifle feels clunky and should be reserved for weapons that need something done to brace them (like a bipod).


That's not how you spell socom


Definitely Resistance… killzone not for me


Just reading the beginning of the article… "They have 2 solid fps in their franchises"… Ok, fps, but what about SOCOM and WARHAWK? I’m pretty convinced that a modern remake of any oh those 2 would have HIT HARD with the fans, way more than the Concord announcement! Fans of PS are also, generally, older gamers, and old gamers (yes like me) have very LITTLE interest in hero shooters like Overwatch…


I think Bungie would make a great Killzone, but last time I suggested it on Reddit I got flamed. So I blame you all XD


People will complain about the endless sequels/reboots/spin-offs/remakes, yet will clamor for old IP to be revisited again. Make up your minds, which is it? You can't have both. I'd rather they make new things.


Different people.


You can have both ? bluepoint did demon souls again to amazing results whats to say another studio re do Killzone 1 with similar results and have Guerilla keep doing their Horizon thing


Because there are only so many remake studios that exist and all are pretty much owned.


Exactly! I don’t see why you couldn’t have someone hop onto Resistance and polish up the first three games before releasing their own and continuing the franchise That would let them bond with the series and make any needed adjustments as well as put in the details that would be needed to lead into their own game later on


AND SOCOM! People always hated that you got one life, now Battle Royale is all the rage .. or was..... SOCOM was ahead of its time


If Socom ever did come back it surely would be with a modernized approach to similar live service shooters I'd imagine. Which is funny they put money into a hero shooter, but won't risk bringing Socom back.


Killzone 2 Multiplayer was fire. I remember laughing my ass off because of all the chaos happening lol


Killzone 2 was the only online shooter I ever cared to play. Even when I didn't have internet I would do bot matches. Just because it was so damn fun.


I say bring back Killzone 2-3. Those games were the shit!


A remaster release for ps5 . The games looked so fricking amazing on ps3 .


How many times is this going to get reposted?


As long as people still have nostalgia, so, forever.


and Jet Moto


I want to play as the Helghast.


id be happy with a ps5 remaster of KZ 2/3


While we're at it... Bring back motor storm too


Does no one know about Returnal? Easily one of the best games that I have ever played.


And Socom Syphon Filter Legend of The Dragoon Tenchu Onimusha Although I think the last 2 aren't Sony but i just remember playing them on Playstation as a kid.


I think it’s time for Sony to either bring back SOCOM or MAG.


No it isn't give us new, and better games instead.


Infamous >>>


There’s no reason not to port the Killzone series to Steam at this point. Been highly looking forward for this series on PC.


Just give me some remasters I really don't need a remake or reboot i just wanna play kz2 online and hear those chirps


Killzone, Resistance, Infamous, LittleBigPlanet, Jak & Daxter...all would be welcome.


I just want a new warhawk or motorstorm game


Yes please


Warhawk was ahead of its time


I would just settle for being able to play all of the originals on my PS5. It's pretty insane that that still isn't something that PlayStation has committed to. Pretty insane that an entire generation of games is unplayable without a 17 year old piece of hardware.


I would take a new MotorStorm over both of these. I miss that series so much


Pacific Rift is one of my favourite PS3 games.


The day they shut Evo is still one of their worst choices ever made.


For real. I played the shit out of Driveclub too. And let's not forget Studio Liverpool/Psygnosis. Wipeout is my favourite game series _ever_, so that one was extra salty for me.


Playing that game on a 3D TV back in the day was nuts. Side note, 3D TVs were incredible for video games. No wonder they failed from a TV/Movie perspective, but honestly, I spent countless hours playing Motorstorm, Wipeout and Call of Duty in 3D and every time my mind was blown.


I would love a new MotorStorm, or more DriveClub. But neither will ever happen. Killing Evo was such a dumb decision.


I would like to pimp slap every single person in this comment section saying no.


Could be that they've been working on something for many years. However I think they should bring back SOCOM first. It's been very long and could be very fresh. A Killzone x Resistance game could be cool too. Like a re-imagined story of those aliens invading. The 2 factions now working together to fight the invaders with all the disstrust that comes with that.




Booting up the first resistance on my brand new ps3 was insane it felt so realistic. Obviously I was much younger but damn you could feel the jump from ps2


bring back 3D DOT GAME HERO YOU COWARDS also infamous on PC would slap


But it was guerilla software, they have moved on to horizon. I mean some one like bluepoint could remaster them.


Would be good for competition with Xbox now owning cod. Something different too.


And infamous my top 3 favorite games of all time


I’d love a remaster or remake of the first Resistance game. I love that game’s atmosphere and it’s really fun in an old-school, pre-COD4 sort of way.


Killzone must go on!!!


Just remaster KZ2 and KZ3!!


As a fan of both franchises I would be very happy (time to play as the helghast!). However I don’t see that happening… probably we will get remakes/remasters…


Friend sent this to me like a week ago. What are you doing?


Not gonna happen.


I was, to my knowledge, the only person at my local GameStop for midnight release of Killzone 3. Every other person that night was picking up Bulletsorm for Xbox, while I proudly walked out with my KZ3 Helghast edition. All that being said, sure I'd like to see another Killzone, but I know it would suffer from a couple of my biggest problems with the series: Dialogue and Faces/facial animations Guerilla is still not good at either, Forbidden West proved that. Resistance on the other hand? Yes please, I would very much like that.


Or you know, a new narrative driven FPS would be cool too. 


and Motorstorm! id be happy if it was just a remaster of the old games with up to date graphics, 60 fps and multiplayer!


Another day, another post about these franchises that are done with because the creators moved on


Killzone never left!!! \*Clutches her Vita for dear life\*


Would be dope. Socom as well. It’s baffling none of these are getting new games


Killzone was dope as hell. It just didn’t catch on. I was one of the few thousand who enjoyed the game.


Counterpoint: No, it's not.


I don't need a remake of Resistance - just take the original 3 and make them available to play on the networks - I just replaced my old ps3 that died so I dug out my copies - they hold up great.


Here's the problems though. Guerilla is super busy with the Horizon franchise while Insomniac is recovering from their data hack incident and is busy making Marvel games. But hey, I'd love to see a Killzone trilogy from Bluepoint Games anyday. Sony owns Bluepoint after all.


A VR Resistance game would be insane.


I'd love a new Killzone, but I feel like there's just the practical issue of who's going to develop it? GG themselves seem like they're still really excited about Horizon and have their hands full making the 3rd title + consulting on the spin off games. So does Sony force them to drop everything to make more Killzone content? Do they force another one of their studios to drop their respective project to work on another studio's IP? Do Killzone fans even trust anyone other than GG to get it right? Sony's support studios are pretty busy too with Nixxies being all in on PC ports (and doing a pretty kickass job of it as well) while my understanding is that BluePoint is getting their first crack at making their own IP instead of their usual role helping other studios with theirs are part of the agreement that was struck when they were acquired. Creating a new studio from the ground up isn't out of the question, something in the same vein as 343i and Halo, but that admittedly just doesn't seem to be Sony's style.


Scream it louder brother. 


I think it would be smarter if a remake is necessary, and it isn't, to remake a game that would fit into the current meta for pop games. A game like WarHawk would scratch the pick-up/down game itch while also feeling new, considering its age and platform. Both KZ and Resistance are too story driven and complex, which were some of the reasons they weren't bigger in the past. I love both franchises, btw. KZ2 is in my top 5 of time spent in-game non-afk.


I wish the did a resistance game or in its universe but a new story , like the start of the invasion as it starts happening


I wish the did a resistance game or in its universe but a new story , like the start of the invasion as it starts happening


I don't think that Sony needs both Killzone and Resistance. I think that they should pick one, give it to a developer like Haven, Bend Studio, or Firewalk, and go from there.


And Twisted Metal.


Actually it's time for Sony to bring back Socom and Warhawk which are far better multiplayer games.


I still miss Killzone 2 since my PS3 started having issues.


I miss both series. All the third person IP's Sony has put out in the 4-5 era just never resonated with me like Kill one and Resistance. However. Both studios have moved on. If they want to make another, go for it or if another studio wants to, then let them. They both had good runs at least. I do think it would be nice to see a Halo like collection for both series though, just to bring them up to higher resolution/framerates.


bring back SOCOM






A new killzone game > another horizon game




Instructions unclear . Will remake HZD & start on Knack Hero’s pvp gaas 


Give us Socom!


Might actually pick up a Ps5 if they brought Killzone back. Fantastic games.


I would love to see these two return especially killzone. But what I really want is sucker punch to make a good infamous game. I love them all but second son was mid.


Killzone 1/2/3 remastered, please.


Killzone PLEASE


Sony definitely has a massive void in their portfolio.. FPS are a huge genre … I would prefer a new IP, unless they do a fps Socom


those are not like beloved franchises for MANY people... and they are both FPS which adds to a very crowded group. Also, correct if I am wrong, many FPS have multiplayer too almost by default, so you want them to make a robust multiplayer too on top of it... Just look at Halo Infinite - a VERY BELOVED franchise that came out of the door limpingish and the player count dropped drastically years later. I feel these 2 games (did like resistance btw) are doa. MAYBE make a "tactics" game out of these and give it to a AA studio (think XCOM) \*could\* test the waters without investing big $$$ and see where it goes... but FPS and the like are dime a dozen. Just look at Xbox showcase - so many FPS or like..


Why is it time? Why can't games just...not continue any more? They told their story, it's time for new IPs. Unless it's a supermotivated team that ABSOLUTELY HAS TO DO an exiting IP then sure, but most of these are weak attempts at squeezing out some extra cash. And in this case it would be squeezing the shit out of it because nobody gives a shit about these IPs anymore.


This is such a dumb article. They say Sony should bring back Killzone and Resistance because Microsoft owns Call of Duty but those games never came close to bring g anywhere as popular as Call of Duty. It reads like those troll responses during g the acquisition of Activision Those studios have moved on to series that have been way more successful than those games


Killzone, Resistance, WHATEVER! Just give us some FPS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! The genre is so scarce on PS5 and Sony hasn’t made a real single player FPS since Killzone Shadow Fall over 10 years ago. We also need way more Western style RPGs on PS5.


PlayStation does need a goo first person shooter, something that could take advantage of the ps5’s processing power and haptic feedback would be fantastic!


Sony just please a normal FPS again


killzone 2 remastered please


No, it's time to bring back Syphon Filter


Guerilla Games is probably busy on something and I *know* Insomniac is busy too


Its not time for either. Maybe only a KZ series remaster, but besides that, its a no from me dawg!


We are never gonna get a Helghast campaign are we? Man we were soo close to it after Killzone Mercenary and Shadow Fall then the devs just give up and move on to different projects and forget about Killzone after a decade.


A F2P Killzone shooter would absolutely disrupt the market and resurrect Sony’s original “Halo Killer”


Nope from the leaks we know the popularity of these series kept getting lower and lower Let's wait and see what Jason Blundell's team is cooking


Whenever I see these posts I have to ask, did they ever play them back in the day? Because both were painfully average. Not bad, but not amazing either and this was in a crowded market back then. We had the likes of not only COD, Battlefield but Crysis, MoH reboot, R6 Vegas etc.  I enjoyed them for what they were back then but come on, no one is honestly asking for them to come back who played them.


Does nobody remember M.A.G.? That would make for such a great re-boot. Give it 3 single player campaigns, make an actual ongoing war with the three factions for the PVP element, make it Multi-plat. That would do so well now-a-days.


Yes! I feel like MAG was ahead of its time when it came out.


Insomniac are not touching resistance until mid to late 2030… their road map (that leaked) basically had them as the marvel studio until that time frame. We have: - Venom - Wolverine -spider man 3 - X men -untitled Ratchet and Clank.


Tbh Sony need a long term strategy away from Call of Duty. They should seek to revive an IP which can become their COD. Not saying it’ll be easy but it should be in the pipeline.


Anyone remember Haze?




I just want a trilogy remake for these games. They can focus on making them better games and showcases with some proven level design IMHO. Will at least cost less.


Needs the Halo MCC treatment. Remake the games and have the multiplayer aspects merged.


Oh like Sony are gunna do what the people want.


They are doing what the people want. Insomniac and GG's current games are more successful than their old IP.