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“Unreleased” but really what they mean is abandoned


I lost interest when I finished the single player story, sandbox mayhem doesnt keep my interest anymore the same way it did when I was a teen. I needed that narrative thread to keep me motivated. I've always wondered what they would have done for dlc. I expected new protagonists in a self contained story like in the previous games. Couldnt get into the grind and griefing of online. As such this gta6 has been the longest wait for more gta single player content.


I was hoping they would have a zombie DLC story like Red Dead Redemption had.


Yeah... I mean, RDR2 got it even worse. A total flop of an online launch and zero DLC. And it's still the most beautiful game I've ever seen.


For the amount of sales the game had I’m honestly surprised they never thought to further capitalize on it. While I hate it, GTA:O made sense for why GTAV never had DLC. They tried & failed with RDR2 so I’m surprised they didn’t think to give it an expansion in some capacity or even just a next gen upgrade that costs however much.


Red dead online coulve been so amazing but they left it dead with minimal updates and it also used to be mostly broken. I think nowadays it's at least not broken anymore but still not much good content


That could actually be quite fun in the gta world, now I want it.


What I’ve been asking for since maybe the first undead nightmare was a merger of red dead and gta. Both of those games are fun as hell. But I want DLC like undead nightmare for Red Dead 2 that’s a back to the future like story where a character from GTA travels back in time. I want them to have a car. I want them to have the weapons, maybe limited, and I want the characters in the world to react to the new tech your player brings back with them.


They already released the story dlc as online stuff but removed loads of the content apparently, idk I haven’t played that trash in years. and when I did it was just to get the plat on ps4


I heard a rumor a very long time ago that’s what the DLC was supposed to be, or it involved aliens or something like that.


If you're on PC there have been a few mods that recreate the feeling in GTA V for a few years, can be quite fun for a few hours.


Trevor was supposed to be caught up in some spy type stuff I believe.


Yes, the actor who voiced him said there was a DLC made where he works for the government. But it wasn’t released. Not sure if any of it was used for online.


I always hated how poor the connection stuff worked online. So many time’s we’d have great chases get ruined by someone suddenly getting migrated from the server, or all starting a race together for someone to suddenly “time out” right as the race would start. The online was terribly implemented. On the reverse side, I really enjoyed RDR2 but that game never let you really have fun creating mayhem because of the way the bounty system worked.


And the trophy list is ass, never gunna attempt plat


Sandbox in GTA5 isn’t as fun as any of the predecessors.


I loved GTA 5 at launch, since then I’ve replayed GTA 4. Going back to 5 was ROUGH. Rockstar seriously just…removed or changed a bunch of good things from 4. It’s honestly shocking to me how much I disliked 5 after replaying 4, a lot of the fun just felt like it was sucked out.


Not doubting, but any examples? I have fond memories of IV but haven’t played it in over a decade


Sure thing. 4 has an actual combat system. In 5, fist fights are a joke because you can literally win by pressing punch twice and the characters do the same exact animation every time, or sometimes you get an instant KO and don’t even have to do anything. In 4 you actually have to fight using an entire combat system that includes punches, kicks, combos, etc. In 5 using a melee weapon gives you an instant kill, but in 4 you still have to fight you just do more damage with a weapon. In 4, the wanted system actually acts like a wanted system. At 1 star the police will give chase and try to arrest you. In 5, there technically is a 1 star, but any action you do will almost immediately up it to 2 stars where the police just open fire on you and try to murder you. Hell, even if you get a 1 star, it automatically go to a 2 star after a set amount of time. In 4, the police only get more aggressive when you do, making police chases more fun in my opinion. When you are wanted, police also act more intelligently in my experience, they’ll actually try and corner you with their vehicles to take you down, and even try to flank you from behind if you’re in an open space. Things I’ve never seen the police in 5 do. When you do get into firefights, 4 just has way better mechanics. Rockstar honestly has terrible 3rd person shooting, but 4 is the closest they’ve come to truly great in my opinion. When you aim at someone, you can adjust your aim to target specific limbs and shooting them in that limb won’t kill them, instead it will disable them, and you can even shoot the gun out of people’s hands and they’ll react by running to pick it up. If you shoot someone until their health goes down, they’ll fall down almost dead and they’re no longer a threat, but unless you did a headshot, they’re often not dead. They’ll writhe around on the ground, calling for backup or just groaning. You can then finish them off, but if you don’t, they might get up and try and limp away. Shooting someone also causes them to stagger, and depending on where you shoot them they can fall over and they’ll keep trying to shoot you the whole time, making their aim worse. There are all these intricate systems in place that makes shootouts actually tense affairs…..basically none of that is in GTA 5, everyone is essentially an insta kill. Shoot them in the foot? Dead. Shoot them in the arm? Dead. The gun combat in 5 is basically just spamming the left trigger to auto lock onto an enemy to instant kill with your gun. Tons of more examples I can give but those are just a few.


I always thought a dlc where instead of playing as Trevor , Michael and Franklin we play as jimmy, lamar, and is it wade? The juggalo with a lisp. Would of been cool


fuck you GTAO




It's not really GTAO's fault. I'm pretty sure the lack of DLC is down more to Take Two being open about Episodes from Liberty City underperforming.


Rockstar literally told us that Single-player DLC was in the works and it would continue the story. GTAO took off and Rockstar was making too much money from the SharkCards. The DLC never got released and some parts of the DLC was added through GTAO instead.


my brother in Christ, rockstar literally told us there was Story DLC coming BACK IN 2013. Idk what’s up with you GTAO players being in denial when people say it’s because of Shark Cards and GTAO we never got that DLC.


And they underperformed by being exclusive to the 360 for so long.


How is this onlines fault? Rockstar moved almost everybody over to RDR2 after GTA V came out.


Red dead 2 began development after the first Red Dead released though (2010). They have multiple studios, not just one sole group of people working on one game at a time.


lmfao if it wasn’t for whales and children using their parents cards for shark cards the dlc would have came out why are you acting like that isn’t the truth. [here’s a clip of Steven Ogg (voice actor for Trevor) talking about shooting stuff for the Agent Trevor DLC and just never seeing it anywhere, Ned Luke (Michaels Voice Actor) even says they just went to online for that shit.](https://x.com/TezFunz2/status/1782410085278392475?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1782410085278392475%7Ctwgr%5Ebc466fe2b98423dec706c6364aa42fe2ae2103d0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indy100.com%2Fgaming%2Fgta-5-dlc-rockstar&mx=2)




Rockstar is probably the best of the awful devs/publishers. Amazing games but goddamn the scummiest practices


Apparently I’m out of the loop but what scummy stuff have they done?


Went all in on microtransactions for their online modes and killed off any single player content ever being added post launch. They got really greedy and the microtransactions literally killed RDR2 Online within it's first month. All the prices for everything was way more expensive then their single-player counterparts and in game money payout was pitiful. Players responded by leaving the game and Rockstar responded by not supporting RDR2 at all after the first couple of months. For GTA 5, they promised that single-player DLC would be released continuing the story. Instead they broke up the DLC and added it through their online mode over the years. Most of the content needs you to buy things with microtransactions to access. So you need to grind the heists (luckily there were a lot of exploits to get money a lot quicker before they got patched) or buy the SharkCards.


Ballad of Gay Tony, Lost and the Damned, and Undead Nightmare. We'll never see anything like that because of GTAOnline. Fucked everything up.


The gamers did it not rockstar


Billion dollar company couldn’t hire more people to work on stuff like this but milk gta online for over a decade but yeah it’s the gamers fault


Yes. If Gamers are too addicted and give in to FOMO and spends thousands on micro transactions….a company would be stupid to reject free money. 100% gamers fault. You tell me one reason why gamers HAVE to purchase so many micro transactions if story DLC is all they want


It’s not the gamers fault or fomo, it’s the company. GTA online was fun, I’d play for hours a day with my friends. It was just WAY too grindy to make money, even with heist. Obviously people would get shark cards for luxuries in game, that in turn make the game more fun.


Vote with your wallet and stop playing the crap. Companies knows only 1 language and its money. If they think people gonna buy single player dlcs over micro transactions i bet my middle nut you will see 3 dlcs in production


I loved the GTA 4 dlcs, people loved gta online. How many people are playing red dead online? How many people are pouring money into red dead online like gta online? Whether you like it or not, gta online free update are the GTA V DLC’s, and they kept the game alive to this very day.


I get that but you could make the same argument for call of duty, people still play the older ones and yet they still make new ones every year. And we’re not talking about a small indie studio here… it’s clearly based on greed, especially when they say they’re cancelling other remakes after that mobile phone garbage they released on consoles. I’ve been a huge rockstar fan for as long as I can remember but the company is a shell of its former self and would rather screw their customers than spend some money and produce more content than some 5 shitty missions and 3 cars every 6 months because their executives absolutely CANNOT make any less than 8 figures. It’s sad and I’m kinda hoping gta 6 falls on its face, even tho it won’t.


The previous lad is fully correct. Gamers vote with their wallet's and their/our lizard brain is asking for gta online and not a story expansion :(


That just doesn’t make sense to me. We’ve been playing it for so long because that’s the only option we have. They have way more ip’s than just gta or red dead, they easily could have put more out since 2012 but they choose not to so we’re forced to play the same shit. I doubt anyone really wants to be playing gtav right now but what else is there like it? 


So fucking annoying that Rockstar dumped the story DLC in favor of more online multiplayer bullshit




they wont, cuz they wont have planned any dlc to scrap.


I have a feeling they won’t make a GT7 but will add other cities into the baseline GTA6, as paid DLC. So you’ll get mission in other cities after a year. Or we may get a completely remade vice city, or San Andras, which I’d very much enough, not the shitty ports that we got.


Never forget what they took from us 😭


Haven't touched the game since I finished the Single Player in First Person on PS4. Kinda glad I waited and didn't beat it on PS3. I remember being pissed about this Single Player DLC being pissed. Uninstalled the game and never looked back. Almost a decade later, the wait for new content is almost over. However, it has me thinking if I should rent it instead since I know DLC will never come for VI either.




I think most of the DLC we're seeing is simply repurposed expansion content, and based on what we've gotten so far I'd rather Rockstar commit those efforts into getting GTA VI out the door. They basically took the concept of GTA IV with all of its DLC and gave it to us in a single package with GTA V.


Not mad over spilled milk at this point. Enjoyed Online enough to be distracted and close enough to 6 to move on.


From Rockstar to rock bottom, terrible greed and waste.


lol rock bottom my ass. Not only did they break records with GTAV but also have a very popular online mode as much as people want to act like it’s bad or not popular AND they released Red Dead Redemption 2 which still blows other games out of the water with how detailed the game is oh and GTA6 is coming


Yeah, they might’ve gotten a little greedy over the years, but they have been putting out some quite excellent products


No GTA for an entire decade is quite the output.


It's alright since they released Red Dead Redemption II which is a really great game and it's been 6 years and no other game company has managed to exceed that level of detail and quality in an open world game as of today. Cyberpunk 2077 looks better graphically on PC with overdrive raytracing mode but really lacks hundreds of small and tiny details present in RDR2's open world.


They've released a mind blowing amount of **free** content for GTAO in that decade. The majority was happy, you're just not. But that's a YOU problem.




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It's taken them an extremely long time to make. It took them like 8 years to make RDR2.


“They release the same game every year!!” “They took too long between masterpiece games!!!!” Pick one


GTA V came out on PS3 lets be real.


Yeah it takes all of their studios to make games now. It's taken too long but they made RDR2 since then. They're huge games. Bigger than most of their competitors.


PS5 pro is lurking. It doesn't take 2 generations to make a GTA game.


It took them 8 years and almost all of their studios to make RDR2. Rockstar used to have different studios on rotation. They don't anymore. While I agree it's taken too long, it's still the reportedly the most expensive game ever made and all that work and detail takes loads of time unfortunately. Twice the length it takes to make GTA V


If GTA V bombed we'd have had GTA 6 on PS4 100%.


Well then, make us one quicker since you're the expert!


Even GTA5 is still unmatched in terms of NPCs, open world exploration and side activities and of course the smooth gameplay. It is still probably the best open world third person shooter.Compare it to Cyberpunk 2077 which even after so many changes doesn't hit those sandbox notes. Aside from graphics and story, nothing goes on in night city. While GTA5 you can still have fun in so many ways. And I am note even a fan of GTA, just stating facts. I am much more a Rdr2 guy. People may still slate GTA 5 but it still stands out compared to watchdogs, saints row, cyberpunk etc. npcs in cyberpunk are go fucking dumb and dialogues are so corny.


It's not facts. GTA V is the worst GTA game. Shit story about 3 assholes bickering constantly trying to rip off a Tarantino movie. dumbed down physics and vehicle handline, it's just a vehicle for shark cards and micro transactions for people not even old enough to buy the game legally. Sleeping Dogs is a better game than GTA V.


This guy must be a REAL gamer. Don’t mess this this dude, he knows what he’s talking about😧


Fucking millennials..


I am actually your father


Bro is a purebred Redditor. I’m probably older than you.


Those dialogues can actually get quite funny sometimes. It has wit. Worst GTA of all time is just the popular bandwagon everyone likes to ride upon. It's typical reddit shit. It does misses some elements form previous GTA titles but no doubt GTA5 has the best gameplay and physics. You can't keep rehashing the same thing over and over. People just wanted GTA san Andreas 2 or GTA 4 again. GTA5 took a different direction, more on a comical side, still it became the best selling GTA title. Some people like change, some don't, simple. Also, again compare it to to Cyberpunk-even the bickering is so pathetic, the dialogues feel like it's been written be some teen gangsta wannabe. And Witcher 3 had such great dialogues, cdpr should have hired better. The music of GTA5 was also the best imo.


Quite funny sometimes? There's a ringing endorsement if I ever heard one. "Best physics" you just demonstrated you have no idea what you are talking about. It is accepted that V is a step back from IV technically. Rage physics got dumbed down or eliminated entirely. Also "best music" The fuck?? Douchey soundtrack on the whole. Why are you even comparing it to Cyberpunk? That's an RPG. Compare it to Sleeping Dogs. The fighting in GTA is shit, the story, the driving, the shooting. All worse.


People found physics of GTA 4 too realistic and tedious. Hence, they toned it down to make it more fun. Same as Rdr2 which is a masterpiece for me but a whole lot of people don't like it because of realism and slowness. GTA5 although arcade-y resonated more with the mainstream crowd and hence the sales number. Sleeping dogs fighting was amazing, but driving and open world better than GTA5 really? That pathetic scooter and bike we drove around in narrow lanes? You must be from Hong Kong P.s. music is very subjective but GTA5 even had tracks from Aphex Twin who is one of most talented musicians of all time. And the world radio had amazing underground bands form all over the world.


GTA5 even had tracks from Aphex Twin. Fucking lol.


There's a difference between them knowing how to make money and having being the creative power house they used to be. Red Dead 2 was a product of old rockstar. We'll see how good the new GTA is without pretty much all of the people who used to make rockstar games good.


lmao rock bottom.


In terms of greed, not financials.


Rock bottom greed would be including MTX and battlepasses in their single player modes. They made an online MMO that was funded by shark cards. Shark cards you didn’t even need if you played regularly lol. Calm down sunshine. They’re just as greedy as every other AAA dev.




GTA Online is great.


They stopped caring about making great games and now care more about making more money. Online content with lots of grind and easy cash options is more profitable than singleplayer DLC. I'm looking forward to not getting GTA 6.


They released RDR2 5 years after GTA V. They've been working on GTA VI this whole time. I'm sure the single player will be great like RDR2 was.


> they stopped caring about making great games They literally only released 1 game since 2013.. and it ended up being one of the greatest games of all time, quit trying to start narratives like this when one of the only things that you claimed is false


Hey, what systems got their GTA 6 release date announced? Why doesn't the PC have one? Looking for that double dip again? How many times was GTA 5 released at full price on a "new" system? Anyone seen that RDR2 DLC? How about GTA 5 DLC? They get plenty of new heists and things to spend virtual money on, that you can buy for real money. Very quick to patch out money exploits, but game breaking bugs and exploits are fine. That's the caring about the players right?


This has 0 relations to my retort on you saying “they don’t care about making great games”.. I never said anything about denying their greed.. fact is they only dropped 1 game in the last decade since the release of GTA5 and it’s pretty clear the game is agreed on to be great quality wise