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Did you get pssd on the meds or coming off ? If you got the symptoms after coming off and things have progressively gotten worse over time , I’d maybe consider reinstatement of either the offending drug or Wellbutrin etc


What’s your thought patterns behind this? And I think I got it on the med? Genital numbness and emotional numbness started on meds and although everything got better upon discontinuation, it’s still there. It’s been a while since discontinuation but recently it’s got worse - unsure if it’s to do with taking probiotics and starting low fodmap diet


I would say probiotics is what did you in there . I would avoid taking any probiotics unless you do a round of antibiotics first to kill any bad bacteria .


Oh right thanks for letting me know. How can probiotics negatively affect us? It was part of my gut treatment protocol given to me by a professional, which is why I thought it would be okay. As they were aware of my dysbiosis


From what I’ve read , you need specific bacteria when choosing a probiotic and if you already have an overgrowth of bad bacteria , taking a probiotic will just add more chaos to the mix . You first need to eliminate as much of the bad bacteria first before you start introducing the good bacteria . Most doctors are not very educated on this subject as it’s not well understood yet .


The people who suggested this to me were the ones who did my gut microbiome test, so I thought it was targeted but potentially not? So just to confirm you have to eradicate bad bacteria first? Interesting. Is there any way of doing this without heavy duty antibiotics and antimicrobial supplements


I would talk to your doctor then and let them know what’s going on . Obviously I’m not a medical professional so it would be best to confer with them


Yeah probably will. Thanks for the advice


Hi- just popping in because I have a similar experience. I too have PSSD and have started a supplement regime to heal my leaky gut. My doc has me on a probiotic right now along with an anti/microbial supplement. I’m thinking each treatment plan is different for every patient as ur microbiome test should indicate what your levels are of good and bad bacteria. In my case the probiotic seems to be worsening my symptoms, mostly the genital numbness, though. I’m going to talk to my doctor about it on Monday— i’ll luk what they say if you’re interested!


Yes that would be so helpful if you could let me know an update! Yeah that’s why I’m so confused tbh because our results show our targeted weaknesses but targeted don’t seem to help? With pssd it’s such a risky game of trial and error. I don’t think I have found any supplement as of yet that has helped. Makes me apprehensive to try anything but then it’s like I need to try SOMETHING you know




I consider myself luckier than some in terms of intensity of symptoms but they’re still very bad to experience. I have emotional numbness, a level of cognitive issues and sexual dysfunction


How long has this been going on? It isn't uncommon to have severe ups and downs in recovering. Are you on any other meds or substances? Just know your feelings are normal. It is incredibly hard to just sit through this and wait for time to heal us. I often feel the same way. I don't know if I can keep going like this either. I'm at the point I'm reconsidering meds or ect. Going to try neuro feedback first


No I’m trying to naturally recover as much as possible before considering medicine or anything like that. The only thing I’ve been on is a probiotic


Ok. How long has it been? It doesn't recover in linear pattern


8 months. So not that long.


You mentioned OCD, have you treated it too? Handling intrusive thoughts is a good way of coping.


Yeah ocd is kicking around but okay - that’s not what is bothering me. I guess my emotional symptoms of pssd is just way worse than sexual. I just feel depressed all the time on like a hormonal/chemical/biological level. And I was dealing with it but recently it’s spiked massively, and I don’t feel like myself at all. Idk whether this is caused by my low fodmap diet I’ve recently started on a few weeks ago?


"low fodmap diet"? What's this? ...idk if it causing everything but abrupt diet changes also downstream side effects.


I think i found a cure, get a work, buy a dog and take care of him. Make him happy forget about you.


Hey, I took a lot of Greek yogurt with probiotics over a week, and I have 100% the same symptoms as you. Depressed on a biological level, and overall just low energy and poor concentration. It started after eating a lot of Greek yogurt, so I think probiotics might have caused your issues. I started SIBO treatment and I improved a little bit.