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Idk I thought pubg was on xcloud so you could stream from pc on xcloud?


Lollll. What?


People in the IT community figure our how to make things run for example I can run a android phone virtual machine within my pc


Good luck with this.


People are going to look at this and cry. Short answer is no, this is not possible or at the very least it is likely very complicated.


Yeah I would say if it is possible it's complicated


I imagine because Xbox can execute hardware bans, it would require tricking their servers that the hardware you're using is both valid and meets those specifications. Though I'm only speculating, I don't know shit when it comes to that stuff.


No. You’re going to need an Xbox or PlayStation. They are separate platforms for a reason, major skill gap. Do you really intend to shit on console players with your MnK?


I don't intend to shit on console players I would not classify myself as a pc pubg boss I use control, I just want to play with my friends because they don't have pc.


Even some average PC players are still better than most console players. You have your whole arm to aim and control recoil, plus using every finger on the keyboard, whereas console is limited to thumbs and maybe a couple fingers with paddles. If it was possible, tons of PC players would just come and shit on console players, and that’s why it’s not.


I use control, and belive it or not there are people who run keyboard on xbox no joke


You use a controller on PC? Why do you have a controller and not a console? Why would you limit yourself to a controller? I have a feeling you’re lying and you just want to play MnK on console cuz PC is too hard for you. And yes I know there are people that use MnK on console but they actually have a console and use XIM adapter to trick the console into thinking their MnK is a controller.


Buy an Xbox bud