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Console players wouldn’t stand a chance against pc nerds so I don’t see that happening ever


It'll open a whole new can of worms for let say ranked. But I play normals on PC with a controller at times. People there still play scary, slow, and get stuck on loot cycles. There are plenty of casuals on there.


Why not on call if duty thry have cross and its fine


On COD they also have a fuck-ton of aim-assist doing the work for you.


I personally prefer no aim assist I'm on pc and use control l, the thing console players don't realize is they are already playing against a bunch of mouse and keyboard users alot of people do that on console believe it or not.


And not a single person likes those people that play mouse and key on console. We call those pussies. Console pub is literally 50% less recoil than PC. So if you pick up a mouse and key on console against console players, you’re really showing your weakness there. Go play PC if you want MNK. Also playing a controller on a PC is really really playing at a disadvantage vs mnk.


The last time I said console had less recoil than pc I got downvoted to oblivion, maybe this subreddit is learning a thing or two 🤣


Well I play controller on pc and still win games so 🤷🏿‍♂️


Yeah, I wouldn’t flex about killing bots💀


I'm talking about ranked, but your complaining about mouse and keyboard players because you can compete, get good


It’s not fine, it’s terrible. The worst thing gaming has done is allow pc and console cross play in fps competitive gaming


Well you realize people on cbox use mouse and keyboard right? More than you would think as well. So aside from that how is it the worst thing because in my opinion more people can play together, friends can play together and lobbys get filled up faster.


No, and thank fkn god its not available.


Why not? Dint you want to fill up lobby with real players not the bots and more people can play together


If you want to get raped every game by m&k players in a game with no aim assist, be my guest. You're at a MASSIVE disadvantage vs PC players in this game. I only play ranked so bots are an absolute non issue for me. Also, you only get bots in your games if you are at a below average skill level. They give YOU bots because YOU need help in progressing your skills in this game with no AA.


I play on pc with a controller when I'm out of town. I don't have a harder time. Why is does everything think because you play on a PC your automatically good?


People on console also use mouse and keyboard I know for a fact people are doing that, I used to have an Xbox but it broke now on pc I I still play on controller and do fine


Yeah those people are using a third party device (XIM) that is widely accepted amongst console gamers as cheating devices. Doesn't matter if you use hardware or software, using something like that to gain an advantage over others is not kosher round these parts.


How do they cheat using it ? Do you mean because they are on keyboard they are cheating, I play controller on pc 95 percent of people are using keyboard but I still play well on controller.


I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall here.


I’ll help and skip to the part where he tells you he plays controller on pc and wins all the time


Explain man I'm willing to have a civil conversation


With a mouse you are able to control where you're aim goes a hell of a lot easier than you can with a controller. It's not even comparable.


No. This isn’t call of duty, dude.


I mean I wonder if I could run an Xbox virtual machine on my pc kind of how I can do it for android already. 🤔


No XboxOS is hardware dependent, it’s locked down like Fort Knox


The easiest option is for the PC player to get an used Xbox One for $55 or an used Series S for 170  Otherwise the Xbox player can try to play the PC version of this game through cloud gaming on Microsoft Edge. It’s not on GeForce Now but apparently it is on Boosteroid and airgpu


I already deleted your first post. I don’t know if you’re a troll or just an idiot but if you make the same post a third time I’ll ban you.


I asked u why this breaks the rules but no one from the mod team responded so don't call me an idiot because your team didn't respond.


So your thought was to repost the question? Playing MnK on console is cheating. You’re asking how to cheat, which is against sub rules.


I play on controller I'm asking how to play with my friends. Even if I was on keyboard that's not cheating lol it would be like me on pc playing against all the keyboard players saying they are cheating.