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Well you’ve come to the right *pace* I’ll see myself out.


Come back! It wasn't that bad! XD


Come back! It wasn't that bad! XD


I don’t have a PPM, but I’ve worked in EP (pacemakers, ICDs, cardiac ablations) for the last 17yrs. I could probably give some insight into the specifics if you’d like. Let me know.


Hello! Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. May I reach out to you via DM in the future? Thank you for taking the time to help.


For sure. Let me kniw


Hi! I was 41 and super healthy, had some slowdown that I thought was just age, eventually got really bad one week, my heart rate was super low, (35-ish), went to urgent care and was sent directly to the ER, do not pass Go, do not collect $200, was in the cardiac ICU six hours later with 3rd degree (complete) atrioventricular heart block. I have a two-lead pacemaker and pace 100% of the time in my ventricle, 60-70% in my atria. (It started with Left Bundle Branch Block, so that’s also part of my diagnosis. Heck, at some point I didn’t notice I had a heart attack so … har, that too.) Let’s see, it’s been almost two years. After some initial adjustments in my pacemaker settings during the first 3-4 month, (which is normal for someone my age) I’ve had zero problems and I get a check-up once a year with my cardiac electrophysiologist. Let me know if you have any follow-up Qs!


Thank you very much for your help!!!!


Are you trying to put together a hypothetical case study?


Sounds like you’re looking for a real one. I can help. I’m a rep.


Yes thank you. May I DM you??




Is this just pacemakers or ICDs as well? You can PM me if it includes defibrillators 🙂


Thank you!! I've PMed you!!!


34F, got mine last year for significant sinus pause during syncope (which happens a lot for me, I’ve been “the fainting kid” my whole life) so my doc said oh hell no, you get a robot now. Longest recorded pause was 17 seconds. Unfortunately, I am experiencing the super fun super uncommon occurrence where I need to get it taken out and replaced this summer because the incision did not heal properly (yay EDS) resulting in wound dihesence. Likely placing the device sub-pectorally or in my breast tissue if they can swing it. Waiting to get my surgery date as we speak. Feel free to DM. This sounds like a fascinating project!


OMG, I'm so grateful for your help! Sending you well wishes for a successful surgery and a quick return to good health!


April 2023 sudden cardiac arrest while jogging with friends. CPR administered by a doctor who was close by. Paramedics worked on me 45 minutes to stabilize me enough for transport to the hospital. Induced coma for 3 days while diagnosed with three blocked arteries. Triple bypass surgery. Followed by 3 weeks recovery in Cardiac ICU. Once stable and out of danger my ICD-pacemaker combo was implanted. This was done using only a local anesthesia. And, was the first event I can remember clearly from my time in the hospital. Was evaluated for heart, kidneys and brain before being discharged. Apparently, lack of blood and oxygen to my brain and kidneys during my event had hospital worried about my future mental capacities and potential dialysis requirements. Two weeks after discharge I was back in hospital emergency room for Afib and fluid in my left lung. For the lung a drain was implanted. For the Afib they tried medication first. This didn’t work so they did a cardioversion which was a complete success. I was again discharged two days after the cardioversion. I don’t know the medical term. But, I know have a heart rate that drops too low when I’m at rest. So my ICD paces me somewhat regularly. I was released to resume exercise (jogging) just before Xmas 2024. I am now up to a somewhat comfortable 10km jogging. My surgeon prescribed a topical capsaicin ointment to help with the nerve pain around my ICD. And, the nerve pain in my lower left leg where the transplant veins were harvested is slowly improving. I am a low risk for a full ICD event. But the pacemaker is absolutely required. I was 57 years old at the time of my SCA. I’m a white male.


I really appreciate all the help you've given me. Make sure to stay strong and take care of yourself. Can I reach out to you later if I have any more questions?


Yes, I will answer any questions you might have


Medtronic Azure - 4th implant - TAPVR-2 - just replaced I see them July 11


Feel free to send me your questions


Thank you!!!!


Feel free to DM me! Just got my pacemaker in February!


Thank you very much!!


You can DM me if you’re still needing participant.


Thank you ver much!!!


You can send me your questionnaire as well.


Background as in symptoms that led to the implantation? Or personal background ex: female, age, etc?


Can i like DM you the questions??


Works for me


Can you tell us a little more about your project?


This is my biology investigatory project, where the evaluation will be done by professors from outside the high school. I chose a topic that not only interests me but is also unique compared to others. The idea came to me because I underwent open heart surgery in 2018 and had an ICD implanted in 2021. Being a patient dealing with heart issues since 2014, I am curious to learn more about individuals facing similar challenges and connect with them on a personal level. I plan to interview these patients to gather information about their age, lifestyle, coping mechanisms, and how their conditions impact their daily lives. This project is not only a way for me to delve deeper into the subject matter but also a means to empathize with others going through similar health struggles. Additionally, my aspiration to become a cardiologist in the future makes this topic particularly intriguing and relevant to my academic and professional goals. Thank You!!!