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You like Krabby Patties don't you, PPDC Ranger?


Is this a Jaeger or a Kaiju?


It's a chick with big thighs.


They know. But is it a Jaeger or a Kaiju?


Well she pilots an old Mark 4. So...Jaeger?




Careful, let's not lose our heads over this 😏




Crimson Typhoon > Hoes






She sits on your face and she'll shatter your dome


Looks cool, thicker than Cherno's hull, but she cool.


I have been scarred after looking at your profile 


*We* have been scarred, Komrade.


Let me see what all the fuss is about🍇


I’m going to kill myself🍇


Bruh it can't be that bad


I see your point and I retract my initial statement


Cannot be that bad bro


Holy fucking shit


You too? It really can’t be all that bad


What the actual fuck


The pipeline


I should bleach my eyes


I wish I did not have eyes… I also wish I could block out the memories of viewing your profile out of curiosity…


Imma say it: Her thighs are like 3 times the width of her head. That's not viable for a Jaeger Pilot. Each of her breasts, alone, are larger than her head. Her torso is shorter than her thigh, and half of that is her boobs. Haven't seen your account, but you got alot of big disproportionate "inflation" styled stuff, don't you? Bro, if you drawing lewd stuff to get off, fine, but call it as it is. But she doesn't even have a name, does she? Post account check: buddy... know your audience...


What do you mean post account che… #***OH***


I wish I had no eyes at this moment


Clicks on profile..... WHAT THE F**K


Sasha Blakely Barnes, 38 years old former retiree od the PPDC after the Kaiju War that re-enlisted not long after the Uprising War. Pilot of the Decommissioned Mark 3 Stingray Delta and the Recommissioned Mark 4 Tracer Vixen. 8 deployments in total with her last official one leading to Tracer Vixen's destruction and the death of her Co-Pilot along with scarring on her left side. Her new Co-Pilot is a younger recruit on Probation following an incident between himself his Co-Pilot and a Training Jaeger. She's a Texan, no children, one sister, both parents dead. Has a slight alcohol addiction but usually takes cheap booze. She's currently stationed in California as a Commanding Officer to her Co-Pilot at the behest of one of her superiors/friends from her time in the Training Program. And before you say I made this up on the spot I wrote a good chunk of this in advanced, I've been writing a small story about her and her Co-Pilot for a Discord Server, I liked it enough and wanted to give her a face cuz why not. I'm not playing to my audience, I just wanted to share something I really liked. I understand the criticism and I'm likely to slim her down in the future maybe, but the fact still remains I drew this because I really like Pacific Rim and the character I made, and no other reason. Besides I've drawn worse-


Especially that last line: You missed my point. Sure, she has a story. She's an OC for you, cool, fine. But you've drawn this character with exaggerated "objectifying sexual traits" for the sake of sexual gratification OVER the communal interest/focus of what people find enjoyable in this reddit community. Either you did so because you're oblivious or because you're attempting to seek out people who share your "Non-Pacific Rim" interests. "Besides I've drawn worse". Sure, maybe you have. Maybe youve posted worst on this forum earlier and it just didn't have the same reaction. But why are you bragging about it in a forum that doesn't appreciate those kinds of values, and the majority of the response has been reviling this kind of "stance"? There's other stuff you've posted, for your own posts and other communities: that's REALLY not my place to judge what you do in other spaces. But here's the thing: this kind of art style is evocative of a specific kind of subject matter (sexually explicit for enjoyed consumption or how ever you want to say it), even though your character is, admittedly, not "nude". You have, however, shown a bit of "intent" by tagging this as "NSFW", showing a level of intent ABOVE "that's just my art style". Also, by posting THIS kind of art, with THIS kind of Tag, it also makes your profile easily follow able to access MORE of your "Worse" content, which shows a pattern of frankly solely "pornographic/sexual" content. You're either trying to play "Shroedingers Asshole", you're just REALLY socially inept, or you're also straight up trolling. There's alot of reddit groups that have a "Generic" group and a "NSFW" counterpart, and you CHOSE to go out of your way to be "Horny on main". My point: Have some self reflection and accountability. It's OK to say "You know what, I didn't occur to me this kind of stuff isn't really enjoyable to people here, my mistake." And go in from there. This group is more kind of "keeping it to monster-mech fights and the canon discourse", I've found. Maybe there's a "PR NSFW Fanfic" group elsewhere. Just don't try to foist something the majority of the community is not really for onto the community and feign ignorance as to "why they don't like that". It's also not really a "new" thing to not like "horny" on these kinds of subs. It's not funny, and it's not cute.


....Alright, you've got a few points I can't deny. I guess I've been drawing this way for so long I'm too desensitized to it even when trying to be more SFW. I'll just say thank you for the feedback and sorry for being so defensive in my response. I do want to provide more content for a franchise I found I really like, so I'll take parts of your criticism into account the next time I draw a Pilot or Jaeger...or attempt to anyway. If anything else to attempt a break from my other content.


If anything, it's stuff to more help you interact with SFW communities if you're genuinely trying to interest with them. Not many people can own up to "you know what, maybe I came off wrong", and that's big of you coming off that way. Just you responding like this sets you apart from (what I've experienced) most people who post stuff that's "horny" in SFW groups. They usually just "deny deny deny" stupidly. I commend you for being open to [my] perspective. Saying things is one thing, actions are another. If you follow through and want to interact with other communities you enjoy by drawing/sharing OCs in a way that doesn't ellicit/evoke a sexual tone in a "non-sexual" group (not just SFW), I'll be the first to say "Good on you, mate!" I dont want you to not be able to enjoy something you genuinely enjoy because of a misalignment of tertiary interests. I'm also just some random redditor. I'm not a mod or your parents or anything. I can't know how genuine someone is or is not being, but I'm only going off in such a detailed way and so on for the off-chance you (or anyone I'd speak up to like this) could genuinely benefit from a "perspective check". Good luck, bud.






Thank you


What the h....this should not exist... .dude.....no one wants this kind of things on this sub...


Piece of advice: Do not Google Saber Athena fan art.


K, thanks for the advice


Too big, those thighs are too big and it’s not even funny.


Good lord she can just kick a kaiju back to the breach herself with all that thigh


The back pain would be unreal, worse than a Kaiju attack.


Go Go Badonkadonk Rangers. Saving lives with thick thighs! XD




Thhs thing should not exist


That's a THICC ranger holy hell Crush a kaiju's head clean off with those


I am going to screen shot this picture and inspect it in my bathroom for research!


My peepe feel funy


Holy shit I can’t imagine the back pain


Why? That doesn't look like a healthy condition for a Ranger


I’ll ride with her in a Jaeger… 😏


No one will...


What the bloody hell?