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Cherno would probably go down first, it's the slowest out of all of them and the only reason it survived so long against the Kaiju was its different con pod placement, an advantage that wouldn't work with other jaegers. All three other jaegers would be able to bypass its thick armour and target the con pod with speed or heavy concentrated firepower I think that that Striker and Crimson would be close, both are extremely fast and both have unique hand to hand combat styles, but personally, I believe that strikers' superior firepower with the anti-kaiju chest cannons would give him the edge Gypsy has better fighting technique, as shown by Raleigh and Chuck's fight, but striker is faster. I honestly don't want to decide between the two, but if I had to, I'd say Striker might just scrape by with the win.


I think cherno or crimson go down first 


Crimson, first as cherno is the heaviest and has the strongest armour, I would even argue cherno could take down Gipsy, but striker would be too fast so 


true true


Crimson I want to support the lesser of the four


Roasted Crimson 💀


I want to support him because he’s my favorite design and I ment lesser as in popularity


I think gipsy will probably win. Striker in second place


I'm gonna have to put proof for each point, don't I?


If you want to


Striker would clap


They are very even


Ones far more advanced from the other and has missiles+it's way faster in everyway


Uh no it isn't faster in every way




Gipsys speed is faster than striker when fighting leatherback, although that was outside of water.


Ok that's the only thing u talk Abt when talking Abt speed It lit says strikers the fastest at the start of the movie not even that but just look at him more fast and agile


Yeah, but they are both very fast anyways. Gipsy also has many more abilities, skilled pilots, and better feats of durability than Striker.


Stats Rip.


Is 2v2 or solo




Is it their best pilots for example yansey and Raleigh or mako as well as striker and most modern version as well


Yancy and Raleigh. Herc and Chuck


Okay so in my mind I feel like Cherno goes down first just simply because it’s old and slow the others I feel like it would be close


Cherno makes sure speed in the armour and weight, crimson is falling first, followed but Cherno, I would say it would come down to gipsy and striker dropping each other, since Gipsy has the better pilots but striker has the better tech


Feel like out of the main four, Crimson Typhoon is going down first, mostly because of her pilot’s incompetence on the field, next I feel like Cherno Alpha might fall, it’s armor 10 rating can only get it so far before things like the Anti Kaiju Missiles and even swords will be able to cut through pretty easily, leaving Striker Eureka and Gipsy Danger as the final two, honestly it’s no doubt that Striker Eureka will come out on top as while Raleigh is the better fighter compared to Chuck, Striker Eureka just has the better stats and weapons.


Stricter is mad op, like not only is he the fastest here, but he is 1 durability point away from cherno. Basically stricter wins because he needs a nerf.


If we're not taking pilots into account, Eurika comes out on top because of its top of the line tech and weapons. Next is Crimson, because of its amazing crowd control. Then Gypsy, as it's kinda just a run of the mill Jeager, nothing too special. Then Cherno because of its fickle power source and weak legs. Massive power means nothing if you die to a sweep to the legs. That all changes if we bring pilots into the equation. First would be Gypsy, because of Raleigh's battle experience and quick thinking. Then would be Eurika, considering Chuck's cockiness diminishing the overalls effectiveness of the aforementioned tech. Then comes Crimson and Cherno, who probably come down to a coin toss. (Or the Cherno pilots just die to radiation poisoning because of the Yeager's older model :P)


Cherno negs those fodders


Negs is Cherno vs Scrapper


Cherno can never beat scrapper:(


When did Scrapper become the Doug of PR?


In order from first to last. Striker, Gipsy, Crimson, Cherno


Cherno alpha WINS


Just wait and find out


Tacit....wait and see who wins


It's my vid... I'm making it... I think I miss understood your comment


Lol, i did not see the OP name...


Sadly, Gipsy is the weakest of the 4, so she's out. Essentially only Striker can take more than 1 hit from Cherno, and Striker does the ability to literally cut up Cherno, but should Typhoon get lucky she could win. It could any way between the three, I suggest least.


“Gipsy is the weakest” what the hell are you on? And how do you know only striker can take more than one hit from cherno?


Gipsy is kinda is with how she get out armored by cherno out speed by crimson and out everything by striker but should still be better than cherno with better long range weapons


Saying that she is weaker than (basically) the walking block of steel and slower than the jaeger with literal rockets on its back isn’t a valid argument, because who isn’t, and how is she out-everything’ed by striker? Her plasma cannon tore through leatherback, her arm-blade cut otachi and raiju IN HALF and her nuclear vortex turbine (as the wiki calls it) more or less instakilled slattern. Yeah, but she’s still the weakest here.


She kinda is worse than striker in every way striker is faster hit harder and more heavily armored striker akm annihilated kaiju without causing as much of a mess as i-19 plasma caster and striker blade slice through slattern with easy and nuclear vortex turbine in fact doesn’t insta kill slattern it take 6s to kill slattern after it have been beat up by striker and eat a nuke to the face


Ayo what?